高考英语北师大版一轮复习精品讲练Module6 Unit18《Beauty》学案-查字典英语网
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高考英语北师大版一轮复习精品讲练Module6 Unit18《Beauty》学案

发布时间:2017-02-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 18 Beauty重点单词 1.________n.美;美丽的人或物→________ adj. 美丽的;漂亮的→________vt.美化;使……美丽

  2.________adj. 高级的;上等的→________ (反义词)adj.低级的;下等的

  3.________adj. 一致的;始终如一的→________n.一贯;一致

  4.________vt.辨认出;承认→________ n.认出;认知



  7.________v.& n. 指挥;命令→________n.指挥官





  12.________vt.推荐;建议→________ n. 推荐;建议

  重点短语 1.in the________ of

  在……心目中;在……看来 2.in ________for 为……做准备

  3.die ________灭绝;死光

  4.________than 多于;不仅仅

  5.________to 吸引

  6.________ on a second 等一下

  7.in________ 徒劳地

  8.be________ on 根据;以……为基础9.in________ 而且;此外

  10.back and________ 前前后后;来来回回11.in________ 穿着制服

  12.________ to 在……旁边;几乎;接近

  重点句式 1.Peter and John used_to_be best friends, but then they fell in love with the same girl.2.It_is_hard_to_imagine that they would be seen as attractive in the 21st century.

  3.Down_came stout Santa in a single bound.

  4.But I heard him shout, before he drove out of sight,“Merry Christmas to all.And to all a good night.”

  核心语法 1.复习被动语态

  2.used to和would的用法



  1.beauty; beautiful; beautify 2.superior; inferior 3.consistent; consistency 4.recognize; recognition 5.accompany; company; companion 6.subjective; objective 7.command; commander 8.accessible; access 9.deliver; delivery 10.tendency; tend 11.endless; end; ending 12.recommend; recommendation


  1.eye(s) 2.preparation 3.out 4.more 5.appeal 6.hang 7.vain 8.based 9.addition 10.forth 11.uniform 12.next

  1.beauty n.[U] 美;美丽 [C] 美人;好处;优点


  experience n. [U]经验 [C](一段)经历

  success n. [U]成功 [C]成功的人或事

  failure n. [U]失败 [C]失败的人或事

  room n. [U]空间;地方 [C]房间

  difficulty n. [U]难度;艰难 [C]困难的事

  rain n. [U]雨(水) [C]一场雨

  snow n.[U]雪 [C]一场雪

  1)She was a great ________ in her time.她当年是个大美女。

  2)The last goal in that match was a ________!那场比赛最后进的一球真绝!

  【答案】 1)beauty 2)beauty


  1)I enjoy the ________ of the sunset.我喜欢落日之美。

  2)One of the ________ of living here is that it's so peaceful. 在这里生活的好处之一是安宁。

  【答案】 1)beauty 2)beauties


  (2011福建福州模拟)—How about _______ New Year Party?

  —I should say it was ________ success.

  A.a; aB.the; a

  C.a; 不填

  D.the; 不填

  【答案与解析】 B 考查冠词。第1空为特指,指刚举行的新年派对,应用定冠词;第2空为抽象名词具体化,指一件成功的事情,故选B项。

  2.command n. & vt. 命令;指令;掌握

  command sb to do 命令某人做某事

  take command of 控制;掌握

  have a good command of... 对……精通

  in command of掌握;控制


  He's studied in the US and________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.


  The fire officer________ ________, ordering everyone to leave the building.


  He commanded that________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

  【答案】 1)has a good command of English 2)took command 3)the troops cross the water


  1)Kathleen walked in, tall, slim, confident and in total ________(command) of herself.

  2)Captain Picard commanded the crew ________ ________(report) to the main deck.

  3)The mayor commanded that work on the building ________ ________(stop).

  【答案】 1)command 2)to report 3)be stopped


  (2010 江苏南通模拟)Mr Brown can speak freely with a Frenchman. ________ of French he has!

  A.What a good command

  B.What good command

  C.How a good command

  D.How good command

  【答案与解析】 A  have a good command of sth是固定短语,由于中心词是名词command,所以用what。

  3.remain vi. 剩下;余留; 依然(是);留待

  remains n. (pl.)


  remains of a meal 残羹剩饭

  the remains of a fortune遗产

  the remains of army残兵败将

  remaining adj. 剩下的;其余的

  1)My financial problems ________ even after I had found a job.我找到工作后手头依然拮据。

  2)Whether the project is good or not ________ ________ ________ ________.这个项目是好还是不好,我们拭目以待。

  【答案】 1)remained 2)remains to be seen


  Ladies and gentlemen, please remain ________ until the plane has come to a complete stop.



  C.to seat


  【答案与解析】 A remain后可接adj, v-ing, v-ed和to be done等多种形式作表语,在该题中可以把seated视为一个形容词,所以A项正确。


  (2010安徽示范性高中名校联考)The old woman said she would buy a beautiful hat for her daughter with the ________.

  A.25 dollars remained

  B.25 dollars to remain

  C.remained 25 dollars

  D.remaining 25 dollars

  【答案与解析】 D with the remaining 25 dollars “用剩余的25美元”。

  4.accessible adj. 易接近的;可进入的;可使用的;易受影响的;可理解的

  accessibly adv.易理解地;易接近地

  access n.入口;接近/使用/进入的权利;接近的机会;门路;通道

  have / gain / get access to 有权进入;有接近/进入/使用的机会和权利

  1)Medicine shall not be kept where it is ________ to children.药品不应该放在儿童容易拿到的地方。

  2)The department store district is easily ________ from our house.从我们家到那家百货公司挺方便。

  3)He succeeded in making a difficult subject ________ to the readers.他成功地把一个棘手的问题变得易于读者理解。

  【答案】 1)accessible 2)accessible 3)accessible


  The system has been designed to give students quick and easy ________ to the digital resources of the library.





  【答案与解析】 A 考查名词词义辨析。题意:设计这个系统的目的是为了给学生们方便快速地使用图书馆电子资源的机会。access to“接近或使用某物的机会或权利”,由以上分析可知A项正确。approach“方法”,不符合题意。


  (2011日照高三调研)Frank put the medicine on the top of the shelf to make sure it would not be ________ to the kids.





  【答案与解析】 A 考查形容词。be accessible to“为……能够接近”;be relative to“和……有关系”;be acceptable to“为……所接受”;be considerate to“对……体贴/周到”。

  5.treat n. 宴请;款待 vt. 视为;对待;论述;治疗;款待

  treat...with / as / like... 以……态度对待;以……方式对待

  treat sb / oneself to sth 款待;请客

  treat sb for an illness 治疗某人的病

  1)________ him ________ caution, please. 请谨慎地对待他。

  2)My mother always ________ us like children.妈妈总把我们当孩子对待。

  3)I decided to ________ his remark ________ a joke.我决定把他的话当做戏言。

  4)Which doctor is ________ you ________ your burns?哪个大夫在为你治疗烧伤?

  5)She ________ him ________ lunch.她请他吃午饭。

  【答案】 1)Treat; with 2)treats 3)treat; as 4)treating; for 5)treated; to


  treat和cure 虽然都有“医治;治疗”的意思,但它们在含义和用法上却有区别:

  treat多指治疗活动,强调动作过程。表示“治疗某人某病”之意,须用treat sb for disease结构。

  cure着重强调治疗的结果,是“治愈;医好”的意思。若表示“治好某人某病”则用cure sb of disease结构。


  The way the guests ________ in the hotel had a deep effect on their evaluation of the service.

  A.had treated

  B.were treated

  C.would treat

  D.would be treated

  【答案与解析】 B 考查时态和语态。the guests与treat之间是被动的关系,并且动作发生在过去,所以用一般过去时的被动形式。


  (2010厦门毕业班质检)The doctor, ________Mary for cancer, and at last Mary ________.

  A.treats; was cured

  B.treated; was cured

  C.cured; was treated

  D.cured; treated

  【答案与解析】 B 考查treat与cure的区别。treat强调过程,一般用treat sb for disease结构。cure强调结果,意为“治好;治愈”。

  6.recommend vt.

  推荐;建议; 劝告;介绍

  recommend doing...


  recommend sb to do...


  recommend for...


  recommend to向……推荐;使……得到好感;托付;交付

  recommend sth to sb = recommend sb sth


  recommendation n. 提议;推荐;介绍;推荐信

  personal recommendation


  1)Can you ________ ________ some new books on this subject? 你能推荐一些有关这个学科的新书给我吗?

  2)I ________ ________ ________obey safety regulations. 我劝你遵守安全规则。

  3)He _______ _______ _______ ________ ________our firm for the post. 他推荐那位年轻人到我们公司担任那个职位。

  4)I _____ _____ this good dictionary. 我建议买这本不错的字典。

  【答案】 1)recommend me 2)recommend you to

  3)recommended the young man to 4)recommend buying


  1)Can you ________a good hotel ________me? 你能给我推荐一个好的旅馆吗?

  2)The doctor ________his patient ________ ________ for a walk. 医生建议他的病人出去走走。

  3)He ________ ________we ________ ________ as early as possible. 他建议我们尽早动身。

  4)I ________ you ________ ________ very carefully ________ you do anything foolish. 我劝你在没做出什么蠢事之前先仔细考虑一下。

  【答案】 1)recommend; to 2)recommends; to go

  3)recommended that; start off 4)recommend; to think; before


  1)(2010日照一模)The driver recommended that the girl ________ to hospital as quickly as possible.

  A.should send

  B. send

  C.would be sent

  D.be sent

  【答案与解析】 D 题意:司机建议应尽可能快地把那女孩送到医院。recommend后的宾语从句中用虚拟语气和被动语态,即should be sent; should可以省略。

  2)(2010山东泰安东岳中学二模)It has been ________ that I try these pills for seasickness.





  【答案与解析】 C 题意:别人推荐我试试这些治晕船的药片。it has been recommended that ...“据推荐;据建议”。

  7.convey vt. 运输;运送;表达;转达

  当作“运输;运送”讲时,常构成“convey...from / to...”的结构;


  1)Wires________electricity from power stations to the users.电线把电由发电站输送至用户。

  2)I find it hard ________ ________ my feelings in words.我觉得难以用言语表达我的感情。

  【答案】 1)convey 2)to convey


  1)Colors like red ________ a sense of energy and strength. 红色之类的颜色给人充满活力与力量的感觉。

  2)Would you please ________ my good wishes to your parents? 请向你父母转达我的祝愿好吗?

  【答案】 1)convey 2)convey


  (2011扬州高三调研)If wires couldn't ________ the electric current, we wouldn't have such things as radios, phones and computers.





  【答案与解析】 B produce“生产;制造”;convey“输送;传送”;export“出口”;exchange“交换”。根据“electric current (电流)”判断选B项。

  8.appeal n. 请求;呼吁;上诉;吸引力;要求 vi. & vt.


  appeal to sb / sth against sth上诉;申诉

  appeal to sb对……有吸引力、有感染力

  appeal to sb for sth呼吁;恳求

  make an appeal for sb to do sth 呼吁某人做某事

  appealing adj. 动人的;媚人的;令人怜悯或同情的

  1)The company is ________ ________the ruling. 公司正对判决提出申诉。

  2)The design ________ ________all ages. 这种设计吸引了各个年龄段的人。

  3)The leader ________ ________people for calm. 领导呼吁人们要冷静。

  4)The new fashion soon lost its ________. 那种新式样不久就失去了吸引力。

  【答案】 1)appealing against 2)appeals to 3)appealed to 4)appeal


  1)Her sense of humour _______ _______him enormously.

  2)He________ ________ his friends ________ support.

  3)He made one last ________ ________his father ________ forgive him.

  4)They had no one to________ ________.

  【答案】 1)appealed to 2)appealed to; for 3)appeal for; to 4)appeal to


  (2010温州十校高三第一次联考)Although the necklace is not made of real crystal, it still ________ young people.

  A.appeals to

  B.attracts to

  C.accounts for

  D.apply for

  【答案与解析】 A 考查动词短语辨析。题意:尽管这项链并不是真正的水晶做的,但仍然吸引了年轻人。appeal to sb“对……有吸引力的、有感染力”;attract“吸引”;account for“说明; 对……负有责任;证明”;apply for“申请”。

  9.manner n. 方法;方式

  manners n. 礼貌;规矩;风俗;习惯;生活方式;(艺术、文学的)风格/手法;文体

  good / bad manners 有/没礼貌

  table manners 餐桌礼仪

  in manner of 以……的方式

  in a manner (= in a way / in some degree) 在某种意义上;多少;有点

  in the manner of 照……的式样;做出……的样子

  It's good / bad manners to do sth 做某事是有/没礼貌的。

  1)Why are you talking in such a strange ________?你干吗用如此奇怪的方式说话?

  2)He had an absent-minded ________.他表现出心不在焉的样子。

  3)Mind your ________.注意你的言行举止。

  4)She has written a book on the ________ and customs of the ancient Egyptians.她写了一本关于古埃及人习俗的书。

  5)It's bad ________ to interrupt.打断别人说话是不礼貌的。

  【答案】 1)manner 2)manner 3)manners 4)manners


  approach, manner, means, method和way

  approach “方法;路径”,指从事某事的特别方法,其后常搭配to + n.。

  manner “方式;方法”,为正式用语,多指人的特殊行事方式或处理问题的特殊方法。作方式状语,常与in连用。

  means “方法;手段;工具”,指为达到某种目的或目标而使用的方法、手段或途径,该词单复数同形;作方式状语时,常与by连用。

  method “方法”,指具有一套理论和系统做指导的方法,强调其协调性、高效率;作方式状语时,常与with连用。

  way “方式;方法”,是一般用语,可指一般的方法,也可指个人的方式或方法,常与in连用,其后可跟of doing sth或to do sth,但不能跟for sth。


  We look forward to the day when the motorcar has been replaced by some less dangerous ________ of transport.





  【答案与解析】 B methods “(具体的)方法;办法”;means “方式”,means of transport“交通方式”;manners “举止;礼节”;ways “道路;方法”。根据此句应指运输方式,故选B项。


  (2010郑州质检)It is interesting to learn the ________ and customs of other countries.





  【答案】 B manners“风俗;习惯”,符合题意。

  10.accompany vt. 陪伴;伴随;伴奏

  company n. [C,U]公司;陪伴;伙伴

  companion n. [C]伴侣;陪客

  be in company with 和……一起

  in the company of 在……陪同下

  keep sb company 和某人一道;陪伴某人

  1)Lightning usually ________ thunder.雷声通常伴随着闪电而来。

  2)He was ________ on the expedition by his wife.他那次远行有妻子陪同。

  3)He ________ the singer on the piano.他用钢琴给那位歌手伴奏。

  【答案】 1)accompanies 2)accompanied 3)accompanied


  1)Cheerful ________ shortens the miles.旅有好旅伴,不觉行程远。

  2)I'll stay here and ________ ________ ________. 我将留在这儿陪你。

  【答案】 1)company 2)keep you company


  (2011重庆一中一模)That night the weather was terrible with strong winds ________ heavy rain.

  A.accompanying by

  B.accompanying with

  C.accompanied by

  D.in accompany with

  【答案与解析】 C 考查with的复合结构和accompany的用法。accompany为及物动词,若使用现在分词,后不需接介词,A、B两项可排除。D项若改为in company with才正确。故选C项。

  11.range vt. 排列;排序;变化;变动

  n. (变动或浮动的)范围;类;种;一系列

  range from...to...从……到……(范围)

  range between...and...从……到……(范围)

  at close range接近地

  at long / short range 在远/近距离

  in range 在射程内

  out of / beyond range 在射程外

  in range with 和……并排;和……同一方向

  in the range of在……范围内;在射程内

  out of one's range能力达不到的;知识范围以外的

  within range of在……射程以内;在……范围以内

  1)Prices ________ ________ 50 ________ 100 dollars.价格从50美元到100美元不等。

  2)The temperature ________ ________ 30 ________ 40 degrees centigrade. 温度在30摄氏度与40摄氏度之间。

  【答案】 1)ranged from; to 2)ranges between; and


  1)The hotel offers ________ ________ ________ ________ facilities. 这家酒店提供各种各样的设备。

  2)There is ________ ________ ________ ________ activities for children. 这里有给孩子们提供的各种活动。

  【答案】 1)a wide range of 2)a full range of


  (2009南京模拟)There were 120 students in this group whose ages ________ from 10 to 18.


  【答案与解析】 C range from...to...“在……和……的范围内”,故选C项。

  1.in the eye(s) of... 在……的心目中;在……看来

  the apple of one's eye 某人的掌上明珠

  see eye to eye with sb 与某人看法一致

  an eye for an eye (a tooth for a tooth) 以眼还眼(以牙还牙)

  keep an eye on sb / sth照看;注意

  1)________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________, you're still a child. 在你父亲的心目中,你仍然是个孩子。

  2)________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________, stealing is an offence, no matter what your motives are. 从法律的角度来看,偷盗是一种犯罪行为,无论其动机是什么。

  【答案】 1)In the eyes of your father 2)In the eyes of the law


  We've asked the neighbours to ________ ________ ________ ________the house for us while we are away. 我们已请邻居在我们离开时帮我们照看一下房子。

  【答案与解析】 keep an eye on


  (2010济南一中模拟) Each neighbor ________ keep an eye on the children walking back from school.

  A.in turn

  B.in return

  C.in reply

  D.in need

  【答案与解析】 A  in turn“轮流”;in return“作为回报”;in reply“回答”;in need“需要”。此处要用“轮流”。

  2.die out (物种)绝迹;(风俗)消失;(火)熄灭

  die away (声音、光线、风等)逐渐消失;减弱

  die off (家族、种族等)相继死亡;(草木)枯死

  die down 减弱;渐息;平静下来

  be dying for 渴望;很想要

  be dying to do 很想做;渴望做

  1)Many old customs ________ ________ ________. 许多旧习俗正在消失。

  2)The fire ________ ________ ________. You'd better add some firewood. 火快要灭了,你最好添些柴火。

  【答案】 1)are dying out 2)is dying out

  die away, die down和die off

  die away (声音、风、光线等)渐息;渐弱

  die down (慢慢)熄灭;平静下来

  die off 一个一个地死去(= die one by one)

  The breeze has died away. 微风渐渐止住了。

  The sound of the car died away in the distance. 汽车的响声消失在远处。

  The fire died down. 火慢慢熄了。

  His anger has died down a bit. 他的怒气已消了一点。

  As he grew older, his relatives all died off. 随着他年龄的增长,他的亲人都相继死去了。


  No one has come up with a convincing explanation of dinosaurs' ________.

  A.dying away

  B.dying off

  C.dying down

  D.dying out

  【答案与解析】 D 题意:尚未有人对恐龙的灭绝作出一个令人信服的解释。die out “(物种)绝迹;灭绝”,符合题意。


  (2011宁波高中名校联考)The less attention we pay on protecting animal, the more animals ________.

  A.are dying out

  B.are dying away

  C.are dying off

  D.are dying down

  【答案与解析】 A 考查动词短语辨析。die out“消失;灭绝”;die away“(声音、光线、风)等消失、减弱”;die down“熄灭;平静下来”。

  3.to be honest 老实说;说实话

  to be honest

  = honestly speaking

  to be frank 坦白地说

  to begin / start with 首先

  to tell the truth 说实话

  to sum up 总之;概括;总结

  to be brief 简而言之

  to make things / matters worse 更糟糕的是

  to make a long story short 长话短说

  to put it simply 简单地说

  1)________ ________ ________, it was one of the worst books I've ever read. 说实话,那是我读过的最差的书之一。

  2)________ ________ ________, I don't like him at all.说实在的,我一点都不喜欢他。

  【答案】 1)To be honest 2)To be honest


  ________, I'd rather not go dancing.

  A.To be honest

  B.To be brief

  C.To begin

  D.To make things

  【答案与解析】 A 题意:老实说,我宁愿不去跳舞。


  (2010池州市一模)At the present time he is unemployed, and ________, his wife is in hospital.

  A.to be honest

  B.to begin with

  C.to put it simply

  D.to make matters worse

  【答案与解析】 D 题意:目前他失业了,更糟糕的是他的妻子又住院了。to be honest “说实话”; to begin with “首先”; to put it simply

  “简单地说”; to make matters worse“更糟糕的是”。根据语境可知,应选D项。

  4.in vain 徒劳地;白费力气地

  in vain 在句中可作状语或表语。

  “in +名词”构成的词组还有:

  in brief 简明扼要 in case 万一

  in charge 主管

  in debt 负债

  in general 一般来说

  in order 井然有序

  in public 公开地

  in return作为报答

  in ruins一片废墟

  in short总之

  in surprise惊讶地

  in theory从理论上

  in trouble有麻烦

  in tears 眼泪汪汪

  in time及时

  in turn按顺序

  in view 在看得见的地方

  1)We tried ________ ________ to make him change his mind.我们试图使他改变主意,结果是白费力气。

  2)It was ________ ________ that we tried to find his mother.我们百般设法找他的母亲,但毫无结果。

  3)His wife tried to persuade him to stop smoking, but ________ ________.他妻子劝他戒烟,但是没有用。

  【答案】 1)in vain 2)in vain 3)in vain


  It is ________ to try to borrow money from her, you know how mean a person she is.

  A.possibleB.in effect

  C.in turn

  D.in vain

  【答案与解析】 D 考查动词短语辨析。in vain“徒劳的;无用的”,符合题意。


  (2011湖北百所重点中学联考)His efforts to raise money for his so-called Hope Project were ________ because no one showed any approval of taking a cent out of their pockets.

  A.in place

  B.in sight

  C.in effect

  D.in vain

  【答案与解析】 D 考查介词短语。根据下文“no one showed any approval of taking a cent out of their pockets”可知为集资做出的努力都白费了,应选择in vain。in place“在适当的位置;适当”;in sight“在视程内”;in effect“实际上”。1.Peter and John used to be best friends, but then they fell in love with the same girl.彼得和约翰过去是好朋友,但是他们爱上了同一个女孩。

  used to do sth 过去常常做某事,暗示现在已经不再如此了,一般被看做是情态动词,后接动词原形,否定形式常用usedn't或didn't use to两种形式。




  【答案】 I used to play basketball a lot in my spare time, but now I am interested in football.

  1)This is the house in which they________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 这就是他们过去练钢琴的房子。

  2)My grandmother ________ ________________ as a housemaid when she was young. 我祖母年轻的时候曾当过女佣人。

  3)He ________ ________ ________in an office by day and drive a taxi by night. 他过去白天在办公室上班,晚上开出租车。

  【答案】 1)used to practise the piano 2)used to work 3)used to work

  used to do, be / get used to doing和be used to do

  used to do sth “过去常常做某事”,暗示现在已经不再如此了。

  be / get used to doing sth “习惯于做某事”,to是介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词形式作宾语。

  be used to do sth “被用来做某事”,是被动语态结构,to后跟动词原形。



  The old man ________ ________________ ________ a walk around the woods every morning.


  Radar _____ ______ ______ ______ objects in the air or at sea

  3)他以前腼腆, 现在活泼起来了。

  He ________ ________________ ________, but now he's started to blossom out.

  【答案】 1)is used to taking 2)is used to detect 3)used to be shy


  (2010北京良乡中学模拟)—Is there a primary school in the village?

  —No, but there ________.

  A.used to

  B.used to be

  C.was used to be

  D.was used to

  【答案与解析】 B  used to可表示过去的存在状态,在简略回答中如果句末是连系动词be,则不能省略。

  2.It is hard to imagine that they would be seen as attractive in the 21st century. 很难想象他们在二十一世纪会被认为是有吸引力的。

  本句中的it是形式主语,句子的真正主语是后面的不定式“to imagine that...”。当不定式、动名词、从句等用作主语时,为保持句子的平衡,通常在句首使用形式主语it,而把真正的主语放在句子末尾。




  【答案】 It is quite clear that he has read the book.

  1)________ ________ ________ ________ tell his father everything? 有必要把这一切都告诉他父亲吗?

  2)________ ________ ________ ________ ________ up too late. 熬夜没有好处。

  3)________ ________ ________ what he says. 他说什么都没关系。

  【答案】 1)Is it necessary to 2)It is no good staying

  3)It doesn't matter


  ________ felt funny watching myself singing and dancing on TV.





  【答案与解析】 C “watching myself singing and dancing on TV”是真正的主语,it是形式主语。


  (2011威海三模)________ worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.





  【答案与解析】 D 本题中“the way he keeps changing his mind”是真正的主语,it作形式主语。

  3.Down came stout Santa in a single bound. 肥胖的圣诞老人一跃而下。


  (1)由here, there, now, then等引导的句子;

  (2)由so, neither, nor, not only等引导的句子;

  (3)由含有否定意义的词如never, seldom, rarely, hardly, not until等引导的句子;


  (5)由down, up, away, out等副词引导的句子。




  【答案】 The bus hit against a tree in the fog and down it rolled to the deep valley,with ten passengers killed and twenty wounded.

  1)________ ________ the taxi. 出租车来了。

  2)“I can't swim.” “________ ________ I.” “我不会游泳。” “我也不会。”

  3)Never in my life ________ ________ seen such beautiful scenery. 我一生中从来没有见过这么美丽的风景。

  4)In the doorway ________ a man with a gun. 门口站着一个拿枪的人。

  5)________ ________ the arrow into the air. 箭射上了天。

  【答案】 1)Here comes 2)Neither can 3)have I

  4)stood 5)Up went


  Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away ________ from the hiding-place.

  A.running the thief

  B.was running the thief

  C.the thief was running

  D.ran the thief

  【答案与解析】 D 考查倒装句。此处away为副词,置于句首构成句子的全部倒装,故D项符合。


  (2009福建)For a moment nothing happened. Then ________ all shouting together.

  A.voices had come

  B.came voices

  C.voices would come

  D.did voices come

  【答案与解析】 B 副词then位于句首,且当句子的主语是名词时,句子用全部倒装结构,故选B项。

  4.But I heard him shout, before he drove out of sight, “Merry Christmas to all. And to all a good night.”但是在他驶出视线之前,我听到他在喊,“所有的人圣诞快乐,所有的人晚安。”


  It + be +时间段+ before... 在……之后才……

  It won't / wasn't long before...不久以后就……

  before 趁……还没有




  【答案】 They are thinking of buying the house before the prices go up.

  1)________ I could say a word, she had stormed out of the room.不等我说一句话,她就冲出了房间。

  2)It will be five years ________ I come back.我五年后才能回来。

  3)It won't be long ________ they understand each other.他们不久就会互相了解的。

  【答案】 1)Before 2)before 3)before


  Several days had gone by ________ I realized the oil painting was missing.





  【答案与解析】 B before在此可译成“在……之后才……”。题意:几天已过去了我才意识到油画失踪了。


  (2011山东威海二模)No one can borrow books from the school library ________ he gets his student card.





  【答案与解析】 A unless“除非……;如果不……”。题意:没有办好学生证谁都不能从校图书馆借到书。故选A项。1.(2010 安徽,24)—Do you know if Linda is willing to take charge of the program?

  —________,does it?

  A.It takes no time

  B.It counts for nothing

  C.It doesn't hurt to ask

  D.It doesn't make sense

  【答案与解析】 C 考查交际用语。it doesn't hurt to ask“又不是不能问;问一下也无妨”; it counts for nothing“这不算什么”;it doesn't make sense“没有意义;讲不通”; it takes no time“这不花时间”。题意:“你知道Linda是否愿意负责这个项目吗?”“问一下也无妨,不是吗?”

  2.(2010 湖北,21)This restaurant has become popular for its wide________of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.





  【答案与解析】 C division“分开;分割”;range“范围”;area“区域”;circle“循环”。a wide range of“许多不同的”。题意:这家餐馆很受欢迎,因为它有适合各种口味和各种消费层次的食物。

  3.(2010 浙江,18)—According to my grandma, it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold.

  —________, scientists agree with her.

  A.Sooner or later

  B.Once in a while

  C.To be exact

  D.Believe it or not

  【答案与解析】 D 题意:“根据我祖母的观点,感冒时喝鸡汤是个好主意。”“信不信由你,科学家也同意她的观点。”sooner or later“迟早”;once in a while“偶尔;有时”;to be exact“准确地说”。

  4.(2010 四川,13)—I'm sorry. That wasn't of much help.

  —Oh,________. As a matter of fact,it was most helpful.

  A.sure it was

  B.it doesn't matter

  C.of course not

  D.thanks anyway

  【答案与解析】 A 考查日常用语。后句中的“As a matter of fact, it was most helpful”可知,这是对前句的否定,所以A项合适。题意:“对不起,那帮助不太大。”“当然不是了,实际上,它很有用”。

  5.(2010 全国Ⅰ,26)I have seldom seen my mother ________ pleased with my progress as she is now.





  【答案与解析】 A 题意:我从来没见过母亲对我的进步如此满意。此处为“so (as)...as”结构,表示“像……一样”之意,此处前有否定词seldom修饰,故用so。

  6.(2009山东,23)I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I couldn't face ________ day like that.



  C.the other


  【答案与解析】 B 题


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