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发布时间:2017-02-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



  1.What does the woman think the man should do?

  A.Take the day off.

  B.Go to school.

  C.Take an exam.

  2.What does the woman advise the man to do?

  A.Stop listening to something.

  B.Stop to listen to something.

  C.Stop using headphones.

  3.When should Ada get here?

  A.At 1210.

  B.At 1150.

  C.At 1012.

  4.What do we know about the woman?

  A.She wants to stay and see Tom.

  B.She is too busy to see Tom.

  C.She doesn't want to see Tom at all.

  5.What does the woman mean?

  A.They prefer to stand.

  B.They can't find seats.

  C.They can sit near the stage.




  6.Who is Mr. Bond?

  A.The man's boss.

  B.The man's friend.

  C.The woman's husband.

  7.Where are the speakers going to spend their holiday?

  A.In England.

  B.In Scotland.

  C.In Ireland.


  8.What do you know about the brochure?

  A.It is a latest­edition map.

  B.It is for geography students.

  C.It costs the man nothing.

  9.Which does the woman recommend the man see?




  10.Where will the man go?

  A.He will go nowhere.

  B.He will go to Lantau.

  C.He has not decided yet.


  11.Where does the

  conversation most probably take place?

  A.In a company.

  B.In a hospital.

  C.In a museum.

  12.What does the man want to do here?

  A.Find a job.

  B.Have an appointment.

  C.Know the work hours.

  13.When does the conversation take place?

  A.At eight thirty in the morning.

  B.At one in the afternoon.

  C.At about eleven in the morning.


  14.What do we know about the speakers?

  A.They live in London.

  B.It is their first time in England.

  C.They study in Scotland.

  15.How can the speakers get to the Tower of London from where they are?

  A.Go straight, turn right then walk ahead.

  B.Walk along the river then turn left.

  C.Walk to the river, turn left then go straight.

  16.How will the speakers tour around the city?

  A.On foot.

  B.By bicycle.

  C.By bus.


  17.What does Obama's victory mean?

  A.He has become the 41st President of the United States.

  B.He's become USA's first black President­elect.

  C.He will be the first African­American in the US history.

  18.Which is NOT mentioned as a serious challenge for Obama?

  A.Civil wars.

  B.Weather change.

  C.Financial crisis.

  19.When did Obama exercise his duty as President?

  A.On January 20,2009.

  B.On January 12,2009.

  C.Right after the election.

  20.Which of the following best describes how Obama felt in his victory speech?

  A.Dependent and joyless.

  B.Hopeful and confident.

  C.Proud and over optimistic.


  1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C

  10.C 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.B

  18.A 19.A 20.B


  Text 1

  M:It's such a nice day today. I really don't feel like going to school.

  W:But exams are coming up next week.

  Text 2

  M:Doctor, my hearing is weakening.

  W:I suggest you do not use those headphones while listening to something.

  Text 3

  M:Mary, can you tell me when Ada will get here?

  W:I'm not sure, but she is supposed to be here at ten to twelve.

  Text 4

  M:Are you leaving?

  W:I am afraid so.

  M:Why not stay a few more days until Tom comes back?

  W:Well, don't you know he is the last man I want to see?

  Text 5

  M:Let's try to find seats near the stage.

  W:Listen, we'll be lucky if we can find a place to stand at this concert.

  Text 6

  M:Oh, by the way, I had a word with Mr. Bond today and it'll be all right for me to have my holidays in June as we wanted.

  W:Oh, good. That means we can actually have a holiday this year.

  M:Yes, I suppose. The problem now is where to go.

  W:Well, I've been thinking about it. Last time we went to Ireland and England but not up to Scotland.

  What about going there?

  M:Umm, that's not a bad idea. Scotland's very beautiful in June—and it probably won't be too crowded.

  Text 7

  M:Hello. I'd like a copy of brochure, please. How much is that?

  W:It's free. There's one map inside.

  M:Oh. Thank you very much. Look, I'm only here for three days. What are the best places to see?

  W:Well...There is a lot you could do. Are you interested in visiting some islands such as Lantau?


  W:Yes, there are a lot of interesting things you can see there; there are old villages and temples. And the scenery is very nice. This brochure tells you more. You could think about it.

  M:Well... I will. Thanks a lot indeed!

  W:You're welcome.

  Text 8

  M:Excuse me, Miss! Could you please tell me if this is the way to the Business Department?

  W:Yes, it is. Go to the far end of the hall, then turn right, and you'll be there.

  M:Thank you. By the way, what time do you start to work here?

  W:We start at eight thirty in the morning.

  M:Do you have a break between twelve and two?

  W:No, we only have a one­hour break for lunch. We start at one o'clock in the afternoon.

  M:Do you ever work overtime?

  W:Yes, but only when we are very busy. That rarely happens. Sir, aren't you going to the Business Department?

  M:I almost forgot I have an appointment with the director of the Business Department at eleven o'clock. I should have been there five minutes ago. Sorry to rush away like this.

  Text 9

  M:OK, we only have two days in London to see as much as possible before we go back to Scotland.

  W:Yeah, summer has passed so quickly. I can't believe we have to get back to university already.

  M:Let's not think about that now. Let's think about where to go.

  W:Why don't we start with the tower of London?

  M:According to the map, we just walk straight down this road until we reach the Thames River. Then we turn right and walk along the river...

  W:Hmm. That's pretty far. It's too far to walk.

  M:What about hiring some bikes? We could ride there.

  W:Maybe. But London is so big, I am not sure we can see everything in two days even on bikes.

  M:We could go on one of the big red tourist buses. They go past most of the famous landmarks in the city.

  W:But if we want to get off somewhere, we waste our money.

  M:Not at all. You can get on and off any of the tourist buses by showing your ticket, we can use it for 24 hours.

  W:Perfect. Let's go and get our tickets now.

  Text 10

  Forty­five years ago Martin Luther King had a dream of an America where men and women would be judged not on the colour of their skin but on the content of their character. Today what America has done is turn that dream into a reality.After a hard­fought campaign, Obama has won the US presidential election, and has become the 44th President of the United States—the first African­American in the country's history to do so.President­elect Obama took office on 20 January, 2009.However, he is facing many serious challenges, including two foreign wars, climate change and what he has described as “the worst financial crisis in a century”. In his victory speech, he said, “The road ahead will be long.Our climb will be difficult. We may not get there in one year or even in one term, but America—I have ever been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there.”

  第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


  21.—Are you still thinking about yesterday's party?

  —Oh, that's ________.

  A.what makes me feel excited

  B.whatever I fell excited about

  C.how I feel about it

  D.when I feel excited

  答案与解析:A 考查表语从句。what引导名词性从句时,充当句子的成分,可作主语、宾语或表语,此题中what引导的是表语从句,它在从句中作主语。

  22.I am heavily ________ at the moment, but I hope to be out of it when I get paid.

  A.in debt 

  B.in trouble

  C.of difficulty

  D.in danger

  答案与解析:A 句意:我现在陷入严重的债务危机中,但是我希望发了工资后会摆脱债务困扰。由后半句的“out of it when I get paid”可知A项正确。in debt“欠债”。in trouble“陷入困境”;in danger“陷入危险”。

  23.She has been ________ over his strange letter for several weeks, but she still figures out nothing about it.





  答案与解析:A 句意:她对他那封奇怪的信苦苦思索了好几周,可还是没弄明白。puzzle over...意为“对……苦苦思索”。

  24.—Were you told to attend the meeting? I didn't see you anyway.

  —________, but I had an accident on the way.

  A.I was going

  B.I would

  C.I should have

  D.I'd like to

  答案与解析:C 根据上下文可知,“我本该去,但路上出了事,所以没有去”。should have done表示“本该做而没有做”。如果A项改为I was going to也是正确的。

  25.—Have you finished the report?

  —Oh, sorry. It was so noisy in the office that I couldn't ________ down to write anything.





  答案与解析:A settle down意为“平静下来;专心于”。其余选项均不符合句意。

  26.—I'll ask the teacher about the attributive clause. I'm very puzzled about it.

  —That's just ________ most of our classmates have doubt.





  答案与解析:C 句意:——我要问老师定语从句的问题。我对它感到很困惑。——那也是大部分同学有疑问的地方。where引导的是表语从句,have doubt on/about“怀疑……”,doubt后无介词,所以用where。

  27.—We are afraid we can't finish the task ________ a month.

  —Take your time, but next month you'll have a new one.





  答案与解析:A within“在……里;在……之内”,后常接表示某个特定范围的名词。within a month“在一个月内”。

  28.—I come all the way to say “Thank you” and we ________ it without you.

  —Think nothing of it.

  A.should have done

  B.mustn't have done

  C.couldn't have done

  D.needn't have done

  答案与解析:C 问句句意为:我专程来向你道谢,如果没有你,我们一定做不了这件事。should have done表示“本应该做某事而没有做”,needn't have done意为“本不必做某事”,放在此处都不符合句意;B项must表推测时不能用于否定句。couldn't have done意为“过去不可能做……”。

  29.In many countries in the world, breakfast is a snack ________ a meal, but the traditional English breakfast is a full meal.

  A.other than

  B.more than

  C.rather than

  D.less than

  答案与解析:C 句意:在世界上很多国家,早餐是小吃而不是一顿饭,但是传统的英国早餐是一顿正餐。rather than“而不是”,符合句意。other than“不同于;除了”;more than“不仅仅;超过”;less than“不如;少于”。

  30.The fact ________ this country spends more on its military than on education and health care combined is a serious and worrying thought.





  答案与解析:C 句意:这个国家在军队上的投入超过教育和健康投入的总和,这一事实很严重也很令人担忧。that引导同位语从句,具体解释说明fact的内容。

  31.There was a lot of fun at the party. You ________, but why didn't you?

  A.should come

  B.ought to have come

  C.may have come

  D.must have come

  答案与解析:B 句意:晚会很有趣,你本该来,但为什么没来?根据句意可知“应该做,但没做”,故用ought to/should have done形式。

  32.I don't understand how you should spend so much money in only one month. Please ________ each sum of the money you spent to me.

  A.make out

  B.account for



  答案与解析:B 句意:我不明白你一个月怎么花掉这么多钱,我要你向我说明你所花掉的每一笔钱的用途。account for“解释;说明”,符合句意。make out“弄清楚;辨认出来”;describe“描写;描述”;record“记录”。

  33.They were determined to carry out the plan at first, but then we ________ persuade them to change their minds.



  C.were able to

  D.had to

  答案与解析:C 句意:他们一开始决定执行这个计划,但后来我们说服他们改变了主意。were able to表经过一番努力,成功地做成某事,相当于managed to do sth.; could只表过去一般性的能力。

  34.It even leaves the scientists in wonder ________ they should call the newly­born creature, which looks halfhuman and half­animal.





  答案与解析:C 句意:这甚至使科学家们也困惑了,他们不知道叫这个看起来一半像人一半像动物的新生动物什么。it是形式主语,此空引导主语从句,并在从句中作宾补,故选what。call sb. sth.为惯用词组。

  35.—I am so glad I caught you at home. I need your help!

  —________, Robin?

  A.What's up

  B.What else

  C.How come

  D.Why not

  答案与解析:A 句意:——碰上你在家,我很高兴,我需要你的帮助。——怎么了,罗宾?what's up“怎么了”,符合句意。what else“还有什么”;how come“怎么会……”;why not“为什么不呢”。

  第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  “Today is the day I start the big diet (节食),” I told my wife as I raised my hand and

  __36__, “No chocolate today!”

  “Oh, has the hospital gift shop


  selling it?” she asked.

  “No,” I said. “I'll just have to


  my strong determination.”

  But when I arrived at the hospital, my little friend Benton had been there

  __39__. I knew my promise would


  disappear. Because if Benton had things his way, I'd always be eating a piece of candy from the


  bag he often shared with me.

  Benton was an eight­year­old boy who was


  because of a kind of cancer, which caused him to live in the darkness, when he was fifteen


  old. For the next twenty­six months, he was in and out of our hospital. For nearly four years, it seemed


  Benton could beat the disease, until one Friday afternoon in April 2009, when he


  a headache and lost


  on his right side. His mom


  him to the hospital.

  Over the next several months, Benton came to our

  __48__ many more times. Each time he came, we


  say hello, while Benton answered the


  by holding out a candy from his bag.

  So, on that first day of my diet, I went to his room and found Benton lying in his bed, his eyes


  but not looking into this world.

  “We brought his candy bag with us. Would you like to have some?” his mother asked.

  Without thinking of my diet, I


  into the bag and pulled out the first piece my fingers touched. It was my favorite as if Benton had saved one last piece


  me. At home that evening, I answered a phone about Benton's

  __54__. As I __55__

  it up, I opened the candy and ate it.

  36. A. shouted

  B. answered

  C. stated

  D. promised

  37. A. stopped

  B. continued

  C. kept

  D. tried

  38. A. base on

  B. depend on

  C. insist on

  D. keep on

  39. A. once

  B. yet

  C. again

  D. early

  40. A. suddenly

  B. quickly

  C. quietly

  D. shortly

  41. A. bottomless

  B. countless

  C. endless

  D. beltless

  42. A. ill

  B. injured

  C. deaf

  D. blind

  43. A. years

  B. seasons

  C. months

  D. days

  44. A. even though

  B. as though

  C. if only

  D. as with

  45. A. found

  B. developed

  C. managed

  D. provided

  46. A. movement

  B. touch

  C. motion

  D. sight

  47. A. hurried

  B. brought

  C. rushed

  D. carried

  48. A. home

  B. room

  C. office

  D. hospital

  49. A. would

  B. could

  C. should

  D. must

  50. A. meeting

  B. greeting

  C. encouraging

  D. praising

  51. A. closed

  B. glimpsed

  C. glared

  D. opened

  52. A. ran

  B. touched

  C. reached

  D. felt

  53. A. at

  B. for

  C. with

  D. on

  54. A. illness

  B. blindness

  C. death

  D. sadness

  55. A. put

  B. hung

  C. set

  D. gave


  36.D promise“允诺,许诺”。我举起手向妻子保证今天不吃巧克力。下文信息I knew my promise would...也有暗示。

  37.A stop doing sth.“停止做某事”。听说我要节食,不再吃巧克力,妻子诙谐地问是不是医院的礼品店不卖巧克力了。

  38.B depend on“依靠,依赖,取决于”。我依靠我强烈的决心节食。

  39.C 当我到医院时那小孩儿又在那儿了。

  40.B quickly“快,迅速地,很快地”。这个小孩子在那儿,我明白我节食的承诺很快就会消失。注意,shortly“不久,不多时”,不符合文意。

  41.A bottomless“取之不尽的,无限的”。这里讲包中的糖似乎取之不尽。

  42.D blind“瞎的”。后文中的信息which caused him to live in the darkness有暗示。

  43.C 首先应排除years,如果Benton 15岁时患病,就与本段开头的“an eight­year­old boy”矛盾了。下一句“For the next twenty­six months, he was in and out of our hospital.”有暗示。

  44.B as though/as if“好像,似乎,仿佛”。看起来Benton似乎能击败病魔……。

  45.B develop“(开始)患(病)”。2009年4月的一个星期五的下午Benton开始头痛。

  46.A movement“行动,移动,行进,运动”。Benton右侧身体无法移动,失去知觉。注意:motion表示“(物体的)运动,移动,(天体的)运行;动作,姿态,手势;动机,意向”。如:The train was in motion.火车开动了。All her motions were graceful.她的一举一动都很优雅。He did that of his own motion.他出于自愿做了那件事。

  47.C rush此处用作及物动词,意为“快速运输,速送”。

  48.D 上文提到Benton的母亲将他送到医院,因此这里是说,在接下来的几个月里,他又多次来我们医院。

  49.A would用于表示习惯性动作,如:On Sundays he would sleep late.每逢星期天他总睡懒觉。文中讲Benton来医院时,我们总向他问好。

  50.B greeting“问候,招呼”。我们向Benton问好,他则常给我们糖。

  51.D opened“开的,敞开的,不闭塞的”。后文信息but not looking into this world有暗示,注意句中信息词“but”。

  52.C reach“伸手(或脚等)够到,触及”。我的手伸进包,取出我手指接触到的那颗糖。

  53.B for“为了,为……目的”,此处表示对象或目的。这是一颗我最喜欢吃的糖,好像是Benton特意为我留下的。

  54.C 不幸地是我那个晚上在家里接到了Benton死去的噩耗。

  55.B hang up“挂断电话”。我挂断电话,剥开那颗糖,吃掉了(暗示回味我和Benton的这段经历)。

  第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

  第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



  Early one morning the sub­inspector at a station at the other end of the town rang me. An elephant was damaging the town. Would I please come and do something about it?

  I did not know what I could do, but I got onto a horse and started out.

  I took my gun, maybe too small to kill an elephant, but I thought the noise might scare him. Various local people stopped me on the way and told me about the elephant's doings.

  It was not, of course, a wild elephant, but a tame one. It had been chained up but last night it had broken its chain and escaped. Its owner had set out to run after it, but had taken the wrong direction. He was now twelve hours' journey away, and in the morning the elephant had suddenly appeared in the town. It had already destroyed somebody's bamboo hut (棚屋), killed a cow and turned over fruit­stalls.

  I came round the hut and saw a man's dead body sprawling in the mud.

  He was an Indian, and he could not have been dead many minutes. The people said that the elephant caught him with its trunk, put its foot on his back and grounded him into the earth. This was the rainy season and he was lying on his stomach in the soft mud, the__peacebreaker standing beside, looking innocent.

  As I lifted my gun, I hesitated a few seconds. Then I fired. That was a shot that did for him.

  You could see the pain of it knock the last strength from his legs. But in falling he seemed for a moment to rise, his trunk reaching skyward like a tree. He trumpeted, for the first and only time. And then down he came, with a crash that shook the ground.

  56. Which of the following statements about the author is TRUE?

  A. He was an Indian.

  B. He knew elephants well.

  C. He was not a local villager.

  D. He was the owner of the elephant.

  57. The elephant made so much trouble because ________.

  A. its owner treated him cruelly

  B. it got out of control

  C. it hated the village people

  D. it was a wild elephant

  58. The underlined words “the peacebreaker” in Paragraph 4 refer to ________.

  A. the elephant

  B. the dead man

  C. the author

  D. the sub­inspector

  59. It can be inferred that the author felt ________ when he shot the elephant.

  A. excited

  B. sad

  C. frightened

  D. happy


  56.C 正误判断题。A项错是因为被大象踩死的那个人是印度人;B项错是因为作者根本不了解大象;D项错在作者根本不是大象的主人。从第一段和第二段知,作者是奉命带上枪去制止那头捣乱的大象的,应该是警察,故C项正确,即他不是村民。

  57.B 推理判断题。从第三段知那头驯养的大象跑了出来,造成了不少麻烦。文章中没有提到A、C项,故只是那头大象失去了控制。

  58.A 指代题。从画线词the peacebreaker前后可知,它就是那头捣乱的大象。

  59.B 推理判断题。从最后一段描述的作者开枪前的犹豫及对大象死前挣扎的描述可知作者是很悲伤的。


  Although there are many ways in which people communicate through speech, public speaking has probably received more study and attracted more attention than any other. Politicians winning an election, salespeople presenting products and etc. All depend upon this form of public communication. Even people who do not make speaking a part of their daily work are often asked to make public speeches: students at graduation, for instance, or members of churches, clubs or other organizations. Nearly everyone speaks in public at some time or other, and those who perform the task well often become leaders.

  There are many reasons for speaking in public. A public speaker may hope to teach an audience about new ideas, or provide information about some topic. Creating a good feeling or entertaining an audience may be another purpose.

  Public speakers, however, most often seek to persuade an audience to accept new opinions, to take certain actions, or to see the world in a new way.

  Public speakers usually know well in advance when they are scheduled to make a speech. Consequently, they are able to prepare their message before they deliver it.

  Sometimes, though, speakers must deliver the message unprepared, or off the cuff, such as when they are asked to speak at a wedding reception or to participate in an interview.

  When they do not have to speak unprepared, most speakers write their own speeches. Politicians and business managers sometimes employ professional writers who prepare their speeches for them. These professional writers may work alone or in small teams. Although the speaker may have some ideas into the contents of the speech, the writers sometimes have a great influence over the opinions expressed by their employers. Regardless of how a speech is prepared, the person who delivers it is given credit for its effect upon its hearers.








  people because ________.

  A. most of them have been trained as public speakers

  B. most of them have been audience of such activities

  C. most of them have to do it when they study at college

  D. the passage does not mention the reason

  61.Which of the following is rarely the purpose of public


  A. To influence people's ideas and behaviour.

  B. To persuade the audience to accept an idea.

  C. To enjoy the satisfaction from one's own speech.

  D. To develop public interest.

  62.No matter who writes a speech, the audience ________.

  A. do not believe what the speaker says

  B. know very well whom the speaker is

  C. know whose idea the speech really expresses

  D. believe it expresses the speaker's idea


  60.B 推理判断题。从第一段第二句所举的例子:政治家在选举中获胜和销售员推销产品来看,普通人之所以熟悉公众演讲是因为他们是公众演讲的听众。

  61.C 细节判断题。第二段提到了公众演讲的目的,如试图让人们接受新观点、逗乐观众、说服人们接受自己的看法和采取某些行动,但没有涉及讲话人从自己的演讲中得到满足这一点。

  62.D 细节判断题。由最后一句“不管演讲稿是如何准备的,发表演说的人会因为讲话对听众产生的影响而得到赞扬”可推断出,听众相信讲话表达的是说话人的观点。


  Here is some general information about Edison Elementary School. For more information, you can visit our website which is printed on the cover.


  Please contact the office at 480. 472. 5282 if your child is going to be absent.

  Renaissance Reading:

  The Accelerated Reader (AR) Program is a computerized reading enrichment program that combines great children's literature with computer skills. As an individualized reading program, it is designed to motivate students to read more and to read good literature. Students of different abilities can use this program. It is not a competitive program but one that improves any student's reading ability.

  Here is how it works. Students select books in their reading range from our Accelerated Reader Selection and read it at their own pace. Once the student has completed the book, he/she is ready to take an AR quiz. Each quiz consists of 5, 10, or 20 multiple choice comprehensive questions about the book.

  After taking the quiz, the computer shows the student how many questions he/she answered correctly, shows the correct answers for missed questions, and praises the students' efforts with an on­screen personalized message. Passing the quiz assures the teacher and the parent that the child actually read and understood the book.

  Each student tests independently—reading the quiz questions himself/herself.

  The computer keeps track of reading points, books, and average test scores, as well as other data. A student may test on a book only once and should, therefore, have thoroughly read and understood the contents before taking the quiz. Each student is responsible for reading the screen to be sure the quiz, by title and author, is the correct one he/she wishes to take.

  Students are recognized for their accomplishments with praise from the teachers and special recognition at the classroom level when individual and/or classroom goals are met.

  P. T. O.

  We have an active Parent­Teacher Organization. They have monthly meetings, check the calendar for the meeting times and places.

  63. The passage may be selected from ________.

  A. a magazine

  B. a newspaper

  C. a website

  D. a novel

  64. The passage is written for ________.

  A. general readers

  B. parents

  C. teachers

  D. primary students

  65. Which of the following is TRUE about how Renaissance Reading works?

  A. Students select books based on the instruction of the computer.

  B. Students take the quiz without others' arrangements.

  C. The result of the quiz will be kept by teachers.

  D. The summary of the book to be selected is shown on the screen.

  66. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

  A. students won't be punished if they don't pass the quiz

  B. students only have one chance to test on a book

  C. students won't be praised if they reach their goals

  D. parents meet the teachers once a term


  63.A 推理判断题。由第一段中的“you can visit our website which is printed on the cover”可知本篇文章很可能选自杂志。

  64.B 推理判断题。由Attendance中的“Please contact the office at 480.472.5282 if your child is going to be absent”可知,本文是写给家长的。

  65.B 细节理解题。由倒数第四段最后一句话“Each student tests independently—reading the quiz questions himself/ herself”可知B项正确。

  66.B 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“A student may test on a book only once”可知,每本书学生只有一次测试的机会。A项文章没有提及;C项与文中信息相反;由最后一段中的monthly可知D项错误。


  Pregnancy(妊娠) and childbirth kill more than 536,000 women a year. More than half of the cases happened in Africa, according to the World Health Organization. In fact, most of the deaths are preventable with basic medical care.

  The five leading causes are bleeding, infection, high blood pressure, long­time labor and bad abortions (流产). Mothers' deaths from such causes were largely reduced nearly a century ago in developed countries.

  Experts say that what kill many women are “the three delays”,

  the woman's delay in deciding to go to the hospital, the time she loses traveling there and the hospital's delay in starting treatment. Only about 15 percent of births have dangerous complications(并发症).

  Women lack education and information about birth control. Husbands and in­laws may decide where a woman gives birth and insist that she stay at home to save money. However, there is no single solution to a problem with so many factors shortages of doctors, nurses, drugs, equipment, roads and transportation—though hospital officials are trying many things now.

  One stopgap measure to solve the problem for the present has been to train assistant medical officers, to perform certain operations. Some African countries are now struggling to train more assistants and midwives(接生婆), and provide places for pregnant women to stay near hospitals.

  But there is a long way to go. Only 20 percent of women in the continent give birth at the hospital. More than 50 percent stay at home to give birth, and the rest go to local clinics that cannot handle emergencies.

  67. Which is not included in the five leading causes of women's

  deaths during pregnancy and childbirth?

  A. Infection.

  B. High blood pressure.

  C. Traveling long distances.

  D. Bleeding.

  68. The underlined word “stopgap” probably means “________” in

  the passage.

  A. final

  B. temporary

  C. effective

  D. instant

  69. What can we learn from th


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