2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业17:Unit 2《What is happiness to you》(牛津译林版选修6湖南专用)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业17:Unit 2《What is happiness to you》(牛津译林版选修6湖南专用)

发布时间:2017-02-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业(十七) [选修模块6 Unit 2 What is happiness to you?]



  1.—I must be off now.

  —Why don’t you stay here and ________?

  A.keep Emma company

  B.keep company with Emma

  C.company Emma

  D.company with Emma

  2.________ of us completes this task first will lend a helping hand to others.





  3.There can be no knowledge ________ practice.

  A.in addition to 

  B.because of

  C.except for

  D.apart from

  4.His cough will become more serious unless he ________ smoking.




  D.is quitting

  5.All her time ________ research,the scientist has no time for films.

  A.devoted to do

  B.is devoted to doing

  C.devoting to doing

  D.devoted to doing

  6.The newcomers found it important to ________ themselves to the climate there well.





  7.Vitamin D helps our bodies make a special chemical,and this special chemical,________,affects our brains,making us feel happy.

  A.in turn

  B.in particular

  C.in advance

  D.in short

  8.How can you expect to learn anything ________ you never listen?

  A.in case 




  9.I’ve made good friends with several of the students in my school ________ I met in the English speech contest last year.





  10.There are many factors contributing to the explosion of being too fat in the United States and the world,________ the fundamental changes in the composition of their diet are first among them.





  11.—It’s thirty years since we last met.

  —But I still remember the story,believe it or not,________ we got lost on a rainy night.





  12.She couldn’t help,even though she tried not to,________ at the strange clothes her friend was wearing.

  A.to laugh




  13.Having sent several mails to apply for jobs,Susan waited for a reply,but ________ came.




  D.no one

  14.The psychological consultation centers have seen a sharp rise in the number of students looking for help,most________ they were confused and depressed.


  B.to say



  15.Those who have questions to ask ________ to my office after class,________?

  A.comes;will you 

  B.come;don’t they

  C.come;will you

  D.comes;don’t they


  Our life is becoming more comfortable and pleasant. We can eat as much of our favorite food 16.________

  we like. We needn’t suffer from the summer heat because of the invention of air conditioners. Distance will never stand


  the way of our communications thanks to instant communication tools like cell phones and computers.

  18.________, we’re also paying a high price for those benefits. Our diets, 19.________

  are rich in sugar and fat, cause obesity and diseases. Our rooms are cooler in summer,

  20.________the open air is hotter and is polluted more seriously. The time we spend with our family and friends is decreasing greatly because we’re more devoted to killing time with

  21.________cyber pals.

  Old concerns go away, but new worries flock. For this issue, my proposal is: live contentedly. Living contentedly doesn’t mean living in


  primitive cave. Instead, it tells us to move on in the right direction—slowly and steadily. It reminds us of our responsibility to protect our environment. It means we should cherish what we have and enjoy


  we’re doing now.


  Four out of ten women who diet end up heavier than when they started watching their waistline(腰围), a study revealed today. The research also showed that a large percentage of women started noticing the pounds creeping back on just 21 days after reaching their ideal weight.

  Yesterday, Dr Ian Campbell of the Jenny Craig Weight Management Program said: “In the UK 61.4 per cent of adults are overweight or obese. Successful weight management requires a long-term commitment in order to lose weight successfully and for good. Dieting can be a real challenge so setting realistic goals and remaining focused on them is important. Otherwise as this research shows, women could end up heavier than when they started.”

  The “Food, Body, Mind” report was publicized by Jenny Craig who quizzed 2,000 women aged between 18 and 65 who diet regularly on their attitudes, beliefs and behaviors around weight loss. Six in ten said they were on a diet then and one in five women said they were on a “continuous diet”.

  It found the most common triggers to start dieting was seeing their “reflection in the mirror”, preparing for a summer holiday or unflattering photos posted on social networking sites. Other popular reasons include comments by friends or relatives or their other half.

  However, the study showed that one in ten give up within one day, while almost a fifth manage to make it to a week or more. The average is ten days. Many blamed pressure they put on themselves to lose weight too quickly for the weight gain, which leaves them with a bigger appetite than normal. Others blamed colleagues, who tuck into fatty lunches and snacks unaware of the effect it has on the dieter, while mothers’ polishing off their children’s leftovers(剩饭)was another common cause of weight gain.

  24.Which of the following might be the best title for this article?

  A.Three reasons to fail in dieting

  B.Important things for successful diet

  C.Obesity—a problem for 61.4% adults in the UK

  D.Four in ten women gain weight on diets

  25.Women who go on a diet ________.

  A.are all overweight or obese

  B.are likely to gain weight again after reaching their ideal weight

  C.all fail because they are not persistent enough

  D.all end up heavier than when they start to diet

  26.The underlined word “triggers” in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.




  27.Which of the following is NOT the reason that many people quit dieting very soon?

  A.The pressure they put on themselves to lose weight quickly.

  B.Colleagues who give them fatty lunches and snacks.

  C.Reflections they see in the mirror.

  D.Leftovers of children’s taken by their mothers.

  28.In which column of the newspaper do you probably find the passage?







  Air pollution refers to the introduction of some harmful gases and particulate matter(颗粒物质) in the Earth’s atmosphere which in turn results in pollution of air that the various forms of life require for various life processes. There exist natural causes of air pollution such as volcanic eruptions, wildfires, etc. as well as human causes such as vehicle emissions, industrial smoke, etc. Over the last few decades, the air pollution caused by humans has become a lot more serious and common than natural air pollution.

  Air pollution affects all forms of life including humans, plants and animals on the planet. Along with humans, animals are dependent on oxygen in the air. When polluted air is inhaled(吸入) for breathing oxygen, several harmful gases are also inhaled along with this life-saving gas. These harmful gases are believed to affect animals in the same manner in which they affect humans. Experts also suggest that the particulate matter the animals inhale over a long period can gather in their tissues and cause damage to their organs in the long run. In addition to inhaling the harmful contaminants(污染物) directly, animals can also come in contact with these contaminants from the food they eat and absorb them through their skin. Some studies do show that the effects of air pollution on animal species are much more serious than they are on us humans.

  The rapid rate at which air pollution is occurring is not even giving the animals a chance to adapt to the changes in the environment. In the long term, these effects are likely to result in extinction(灭绝) of species, which will indirectly add to our danger because we along with all these animals form the ecological environment where all species depend on each other. Therefore, all of us are supposed to make an effort to reduce air pollution.


  Ⅰ.1.A keep sb. company意为 “陪伴某人”。

  2.D whichever意思是 “无论哪个,无论哪些”,后面可以跟of短语,而whoever后不能跟of短语。故D项正确。

  3.D 句意为:实践出真知。apart from 脱离开;in addition to 除了……之外;because of 由于;except for 除……之外。

  4.A 本句考查条件状语从句。从句中用一般现在时表将来。

  5.D 考查独立主格结构作状语。此句中all her time是逻辑主语,time与devote之间是被动关系,构成devote all her time to doing...结构。

  6.B 句意为:那些新来者发现适应那儿的气候是非常重要的。adapt oneself to在此处是“使自己适应”的意思;adopt 采用;fit 适合;match 相配,均不符合句意。

  7.A 考查介词短语辨析。in turn表示“转而,反过来,依次,轮流地”;in particular表示 “尤其,特别”;in advance表示 “在前头,预先,事先”;in short表示“简而言之,总之”。根据句意“维生素D有助于身体产生一种特殊的化学物质,这种特殊的化学物质反过来又影响我们的大脑,使我们开心起来”可知,本题选A。

  8.D when在句中表示“如果”,有if的含义。句意为:如果你从不听讲,你还想学什么东西呢?答案选D。


  10.C 考查连词的用法。句意为“有很多因素导致美国人和全世界的人迅速发胖,但是他们的饮食成分改变是首要原因。”前后两个分句是转折含义,空后没有逗号的出现,故选C。本题如果误选其他答案,是对这个长句没理解。

  11.B 考查同位语从句的用法。由于句中出现插入语,导致判断失误。可以把句子语序调整为“But believe it or not,I still remember the story _______we got lost on a rainy day”,这样就容易判断出“________ we got lost on a rainy day”是解释story的具体内容,是同位语从句,不是定语从句,可以排除A和D。同位语从句句子成分齐全,所以选择B。本题容易误选其他答案,主要是对句子结构没分析到位。本题稍难。

  12.C 考查动名词的用法。本句语序不是正常语序,状语从句插入到动词help之后,不容易判断,正常语序是“She couldn't help _______ at the strange clothes her friend was wearing even though she tried not to”,这样就容易判断了,can't help doing sth.“情不自禁做某事”,故选C。本题容易误选A和B,主要是句子结构没判断清楚。本题稍难。

  13.A 考查代词的用法。句意为“由于已经多次发出了工作申请,苏珊等着回复,但是一个回复也没来。”这里指的是“回复没来”,指物,不指人,排除C和D;而neither指两者的“不”,和句意冲突,排除。none指三者以上,故选A。本题中等难度。

  14.C 考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为“来心理咨询中心寻求帮助的学生数量迅速增长,大多数学生说他们感到混乱和压抑。”说的动作是学生发出来的主动动作,由于句中出现谓语动词“have been”,在没有并列连词连接并列谓语的前提下,只能采用现在分词形式,表示主动行为,作伴随状语,故选C。其余选项从句式上和句意上都错误。本题中等难度。

  15.C 考查反意疑问句的用法。句意为“那些有问题要问的人下课后到我办公室来,好吗。”这里陈述部分是祈使句,只不过出现呼语“Those who have questions to ask”,而呼语中包含一个定语从句“who have questions to ask”修饰先行词those,所以影响动词的选择,既然是祈使句,就应选择动词原形,而且其反意疑问句采用“will you”进行反问,故选C。本题容易误选B,把本句看作是陈述句;容易误选A和D,是没有判断出祈使句。本题稍难。

  Ⅱ.16.as 根据“as much”可判断该空填as,构成“as…as”结构。

  17.in stand in the way意为“挡道,阻碍”,故填in。

  18.However 根据前后的转折关系可判断填However。

  19.which 该空引导非限制性定语从句修饰diets,且在从句中作主语,故填which。

  20.while/but 根据前后的转折对应关系可判断填空。

  21.our 根据句意“和我们的网友一起消磨时间”可知填our。

  22.a 此空表泛指,意为“一个原始洞穴”,故填a。

  23.what 该空引导宾语从句,且在从句中作doing的宾语,故填what。


  24.D 主旨大意题。本文为资讯,报道最新的研究发现,而该文的导语是第一段第一句,故根据Four out of ten women who diet end up heavier than when they started watching their waistline可知选D。

  25.B 细节理解题。根据第一段所介绍的研究结果可知,靠节食减肥的女人在达到她们的理想体重以后有可能出现反弹现象,即有可能重新增肥,故选B。

  26.C 词义猜测题。根据第四段Other popular reasons include comments by friends or relatives or their other half可推断画线词即为reasons的近义词,故选C。

  27.C 细节理解题。此题可采用排除法。 A项符合最后一段Many blamed pressure they put on themselves to lose weight too quickly for the weight gain, which leaves them with a bigger appetite than normal;B项符合最后一段Others blamed colleagues, who tuck into fatty lunches and snacks unaware of the effect it has on the dieter;D项符合最后一段mothers who polish off their children’s leftovers(剩饭)was another common cause of weight gain。由此判断余下的C项不符合文意,故选C。

  28.A 推理判断题。本文的话题是:靠节食减肥的女人在停止节食后又出现增肥现象。此话题属健康范畴,故选A。

  Ⅳ.29.Definition/Meaning/Concept 根据第一段Air pollution refers to the introduction of some harmful gases and particulate matter(颗粒物质) in the Earth’s atmosphere which in turn results in pollution of air…可判断。

  30.pollutes air 根据第一段Air pollution refers to the introduction of some harmful gases and particulate matter(颗粒物质) in the Earth’s atmosphere which in turn results in pollution of air…可判断。

  31.Causes 根据第一段There exist natural causes of air pollution可判断。

  32.Natural 根据第一段There exist natural causes of air pollution可判断。

  33.with oxygen 根据第二段When polluted air is inhaled(吸入) for breathing oxygen, several harmful gases are also inhaled along with this life-saving gas. These harmful gases are believed to affect animals in the same manner in which they affect humans.可判断。

  34.damaging their organs 根据第二段Experts also suggest that the particulate matter the animals inhale over a long period can gather in their tissues and cause damage to their organs in the long run.可判断。

  35.absorbed by animals 根据第二段animals can also come in contact with these contaminants from the food they eat and absorb them through their skin可判断。

  36.no chance 根据第三段The rapid rate at which air pollution is occurring is not even giving the animals a chance to adapt to the changes in the environment.可判断。

  37.Conclusion/Suggestion 根据全文最后一句可判断。

  38.should make efforts 根据全文最后一句可判断。


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