2017届高考英语牛津译林版必修4总复习基础经典习题《Unit 2 Sporting events》4-2(江苏专用)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语牛津译林版必修4总复习基础经典习题《Unit 2 Sporting events》4-2(江苏专用)

发布时间:2017-02-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.Many old houses along the river have been pulled down to make_way_for a new road.

  2.Gas flowing through the pipes burns instantly but can be_kept_under_control easily by opening or closing the pipes.

  3.He has made_contributions_to our company's success and therefore he has been respected by all of us.

  4.His colleagues and former students collected and published his essays in_honor_of his thirty years' service with the university.

  5.The committee wouldn't even look_at our proposal.


  1.In order for a new sport to be added, a current sport must be dropped.

  →In order to add a new sport, they have to drop a current sport.

  2.Unmarried women were allowed to take part in their own competition at a separate festival in honor of the wife of the Greek god Zeus.

  →They didn't allow unmarried women to take part in the Olympic Games, but they organized a separate festival in_memory_of the wife of the Greek god Zeus.

  3.I am sure the whole of China must have felt proud when Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for his country.

  →The whole China took great pride_in Xu Haifeng's winning the first gold medal.

  4.Some sports have been added recently, such as tae kwon, which was first included in the Olympics in 2000.

  →Recently,_they have_added some sports into the Olympics, including tae kwon, which entered the Olympics in 2000.

  5.It was a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin, who restarted the Olympics.

  →The man who restarted the Olympics was a Frenchman called_/named Pierre de Coubertin.


  1.为纪念为国家作出巨大贡献的那些人建了一个博物馆。(in honor of)


  2.在开幕仪式上他被授予一枚奖牌。(opening ceremony)


  3.过去是个小村子的地方如今被开发成了一个著名的景点。(tourist attraction.)


  4.游客们高兴地看着焕然一新的公园。(be delighted to)


  5.他如此难过,一定已经知道比赛结果了。(must have known)

  He is so sad, and he must have known the result of the game.


  1.They must have made it up, because I've seen them going down the road ________.

  A.step by step

  B.foot by foot

  C.arm in arm

  D.heart to heart

  答案 C [考查短语辨析。句意:他们肯定已经和好了,因为我看到他们手挽手地沿着路走。step by step逐步地;一步一步地;foot by foot一步一步地;arm in arm手挽手;heart to heart诚恳地;贴心地。]

  2.It is ________ to spend money on preventing illnesses by promoting healthy living rather than spending it trying to make people ________ after they are ill.

  A.good; good

  B.well; better

  C.better; better

  D.better; good

  答案 C [考查形容词比较级。句意:最好是花钱通过改善生活水平来预防疾病,而不是生病后花钱康复。这里暗含比较。句型“it is better to do”意为“还是做……好”,make sb better使某人好转。]

  3.Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students ________ financial aid.

  A.in favour of

  B.in honour of

  C.in face of

  D.in need of

  答案 D [考查介词短语辨析。句意:中国的许多大学为需要经济援助的学生提供奖学金。in favour of支持,赞成;in honour of 纪念;in face of 面临;in need of需要。故选D。]

  4.I began to feel ________ in the new school when I saw some familiar faces.

  A.at home

  B.at heart

  C.at will

  D.at sight

  答案 A [考查介词短语辨析。句意:在新学校,当我看见一些熟悉的面孔时,我开始感到自在起来。at home舒适;自由;无拘无束;at heart本质上;关心;at will任意,随意;at sight一见到…… ]

  5.Susan wanted to be independent of her parents.She tried ________ alone, but she didn't like it and moved back home.


  B.to live

  C.to be living

  D.having lived

  答案 A [考查try的用法。句意:苏珊想不依赖父母,她试着一个人生活,但不喜欢这样,搬回了家。try doing 试着做;try to do努力做。 ]

  6.Would you slow down a bit, please? I can't ________ you.

  A.keep up with

  B.put up with

  C.make up to

  D.hold on to

  答案 A [考查动词短语辨析。句意:你慢点儿好吗?我跟不上你了。keep up with跟上,与某人并驾齐驱;put up with容忍;make up to 向某人献媚;hold on to坚持。 ]

  7.A study found that the bones of women who drink beer regularly are stronger, ________ them less likely to suffer from osteoporosis (骨质疏松症).

  A.to make




  答案 D [考查非谓语动词。句意:一项研究发现,常喝啤酒的妇女骨头较坚固,这使得她们很少患骨质疏松症。现在分词短语making them less likely to suffer from osteoporosis作结果状语。]

  8.It's high time that we ________ something about improving the situation.

  A.will do


  C.shall do


  答案 D [考查虚拟语气。句意:该是我们为改善局势做点儿什么的时候了。It's high time that ...该是做某事的时候了。that从句常用虚拟语气,用一般过去时或should +动词原形(should不省略)。 ]

  9.The little girl couldn't work the problem out. She wasn't ________ clever.





  答案 A [句意:小女孩没有做出这道题,她还没聪明到那一步。that作副词时,相当于so,强调所指的某一程度;much作副词时,一般只用来修饰形容词或副词的比较级;enough作副词时,总是放在所修饰的形容词或副词后面。]

  10.The company decided to make further improvement on the computer's design ________ the light of the requirements of customers.





  答案 B [考查介词的用法。句意:公司决定按照顾客的要求对电脑设计作进一步的改进。in the light of根据,按照。]

  11.Traffic restrictions came into effect in Beijing ________ to improve the capital's air quality and traffic situation for the 2008 Olympics.

  A.in order that

  B.in an attempt

  C.at an attempt

  D.in atry

  答案 B [句意:为了2008年奥运会,北京开始实施交通管制,力图改善首都的空气质量和交通状况。in order that(从句)为了……;in an attempt力图,希望;at an attempt试一下;in a try无此搭配。]

  12.Because of the ________ big snow, there were several serious accidents.

  A.too much

  B.a little



  答案 D [句意:由于大雪,出了几起严重事故。too much太……,修饰比较级或不可数名词;a little一点儿;much非常,修饰比较级或不可数名词;pretty颇,相当,修饰形容词或副词。 ]

  13.Progress so far has been very good.________, we are sure that the project will be completed on time.





  答案 C [句意:到目前为止,工程进展很好。因此,我们对这项工程按时竣工有信心。however然而;otherwise否则;therefore因此;besides加之,另外。]

  14.With the development of technology, much old equipment has to ________ the new inventions.

  A.make way to

  B.give way to

  C.lead the way

  D.find its way

  答案 B [考查动词短语辨析。句意:随着科技的发展,许多旧设备必须被新发明代替。make one's way (to)前进;成功;give way to被……代替;lead the way带路;find one's way找到路;设法到达。]

  15.He comes to see us once ________.

  A.every third days

  B.each three days

  C.every three days

  D.every other days

  答案 C [句意:他每三天来看我们一次。every three days = every third day 每三天(每隔两天),each无此用法。 ]


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