2017届高考英语牛津译林版必修2总复习基础经典习题《Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained》2-1(江苏专用)-5-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语牛津译林版必修2总复习基础经典习题《Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained》2-1(江苏专用)-5

发布时间:2017-02-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  [每小题0.5分,共30小题;满分15分] 得分:________1.—Did you see Mr.John?

  — No.He ________ for a long time by the time I ________ to his home.


  A.had been away from home;had got

  B.had been away from home;got

  C.had gone out;had got

  D.had gone out;got

  答案 B [by the time +过去时,主句常用过去完成时。]

  2.No decision ________ about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.

  A.will be made

  B.is made

  C.is being made

  D.has been made

  答案 A [根据句意此处应该用一般将来时。]

  3.—Isn't it a surprise that I happened to meet Francis Mathews at the Christmas party last week?

  —If my memory serves me correctly,you ________ each other for exactly two years.

  A.hadn't seen

  B.haven't seen

  C.didn't see

  D.don't see

  答案 A [“过去的过去”用过去完成时。]

  4.I ________ to help you to do homework but I couldn't spare any time.I ________ a composition last night and I'll finish it today.(2010·福建古田县第一中学高三上学期质量检查)


  B.had wanted;was writing

  C.have wanted;wrote

  D.wanted;have been writing

  答案 B [第一空:had wanted表“原打算……”。第二空:用过去进行时表过去特定时间里一直持续的动作。]

  5.—I've been told that John ________ from his journey to America.What about visiting him tonight?

  —All right.I'll call for you at 6:00 p.m..

  A.had come back

  B.is back

  C.came back

  D.come back

  答案 B [A中的had改成has就对了;C表示“过去回来过(也许现在又走了)”;D项的主谓不一致;B表达“现在还在家里”,与语境相符。]

  6.The first edition ________ in 1955 and ________ a best­seller ever since.

  A.was published;had been

  B.had been published;had been

  C.has been published;has been

  D.was published;has been

  答案 D [第一空:in 1955是具体的过去时间状语,所以用一般过去时。第二空:ever since常跟现在完成时连用。]

  7.You've gone through all your money? I ________ you were well­off.(2010·湖南邵阳市高三第三次联考)



  C.have thought

  D.am thinking

  答案 B [thought意为“过去认为……”。]

  8.I was now attracted by books.By the end of that summer,I ________ over twenty novels.

  A.will have read

  B.have read

  C.had read

  D.has read

  答案 C [“by+过去时间”常与过去完成时连用。]

  9.I ________ him very well,but I haven't seen him this week.(2010·安徽桐城六中一模)

  A.have been knowing

  B.had known



  答案 C [表示“我认识他”这一现在的客观事实。know一般不用进行时,所以A不正确。]

  10.Yao Ming has become a superstar in the United States,but several years ago no one could have imagined the role on the basketball playground he ________.

  A.has played


  C.was to play


  答案 C [根据语境,此处该用过去将来时。]

  11.—Why are all the shoes sold at half price?

  —The shop ________.

  A.has closed down

  B.closed down

  C.is closing down

  D.had closed down

  答案 C [现在进行时表将来。]

  12.—I didn't go to Mary's party last night because my car broke down.

  —You could have borrowed mine.I ________ it.(2010·内蒙古赤峰市高三第一次模拟考试)

  A.hadn't used

  B.wasn't using

  C.didn't use

  D.wouldn't use

  答案 B [过去进行时表过去某个时间段存在的状态或正在发生的动作。]

  13.Why he didn't arrive on time was that he ________ and it was too late to catch the early bus.

  A.was oversleeping

  B.has overslept


  D.had overslept

  答案 D [过去完成时表“过去的过去”。]

  14.It is a custom in that country for men to remove their hats when a woman ________ the room.



  C.will enter

  D.has entered

  答案 A [一般现在时表经常性或习惯性的动作。]

  15.He was planning to go abroad but his parents ________ that they wouldn't agree unless he could borrow money from the bank by himself


  A.were deciding

  B.have decided


  D.will decide

  答案 C [unless引导时间状语从句,从句用过去将来时,主句用一般过去时。]

  16.The bridge,which ________ 1688,needs repairing.(2010·江西赣州十一县(市)下学期高三期中联考)

  A.is dated

  B.was dated from

  C.dates from

  D.dated from

  答案 C [date from常用一般现在时,一般不用一般过去时。]

  17.—Tom,why did you make no reply to me when I called your name in the street just now?

  —Sorry,Jim.I ________ to my wife on the phone.

  A.was talking


  C.am talking

  D.had talked

  答案 A [过去进行时表过去某段时间正在做某事。]

  18.I ________ a book on fashion at the moment,and it ________ in the book that Europeans started to wear top hats in the early 1800s.(2010·北京宣武区质量检测)

  A.read;is said

  B.am reading;is saying

  C.was reading;was saying

  D.am reading;is said

  答案 D [第一空:现在正在读。第二空:it是形式主语,that Europeans ...1800s是真正的主语,由于主语是物,谓语当然就该用被动语态了。]

  19.Mom's spent the day shopping,cleaning and cooking and now she ________.

  A.has worn out

  B.is worn out

  C.is wearing out

  D.wears out

  答案 B [wear out是及物动词短语,其后没有宾语就必须用被动式。]

  20.She is not always so friendly.I wonder what she ________.

  A.is wanting

  B.has wanted


  D.will want

  答案 C [主从句时态一致。]

  21.—Hello,Jim.I ________ to see you today.Sonia said you ________ ill.

  —Oh,I'm OK.(2010·山东滨州阳信二中高三上学期第六次月考)

  A.didn't expect;were

  B.don't expect;were

  C.haven't expected;are

  D.am not expecting;are

  答案 A [第一空:过去时表示作者说话之前“没想到”。第二空:由主句的said可知,此处该用过去时。]

  22.You'd better not phone the manager between 7 and 8 tomorrow evening;he ________ an important meeting then.

  A.will have

  B.would have

  C.will be having

  D.will have had

  答案 C [then指between 7 and 8 tomorrow evening,表将来某个时间正在做某事。]

  23.—When ________ the next train leave for Boston,please?

  —Usually at 13:15,but because of a small accident on the line,it ________ at 13:45.

  A.does;is going to start


  C.does;will start

  D.will;is to start

  答案 C [第一空:时间表上安排好的该用一般现在时。第二空:根据句意用一般将来时。]

  24.The number of university graduates taking the civil servant examination ________ rising these years,which reflects the fierce job competition.(2010·山东潍坊市高三上学期阶段性测试)


  B.are keeping

  C.have been keeping


  答案 A [由these years可知该用一般现在时,故选A。B、C的主谓不一致。]

  25.I ________ in a foreign trade company for five years.Still,I don't regret giving up the well­paid job.


  B.have worked

  C.was working

  D.had worked

  答案 A [如果选B,则说明“我现在还在外贸公司工作”,与后一句矛盾。选A则表示“我在外贸公司工作过五年”,与语境一致。]

  26.—I'll come to see your performance at 9:00 tomorrow evening.

  —I'm sorry,but by then my performance ________ and I ________ reporters in the meeting room.

  A.will end;will meet

  B.will have ended;will be meeting

  C.will be ended;am going to meet

  D.is to end;will meet

  答案 B [then指的是at 9∶00 tomorrow evening,根据语境,by then需与将来完成时连用。]

  27.I'm afraid I ________ you with a great many questions.Thank you a lot,sir.


  B.have to bother

  C.would bother

  D.have bothered

  答案 D [动作发生在thank之前,故选现在完成时。]

  28.—I wish I had succeeded in the competition.

  —Yeah.I know.But ________ hard? (2010·安徽岳野两校高三上学期联考)

  A.will you work

  B.do you work

  C.had you worked

  D.have you worked

  答案 C [前一句暗指“过去”竞赛未成功,后一句是问“参赛之前”努力了吗,所以需用过去完成时。]

  29.—We didn't find Smith attending the lecture.

  —No one ________ him about ________ a lecture the following day.

  A.told;there to be

  B.had told;there to be

  C.told;there was

  D.had told;there being

  答案 D [第一空过去完成时表示过去的过去,第二空介词后接动名词的复合结构。]

  30.How can we decide where to spend our holiday if you ________ your mind?

  A.constantly change

  B.will constantly change

  C.are constantly changing

  D.have constantly changed

  答案 C [constantly与进行时连用,具有表示厌恶的语气,意为“老是”。]


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