2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业6:Unit 3《Amazing people》(牛津译林版必修2湖南专用)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业6:Unit 3《Amazing people》(牛津译林版必修2湖南专用)

发布时间:2017-02-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业(六) [必修模块2 Unit 3 Amazing people]



  1.At last,all his efforts paid ________—he won the big prize as he wished.





  2.Justin Bieber’s rise to fame is an ________ story which________ thousands of young actors.

  A.inspiring;has inspired


  C.inspiring;had inspired

  D.inspired;has been inspiring

  3.________why he was late again,the boy just kept silent.

  A.When asking

  B.When he asked

  C.When he was asking

  D.When asked

  4.Thank you for all your hard work last week.I don’t think we ________ it without you.

  A.can manage

  B.could have managed

  C.could manage

  D.can have managed

  5.John’s success has nothing to do with good luck.It is years of hard work ________ has made him what he is today.





  6.Allow your daughter to go out to play for a moment,because her homework ________.

  A.is finished

  B.was finished

  C.has been finished

  D.had been finished

  7.My friend,Tom,left New York in 1976 and ________since then.

  A.hadn’t been heard of

  B.hasn’t been heard of

  C.hasn’t heard of

  D.hadn’t heard of

  8.—You speak very good Chinese.

  —Thanks.I ________ it for 4 years before I came to China.



  C.was studying

  D.had studied

  9.The father as well as three children ________ skiing every Sunday afternoon in winter.

  A.is going



  D.are going

  10.________ you promise to buy her a gift,you can’t break it in any case.





  11.The hero of the story is an artist in his ________,who lived in ________.

  A.thirty;the 1930s

  B.thirties;the 1930


  D.thirties;the 1930s

  12.In rap music,the singer,or rapper,will speak or rap the words ________ the beat.

  A.along with

  B.apart from

  C.all through

  D.up to

  13.After ________ seemed an endless effort,the patient was finally able to carry out ________ seemed a perfectly normal walk.





  14.—Do remember to take this medicine three times a day with warm boiled water.


  A.Heard it

  B.Got it

  C.Take it

  D.Make it

  15.The minister ________ your presence at the next meeting. Please get ready for it.






  Last month we finally got a chance to have a trip to E’mei Mountain,


  we had longed to do for ages.It was there


  I was amazed by the most beautiful scenery I had ever seen!

  The weather didn’t seem to welcome us when we got to Chengdu—it was quite wet and cold. On the coach heading to the mountain, I couldn’t help feeling disappointed. “What a bad day!” I said to myself when looking out of the window, “We may not be able to see a lot in the mountain.And


  a pity it will be if we miss the sunrise next morning!”

  The guide denied the possibility of a sunny day.“Actually, seldom


  we have bright sunshine here, especially in winter.” he said.

  Very early the next morning, amazingly, we got completely satisfied in a totally unexpected way.On the way up the mountain, we found everything was becoming white —it was snowing! We screamed. Arriving at the top of the mountain, we found


  in a white world that only existed in fairy tales.


  could help describe what we saw.We were jumping, screaming, taking photos, trying to fill our eyes


  everything we could see, because we knew that this was the


  time to see such beauty of the nature, and probably, the only time in our lives.


  Plants have family values, too, it seems, with new research suggesting they can recognize close relatives in order to work together.

  An ability to tell family from strangers is well known in animals, allowing them to cooperate and share resources, but plants may possess similar social skills, scientists believe.

  Susan Dudley and Amanda File of McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, report they have demonstrated for the first time that plants can recognize their kin.

  This suggests that plants, though lacking recognition and memory, are capable of complex social interactions.

  “Plants have this kind of hidden but complicated social life,” Dudley said.

  The study found plants from the same species of beach-dwelling wildflower grew aggressively alongside unrelated neighbors but were less competitive when they shared soil with their families.

  Sea rocket, a North American species, showed stronger and healthier root growth when planted in pots with strangers than when raised with relatives from the same maternal(母系的) family, the study found.

  This is an example of kin selection, a behavior common in animals in which closely related individuals take a group approach to succeeding in their environment, the researchers said.

  Kin selection also applies to competition, because if family members compete less with each other, the group will do better overall. “Everywhere you look, plants are growing right up next to other plants,” Dudley said,“ Usually it’s a case of each plant for itself. But sometimes those plants are related, and there are benefits to not wasting resources on being competitive, and there is not really a cost to not being competitive as long as your neighbor is also not being competitive.”

  Learning and memory appear to be important for kin recognition in animals, but this isn’t an option for plants, she noted.

  Some researchers speculate(猜测) that plants communicate through their roots, identifying themselves using tiny chemical signatures specific to each plant’s family.

  24.What’s the main idea of the message?

  A.Studies find plants can recognize, communicate with relatives.

  B.Kin selection is important for plants.

  C.Animals can recognize and memorize their relatives.

  D.Competition asks plants to recognize their relatives.

  25.Which of the following is NOT right about animals’ social skill?

  A.Animals can recognize and memorize their relatives.

  B.Animals’ social skill is to cooperate and share resources.

  C.Animals’ social skill can recognize close relatives in order to work together.

  D.Animals’ social skill is no use at all.

  26.Plants’ kin selection is to ________.

  A.grow well

  B.compete with other kinds of plants

  C.strengthen the relationship among siblings

  D.find which one is the best

  27.From the passage,we learn that ________.

  A.sea rocket is a South American species

  B.sea rocket grows aggressively alongside unrelated neighbors

  C.sea rocket grows aggressively alongside its siblings

  D.sea rocket is a kind of bush without flowers

  28.How can the plants communicate with each other according to experts’ suppose?

  A.Plants communicate by using tiny chemical signatures specific to each plant’s family.

  B.Plants communicate with each other through their roots.

  C.Plants communicate with each other by their leaves.

  D.Plants communicate with each other with their flowers.


  When I stepped out of the plane from Miami into Charlotte, North Carolina, airport for a connecting flight home, I immediately knew something was wrong. Lots of desperate people crowded the terminal. I quickly learned that flights headed to the Northeast were called off because of a storm. The earliest they could get us out of Charlotte was Tuesday. It was Friday. A gate agent stood on the counter and shouted, “Don’t ask us for help! We cannot help you!”

  I joined a crowd that ran from terminal to terminal in search of a flight out. Eventually, I found six strangers willing to rent a van with me. We drove through the night to Washington, where I took a train the rest of the way to Providence.

  The real problem, of course, is that incidents like this happen every day, to everyone who flies, more and more often. It really gets to me, though, because for eight years I was on the other side, as a flight attendant for Trans-World Airlines (TWA).

  I know the days are gone when attendants could be written up if we did not put the lines napkins with the TWA logo in the lower right-hand corner of the first-class diners’ trays. As are the days when there were three dinner options on flights from Boston to Los Angeles in economy class. When, once, stuck on a tarmac(机场停机坪) in Newark for four hours, a planeload of passengers got McDonald’s hamburgers and fries by thoughtfulness of the airline.

  I have experienced the decline of service along with the rest of the flying public. But I believe everything will change little by little, because I remember the days when to fly was to soar (翱翔). The airlines, and their employees, took pride in how their passengers were treated. And I think the days are sure to come back one day in the near future.

  29.Why did many people crowd the terminal? (No more than 8 words)


  30. How did the writer get to Providence at last? (No more than 2 words)


  31. Why did the author mention the incident in Miami? (No more than 5 words)


  32. What can be implied from the passage? (No more than 14 words)




  Ⅰ.1.B won the big prize暗示该空表示“得到回报”,因此应用pay off短语。

  2.A  考查inspire的用法和动词的时态。inspiring鼓舞人心的,启发灵感的,常用来修饰物;inspired有灵感的,常用来指人。所以第一空用inspiring。根据本句的时态可知第二空选用现在的某种时态,所以选择A项正确。

  3.D 考查连词+分词形式作状语。根据句意“那个男孩被追问为什么迟到”可知,选择D项正确。

  4.B  could have done表示对过去某事的一种假设,说的是与现在事实相反的情况。句意:感谢你们上周的努力工作,我想如果没有你们,我们是不可能完成它的。

  5.C 考查强调句型。强调句型的基本结构:It is/was+被强调内容+that(who/whom)+其他内容。本句强调了主语years of hard work,原句即Years of hard work has made him what he is today.

  6.C 考查动词的时态。由语境可判断该空表示“到目前为止她的作业已经被完成了”,故用现在完成时的被动语态,选C。

  7.B 考查动词的时态和语态。句意:我的朋友汤姆1976年离开纽约,从那时起就没有听到过他的消息。

  8.D 考查动词的时态。此处before I came to China表明study发生在“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。

  9.C 主语部分是as well as并列的两个名词,谓语动词的人称和数与前面的主语the father保持一致,即用第三人称单数形式,由此排除B、D两项。再根据句末的时间状语确定用一般现在时,所以选C。句意:父亲和三个孩子在冬天的每个周日下午去滑雪。

  10.A 考查连词。句意:一旦你承诺给她买礼物,无论怎样你都不能失信。

  11.D  in one’s thirties在某人三十多岁时,in the 1930s或in the 1930’s在二十世纪三十年代。

  12.A  along with“和……一起”,apart from“除……之外”,all through“自始至终”,up to“直到”。句意:说唱者一边说一边敲击。

  13.A  after 在……之后;carry out执行。两空均用what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作主语。

  14.B 考查交际用语。句意:——务必记着用温开水一日吃三次药。——我明白了。此处get it意为:明白了。

  15.B 考查动词辨析。句意:部长希望你出席下次会议。请做好准备。hope后不能直接跟人作宾语;desire要求,想要;long渴望,是不及物动词;wish希望,强调希望渺茫,根据后句可知此项不符。故选B项。

  Ⅱ.16.which 该空引导非限制性定语从句且在从句中作宾语,故填which。

  17.that 此句为强调句型,被强调部分为there,故填that。

  18.what 此句为感叹句,根据空后的“a pity”可判断填what。

  19.do 否定词seldom置于句首引起部分倒装,故填助动词do。

  20.ourselves 根据句意“我们发现自己处在一片雪白的世界里”可判断填ourselves。

  21.Nothing 根据句意“什么也无法描述我们所看到的一切”填不定代词Nothing。

  22.with 根据习惯搭配“fill…with…”可判断。

  23.first 根据句意“这是第一次看到这么美丽的景色”可判断填first。


  24.A  主旨大意题。全文说明研究发现:植物也可以辨别亲属,和亲属交流共生而和其他植物生长在一起时则疯狂排挤竞争。

  25.D  细节理解题。从第二段可以判断出动物的社会能力非常有用,是为了合作,为了共享资源,而不是没用。

  26.B  细节理解题。从倒数第三段看出,植物的亲属判断力是为了竞争。

  27.B  推理判断题。倒数第五段提到sea rocket和其他种类的植物长在一起时根系发达,具有侵略性,这是为了和其他植物竞争,夺取更多的资源。

  28.B  细节理解题。最后一段说明科学家猜测植物之间的交流可能是用根进行的,用微小的化学成分去验明是否是亲属。

  Ⅳ.29.Because the flights to the Northeast were canceled. 根据第一段Lots of desperate people crowded the terminal. I quickly learned that flights headed to the Northeast were called off because of a storm.可判断作答。

  30.By train.  根据第二段We drove through the night to Washington, where I took a train the rest of the way to Providence.可判断作答。

  31.To bring out the topic.  根据第二、三段的过渡可判断作答。

  32.The writer thought the service was not as good as it used to be.  根据最后一段可判断作答。


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