2017届高三英语(北师大版广东专用)一轮复习课件:M3 unit 9《Wheels》(第1课时)-查字典英语网
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2017届高三英语(北师大版广东专用)一轮复习课件:M3 unit 9《Wheels》(第1课时)

发布时间:2017-02-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Part 1 Of 2 2017届名校联合高三英语一轮复习北师大版广东专用

  1. save vt.


  If I go on the bus, it will save me a long walk.


  save sb. (from) doing sth. 省得某人做某事, from也可省去,省去from后,sb.也可改成one’s。

  Your help saved me from having to go out again. =Your help saved me having to go out again. 你的帮助省得我再外出一趟。 ②挽救

  His life was saved by the doctor’s efforts.


  He saved the boy from drowning.

  他救起了落水的男孩,使他免于淹死。 save表示“救”时,和它搭配的介词from不能省。如上句。 ③储存

  He’s trying to save up for a new car.


  1. 干吗不这样做呢?这样可省去你许多麻烦。

  Why not do it this way? It’ll

  _____________________. 2. 我们一直在攒钱,打算去澳大利亚。

  We ____________________ to go to Australia. save you much trouble have been saving up 2. convenient adj. 方便的,合适的

  It is very convenient to pay by credit card.

  用信用卡付款非常方便。 意为“方便的,合适的”,一般不以人作主语,而用it作形式主语,构成it is convenient for sb. to do sth.这一句型。

  We must arrange a convenient time and place

  for the meeting.

  我们必须安排一个合适的时间和地点开会。 convenience n. [U] 合适,方便,无困难;[C] 有用的/方便的事,设备或安排 I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience. 我把参考书放在桌子附近以求方便。 It was a great convenience to have the doctor living near us. 有医生住在我们附近是很方便的。 你明天开始工作方便吗?


  ____________________________________ 请在方便时回信。


  ____________________________________ Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow? Please send me an answer at your

  convenience. 3. benefit vt. & vi. (使)得益;n. 好处 benefit sb. / sth. 使某人/物得益 benefit from sb. / sth.从某人/物获益 be of benefit to sb. 对某人有益

  The fresh air will benefit you.


  We benefit from the advanced scientific technology. =The advanced scientific technology benefits us. 先进的科学技术使我们受益匪浅。 beneficial adj. 有好处的,有益的 be beneficial to sb. 对某人有益 用benefit,beneficial的适当形式填空 1. The new railway will __________ the villagers. 2. The villagers will ____________ the new railway. 3. The new railway will be of __________ the

  villagers. 4. The new railway will be _____________ the

  villagers. benefit benefit from benefit to beneficial to 4. appreciate vt. 欣赏,感激




  We appreciate your efforts for the development

  of the company.

  我们感激你对公司发展所作的努力。 We shall appreciate hearing from you again. 我们将乐于再次收到你的来信。 I’d appreciate it if you like to teach me how to

  use the computer. 如果你愿意教我用电脑,我会满怀感激。 I appreciate your _________(call) back tonight. I would much appreciate _____ if you could

  come to my party. calling it 5. admit ①vi. 表示“允许进入某地”,可与介词into或to连用, 但into一般表示具体概念,to表示抽象概念(参加)。 He was admitted into the hospital with minor burns.

  他因轻度烧伤而入院。 Such people shouldn't be admitted to the Party. 这样的人不允许入党。

  ②vt. 承认,可用于三个句型: admit+名词: I admitted my mistake.

  我承认我的错。 admit+that从句:

  I must admit that it's more difficult than I thought it would be. 我必须承认,这比我想象的要困难得多。 admit+doing:

  He admitted having told a lie.

  他承认他撒了一个谎。 ③admit of 容许;有……的余地(不能以人作主语) His problem did not really admit of any solution. 他的问题真是没有解决的可能。 1.只有持票者才可进入体育场。 ________________________________________________________________________ 2.他承认没有得到允许就进入了那间办公室。 ________________________________________________________________________

  【答案】 1.Only ticket­holders will be admitted into the stadium. 2.He admitted having entered the office without any permission.

  6. addicted adj. 沉溺于……的

  He is addicted to computer games.

  他迷上了电脑游戏。 addict oneself to 沉溺于 be / become / get addicted to 沉溺于,醉心于 很多年轻人沉迷于上网。


  _____________________________________ 一旦你染上了毒瘾,你就很难把它戒掉。


  _____________________________________ Many young people are addicted to surfing the net. Once you get addicted to drugs, it’s rather difficult for you to get rid of them. 7. argue vi. 争论; vt. 坚决主张,提出理由证明; 说服,劝说 Why are they always arguing? 为什么他们老是争吵? Columbus argued that the earth is round. 哥伦布论证地球是圆的。 8. provide vt. 供应,供给,准备 provide against 为……作好准备,预防 provide for 为……作准备,防备 provide…with… 给……提供…… provided (that) 只要,如果(用作连词) The temple provided food for the hungry people. 寺庙为饥饿的人们提供食物。 They provide the city with fresh milk. 他们为这个城市的人们提供新鲜的牛奶。 You should save some money and provide for

  the future. 你应该存些钱为将来作准备。 如果你们去野营,我们可以为你们提供一顶


  If you want to go camping, we can _________

  you _________ a tent. 只要我身体好,我一定陪伴你。

  I will accompany you

  ___________________________. provide provided (that) I’m well enough with * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


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