2017届高考英语牛津译林版选修8总复习限时训练《Unit 2 The universal language》8-2(江苏专用)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语牛津译林版选修8总复习限时训练《Unit 2 The universal language》8-2(江苏专用)

发布时间:2017-02-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 2 The universal language



  1.He speaks English well indeed,but of course not ______ a native speaker.

  A.as fluent as

  B.more fluent than

  C.so fluently as

  D.much fluently than

  答案 C [通过分析句子,本题空格处的结构用来修饰前面的动词speaks,所以要用副词fluently,排除A、B两项;而D项中much不能用于比较结构中,把much改为more也正确。因此本题正确答案是C。]

  2.The boy's ______ expression on his face suggested that he must have met across something______.





  答案 B [terrified表示所修饰的词所处的状态,意为“恐惧的”; terrifying表示所修饰的词所具有的特征,意为“令人惊恐的”。]

  3.When the whole area was ______ by the flood,the government sent food and medicine there by helicopter.

  A.cut away

  B.cut down

  C.cut off

  D.cut up

  答案 C [根据题意选C,意思是“那个地区被洪水隔断(与外界的联系)”。]

  4.Since last year,the crime rate in Chicago has sharply ______.





  答案 A [句意:自去年以来芝加哥市的犯罪率急剧下降。 decline下降,谢绝,符合题意。]

  5.After living twenty years in the USA,Mary finally decided to ______ American citizenship.

  A.concentrate on

  B.apply for

  C.look out for

  D.appeal to

  答案 B [句意:玛丽在美国居住20年后,决定申请美国国籍。apply for符合题意,意为“申请”。 ]

  6.On hearing the news that her husband was killed by Pakistan separatists,the wife ______.

  A.broke away

  B.broke out

  C.broke down

  D.broke up

  答案 C [broke down(身体)垮掉,(计划等)失败,符合题意。]

  7.The two children,whose parents passed away,______to a life at hardship.

  A.were condemned



  D.was condemned

  答案 A [be condemned to...表示“被逼入某种状态”。]

  8.He lived far away,but he said he would come ______.





  答案 B [句意:虽然他住得很远,但他说他会马上来的。]

  9.Fewer people ______ to live in the north of the country.





  答案 C [desire to do...渴望做……。]

  10.There is no denying the fact that as one grows older,one's memory ______.





  答案 B [refuse拒绝;decline衰退,衰减;decrease下降;fall下降。显然decline符合句意。]

  11.This kind of metal ______ well,and therefore the metal stick ______ into halves easily.

  A.is cut,is cut


  C.is cut,cuts D.cuts,is cut

  答案 D [句意:这种金属很容易被切割,因而要把这种金属条切成两半很容易。]

  12.—Did Jack come back early last night?

  —Yes.It was not yet eight o'clock ______ he arrived home.





  答案 B [句中的It是代词,表示时间,后面的when引导时间状语从句。答句意为“是的。当他回到家还不到八点”。 ]

  13.Teaching as a career is ______ to many people owing to the long holidays.





  答案 C [由题意“因为有长假,教学成为吸引很多人的职业”,可知C符合题意。]

  14.The little child ______ go out alone at night,so he ______ walk in the dark that night.

  A.daren't;didn't dare to

  B.doesn't dare;dare not to

  C.isn't dare to;dared not to

  D.doesn't dare to;dare not to

  答案 A [dare用作情态动词时,后接动词原形,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中;当dare用作实义动词时,其后否定结构可以带to 也可以不带to,且有人称和数以及时态的变化。根据时间状语that night可以判断本题表述过去的事情,所以正确答案是A。]

  15.When he applied for a(n) ______ in the office of the local newspaper,he was told to see the manager.





  答案 D [location场所,(地理)位置;profession职业,专业;affection感情;position职位。根据题意选D,意思是“申请一个职位”。]



  Millions of people around the world cook their food over a smoky fire every day.It is often difficult to find wood for the fire.People who do not have wood must spend large amounts of money on cooking fuel.However,there is a much easier way to cook food using energy from the sun.

  Solar cookers,or ovens,have been used for centuries.A Swiss scientist made the first solar oven in 1767.Today,people are using solar cookers in many countries around the world.People use solar ovens to cook food and to heat drinking water to kill bacteria and other harmful organisms.

  There are three kinds of solar ovens.The first is a box cooker.It is designed with a special wall that shines or reflects sunlight into the box.Heat gets trapped under a piece of glass or plastic covering the top of the cooker.A box oven is effective for slow cooking of large amounts of food.

  The second kind of solar oven is a panel cooker.It includes several flat walls,or panels,that directly reflect the sun's light onto the food.The food is inside a separate container of plastic or glass that traps heat energy.People can build panel cookers with very few supplies quickly.They do not cost much.In Kenya,for example,panel cookers are being manufactured for just two dollars.

  The third kind of solar oven is a parabolic(抛物线的) cooker.It has rounded walls that aim sunlight directly into the bottom of the oven.Food cooks quickly in parabolic ovens.However,these cookers are hard to make.They must be re­aimed often to follow the sun.Parabolic cookers can also cause burns and eye injuries if they are not used correctly.

  You can make solar ovens from boxes or heavy paper.They will not catch fire.Paper burns at two hundred thirty­two degrees Celsius.A solar cooker never gets that hot.Solar ovens cook food at low temperatures over long periods of time.This permits people to leave food to cook while they do other things.

  1.Which of the following should be the best title for this text?

  A.Cooking food with solar energy

  B.How to make solar cookers

  C.Introduce a new kind of energy

  D.Different kinds of cookers

  答案:A [主旨大意题。综合全文的内容我们可以看出,本文主要讲述了使用太阳能做饭这一现象。全文始终是围绕这个主题展开的。据此我们可以确定本题答案为A。]

  2.From this passage we know that ________.

  A.there is no wood for people to use while making a fire now

  B.people have been using solar cookers for more than 200 years

  C.solar energy is the cleanest energy on the earth

  D.more and more people cook food on smoky fires

  答案:B [推理判断题。根据第二段我们可以知道,世界上第一台太阳能烤炉是l767年发明的,据此推算,人类使用太阳能煮食已经有200多年的历史了。]

  3.Parabolic cookers may be dangerous to us because ________.

  A.they may direct electricity to us humans

  B.they may explode easily

  C.they may cause burns and eye injuries

  D.they may cause fires

  答案:C [事实细节题。根据第五段的最后一句“Parabolic cookers can also cause burns and eye injuries if they are not used correctly.”我们可以确定本题答案为C。]

  4.The third,fourth and fifth paragraphs mainly ________.

  A.show how to make solar cookers

  B.explain which is the best cooker

  C.prove that solar cookers need improving

  D.tell us the different making ­ups of the three kinds of solar cookers

  答案:D [主旨大意题。从第三、第四、第五段的内容来看,它们主要介绍了太阳能炉的三种不同的构造形式。]


  Vacations are meant for the entire family—which means a vacation destination should offer a whole range of attractions and features that every member of the family should enjoy.Many families would say that the perfect family destination does not exist.After all,what kind of destination offers that much diversity?However,Gold Coast in Queensland,Australia may be the closest place you can ever find that fits the bill of the perfect spot for families of every size,with diverse interests.

  For one thing,the city of Queensland is known for its amazing beaches.While not as popular as the beaches in Spain or the Caribbean,Australian beaches still do rank among the best in the world.The beaches here can prove that.If there are world­class beaches,it could only mean world­class accommodations and amenities(设施).In turn,this means everyone in a family can easily


  the beach,as well as a number of water sports and activities in a safe environment.This is especially important for foreigners,who may not be so confident of the security and overall atmosphere in other countries.

  As for young ones,Gold Coast offers an amazing range of theme parks—the range is so great,in fact,that it's amazing how they all exist within the same city.Theme parks include Sea World,the Warner Brothers Movie World,among several others! What could kids ask for?It's already as if it is a wonderland.And adults will surely enjoy the bustling night life in the city,particularly the one in Surfers Paradise.Here,adults can also enjoy the city's famed shopping district in the Cavill Avenue.The Cavill Mall,in particular,is really a destination one should visit ;it is filled with the best shops from all over the world.

  Needless to say,Gold Coast has everything for everyone—which is why families should choose this charming Queensland City the next time they go on a family vacation.Family vacation should be about family enjoyment,and it really provides that in excess!

  5.This text is written for the purpose of ________.

  A.attracting readers to take their vocations in Queensland City

  B.explaining where visitors should take their vacations

  C.telling us where we can find a vacation destination for whole families

  D.showing us where children would like to spend their vocations

  答案:A [推理判断题。根据本文的最后一段,我们可以看出,作者写此文的目的就是向读者介绍Queensland,以便吸引读者全家到此旅游。]

  6.Generally speaking,destinations for whole families are difficult to find because ________.

  A.there are few places which can satisfy children nowadays

  B.most people nowadays don't know how to please their children

  C.different family members have different taste of entertainment

  D.now visitors are difficult to please due to

  their high demand

  答案:C [事实细节题。根据第一段的内容,我们可以知道,由于大多数的旅游目的地不能够同时满足所有家庭成员的不同爱好,因而作者认为适合全家旅游的目的地是不多的,很难找到的。]

  7.The writer suggests the city of Queensland to readers because________.

  A.it has the most beautiful beaches over the world

  B.it provides the first­class accommodations and amenities

  C.it offers an amazing range of theme parks in the same city

  D.it can satisfy both children and adults at the same time

  答案:D [推理判断题。根据第二段和第三段的内容,我们可以发现这样一个事实:Queensland这个地方既有适合大人的游乐设施,也有适合小孩子的游乐设施。]

  8.While traveling abroad,what visitors are most concerned about is ________.

  A.the traveling cost

  B.the security of traveling

  C.the accommodation of destinations

  D.the theme parks of the destination

  答案:B [事实细节题。根据第二段的最后两句,我们可以看出,在国外旅游时,人们最担心的是安全问题。]


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