2017届高中英语第1轮总复习 part2 第10讲《状语从句》新人教版-查字典英语网
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2017届高中英语第1轮总复习 part2 第10讲《状语从句》新人教版

发布时间:2017-02-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  答案 1. While / Though / Although  2. Though / Although  3. as/ though 根据句子意思选词(though, although, as, while)填空


  让步状语从句的从属连词though, although,

  as, while用法上有何区别? 6

  表达让步含义时,常用从属连词though, although, as, while引导让步状语从句。while强调对比,只能放句首,以引出相对或相反的情况,译为“在……同时,却(有相反的情况) ”,此时可以用though或although替换。though与although大部分情况下可以互相替换,既可放句首,也可放句末。as 引导让步状语从句必须倒装,此时可以用though替换,但不可用although替换。 7

  时间状语从句的从属连词till, until 用法上有何区别? 根据句子意思填空(till, until)选词 1. Yesterday, I waited for you at the bus station __________ 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

  2. __________ you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened.

  Until  until / till 7

  时间状语从句的从属连词till, until 用法上有何区别?

  3. Not ________ the war ended did he return home.  4. It was not_________ the result of the exam was announced that he realized he had organized time badly.


  until 7

  这两个连词意义基本相同。两个连词均可用于肯定形式,表示 “做某事直至某时”,此时动词是延续性的。在否定形式表达 “直至某时才做某事”时只能用until,此时动词为非延续性。另外注意表示“直到 ……才”意义的倒装句型和强调句型。



  根据汉语提示,完成句子 1. 当你明天早上8点赶到机场时,我派车来接你。 __________at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, I'll send a car to pick you up.

  2. 妈妈说假如我在英语演讲比赛拿到一等奖,就送我出国深造。

  Mum said _______ in the English Speaking Contest, I would be sent abroad to make further study.



  根据汉语提示,完成句子 答案 1. When you arrive at the airport 2. if I took the first place



  根据汉语提示,完成句子 3. 假如你明天完成了所有任务,你可以提前回家。 _______________, you can go home ahead of time. 答案

  If you have finished all your tasks tomorrow

  在时间状语或条件状语从句中,时态上常用一般式表将来,“一般式表将来”包括三方面含义:一般现在时表一般将来时(见上述句1);一般过去时表过去将来时(见上述句2);现在完成时表将来完成时(见上述句3)。 8 * *


  翻译下列句子,指出画线部分状语从句的类别 1.Every time I see action movies acted by Jackie Chan, I would get excited.

  1 状语从句有哪些类别?

  每当我看成龙演的动作片时,我会很兴奋。划线部分作时间状语。 1 状语从句有哪些类别?

  2. You should have put away the book where you look it.

  3. The higher income tax is harmful in that it may discourage people from trying to earn more.

  你应该把书放回原处。 划线部分作地点状语。

  所得税高是有害的,它让人不想去赚更多的钱。 划线部分作原因状语。 1 状语从句有哪些类别?

  4. The boss asked the secretary to hurry up with the letters so that he could sign them.


  5. He got up so early that he caught the first bus.

  老板要秘书赶快送交那些信件以便他能签发。 划线部分作目的状语。

  他起得很早因此他赶上了第一班车。划线部分作结果状语。 1 状语从句有哪些类别?


  虽然我非常尊敬他,但我不同意他的建议。划线部分作让步状语。 6. You will certainly succeed so long as you keep on trying.

  7. Much as I respect him, I can't agree to his proposal.

  1 状语从句有哪些类别?

  8. Food is to man what oil is to industry.

  9. The employee behaved as if he were the boss.

  食物之于人正如石油之于工业。 划线部分作比较状语。

  这个员工表现得像老板似的。划线部分作方式状语。 1

  状语从句一般分为九大类别: 时间状语从句;地点状语从句;原因状语从句;目的状语从句;结果状语从句;条件状语从句;让步状语从句;比较状语从句和方式状语从句。

  引导各类状语从句的从属连词分别为: 1 时间状 语从句 when, as, while, as soon as, before, after, since, till, until, the minute, the moment, the second, every time,each time, the first time,the instant, immediately, directly,instantly, no sooner … than…, hardly …when…, scarcely … when… 地点状 语从句 where,wherever, anywhere, everywhere

  1 原因状 语从句 because, since, as, now that, seeing that, in that, considering that, given that 目的状 语从句 so that, in order that, lest, in case, for fear that,in the hope that, for the purpose that, to the end that

  结果状 语从句 so that,so … that…, such … that…, to the degree that, to the extent that 1 条件状 语从句 if, unless, as/so long as, only if, providing/provided that, supposing that, in case that, on condition that

  让步状 语从句 though, although, even if, even though, as (须倒装),while (放句首),no matter …,whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however, whichever,whether…or… 1 比较状 语从句 (as…)as, not as/so…as…, than,the more … the more …, A is to B what /as X is to Y; 方式状 语从句 as, as if,as though

  翻译下列句子,找出其从属连词 1. On condition that you return the book on time, you can keep it for 2 weeks. 2 引导状语从句从属连词形式上有什么特点?

  假如你按时归还这本书,你可以借两个星期。句中从属连词:on condition that。

  我一听到呼救声,我就冲出房间看个究竟。句中从属连词:the second。

  鉴于无人缺席,我们赢得比赛的把握更大。句中从属连词:considering that。 2 引导状语从句从属连词形式上有什么特点?

  2. The second I heard the cry for help, I rushed out of room to see what was happening.

   3. Considering nobody is absent, we are more likely to win the game. 2 引导状语从句从属连词形式上有什么特点?

  4. It's a long time since we last saw each other.

   5. Take an umbrella with you in case it rains.  


  带把雨伞去吧,以防下雨。句中从属连词:in case。 6. Provided everything goes well, the project will hopefully come to an end this June.

  假如一切顺利,这个工程可望今年6月竣工。句中从属连词:provided。 2 引导状语从句从属连词形式上有什么特点? 2 状语从句中从属连词在形式上具有如下特点:


  从属连词本身可以是连词,也可由其他词类转化而来。因而,从属连词在原始词性上,可能是连词,如since; 2 可能是名词,如the minute, the moment, the second, every time,each time, the first time,the instant;可能是副词,如immediately,directly,instantly;可能是现在分词,如supposing (that), providing (that);可能是过去分词,如given that;还可能是介词短语,如in case (that)。

  根据提示,完成下列句子,注意状语从句与主句的时态关系  1. When I arrived at the airport, the plane ____________(起飞了). 解析

  主句“起飞”动作发生在从句动作“到达”之前。 3 状语从句的时态与主句有什么联系? had taken off

  2. What are you going to be ________________ (当你长大时)?


  从句动作“长大”与主句状态动词“干什么”同时发生,均用将来时态。但此处从句动词时态为一般式表将来。 when you grow up 3 状语从句的时态与主句有什么联系?

  3. She burst into tears as soon as she____________(被告知) of her failure in the interview. 解析

  在as soon as 引导的“一……就……”句型中,从句动作与主句动作衔接紧凑,可理解为(几乎)同时发生。 was informed 3 状语从句的时态与主句有什么联系?

  4. Because I __________(进行) a conversation with my parents, we reached better understanding of each other. 解析 从句谓语动词动作have先于主句谓语动词动作reach发生。 had had 3 状语从句的时态与主句有什么联系? 3

  从句与主句的时态关系是通过从句与主句的谓语动词动作(或状态)发生的时间关系来确定的:从句谓语动词动作(或状态)先于主句谓语动词动作(或状态)发生;从句谓语动词动作(或状态)与主句谓语动词动作(或状态)同时发生; 从句谓语动词动作(或状态)后于主句谓语动词动作(或状态)发生。因此,从句和主句各自的时态应该彼此参照使用,注意彼此时态在逻辑意义上的一致性。 3

  但要注意在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,一般式表将来。如:When you come (不用will come)here tomorrow, I will be on the way to Shanghai;If I succeed (不用will succeed) in passing the exam next month, I'll be no longer stressed. 4

  时间状语从句的从属连词when, while, as用法上有何区别?

  根据句子意思选择最佳词语(when, while, as)填空(每空一词) 1. ________she came in, I was watching TV. 2. Would you please look after my pet dog ______I was away on business? 3. The head teacher laughed __________he spoke. Obviously, he was satisfied with our performance. while as When  4

  表示 “当……时候”时,when可接短暂性或延续性动词,既可表点时间,也可表段时间;while只能接延续性动作,表段时间;as强调两个动作同时发生,常译为“一边……一边……”。 5

  原因状语从句的从属连词as, since,

  because用法上有何区别? 根据句子意思选词(as, since, because)填空(每空一词) 1. It is __________ he is ill that he isn't here celebrating your birthday. 2. __________ you have known the truth from head to toe, I won't give any explanation. 3. __________ the weather is not so helpful, we had better prepare two plans in advance.


  Since because 5


  since表示顺承关系,表达说话者认为合乎情理的逻辑推断,可译为“既然……(就……)”,此时用法上相当于now that。 5


  注意:for也可以表示原因,但它是并列连词,用法上注意两点: 不放句首(语气弱);引出补充说明的原因,不必直接翻译成“因为”。如:Come up to me, for I have something important to tell you.(过来,我有要事对你讲。) 根据句子意思选词(though, although, as, while)填空

  1. __________ the Internet has so many conveniences, it also has a lot of inconveniences. 2. __________ the actress is beautiful, I don't like her. 3. Child __________ he is, he is the first Chinese to travel across Europe alone by bike. 6

  让步状语从句的从属连词though, although,

  as, while用法上有何区别? * *


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