2017届高中英语第1轮总复习 part2 第9讲《定语从句》新人教版-查字典英语网
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2017届高中英语第1轮总复习 part2 第9讲《定语从句》新人教版

发布时间:2017-02-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  as作为关系代词,在限制性定语从句中主要用于固定搭配such/so/the same/as…as…中。

  注意:such/so…that…中that引导结果状语从句,意为“以致”。 the same …that…表示同一事物,而the same…as…表示类似的事物。


  1. My brother who works on China Daily is in his 30s.

  2. My brother, who works on China Daily, is in his 30s.

  3. China which is located in East Asia is on the way to greater success.

  4. My mother who is considerate and helpful wins respect from all. 9 非限制性定语从句有什么特点? 答案


  “中国”是独一无二的国家,无所谓“地处东亚的中国”一说,换言之,不能使用限制性定语从句修饰“中国”,只能使用非限制性定语从句补充,说明“中国”的有关属性。同样,“妈妈”是独一无二的,“体贴入微和好帮助他人的妈妈”让人产生误解。用限制性定语从句修饰独一无二的人或事物会产生歧义。 9 非限制性定语从句有什么特点? 9


  选用as 或which填空 

  1. Mother usually brings fruits to my classroom, __________embarrasses me a lot.

  2. The air show being held in Zhuhai is fantastic, __________ can be seen.

  which  as 10

  关系代词代替整个句子或句子的一部分内容时,which和 as在用法上有何区别? 3. Some American troops are being withdrawn from the Middle East, __________ we have learnt from the newspaper. 4. __________ we have learnt from the newspaper, some American troops are being withdrawn from the Middle East. as / which 

  As  10

  关系代词代替整个句子或句子的一部分内容时,which和 as在用法上有何区别? 5. The young lady married an old man with a lot of money,__________ is disgraceful. 6. The material resists heat,__________ shown in the experiment.


  as 10

  关系代词代替整个句子或句子的一部分内容时,which和 as在用法上有何区别?

  关系代词代替整个句子或句子的一部分内容时,which和 as在用法上有很大区别。

  1.从先行词在从句中充当的句子成分角度: 在主谓宾(补)结构的定语从句中作主语,只能用which(如例1); 10




  句型模式为:as …;主语+ 谓语;主语, as…, 谓语;主语+ 谓语,as/which… 10


  在引导词+be +done 结构中省略be时,只能用as(如例6);

  常见固定用法as is well known, as is often the case, as often happens, as has been said before, as has been pointed out, as can be seen等常用as(如例2 )。


  从句内容为否定意义时,常用which(如例5)。 10

  填写定语从句的引导词 1. This is the teacher__________ I often ask advice on how to improve my English. 2. I have never come across such a situation _________ customers have to pay in cash. where 

  where 11 关系副词where前面的先行词是否一定为地点名词? 3. 0℃ is the freezing point __________ water turns into ice. 4. A party is an occasion ____________________ participants should dress formally. 5. This is a rare case__________ lost money can be found again.


  when / where/on which 

  where 11 关系副词where前面的先行词是否一定为地点名词?

  当先行词表达的意义为处所,程度,状态,情况时,引导词的确定需要采用“还原搭配”原则。上述五个定语从句可还原为:   1. I often ask advice on how to improve my English from the teacher.   2. Customers have to pay in cash in such a situation.   3. Water turns into ice at the freezing point. 11

  当先行词表达的意义为处所,程度,状态,情况时,引导词的确定需要采用“还原搭配”原则。上述五个定语从句可还原为:  4. Participants should dress formally on the occasion.   5. Lost money can be found again in a rare case. 11

  12 使用定语从句时易出现哪些错误类型?


  1. A touch­me­not is a kind of plant that it shrinks when touched.

  2. This is the gift was given to you by a Smith.



  was前增加that或which; 错误类型为:成分残缺 12 使用定语从句时易出现哪些错误类型? 3. Math is one of the subjects that takes up much of my spare time.

  4. My father who visited Bristol has a passion for English culture.


  在who和has前加逗号;错误类型为:歧义 5. I'll remember those days when we spent together.


  错误类型为:(引导词)混淆。 12 使用定语从句时易出现哪些错误类型?

  定语从句使用上的错误类型大致为五类:赘余,残缺,相悖,歧义,混淆。 12



  who take medicine to lose weight

  are most likely to harm their health.

  服用药物减肥的(a) 人(b) 很可能损害他们的健康(c)。 1 英语和汉语中定语从句有什么区别? 答案

  A—b; B—a; C—c。 A

  B C 1

  英语中定语从句放修饰词后,作后置定语,以引导词作为标志;汉语中定语从句放修饰词前,以“的”为标志。 2 定语从句有哪些引导词,引导词分为几类?


  引导词that 是关系代词



  翻译下列句子,把定语从句的引导词进行分类  1. All that glitters isn't gold.

   2. Vienna is a place where top musicians gather.




  引导词where,when是关系副词。 2 定语从句有哪些引导词,引导词分为几类?

  3. God helps those who help themselves.

  4. Gone are the days when teachers were looked down upon. 2

  定语从句的引导词分为两类,即关系代词和关系副词。常见的关系代词有that,which, who,whom,whose,as;常见的关系副词有when, why, where。

  使用规范的答题步骤,确定各个定语从句的引导词  1. This is the school_________________ I visited ten years ago.

  3 怎样确定引导词? That/which/省略 解析

  先行词为the school,定语从句为I visited ten years ago,从句的谓语动词为visited,先行词在从句中作visited的宾语,因先行词为物,故引导词用that,which或省略。

  2. This is the school_____________ I worked ten years ago.

  Where/in which 解析

  先行词为the school,定语从句为I worked ten years ago,从句的谓语动词为worked,先行词在从句中作worked的状语,因先行词为地点,故用where或in which。 3 怎样确定引导词?

  3. This is the school __________ has a good reputation in and out of China.

  which/that 解析

  先行词为the school,定语从句为has a good reputation in and out of China,从句的谓语动词为has,先行词在从句中作has的主语,因先行词为物,故用 which/that。 3 怎样确定引导词?

  4. This is the school __________ teaching buildings are of ancient style. whose 解析

  先行词为the school,定语从句为teaching buildings are of ancient style,从句的谓语动词为are,先行词在从句中既不单独作主语,也不作宾语,也不作状语,但与主语teaching buildings有所属关系,故用whose。

  3 怎样确定引导词?

  5. This is the school ________________ I visited the headmaster ten years ago.

  Where/in which 解析

  先行词为the school,定语从句为I visited the headmaster ten years ago,从句的谓语动词为visited,先行词在从句中作地点状语,故用where或in which。 3 怎样确定引导词?

  6. This is the school________________ I worked in ten years ago.


  先行词为the school,定语从句为I worked in ten years ago,从句的谓语动词为work in,先行词在从句中作work in 的宾语,因先行词为物,故用that,which或省略。 that/which/省略 3 怎样确定引导词?

  7. This is the school __________ made a speech at the forum. who/that 解析

  先行词为the school,定语从句为made a speech at the forum,从句的谓语动词为made,先行词在从句中作made的主语,但能够演讲的一定是“人”,故用who/that。 3 怎样确定引导词? 3





  根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词) 1. 我想买套窗户朝南的房子。

  I'd like to buy a flat __________ windows face south.

  =I'd like to buy a flat _____ _______ _____ windows

  face south.

  =I'd like to buy a flat _____ windows____ _______

  face south.

  4 关系代词whose怎么使用? whose

  of which the the

  of which

  2. 单身汉就是未成家的男人。

  A bachelor is a man ________ cap covers his family.

  =A bachelor is a man

  ______ ________ _____ cap

  covers his family.

  =A bachelor is a man _____ cap ____ ______ covers

  his family.


  4 关系代词whose怎么使用? the whom of whom of the 4

  先行词后的名词从属于先行词,用关系代词whose。 whose + n.= the+n.+ of+which= of which + the+n.,如先行词是人,其中的which改为whom。

  填写定语从句的引导词  1.Students__________ have a wide range of knowledge have advantages in exams.   2. The joint venture __________has brought a lot of jobs to the locals plays an important role in the development of the city.

  3. Please inform me of anything _________ you find unusual.

  that / who  that / which 5 关系代词中that和which在用法上有什么区别? that /省略  4. All measures __________can be taken should be taken to reduce environmental pollution.  5. The building in front of__________ there is a drug store dates back 500 years.

  6. China, __________ covers an area of over 9.6 million square kilometers, is the third largest country in the globe.


  which that  5 关系代词中that和which在用法上有什么区别? 5


  1.用that(四种情况):先行词为特定词 all, much,anything,nothing,everything,which,who等不定代词或疑问代词等; 先行词前有特定词如形容词最高级,序数词,any,only,few,much, no,some,very等修饰;先行词既有人又有物时;先行词是人; 5


  3.that和which 可以互换,即当先行词是物时,且不是特殊的先行词或先行词前没有特殊的词修饰时。

  用“介词+关系代词”结构翻译下列句子。 1.刚才我对他说话的那个人是个销售经理。 6 “介词+关系代词”句式怎么使用?

  The man to whom I spoke just now is a sales manager.[The man (who/that/whom/省略) I spoke to just now is a sales manager.]


  This is the library from which I often borrow books. [This is the library (which/that/省略) I often borrow books from.] 6 “介词+关系代词”句式怎么使用? 6


  填写适当的介词和关系代词完成句子  1. All the vegetables are said to be from the farm __________ my parents worked.

   2. The student __________ I often lent reference books was accepted by a key university. 7 “介词+关系代词”句式中介词怎么确定? on which 

  to whom 

  3. 80 km/h is the speed limit _____________ drivers will be fined.  4. You should carry your ID card _____________ you'll possibly get into trouble.

   5. This is the key point__________ we should pay more attention.

  beyond which

  without which

  to which 7 “介词+关系代词”句式中介词怎么确定? 7

  在关系代词前需要介词的定语从句中,介词的选用遵循“还原搭配”原则,即把定语从句还原成单独的一个句子,然后把先行词放在句末,再考虑在先行词前选用符合句意,搭配正确的介词。上述定语从句还原成单独的句子分别为: 7 1. My parents worked on the farm.

  2. I often lent reference books to the student. 3. Drivers will be fined beyond the speed limit. 4. You'll possibly get into trouble without your ID card. 5. We should pay more attention to the key point.

  填写适当的介词和关系代词完成句子 1. Let's just discuss such questions_________ are about current education system. 2. This is so difficult a problem _________ none of us here can work out. 8 限制性定语从句中关系代词as怎么使用? as  as  3. This is so difficult a problem ____________none of us here can work it out.

  4. I'd like the same car ____________my colleague has. that (that引导的是结果状语从句) 8 限制性定语从句中关系代词as怎么使用? as 




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