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发布时间:2017-02-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

英语小测验 英式英语和美式英语:相同表达中措词的区别 具有相同含义的英语表达在英式和美式英语中措词可能有所不同。比如,“像家里一样舒适的地方”的英式表达是 a home from home,而美式英语里写成 a home away from home;当英国人祈求好运时说“touch wood 摸木头”,而美国人则说“knock on wood 敲木头”。两种英语分支同大于异,然而为避免误会,最好分清二者的区别。试做六道小题,学习英式英语和美式英语的同义表达中措词的差别。

1. An American English speaker would use the expression 'I could care less.' What would a British English speaker say?

a) I don't care less.

b) I won't care less.

c) I shan't care less.

d) I couldn't care less.

2. A British English speaker would say, 'Could you please hold the fort?' What would an American English speaker say?

a) Could you please hold up the fort?

b) Could you please hold around the fort?

c) Could you please hold down the fort?

d) Could you please hold in the fort?

3. An American English speaker would say, 'Take it with a grain of salt.' What would a British English speaker say?

a) Take it with a knob of salt.

b) Take it with a pinch of salt.

c) Take it with a nip of salt.

d) Take it with a grit of salt.

4. An American English speaker would say, 'I'm sorry. My bad.' What would a British English speaker say?

a) I'm sorry. My worse.

b) I'm sorry. My mistake.

c) I'm sorry. My evil.

d) I'm sorry. My atrocious.

5. A British English speaker would say, 'That's thrown a spanner in the works.' What would an American English speaker say?

a) That's thrown a wrench in the works.

b) That's thrown a screwdriver in the works.

c) That's thrown a hammer in the works.

d) That's thrown a jackhammer in the works.

6. An American English speaker would say, 'Don't sweep it under the rug.' What would a British English speaker say?

a) Don't sweep it under the floorboards.

b) Don't sweep it under the floor towel.

c) Don't sweep it under the mat.

d) Don't sweep it under the carpet.

答案 1) d, 2) c, 3) b, 4) b, 5) a, 6) d.


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