2017年高考英语一轮复习课时作业7:Unit 7《The Sea》(北师大版必修3通用版)-查字典英语网
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2017年高考英语一轮复习课时作业7:Unit 7《The Sea》(北师大版必修3通用版)

发布时间:2017-02-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 12

  What did you do last weekend?


  Section B (1a-1e)

  【教师寄语】All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难后易。

  【Free talk】Talk about what you did last weekend.

  【Learning tasks】




  【Importance and difficulties】





  I. 预习section B 1a-1e, 写出下列单词。

  飞,飞翔____________ (过去式) _____________


  II. 翻译下列短语。

  1. 弹吉他_______________

  2. 去图书馆______________

  3. 放风筝_______________

  4. 和朋友共进晚餐_____________

  5. swimming pool ______________

  6. Not really. _____________________

  III. 开动脑筋,说出下列句子的意思吧。

  -Who went to the library? ________________________________

  –Sally did. _________________________

  –Did you do anything interesting last weekend? _________________________

  –Not really, but I visited my sister. ____________________________

  III. 写出你的疑惑与不解:



  I. 预习检测。

  II. 自主合作互助学习解除预习中出现的疑惑不解。


  Did you do anything interesting last weekend? 周末你做了什么有趣的事情吗?

  anything 的用法

  表示某事、某东西,主要用于否定句,疑问句及条件句用以代替 something表示任何事、任何东西Is there anything in that box? 那个盒子里有东西吗?

  They ’t have anything to eat.他们没有东西可吃。

  修饰anything的形容词应置于其后。Did you hear anything interesting there? 你在那儿听到什么有趣的事了吗?Has anything unusual happened? 有什么不正常的事发生特别注意:修饰的形容词不能放置其前,必须后置。


  Step1 Review & Lead-in

  Grammar Focus

  Step2 Presentation

  1. Learn and finish 1a. Then try to remember the phrase.

  2. Game: Quick action about the phrases.

  3. Do you think the activities in 1a are fun? Draw a happy face or an unhappy face under each line.

  Step3 Listening

  1. Listen. What did Sally and Jim do last weekend? Complete the chart in 1b.

  2. Listen again and check the answers.

  Step4 Pair work

  Make a conversation with a partner. Talk about what Sally and Jim did last weekend. Then ask what your partner did last weekend.eg:

  —Who went to the library? —Sally did.

  —Did you do anything interesting last weekend? —Not really, but I….


  Group work: 回顾听力考试题型,总结归纳提高听力的方法。





  1. Lincoln(林肯) came from nothing, yet he did _________ that changed the world.

  A. something

  B. nothing

  C. everything

  D. anything

  2. —When did you go to the movies?


  A. Tomorrow.

  B. In two days.

  C. Three days ago.

  D. Next weekend.

  3. _________ you at school last Tuesday morning?

  A. Are

  B. Was

  C. Were

  D. Did

  4. —Did you go shopping on May 1?

  —No, _________ too many people in the shop.

  A. there is

  B. there are

  C. there were

  D. there was

  5. —_________ you work hard __________?

  —Yes, I did.

  A. Do; all day

  B. Did; all day

  C. Do; all the day

  D. Did; all the day


  New York City

  “If you love somebody, send him to New York for it’s Heaven; if you hate somebody, also send him to New York for it’s Hell.” This is a famous line from the TV play Beijingers in New York in 1990s. Many people learned a lot about New York City from the TV play.

  As the biggest city in America, New York is the biggest centre of the finance, trade and culture of the country. It’s an important centre for international affairs because the headquarters of the UN are also here.

  When you think of New York, what comes to your mind first? Broadway, Times Square, Central Park, Wall Street or the Statue of Liberty? Different people will give different answers. However, few people will think of its nickname —“the big Apple”.

  Why do people call New York “the big Apple”? There are different stories about that. Which one is true? No New Yorkers seem to care about it. They are happy to be able to have a real taste of the exciting “Apple”.

  判断正误, 正确写 “T”, 错误写 “F”


  ) 1. Many Chinese people didn’t know New York City in 1990s.


  ) 2. New York is the biggest city in the USA.


  ) 3. The headquarters of the UN are in New York.


  ) 4. The Statue of Liberty is not in New York.


  ) 5. There is only one story about the New York’s nickname—“the big apple”.


  1. anything的使用。

  2. 一般过去时在对话中的应用。



  1. Did you do a___________ interesting last weekend?

  2. She f__________ a kite last Sunday.

  3. She went to the l__________ to borrow some books.


  1. __________ they __________ tennis after class yesterday?

  A. Did; play

  B. Do; play

  C. Do; played

  D. Did; played

  2. —_________ your weekend, John?

  —It wasn’t very good.

  A. What was

  B. Where was

  C. How was

  D. When was

  3. I practiced __________ English every day last year.

  A. read

  B. reading

  C. to read

  D. reads

  4. —Who __________ you about that?

  —Li Ming __________.

  A. tells; do

  B. told; does

  C. told; did

  D. tell; do

  5. —__________ ?

  —It was cold.

  A. What is the weather like

  B. What day was it

  C. How is the weather

  D. How was the weather



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