2017届高考英语牛津译林版必修3总复习限时训练《Unit 2 Language》3-2(江苏专用)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语牛津译林版必修3总复习限时训练《Unit 2 Language》3-2(江苏专用)

发布时间:2017-02-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 2 Language



  1.“Goodbye,then,”she said,without even ______ from her book.

  A.looking down

  B.looking up

  C.looking away

  D.looking on

  答案 B [本题考查与 look 搭配的词组辨析。look up 在本题的意思是“抬头”,符合题意。]

  2.Human facial expressions differ from ______ of animals in the degree to which they can be controlled on purpose.





  答案 C [


  3.She's having a lot of trouble with the new computer,but she doesn't know whom to ______.

  A.turn to

  B.look for

  C.deal with

  D.talk about

  答案 A [turn to求助于;look for寻找;deal with相处;对付;talk about谈论。根据题意,故选A。]

  4.Kate is beginning to ______ and will soon recover under good treatment.

  A.bring up

  B.show up

  C.pick up

  D.take up

  答案 C [bring up意思是“抚养;培养”;show up意思是“出席,到场”;pick up意思是“捡起来;拾起来;接收(信号等);恢复”;take up意思是“从事;占据”。根据题意,应选C项。]

  5.—Do you think students' using mobile phones has any advantages?

  — ______.

  A.Yes,just in case

  B.Well,it just depends

  C.Nothing at all


  答案 B [本题考查交际用语。句意为“你认为学生用手机有任何好处吗?”“哦,那要视情况而定”。根据题意,故选B。]

  6.With the rapid growth of population,the city ______ in all directions in the past five year.


  B.has spread


  D.had spread

  答案 B [有in/during the past/last five years时间状语,句子谓语动词用现在完成时态,所以选B。]

  7.The UK ______ four parts:England,Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland.

  A.make up

  B.is made of

  C.is consisted of

  D.is made up of

  答案 D [“由……组成”的两种正确表达形式:be made up of与consist of,由此可知选D项。]

  8.There are many different versions of English textbooks,but almost all of the teachers ______ the same method.





  答案 B [句意为“尽管有许多不同版本的英语教材,但几乎所有的老师都采用同样的(教学)方式。”adopt采用;adapt改编;使……适应;addict热衷于;adjust调整。]

  9.Having decided to rent a flat,we ______ contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.

  A.set about

  B.set down

  C.set out D.set up

  答案 A [句意为“在决定租房后,我们随即着手同城里所有的房屋中介机构进行联系。”set about doing sth开始做某事。set down记下;set out动身;set up建立;开办(公司、组织等),故选A。]

  10. —May I smoke here?

  —If you ______,choose a seat in the smoking section.





  答案 D [句意为“我可以在这里吸烟吗?”“如果你非要吸,就在吸烟区找一个位置”。故选D。]

  11.Many students find it hard to ______ the rules in this school.

  A.adapt to

  B.apply to

  C.refer to

  D.admit to

  答案 A [句意为“许多学生觉得很难适应这个学校的规则。”adapt to适应;apply to应用……;refer to提到;涉及;admit to承认。]

  12.One day Chuck is ______ a flight ______ the Pacific Ocean suddenly ______ his plane crashes.





  答案 B [本题考查介词和连词的用法。第一空应用on; across侧重指运动在某一物体或范围的表面进行,从一边到另一边,表示横向通过;through强调运动在某一物体内部进行,侧重在空间内穿过;over表示从顶上越过;when意为“就在那时”。]

  13.You have made a few mistakes but ______ you have done well.

  A.on the whole

  B.as a whole

  C.in whole


  答案 A [句意为“你犯了几处错误,但总的来说你做得很好。”on the whole表示“大体上”,并非百分之百的意思;as a whole着重从整体上看问题而不是将事情分开考虑;in whole全部;wholly完整地,整个地。]

  14.Once in bed,I read for twenty minutes and then ______ the light.

  A.turned out

  B.turned over

  C.turned on

  D.turned up

  答案 A [turn out结果是,关掉(电灯或煤气);turn over打翻;移交;仔细考虑;翻身;turn on开启;turn up出现。根据题意,故选A。]

  15.There is much chance ______ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.





  答案 A [Bill will...the race是同位语从句,用来说明chance的具体内容。]



  The Cherokee Indians(切罗基族) of the early 1800's were intelligent and hard­working people.Most could read.Some lived in log cabins and others lived in large houses.A Cherokee named Sequoyah made an alphabet for his language so it could be read and written as well as spoken.

  As early as 1802 the state of Georgia and the federal government had signed an agreement with the Cherokee Indians that stated that the Indian land belonged to Georgia.In 1829 President Jackson had a “removal bill” introduced to Congress.The bill said that all Cherokee Indians would have to move to a reservation in Oklahoma.Georgia took the Cherokee Indians' land and began to break it into small pieces to be given to the white settlers.All contracts between Cherokee Indians and whites were canceled.Anyone owing money to a Cherokee Indian didn't have to pay back.Some whites attacked and burned the Cherokee Indians' homes.The Cherokee Indian leaders were arrested and their homes were taken away.

  In 1835 two Cherokees who were not elected leaders of the tribe signed a treaty(协议) with the federal government.The treaty arranged for the Cherokee Indians to move away from Georgia.The treaty was not good because no elected leader had signed it.More than 16,000 Cherokees signed a petition(请愿书) asking that the treaty should be canceled.President Jackson refused.In 1838 ten thousand American soldiers were sent to Georgia to remove the Cherokees from the land they had lived on as long as anyone could remember.They were taken to a makeshift prison until the trip west could begin.

  The trip to Oklahoma began in cold weather.More than four thousand Cherokee Indians died on the trip.One fourth of the tribe died on the trail(小道) known as the “Trail of Tears”.The Cherokees call this trail Nunna­da­ul­tsun­yi,meaning “The Place Where They Cried”.

  【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。讲述了北美印第安人中的一族——切罗基族人的一段历史。

  1.We learn from the first paragraph that the Cherokee Indians of the early 1800's ______.

  A.had no their own language

  B.passed on their knowledge by word of mouth

  C.lived a very primitive life

  D.could build houses

  答案 D  [细节理解题。文章第一段说明,19世纪初,切罗基族人有的住在圆木小屋里,也有的住在大房子里,说明他们在建造房子。]

  2.What happened to the Cherokee Indians after the “removal bill” was introduced to Congress?

  A.They were allowed to ask all their money back.

  B.They moved to a better place.

  C.They lost their land.

  D.They sold their land to the white settlers.

  答案 C [细节理解题。从文章第二段可知,“迁徙令”提交国会后,切罗基族的土地被白人瓜分,因此选C。]

  3.We can infer from the third paragraph that the treaty ______.

  A.was against the will of the Cherokee Indians

  B.didn't take effect in the end

  C.was turned down by President Jackson

  D.was misunderstood by most Cherokee Indians

  答案 A [推理判断题。从文章第三段可知,切罗基族人签署请愿书,要求取消协议,说明该协议违背了他们的意愿。]

  4.The trail to Oklahoma is called “Trail of Tears” because ______.

  A.many Cherokees escaped from the trip

  B.the weather was very cold during the trip

  C.Cherokees walked beside a big river

  D.many Cherokees lost their lives during the trip

  答案 D [细节理解题。文章最后一段说明,在迁徙途中,四分之一的切罗基族死去,因此这条路被称作“血泪之路”。]


  Going to outer space is a little like going camping.You have to carry with you all the food and equipment you need for your trip,so your food can't be too heavy or hard to prepare.Plus,there are no refrigerators to keep food cold and fresh.

  Food with all the water dried out is lightweight and doesn't spoil.So,many space foods are dried on Earth and stored in special packets.Some,such as dried pears,taste good right out of the packet.But to eat the turkey in this outer­space Thanksgiving dinner,an astronaut must add water and heat the packets.

  On Earth,gravity is the force that keeps your feet on the ground and your sandwich on your plate.But there's no gravity in space.To keep food from floating away,astronauts on the Space Shuttle attach the packets to a special tray.The tray can be fixed to a wall or to the astronaut's lap.To prepare their food,astronauts use liquid forms of salt and pepper.The liquid sticks to the food better.Regular salt and pepper would float away,maybe up an astronaut's nose.Achoo!

  Liquids float right out of cups and glasses,though.So astronauts drink everything from a small bag with a straw(饮料吸管) that can be closed.Astronauts say that most space foods taste pretty good.Some,such as apples and pudding are the same as the foods you eat on Earth.

  Astronauts eat tortillas(玉米粉圆饼) instead of bread because they make fewer crumbs(碎屑).Floating crumbs could get stuck in equipment or an astronaut's eye.

  Your body uses food in space the same way it does on Earth.Your body must get rid of waste in space too.

  During take off and landing,astronauts can't leave their seats to go to the bathroom.They wear diapers(尿布) under their spacesuits instead.

  The Space Shuttle has a bathroom the size of a small closet.The toilet has bars that keep astronauts from floating away.

  A strong flow of air is used instead of water to flush waste down the toilet.Back on Earth it's flushed away-or sometimes studied by scientists.

  【语篇解读】 本文介绍宇航员在太空中的日常生活。

  5.Why do astronauts use liquid forms of salt and pepper to prepare food?

  A.Liquid doesn't spoil.

  B.Liquid is convenient to use in space.

  C.Liquid is lightweight.

  D.Astronauts are in great need of water.

  答案 B [细节理解题。由第三段中的To prepare their food, astronauts use liquid forms of salt and pepper.The liquid sticks to the food better.Regular salt and pepper would float away, maybe up an astronaut’s nose.Achoo!可知,宇航员使用液体调料是因为液体不会像固体那样漂浮,使用起来更方便。]

  6.What do astronauts think of space foods?

  A.Most of them taste pleasant.

  B.They are mostly fruits.

  C.Most of them are cold.

  D.They contain little meat.

  答案 A [细节理解题。由第四段中的Astronauts say that most space foods taste pretty good.Some, such as apples and pudding are the same as the foods you eat on Earth.可知,宇航员认为大部分太空食物还比较可口。]

  7.Why don't astronauts eat bread?

  A.Bread tastes bad.

  B.Tiny pieces may float.

  C.Bread weights heavy.

  D.Bread is rather hard to prepare.

  答案 B [细节理解题。由第五段中的Astronauts eat tortillas instead of bread because they make fewer crumbs可知,宇航员不吃面包,是因为面包屑会到处乱飞。]

  8.We can infer from the passage that astronauts ______.

  A.drink from cups and glasses

  B.always wear diapers in space

  C.can move freely during landing

  D.must pay attention to the crumbs in space

  答案 D [推断判断题。由第五段中的Floating crumbs could get stuck in equipment or an astronaut’s eye可知,面包屑会钻到机器中或人的眼睛里,所以宇航员要格外注意。]


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