2017届高三英语(北师大版广东专用)一轮复习课件:M6 unit 17《Laughter》(第2课时)-查字典英语网
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2017届高三英语(北师大版广东专用)一轮复习课件:M6 unit 17《Laughter》(第2课时)

发布时间:2017-02-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  * I was able to study more effectively. The movie gave me one extra lesson: Play is as important as work.

  In a word, seeing a movie at home or in the cinema depends on your favor. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Part 2 Of 2 2017届名校联合高三英语一轮复习北师大版广东专用

  10. run into 跑进;陷入;偶然遇见

  I ran into an old friend of mine in the street.


  (run into=come across)

  We saw them run into a cinema.


  I ran into trouble on the last problem on the test.

  我被最后一道测验题难住了。 ①run可作为名词,意为“跑,奔”。

  I take a ten-minute run before breakfast every day.

  我每天早饭前跑步10分钟。 ②也可作为动词,除了表示“跑步”外,还可表示


  My father ran a camera store last year.


  He’s running a big business. 他做着大生意。 on the run

  跑着,逃跑 run after

  追赶 run for

  竞选 run away

  逃跑 run out of sth.

  用完了某东西 sth. run out

  某东西用完了 1. 我曾经经营过一家书店。

  _____________________________________ 2. 有条狗正在追赶一只母鸡。

  _____________________________________ 3. 石油很快就会被用完。

  _____________________________________ 4. 如果你的钱用完了,你就来找我吧。


  _____________________________________ I used to run a bookstore. A dog is running after a hen. The petrol will run out soon. If you’ve run out of money, just come to me. / If your money has run out, just come to me.


  文娱与体育是指电影和戏剧、音乐和舞蹈、影视节目、体育锻炼、球类运动、田径运动、文体竞赛(包括奥运会Olympic Games, 世界杯World Cup,足球联赛Football League,全国运动会 National Games,世界大学生运动会 World University Games)、观众与粉丝等。

  就读写任务而言,命题人可能就体育锻炼对人的健康的好处、音乐对人的成长的作用、公平竞争的体育精神、公众过度关注明星的私生活、明星的高收入问题、明星的偶像作用、明星的不良行为对粉丝产生的不良影响、怎样去做一个文明的体育比赛的观众等话题发表看法。 实用表达 TV programs 电视节目 Oscar Awards 奥斯卡奖 science fiction film 科幻片 public figure 公众人物 break the record 打破记录 record holder 记录保持者

  have an effect on… 对……有影响 get rid of bad moods 摆脱糟糕的情绪 benefit a lot 受益匪浅 get a whole new refresh feeling 重新振奋 make you relaxed and release you from the pressure 使你放松并摆脱压力 rest our brains and eyes 休息大脑和眼睛 are beneficial to the body and mind 有益于身心健康 rise to fame 成名 arouse a heated debate 引起激烈的争论


  I like water gymnastics best for many reasons. First of all, I am a good swimmer. Therefore, I am interested in all kinds of Olympic swimming sports. Especially, I am fond of water gymnastics for two major reasons — the amazing movements and those sexy and those very beautiful women swimmers. Most importantly,

  I like the great music and their amazing performance in water ballet. When I watch this Olympic sport, I can learn their professional techniques in swimming.

  For example, swimmers' performance is evaluated based on a series of predetermined elements. Arm sections and figures, similar to those of figure skating, are also required, and all elements must be presented in a specific order.

  Because synchronized (同步的) swimming routines require exceptional breath control, judges also take into consideration the ability of the swimmers to preserve the illusion (幻想) of effortlessness while holding their breath for up to two minutes. 【写作内容】 1.以约30个词概括短文的要点: 2.然后以120个词写一篇英语短文谈谈你喜欢的体育运动项目,并包括如下要点: (1)你喜欢哪一种体育运动项目; (2)说明你的理由; (3)该体育运动项目对你的日常生活造成的某些影响和感想。




  该篇读写任务所给文章属于说明文文体,摘要部分我们首先要概括出作者所要说明的问题“I like water gymnastics best.” 然后再概括“like water gymnastics”的原因。本文的概要必须包含以下要点:I like water gymnastics best for many reasons./Especially,

  I am fond of water gymnastics for two major reasons — the amazing movements and those sexy and those very beautiful women swimmers./ For example, swimmers' performance is evaluated based on a series of predetermined elements. 时态应选用一般现在时。



  I Have Fallen in Deep Love with Football

  In the above passage, the writer tells us the reasons why he likes water gymnastics, such as the amazing movements and those sexy and those very beautiful women swimmers.

  Among various sports, I like football best. The reasons are as follows. First, by playing football, I can strengthen my body. Besides, playing football provides me with the chance to compete with my teammates, which is beneficial to increase my team spirit and learn how to work with others.

  Since I am somewhat crazy about football, I have spent lots of time doing many things related to football, which certainly disturbs my normal study. I can't concentrate so much on my lessons, falling asleep in class the next day and not finishing my homework on time that I have almost lost interest in my studies.

  How should I deal with the contradiction between my studies and hobbies?

  Some helpful suggestions are needed. Meanwhile, I quite regret that I shouldn't have been addicted to football so much. Maybe, I will get out of the trouble with my efforts and fall in love with my study again.


  Do you wish you could watch the latest Hollywood releases without leaving the comfort of your home? You might be able to do just that soon — if you've got the cash.

  Prima Cinema is a new service in the USA that will offer subscribers the opportunity to watch brand new films on the day of their release.

  At the moment, movie fans generally have to wait at least a couple of months before a picture is released on DVD or for digital download. For some people, that makes ‘home cinema’ just a phrase.

  That might seem a lot of money but the expenditure doesn't end there. Each film will cost $500 (3,200 yuan) and since every download will be around 30 gigabytes(千兆字节), movie fans will probably need a high­end Internet connection.

  Prima Cinema's founder, Jason Pang, is sure that there are enough rich people with expensive home theatre setups to make this new venture work.

  But what about the experience of going to the cinema? Could this new service mean the end of going to the multiplex cinema (多屏幕电影) to catch a flick on a Friday night?


  2.然后以约120词谈谈你的见解,内容包括: (1)你对这种在家观看新片且花费不小的服务的看法; (2)描述一次你自己或别人看电影的经历。 ________________________________________________________________________

  One possible version:

  Prima Cinema is a service to provide movie fans with opportunities to see newly­released movies at the first time. Though this needs a large sum of money, Jason, Prima Cinema's founder, is optimistic about the future market.

  For me, this new service doesn't mean much. The film tickets are too expensive nowadays, not to mention that expense. But I cannot deny that it is time­consuming and inconvenient to go to the cinema while many people are waiting in a long queue outside the cinema. Therefore, there is still a large group of potential movie fans to accept the service.

  I have been so busy with study that I hardly have any opportunity to go to the movies. Last night, however, an idea came to me that perhaps going to a movie would help relax my tense mind. So I went. It was a very funny comedy. Most of the audience, including myself, didn't stop laughing from the beginning to the end. The picture really relaxed me.

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


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