2017届高考英语一轮复习方案精品课件:第11讲 Unit 2《Sports events》(牛津译林版必修4)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习方案精品课件:第11讲 Unit 2《Sports events》(牛津译林版必修4)

发布时间:2017-02-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  We must work hard to gain more knowledge while we are young. 趁着现在还年轻,我们必须刻苦学习,获得更多的知识。 While I believe it is true, I cannot prove it. 虽然我相信那是真的,但我无法证明。 【易混辨析】 as,while和when 三者都有“当……时候”的意思,注意以下用法与区别: (1) 若主句表示的是一个短暂性的动作,而从句表示的是一个 持续性动作时,三者都可用。 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  He fell asleep when/while/as he was reading.


  I met him when/as/while I was taking a walk in the park.


  注:as 用于引出一个持续性动词表示“在……期间”时,其谓语通常只能是那些含有动作(action)和发展(development) 意味的动词,一般不能是那些不用于进行时态的动词(如 be, seem, love, want, agree, see, know, have 等),所以下面一句中的 while 不能换为 as:

  —I’m going to the post office.

  ——我要去邮局。 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  —While you are there, can you get me some stamps?

  —当你到邮局时,能帮我买几张邮票吗? (2) 若主、从句表示两个同时进行的持续性动作,且强调主句表示的动作延续到从句所指的整个时间,通常要用 while;但是,若主、从句表示的两个同时进行的动作含有“一边……一边……”之意时,通常要用 as。

  I kept silent while he was writing.


  She sang as she went along.

  她边走边唱。 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  (3) 若从句是一个短暂性动作,而主句是一个持续性动作,可以用 as 或 when 但不用 while。

  When/As he came in, I was listening to the radio.

  他进来时,我在听收音机。 (4) 若主、从句表示的是两个同时(或几乎同时)发生的短暂性动作,相当于汉语的“随着”,一般用 as。

  Things are getting better and better as time goes on.

  随着时间的推移,情况越来越好。 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  (5) 表示“每当……的时候”(暗示一种规律性),若主、从句所表示的动作不是同时发生,而是有先后顺序时,一般要用 when。

  He smiles when you praise him.

  你夸奖他时他总是笑笑。 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  【活学活用】 我爱喝清咖啡而他喜欢加奶油的。 I drink black coffee


  he prefers it with cream.

  第11讲 │ 句型透视

  while 第11讲 │ 跟踪训练

  跟踪训练 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Over 100 players competed for the h______

  of representing the county in the National Finals. 2.Which events will they c_____

  in the next Olympic Games? 3.The professor’s lecture on Shakespeare e______

  our interest. 4.The

  ____________ (著名) athlete won two gold medals in the Olympics. onor ompete


  well­known 5.You should pay attention to the

  ____________ (重要性,意义) of one’s childhood experience. 第11讲 │ 跟踪训练

  significance Ⅱ.选词填空(有一项多余)

  hang on, in honor of, make contributions, ,take part in, side by side, make way for 1.All traffic has to

  ____________ a fire engine. 2.We stand

  ____________with you in this dispute. 3.We celebrate Mother’s Day

  ___________ our mothers. 4.

  _________at your present job until you can get another. 5.Try to know more about the world and do all you can to

  __________________to the society and our country. 第11讲 │ 跟踪训练

  make way for side by side in honor of Hang on make contributions Ⅲ.单项填空 1.We thought of selling this old furniture, but we’ve decided to


  it. It might be valuable.

  A.hang on toB.keep up with

  C.turn to

  D.look after

  [解析] A hang on to的意思是“紧抓不放”。这句话的意思是:我们本想把这件旧家具卖掉.但是我们决定还是不卖它,它可能有价值。 keep up with跟上;turn to转向;look after照看。空后的it显然也指前句所说this old furniture。曾经动过念头,想过要卖……由此推断:结果却没有卖,留了下来。 第11讲 │ 跟踪训练

  2.We must run,


  we’ll be late.





  [解析] D however然而,但是;though虽然;therefore因此;otherwise否则,要不然。句意为:我们得跑着去,要不然会迟到的。 第11讲 │ 跟踪训练

  3.Some previous Olympic sports became less popular and had to


  new and more popular sports.

  A.make for

  B.make up

  C.make way for

  D.make out

  [解析] C 考查短语辨析。make way for 为……让路,符合句意;make for 走向,朝……前进;make up 编造,化妆;make out 辨认出。 第11讲 │ 跟踪训练

  4.Yesterday a state dinner was given


  the visiting president.

  A.in honour of

  B.in favour of

  C.in charge of

  D.in need of

  [解析] A 考查短语辨析。in honour of纪念……,向……表示敬意;in favour of 支持;in charge of负责;in need of需要。

  第11讲 │ 跟踪训练

  5.These questions are asked as a matter of

  ________ .





  [解析] C routine意为惯例,通常的做法。句意为:作为惯例提出了这些问题。 第11讲 │ 跟踪训练



  our success with champagne.





  [解析] D toast 意为 “为……举杯祝酒”。 句意为:我们用香槟酒庆祝自己的成功。 第11讲 │ 跟踪训练

  7.The incomes of skilled workers went up. ________, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.





  [解析] C 句意为:熟练工人的收入上涨了,而同时非熟练工人就看到他们的收入下降了。meanwhile意为“其间,与此同时(用于比较同时发生的两件事)”,符合句意,故选C。 第11讲 │ 跟踪训练

  8.A man is being questioned in relation to the


  murder last night.





  [解析] C attempt尝试,企图;advise建议; attend打算;admit承认。 第11讲 │ 跟踪训练

  9.—Have you


  some new ideas?

  —Yeah. I’ll tell you later.

  A.come about

  B.come into

  C.come up with

  D.come out with

  [解析] C come up with“想出,提出”;come about “发生,产生”;come out with“说出……” come into“加入;参加”。根据句意,此处应是“提出,想出”的意思,故选C。 第11讲 │ 跟踪训练

  10.Time is so


  that you must make full use of it. 





  [解析] A precious 珍贵的;宝贵的。句意为:时间很宝贵,你必须充分利用它。 第11讲 │ 跟踪训练



  阅读写作(十一)[应用文写作之演讲致辞 ]

  阅读写作(十一) │ 写作点拨 写作点拨 在一些正式场合接待客人时,主人一般总是要说一些热情友好的话,表示欢迎,使客人感到“宾至如归”,这就叫欢迎致辞;当客人在你处逗留一段时间准备离开时,主人设宴会欢送,宾主欢聚一堂,并致祝愿,这时主人说的一些话就叫欢送致辞。无论谁发表演说,发言人都是为了达到某一特定的目的,所以根据致辞的目的,发言稿可分为宣讲类和欢迎(送)类。其共同的特点在于:要突出主题,易于为听众接受。此类写作在结构安排上可分为如下三个部分: 第一部分:称谓(对听众或与会者的称呼)。如:Comrades, Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear fellow students, Boys and girls, Good afternoon, everyone… 第二部分:正文或导言。正文部分明确介绍欢迎或欢送的对象,简单介绍其身份、经历、客人在逗留期间进行了哪些活动等。 第三部分:结束语。如:That's all. Thank you! Thank you for your listening (attention).等。

  阅读写作(十一) │ 写作点拨 阅读写作(十一) │ 词句模板 词句模板 1.欢迎辞常用语:

  (1) We are glad to have a chance to get together with…

  (2) We feel greatly honored to have a chance to be with…

  (3) Let's give our warm welcome to…

  (4) Thank you for your accepting our invitation to come to…

  (5) First of all, allow me on behalf of sb. to do sth.

  (6) Now let us ask sb. to speak to us. 2.欢送辞常用语:

  (1) In bidding farewell to sb.…

  (2) To convey our profound friendship to sb.…

  (3) To convey our best regards and respects to sb.…

  (4) To wish sb. a pleasant journey home and good health.

  (5) May the friendship between…be further developed! 阅读写作(十一) │ 词句模板 【活学活用】







  _________________________________________________ 阅读写作(十一) │ 词句模板 【参考范文】 Ladies and gentlemen, I have the honor to make a speech to welcome the respected British guests—Mr Jones and Mrs Jones. Thank you very much for your gifts—a lot of books and computers. In return we'll send you a famous Chinese picture as a present. Here I'll introduce our school to you. 阅读写作(十一) │ 词句模板 It is a big one. It is 36 years since it was built. Now it has been equipped with two teaching buildings,an office building, a laboratory building, a library and a large playground. The teachers are strict in their work and students study hard. After you have been shown around our school, we hope you'll give us advice on how to improve our work so that we can run our school better. Wish you to have a good time in our school. Thank you! 阅读写作(十一) │ 词句模板 7 meanwhile adv.(in the time between two events; at the

  same time)与此同时;在此期间 【温馨提示】 meanwhile相当于in the meantime“在这期间”,这时meantime 作为名词比 meanwhile 更为普遍,作为副词meantime 不及 meanwhile 普遍。 Meanwhile we waited. 与此同时,我们等候着。 In the meantime we waited. 我们在这时等待着。 第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子

  (1) My mother went shopping. __________

  , I cleaned the


  (2) In the

  __________ , the head should remain completely

  still, eyes fixed on the ceiling. 第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  Meanwhile meantime 2.单项填空


  the project should have a plan to reduce the effect of the ventures.

  A.In the meanwhile

  B.In the same time



  [解析] D 句意:其间,项目应该有一个计划来减少这种风险的影响。A、B搭配错误,C项作“而且”讲时常与主句用逗号隔开。所以选D。

  第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  1 side by side 一起,共同;并肩地,并排

  face to face 面对面

  back to back


  hand in hand


  heart to heart


  arm in arm


  shoulder to shoulder


  mouth to mouth

  嘴对嘴 第11讲 │ 短语储存

  短语储存 【活学活用】

  (1) 我们面对面地交谈。

  We talked ___________.

  (2) 他们推心置腹地交谈了意见。

  They exchanged their views ___________.

  (3) 他们挽着胳膊沿着河边散步。

  They walked along the riverbank ___________.

  (4) 他们齐心协力为祖国战斗。

  They fought for their motherland __________________.

  第11讲 │ 短语储存

  face to face heart to heart arm in arm shoulder to shoulder 2 in honour of 纪念……,为向……表示敬意

  (1) honoured adj.  


  honourable adj.


  be honoured ____...for...


  be/feel honoured to do sth. 做某事感到荣幸

  (2) show honour




  a man of honour


  take... ____ a great honour


  in honour of=in one’s honour 向……表示敬意

  have the honour

  ___ doing/to do sth.


  It is a great honour to do sth.


  ____ one’s honour

  以某人的名誉担保 第11讲 │ 短语储存

  in to as of on 【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子

  (1) 今天承蒙邀请到此,深感荣幸。

  It was _______________to be invited here today.

  (2) 他因在战斗中的英勇表现而受到尊敬。

  He _______________his courage in battle.

  (3) 他被授予英雄称号。

  He _______________a hero.

  (4) 学生应该尊敬老师。

  The students should __________________their


  第11讲 │ 短语储存

  a great honour was honoured for was honoured as show their honour to

  (5) 我们举行了一个特别聚会向我们的来客表示敬意。

  We held a special party ____________our visitors.


  We will hold a big reception


  the guests from Nigeria, an African country.

  A.instead of B.in favor of

  C.in honour of

  D.by means of

  [解析] C 考查介词短语辨析。instead of“相反,替代”;in favor of“赞同,赞成”;in honour of“向……表示敬重”;by means of“用……方法,依靠”。 第11讲 │ 短语储存

  in honour of 3 play a role in 在……中担任角色,起作用

  play a part



  play a role/part ___


  play the leading role



  play an important role

  ___ 在……中扮演重要角色 第11讲 │ 短语储存



  in in 【活学活用】 They don’t like him as he is always speaking highly of the role he ________

  in the group. A.makesB.plays C.takes

  D.acts [解析] B 考查动词辨析。play the role in“在……起作用”。 第11讲 │ 短语储存

  4 make way for 给……让路,让位于……

  make one’s way __


  give way ______ 让……先行;对……让步;为……所代替


  one’s way


  ___ one’s way



  the way


  ___ no way


  ___the way


  第11讲 │ 短语储存

  to find lose lead in by on to

  ___the way


  ___ a way


  ___ this way


  ___ the way


  by way ___

  途经 第11讲 │ 短语储存

  in in in in


  【活学活用】 Please move back a little to


  the old man. A.make for

  B.make up for C.make way for

  D.make out

  [解析] C 句意:请向后移一点点,为老人腾出点空间来。make for有助于;make up for弥补;make way for给……让路;make out理解;辨认出;说明。 第11讲 │ 短语储存

  5 hang on (在逆境中)坚持,握住不放,不挂断



  / around/round 徘徊,闲荡

  hang back


  hang on___








  hang together

  符合,一致,同 心协力;



  hang up


  起来 第11讲 │ 短语储存

  to out


  about 【温馨提示】 hang on作“坚持”讲,相当于hold on to, stick to, insist on等 【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子

  (1) He

  _______ (抓紧)until the rope broke.

  (2) Come on, we haven’t got time to

  __________ (闲逛).

  (3) Her story just doesn’t

  ____________ (一致).

  (4) She took her coat off and




  (挂起). 第11讲 │ 短语储存

  hung on hang about hang together hung up 2.单项填空

  Jack almost fell off the cliff, but managed to


  until help came.

  A.keep on

  B.catch on

  C.count on

  D.hang on

  [解析] D hang on紧紧抓住;keep on (doing sth.)继续(做……);catch on 理解;count on 指望,依赖。句意:杰克差点从悬崖上掉下来,但他抓住不放直到得救。

  第11讲 │ 短语储存

  1 Today, both male and female athletes from around

  the world can take part, no matter what nation they come from. 今天,不论国籍,来自世界各地的男女运动员都可以参加比赛。 句型公式 no matter what引导让步状语从句 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  句型透视 【句式点拨】 句中no matter what引导让步状语从句。“no matter+疑问词”可以用来引导让步状语从句,表示“无论(何人、何物、何时、何地等)”,有时也可采用“疑问词­ever”的结构。 I won’t give up my major, no matter what he says. = Whatever he says, I won’t give up my major.

  无论他说什么,我都不会放弃我的专业。 【相关拓展】 (1) 引导让步状语从句的从属连词有:though, although, even

  though, even if, as, while, whether...or, whoever,

  whenever, wherever, whichever, whatever, whomever, no

  matter who/ when/ where/ which/ what..., however等。 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  (2) although与though引导让步状语从句时,不能与but连用,但可以与yet连用。

  Although they are poor,(yet) they are warm­hearted.

  尽管他们穷,但他们很热情。 (3) 让步状语从句的倒装:


  Heavily as/though it was raining, he rushed out.


  第11讲 │ 句型透视

  Tried as/though he has many times, he hasn’t got a satisfactory result.


  Child as/though he is, he knows a lot about America.


  (4) however和whatever引导让步状语从句的语序:However + adj./adv. +主语+谓语;Whatever+n.+主语+谓语。

  However hard he worked, he failed the English examination.


  第11讲 │ 句型透视

  Whatever a hard­working student he was, he failed the English examination.

  无论他是一个多勤奋的学生,但他英语考试还是没及格。 (5) “no matter+疑问词”和“疑问词­ever”用法区别:

  “no matter+疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句,而“疑问词­ever”既可引导让步状语从句,还可引导名词性从句。

  You may choose whatever(不可用no matter what) you like. (whatever引导宾语从句,在从句中作宾语) 你可以选择你喜欢的任何东西。

  Whatever(=No matter what) dictionary you have, lend it to me. (whatever引导让步状语从句,在从句中作定语) 无论你有什么词典,都借给我用一用。 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  I support whoever(不可用no matter who) serves the people heart and soul. (whoever引导宾语从句,在从句中作主语) 我支持全心全意为人民服务的任何人。

  Whoever(=No matter who) did it,I’ll punish him.

  (whoever引导让步状语从句,在从句中作主语) 无论是谁做的这件事,我都将惩罚他。

  Whomever(=No matter whom) you meet, give this note to him. (whomever引导让步状语从句,在从句中作宾语) 无论你见到谁,都将这张便条给他。 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子

  (1) 不论别人怎么说,我都会坚持我的计划。

  I’ll stick to my plan ______________ others say.

  (2) 不管前面有什么困难,我们都会去那儿。

  We will go there ______________ difficulty lies ahead. 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  no matter what no matter what 2.单项填空


  difficulties we may come across, we’ll help one another to overcome them.




  [解析] B 句意:无论我们遇到什么困难,我们都将互相帮助来战胜困难。这里whenever相当于no matter when。whoever“无论是谁”;however“无论怎样”;whatever“无论什么”。 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  2 I am sure the whole of China must have felt proud when Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for his country. 我相信当许海峰为祖国赢得第一枚金牌时,整个中国都为之感到自豪。 句型公式 must have done表推测 【句式点拨】 句中“must have done”句型结构表示对已经发生事情的推测。 He must have thought I was joking. 他一定会认为我当时在开玩笑。 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  They must have gone through the basement to the main courtyard. 他们肯定是从地下室到院子里的。 【相关拓展】 must表示猜测时,其后可以根据不同的时间跟三种不同的动词形式。 (1)跟动词原形表示对现在事情的推测。 (2)跟be doing表示对正在进行动作的推测。 (3)跟have done表示对已经发生事情的推测。 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子



  _______________this project, hasn’t he?


  The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I


  the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.

  A.should have taken B.could have taken

  C.needn’t have taken D.mustn’t have taken

  [解析] C 此题考查情态动词的虚拟用法,表示对过去事实的责备。 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  must have done 3 I hope this information will be of use to you. 我希望这个 信息对你有用。 句型公式 “be of+抽象名词”结构 【句式点拨】 “be of+抽象名词”结构相当于“be+形容词”的用法。这种结构常用于较正式的场合,书面语中较为常见。可用于此结构的抽象名词有importance, value, use, help, interest等。 His advice is of great help.(=His advice is very helpful.) 他的建议很有帮助。 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  The book is of much interest.(=The book is very interesting.) 这本书很有趣。 【相关拓展】 “be of+名词”结构的否定形式一般采用否定名词的做法,即“be of no+名词”。 As far as the study of English was concerned, what he said was of no use. 就英语学习而言,他所讲的并没有多少用处。 “be of+名词”还可以表达“具有,具备;属于;包含;类别;年龄,出身”等意义。 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  His story is of some colors of the truth. 他的故事有点真实感。 The products are of first­rate quality. 这些产品的质量是一流的。 The Americans are of almost all colors and races. 美国几乎包括各种各样的肤色及种族。 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  【 活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子

  (1) What you said is _________________ (非常重要).

  (2) Uncle Mike’s story is ___ (有点)some sense of humor. 2.单项填空

  You will find this map of great


  in helping you to get round London.





  [解析] C 句意:你会发现这张地图对你在伦敦旅游大有帮助。此处为“be of+抽象名词”结构。A、B两项不合句意;important为形容词;value为抽象名词,意为“益处,价值”。 第11讲 │ 句型透视

  of great importance of 4 The Kangaroos were out of the tournament, while the

  Eagles continued on. 句型公式 while引导并列句,与前一句对照,意为“然而”。 【句式点拨】 while作连词,可以用于表示对比或相反的情况,除此之外while还可表示“当……时”,引导时间状语从句,强调主、从句同时发生,而且从句的谓语动词是延续性动词;译作“尽管,虽然”时,常放在句首,比although或 though语气要轻。 第11讲 │ 句型透视


  Unit 2

  Sports events 第11讲 Unit 2

  Sports events

  第11讲 │ 美文欣赏 美文欣赏 国内某英文报招聘兼职记者,报道2017年伦敦奥运会。假设你是新华中学的李华,目前在英国做交换生,想应聘这份工作,请按下列要点写一封自荐信。 1.个人情况:熟悉本地情况,有相关工作经历。 2.能力优势:英语好、爱好体育、善于交往、具有团队合作精神等。 3.承诺:保证按要求完成任务。 注意:1.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 2.词数:100左右。开头已写好,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:交换生exchange student Dear Sir/Madam, I'm writing to apply for the job as a part­time reporter for the London Olympic Games. __________________________________________________ 第11讲 │ 美文欣赏 【精彩美文】

  Dear Sir/Madam,

  I'm writing to apply for the job as a part­time reporter for the London Olympic Games.

  I am a boy from Xinhua Middle School. As an exchange student, I have been studying in a school in London for three years, so I'm familiar with London and have no difficulty in spoken and written English. Besides, I once worked as a reporter in my school. 第11讲 │ 美文欣赏 I think I'm fit for the job. Firstly, I like sports and know much about

  some sports events. Secondly, I'm easygoing and enjoy working together

  with others. Lastly, I am interested in being a news reporter. I'm sure to finish your tasks and perform a reporter's duty at the 2017 London

  Olympic Games. I'll appreciate it if accepted as a reporter. Look forward to your early reply! Yours, Li Hua 第11讲 │ 美文欣赏 【全品点睛】

  ①行文逻辑:说明目的→个人经历→叙述优势。较好地使用了连接和过渡成分,如:so, and, besides, firstly, secondly, lastly等等。

  ②词汇短语:运用了丰富的词汇。如:be familiar with, work as, be fit for, perform a reporter's duty, together with等等。

  ③句式句法:运用了多样化的句式和句法结构结构。如:条件状语从句中的省略:…if accepted as a reporter;祈使句:Look forward to your early reply! 现在完成进行时:I have been studying in a school in London for three years. 等。 第11讲 │ 美文欣赏 基础梳理 Ⅰ.单词荟萃 1.delighted

  adj.愉快的,高兴的→ _______ n.[U] 乐趣,喜悦;[C] 令人高兴的人或物; vt.给人快乐,使欣喜→ ___________ adj.使人快乐的;令人愉快的 2.significance

  n.重要性,意义→ ___________ adj.有意义的,重大的→ ___________ adv.意味深长地;意义深远地 3.compete vi.比赛;竞争→ ___________ n.竞争;比赛→ ___________ n.竞争者;选手→ ___________ adj.竞争的 第11讲 │ 基础梳理 delight delightful significant significantly competition competitor competitive 4.honour vt.尊敬,尊重(某人); n.尊敬;荣幸;节操;荣誉→ ___________ adj.光荣的;荣耀的;应享受荣誉的→ ________ adj.受尊敬的 5.nation

  n.国家,民族;全体国民→ _________ adj.国家的;民族的 6.absence

  n.缺席,不在场;不存在→ _______ adj.缺席的,不在场的 7.excite vt.使激动,使兴奋→ ___________ n.兴奋;刺激;令人兴奋的事物 8.final

  adj.最终的,最后的n.决赛→ _______ adv.最后,终于 第11讲 │ 基础梳理 honorable honored national


  excitement finally 9.origin

  n.起源,起因;出身→ _________ adj.原始的,最初的;创作的;非模仿的; n.原文, 原稿 10.unusual

  adj.特别的,不寻常的;与众不同的→ _____adj.惯常的→ ________ adv.通常地 第11讲 │ 基础梳理 original usual usually Ⅱ.短语检测 1.转交,传给,递给 2.领先



  5.(在逆境中)坚持 6.为向……表示敬意

  7.给……让路,让位于…… 8.使……处于控制中 9.与……相连 10.密切注意 第11讲 │ 基础梳理 pass sth.on to sb.

  lead the way

  side by side

  make contributions to

  hang on

  in honour of

  make way for

  keep...under control

  be connected with

  keep a close watch on

  Ⅲ.佳句再现 1.根据传统,古代奥运会的运动员都是男性,而且他们必须裸体竞技。

  At the ancient Olympics, by tradition the athletes were all men and they had to __________________________. 2.今天,不论国籍,来自世界各地的男女运动员都可以参加比赛。

  Today, both male and female athletes from around the world can take part, ______________ nation they come from. 第11讲 │ 基础梳理 compete wearing no clothes no matter what 3.让奥运会得以重生的是法国人皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦。

  _____ a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin, _____ brought the Olympics back to life. 4.我相信当许海峰为祖国赢得第一枚金牌时,整个中国都为之感到自豪。

  I am sure the whole of China ____________ proud when Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for his country. 第11讲 │ 基础梳理 It was who must have felt 第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  单词点睛 1 delighted adj.(very pleased)愉快的,高兴的,欣喜的

  (1) a delighted look 高兴的表情

  be delighted to do...


  be delighted

  _____ ...

  因……而高兴 at/by

  (2) delight n.



  给人快乐;使欣喜 vi.


  (much) ___

  one’s delight





  take/find/have delight


  give delight to sb.


  (3) delightful adj.

  令人愉快的,令人高兴的 第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  to with in

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子

  (1) 汤姆对他制造出来的轰动效应感到高兴。

  Tom _______________ the sensation he was creating.

  (2) 她的舞蹈让每个人都快乐。

  Her dancing __________________. 2.单项填空

  He seems to


  teaching his sister.

  A.take great delight in

  B.do delight in

  C.make delight in

  D.have a delight in

  [解析] A 考查delight的用法。take delight in“以……为乐”。 第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  was delighted at delighted everyone 2 significance n.(meaning;importance)重要性,意义



  great/major significance 有重大意义

  be of little/no significant 没意义(可改为significance) 【活学活用】 后来我们才领会到他那些话的真正意义。 It was only later that we realized

  __________________of his remark. 第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  of the true significance 3 attempt n.&vt.尝试,努力,试图


  _____sth. 试图做某事

  make no attempt


  ___ one’s first attempt


  ___ an attempt to do sth.


  make an attempt to do sth.=make an attempt at doing sth.


  give up an attempt

  放弃尝试 第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  to do on in 【易混辨析】 attempt与try (1) attempt意为“企图,尝试”,多用于书面语,常含有表示希望成功,但并不一定取得预期的结果之意,有时意为“妄图,企图”。

  The prisoners attempted an escape, but failed.

  犯人们逃跑未遂。 (2) try意为“努力做;尝试,试用”,含有各种方法,尽力把事情做好或达到目的之意。

  If the car won’t start, try pushing it.

  如果汽车发动不起来,推一下试试。 第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子

  (1) 他们试图在一个月内完成这项工作。

  They ____________ finish the work within a month.

  (2) 他没有设法把它付诸实施。

  He ________________ to carry it out.

  第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  attempted to made no attempt 2.单项填空

  Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, China’s second spacemen, prepared carefully for going to space so that they could be sure of success at their first

  ________ .

  A.ambition B.flight



  [解析] C 句意:中国第二批航天员费俊龙和聂海胜对太空飞行做了精心准备,以便能首次飞行成功。attempt“尝试”,符合题意。ambition“志向”;flight“航班”;campaign“战役”。 第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  4 compete  vi.(try to win sth. by defeating others who are trying to do the same) 比赛;竞争

  (1) compete

  ___________ sb. for sth.





  compete ___


  (2) competition n.


  competitor n.


  (3) competitive adj.

  比赛的,有竞争力的 第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  with/against in


  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子

  (1) 有时学生和农民们在唱歌比赛中彼此竞争。

  Sometimes students and peasants ______________each

  other in singing contests.

  (2) 你会参加游泳竞赛吗?

  Will you ___________the swimming race?

  (3) 那位年轻的网球运动员常与著名球员对抗比赛,可是到 目前为止,他总是输。

  The young tennis player has often competed against

  famous players,but so far he has always been beaten. 第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  compete with compete in

  (4) 几家公司为了争取这项工程而互相竞争。

  Several companies are _____________________ each

  other for the project.

  (5) 我的书法不及他。

  My handwriting cannot ____________ his.

  第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  competing against/with compete with 2.单项填空

  Athletes from many countries came to compete


  each other


  gold medals


  the Asian games.

  A.with; for; against

  B.against; for; in

  C.in; for; with

  D.against; with; for

  [解析] B 句意:来自许多国家的运动员在亚运会上互相争夺金牌。compete against与……比赛/对抗;compete for为……而竞赛;compete in在……上竞争。 第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  5 remove vt.(take sth./sb. away from one place to another)去除,移开;开除;免除,解除(职务)

  (1) remove... ______


  (2) removal n.

  免职;移动;排除;搬迁 第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  from 【易混辨析】 remove和move remove是“取消,去掉”的意思,去掉的方式不限; move是移动某人的位置或改变某人姿势,既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词。 He removed his coat the moment he got home. 他一到家就把外套脱了。 Will you help me move this table? 帮我把这张桌子移一下好吗? 第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  【活学活用】 1.根据汉语完成句子

  (1) 他消除了他的所有罪证。

  He _________

  all the evidence of his crime.

  (2) 那个球队的球员被开除了。

  The player

  _________________ the team. 第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  removed was removed from 2.单项填空

  The corrupt official was



  A.taken away

  B.removed from

  C.gone away

  D.take off

  [解析] B 句意:那个腐败官员被革除了职务。take away拿走;removed...from从…中去掉;go away离开; take off取下。根据句意和official来判断只有B项符合句意。 第11讲 │ 单词点睛

  6 otherwise adv.&conj. (if conditions were different; if

  not;in another or a different way)否则,不然 【温馨提示】 有时


  • 大家都在看
  • 小编推荐
  • 猜你喜欢