高考英语北师大版一轮复习精品讲练Module6 Unit17《Laughter》学案-查字典英语网
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高考英语北师大版一轮复习精品讲练Module6 Unit17《Laughter》学案

发布时间:2017-02-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 17 Laughter重点单词 1.________vt. 逗乐;使(某人)笑→________n.娱乐

  2.________adj.难以置信的;极其惊人的→________adj. (反义词)可信任的


  4.________vt. 鉴别;判定→________n. 身份


  7.________n. 喜剧→________n. 喜剧演员

  8.________adj. 厌恶的→________v.讨厌;厌恶


  10.________vt. 使恐惧→________adj. 惊恐的;担惊受怕的

  重点短语 1.________out laughing 突然笑起来 

  2.________a cheque 兑现支票

  3.turn sb ________令人讨厌





  7.________of 不管;不顾

  8.without ________毫不延迟;毫不耽搁

  9.make an ________to do sth 试图做某事

  10.result ________ 导致;造成

  11.have ________ (in) doing sth 做某事有麻烦

  12.________ harmony with 与……协调一致

  重点句式 1.After_being_seated at his table, Mr Bean takes out a card, writes a few words on it, seals it in an envelope and places it on the table.2.If you think that Rowan Atkinson is anything like his famous creation, then you are_in_for a surprise.

  核心语法 过去完成进行时



  1.amuse; amusement 2.unbelievable; believable 3.harmony; harmonious 4.identify; identification 5.caution; cautious

  6.tension; tense 7.comedy; comedian 8.disgusting; disgust 9.deep; depth 10.scare; scared


  1.burst 2.cash 3.off 4.around 5.thanks 6.run 7.regardless 8.delay 9.attempt 10.in 11.trouble / difficulty 12.in1)The law was passed ________ ________ ________ public pressure. 在公众压力下,该法规被通过。

  2)His question failed to get a ________ ________ any of the students. 没有学生回答他提出的问题。【答案】 1)in response to 2)response from1.response n. 回答;反应;回应

  in response to 作为……的回应

  respond v. 反应;回应;答复

  respond to 回复

  responsible adj. 负有责任的;应承担责任的;对……负责的 (常与for连用)

  responsibility n. 义务;职责;责任;负责

  have / take responsibility for 对……负责

  have the responsibility to do sth 有义务做某事


  The product was developed ________ ________ ________ customer demand. 这种产品是为了满足顾客的需要而开发的。

  【答案】 in response to(2)名校押题

  (2010福建厦门普高毕业班模拟)“Sure, why not?” was his ________ to all of Mark's suggestions.

  A.reason B.ReflectionC.responseD.recommendation

  【答案与解析】 C 题意:“可以,为什么不呢?”就是他对马克的所有建议的回应。故选C项。

  2.harmony n. 协调;和谐

  harmonious adj. 和谐的;和睦的;一致的

  in harmony (with...) (和……)一致/和睦/和谐

  out of harmony (with...) (和……)不一致/不和睦/不和谐

  1)The ________ of sea and sky makes a beautiful picture. 大海与蓝天之间的和谐构成了一幅美丽的图画。

  2)She has a natural sense of ________. 她天生有种和谐感/协调能力。

  3)There can be no ________ between two selfish people. 两个自私的人之间不可能和谐。

  4)The tribes there live ________ ________ ________ nature. 那儿的部落与自然和睦相处。

  5)Your suggestions are not ________ ________ ________ the aims of the project. 你的建议与本项目的目标不一致。

  【答案】 1)harmony 2)harmony 3)harmony 4)in harmony with 5)in harmony with


  This red tie is not in ________ with your newly-bought shirt.

  A.need B.deed



  【答案与解析】 C in harmony with “与……和谐相处;与……相配”。


  (2010兰州一中高三第一次月考)I went along thinking of nothing ________, only looking at things around me.

  A.in particular

  B.in harmony

  C.in doubt

  D.in brief

  【答案与解析】 A 题意:我行走时没有想什么特别的,只是环顾周围事物。in particular“特别”;in harmony“和睦;和谐”;in doubt“怀疑”;in brief“简而言之”。

  3.delay v. & n. 耽搁;延迟

  delay doing sth 拖延做某事

  delay sth until...把……推迟到

  without delay 毫不拖延

  1)________ ________ would cause a lot of complication. 再耽误将造成许多困难。

  2)In practice, most planes either ________ ________ or arrive slightly ahead of schedule. 实际上,大多数飞机不是晚点,就是比时间表稍稍提前到达。

  【答案】 1)Further delay 2)are delayed


  1)I arrived late but luckily the meeting ________ ________ ________. 我迟到了, 幸而会议也推迟了。

  2)We ________ ________ ________ a traffic jam on the highway this morning. 今天早上我们给公路上交通阻塞耽搁了。

  3)Nothing could have saved him even if he had been tended ________ ________. 即使当时他得到了及时的救护,他的生命也无法挽救。

  【答案】 1)had been delayed 2)were delayed by

  3)without delay


  1)(2010江苏南通一模)John was late for the business meeting because his flight had been ________ by a heavy storm.





  【答案与解析】 D delay“耽搁;延迟”。题意为“John在商务会议时迟到了,因为暴风雨使他的航班延误了”。

  2)(2010山东济南高三统考)I don't mind ________the choice on condition that

  it is not too late.

  A.you to delay making

  B.your delaying making

  C.your delaying to make

  D.you delay to make

  【答案与解析】 B 考查mind doing 和delay doing的用法。

  4.scared adj. 惊恐的;害怕的

  be scared of害怕……

  be scared to do sth害怕干某事

  be scared to death吓死

  be scared stiff吓得呆若木鸡

  scare vt. 恐吓;(使)……受惊吓 vi. 受惊吓

  scare sb away / off把某人吓跑

  scare sb into / out of sth (doing sth)吓得某人做/不敢做某事

  scary adj. 恐怖的;吓人的

  1)The thought of my exams next week ________ me stiff. 我一想到下星期要考试就很紧张。

  2)They________ ________ ________ handing over the keys. 他们把他吓得交出了钥匙。

  3)His threats ________ ________ ________ ________carrying out the plan. 他的威胁迫使他们不敢实行该计划。

  4)They ________ ________ that the ship might be wrecked. 他们怕船失事。

  【答案】 1)scares 2)scared him into 3)scared them out of 4)are scared


  1)The high price is________

  ________ possible buyers.

  2)Don't let the noise ________ you; it's only the wind.

  3)They lighted a fire to________ ________the wolves.

  4)They ________ ________ ________signing the paper.

  【答案】 1)scaring away 2)scare 3)scare off

  4)scared him into


  (2010山东济南外国语学校高三上学期质检)When the children heard the ________ story, they were ________ half to death.

  A.scary; frightening

  B.frightening; scared

  C.scared; scary

  D.frightened; frightening

  【答案与解析】 B 考查形容词。第1空应该选择修饰事物的形容词“令人害怕的”;第2空选择形容人的内心感受的形容词“感到害怕的”,故选B项。

  5.acknowledge vt. 承认;确认;答谢

  acknowledge sb / sth to be...


  acknowledge that...


  acknowledge sb as...


  acknowledge doing sth


  acknowledge sb





  acknowledgement n.


  It is universally acknowledged that...


  1)They refused to________ defeat / that they were defeated / themselves beaten. 他们拒不承认失败。

  2)He ________ ________ ________ ________ ________the finest poet in that country. 他是那个国家公认的最优秀的诗人。

  3)The candidate waved his hands to ________ ________ ________ of the crowd.


  4)He ________ ________ ________the law. 他供认违反了法律。

  【答案】 1)acknowledge 2)was generally acknowledged to be 3)acknowledge the cheers 4)acknowledged having broken



  ________ ________ ________ ________ you've been wrong?


  It is she who wants to ________ ________ as her daughter.


  He________ ________ ________ that could be seen as bribes.


  ________ ________ ________ ________________ ________ the best player in the world.

  【答案】 1)Do you acknowledge that 2)acknowledge you

  3)acknowledged receiving gifts 4)He is widely acknowledged to be


  (2010 吉林二模)It is universally ________ that Taiwan is a part of China.





  【答案与解析】 D 题意:台湾是中国的一部分,这是大家公认的。advice“建议”;accuse“指控;控告;指责”;access“接近;使用”;acknowledge“承认;公认”。


  vt. 抵抗;忍住

  resist多与cannot,couldn't连用,后跟动词时,常用 resist doing sth结构。

  be hard / impossible to resist


  resist sb / sth


  can't / couldn't resist doing sth


  resist doing sth


  resistant adj.


  be resistant to...


  resistance n.


  ______. 健康的身体能抵御疾病。

  2)I could hardly ________ ________.我忍不住要笑。

  3)I ________ ________ ________an ice cream.


  4)There has been a lot of ________ ________ this new law.


  5)This plant is ________ ________ cold weather. 这种作物具有抗寒性。【答案】 1)resist disease 2)resist laughing 3)can never resist 4)resistance to 5)resistant to



  He ________ ________ carried off.


  I couldn't ________ ________ a look at her diary.


  It's believed that elderly people are always________ ________change.

  【答案】 1)resisted being 2)resist having 3)resistant to


  (2010天津市十校联考)Sometimes we can't________being persuaded to buy things that we don't need at all.





  【答案与解析】 B 题意:有时候,我们会禁不住被说服去买一些我们根本不需要的东西。object to doing sth“反对做某事”;complain“抱怨”;oppose“使相对;使对抗”;resist“抗拒;反抗;忍耐;忍住”。

  7.forbid vt. (forbade / forbad, forbidden) 禁止;不准;阻止;妨碍

  forbid sb to do sth


  forbid doing sth 禁止做某事

  forbid sb sth


  forbid that ...

  禁止……;但愿……(从句以God / Heaven...为主语,用虚拟语气,即should +动词原形)

  It's forbidden to do sth. 做某事是被禁止的。

  1)The new law ________ ________ in public buildings. 新法律禁止在公共场所抽烟。

  2)Their father________ ________ ________ ________ there.=Their father forbade them / their going there. 他们的父亲禁止他们去那里。

  3)Her father ________ ________

  ________ ________ wine. 她父亲不准她喝酒。

  4)She ________ ________ access________ the club. 人家不允许她到那个俱乐部去。

  5)God forbids that war________ ________ ________.但愿战争不爆发。

  【答案】 1)forbids smoking 2)forbade them to go

  3)forbade her

  to drink 4)was forbidden; to 5)should break out




  ban vt. 语气较重,指权威机关“正式禁止;(法律上)禁止”,含“严厉谴责”之意,只能用事物作其宾语。通常搭配形式为:ban ...from sth / doing sth。

  prohibit vt.“禁止;不准”(= forbid by authority),指通过法律、法令、警告等作出禁止命令的正式规定或规则,通常搭配形式为“prohibit sb from sth / doing sth”。

  The doctor forbids him to smoke. 医生禁止他吸烟。

  Smoking is banned in school. 在学校禁止吸烟。

  The soldiers were prohibited from leaving camp after dark. 天黑之后士兵不准离开营房。








  【答案】 1)Who can forbid our friendship? 2)I forbid you to tell anyone about it.  3)Foreigners were forbidden to enter the country.


  (2010甘肃天水一中二模)There are laws in some countries which forbid advertisements________ at inappropriate times and places.

  A.being shown



  D.to have shown

  【答案与解析】 A 考查forbid doing sth的用法。题意:有些国家的法律禁止在不适当的时间和地点有广告。由于advertisements与动词show之间为被动关系,故选A项。



  astonishing adj. 令人惊异的

  astonished 指(某人)处于惊异/吃惊的状态,常用于be astonished at sth “对某事感到吃惊”。

  astonishment n.“惊讶”,可用to one's astonishment表示“使某人吃惊的是”。

  1)The news ________ everyone.这个消息让每一个人都很吃惊。

  2)It ________ me that no one had thought of it before.让我吃惊的是,之前没有一个人想到此事。

  【答案】 1)astonished 2)astonished


  1)To my ________, she still remembered my birthday. 让我吃惊的是,她仍记得我的生日。

  2)The ________ news made the world astonished, and a great many people expressed their ________ on the Internet. 这个令人吃惊的消息让世界震惊,很多人在网上表达了他们的震惊。

  【答案】 1)astonishment 2)astonishing; astonishment


  (2009济南市高三统考)Hearing my words, he stared at me ________. But I didn't find what I said ________.

  A.astonishing; astonishing

  B.astonishingly; astonished

  C.astonishedly; astonishing

  D.astonished; astonished

  【答案与解析】 C 第1空是指人惊讶的状态,使用过去分词转化过来的形容词的副词形式;第2空指“我”不觉得自己说的话“会让人吃惊”,应用现在分词。

  9.convince vt. 使信服;使明白

  convince sb of sth 使……相信……

  convince sb that...使……相信……

  convince sb to do sth 说服某人做某事


  Your argument is too weak ________ ________ ________.

  2)摆事实、讲道理, 才能让人服气。

  Only by presenting facts and reasoning things out can ________ ________ ________.

  【答案】 1)to convince me 2)we convince people



  He tried to ________ ________ ________ the safety of traveling by airplane.


  Her parents ________ ________ ________ that she has made a wrong decision.


  I couldn't

  ________ ________ ________ his mistake.

  【答案】 1)convince them of 2)cannot convince her

  3)convince him of


  1)(2010山东青岛二中模拟)How did you ________ him that he could take part in the game?





  【答案与解析】 C agree不能接sb;suggest和demand后面的从句不能用could;convince意为“使……相信”。

  2)(2011江苏盐城高三调研)It is a fact that scientists are convinced________the positive effect of laughter________physical and mental health.

  A.of; at

  B.by; with

  C.of; on

  D.about; at

  【答案与解析】 C 考查动词短语的搭配用法。convince sb of sth“使某人相信……”,为固定搭配;第2空考查effect与on的搭配。所以答案选C项。

  10.accomplish vt.


  accomplished adj. 有造诣的;有才艺的

  accomplishment n. 成就;才艺


  Thomas was considered a man who would never ________ anything.


  2)This task ________ ________ with great effort. 这项任务是通过巨大努力才完成的。

  【答案】 1)accomplished 2)is accomplished

  accomplish, finish, achieve和complete

  accomplish指成功地完成预期的目标、任务等,通常接task, aim, journey, voyage等名词,有时还有“达到(效果)”之意。

  finish 多指完成日常事务,强调事情“了结;终止”。




  1)The first part of the plan has been safely ________. 计划的第一部分已顺利完成。

  2)I don't feel I've ________ very much today. 我觉得我今天没干成多少事。

  【答案】 1)accomplished 2)accomplished


  (2011南京模拟)The worker said they wouldn't go back to work until they ________ their purpose.





  【答案与解析】 A 考查动词的辨析。此处宾语为 their purpose, 只能使用 accomplish, 其他词不能与之搭配。 accomplish one's purpose “达到目的;实现目的”。

  11.obtain vt. (经过计划、努力等)得到;获得;达到



  The problem is when to get the money we need.问题是什么时候能得到我们所需要的钱。

  obtainable adj. 可获得的;可得到的

  1)He failed to ________ a scholarship. 他没有获得奖学金。

  2)They ________ a loan from the government. 他们从政府那里得到一笔贷款。

  【答案】 1)obtain 2)obtained


  You don't have to go to Oxford or Cambridge to receive a good university education.不上牛津剑桥也可获得良好的大学教育。


  He has gained rich experience in these years.这些年来,他取得了丰富的经验。


  His laziness makes it impossible for him to achieve success.他的懒惰使他不可能获得成功。


  How did he acquire his wealth?他的财富是怎样得来的?


  1)He always manages to ________ what he wants. 他总是有办法得到他想要的东西.

  2)Knowledge can be ________ through study. 知识可由学习获得。

  【答案】 1)obtain 2)obtained


  (2011江苏南通高三质检)If you want to know more, further information can be________from our website.





  【答案与解析】 B conduct “指导;管理”; obtain “得到;获得”; devote “献身;致力;专心”; convey “传递;表达”。B项符合题意。1.have difficulty (in) doing 做某事有困难

  have trouble / difficulty / problems (in) doing sth 做某事有困难

  without difficulty 轻而易举地

  It's difficult for sb to do sth 某人做某事有困难

  1)He almost had no trouble ________ ________the place. 他几乎没费什么劲就找到了那个地方。

  2)They had great trouble ________ the sharks into their new home. 他们花了很大力气把鲨鱼搬到新家。

  【答案】 1)in finding 2)moving


  I ________ ________ ________ ________ persuding her to leave. 我费了好大劲说服她离开。

  【答案】 had considerable difficulty in(2)名校押题

  (2009辽宁)You can't imagine what difficulty we had ________ home in the snowstorm.



  C.to walk


  【答案与解析】 D 考查 have difficulty / trouble (in) doing sth 结构。由于结合考查了宾语从句,语序有调整,增加了该句型的识别难度。

  2.push one's way 挤过;设法通过

  push one's way to / past / through / into 挤;推;设法通过……

  feel one's way 摸索着前进

  fight one's way 奋勇前进

  make one's way to / towards sth 向……走去;成功

  1)She ________ ________ ________ to the front of the crowd. 她挤到人群的前面。

  2)Jack ________ ________ ________ past the journalists and escaped in his car. 杰克从记者群中挤出来,坐上车溜走了。

  【答案】 1)pushed her way 2)pushed his way


  If you want to ________ ________ ________, you must learn to work hard while you are still young. 你想要成功,就得学会趁着年轻多多努力。

  【答案】 make your way


  (2010玉林高中、南宁二中高三上学期联考)In my opinion, it is not so helpful to give someone some bread as it is to teach him how to________.

  A.make sense

  B.make progress

  C.make a living

  D.make his way

  【答案与解析】 C 考查动词短语。题意:在我看来,给某人一些面包(救济),不如教他何来创造生活更有帮助。make sense“有意义;讲得通”;make progress“取得进步”;make a living“谋生”;make one's way“前进;自力更生;自食其力”。

  3.get rid of 摆脱;除去;处理掉

  get rid of = break away from

  get rid of sb / sth 摆脱;丢弃

  rid sb / sth of sb / sth 去除;清除

  rid yourself of sb / sth 从……中解脱

  1)The fat boy went on a diet ________ ________ ________ ________ his excess weight.这个胖男孩节制饮食以减轻过量的体重。

  2)Let's ________ ________ ________ this article of old furniture.咱们把这件旧家具扔掉吧。

  【答案】 1)to get rid of 2)get rid of


  How to ________ ________ ________ the difficulties is still a great problem.


  【答案】 get rid of


  (2010东北三校联考)Governments should be encouraged to ________ all nuclear weapons.

  A.get rid of

  B.take hold of

  C.put up with

  D.come up with

  【答案与解析】 A get rid of “处理掉”;take hold of “抓住”;put up with “忍受”; come up with “想出”。

  4.result in 导致;结果是

  result in 指导致某种结果,和lead to, cause的用法类似。

  result from “起因于”,指某结果是由于某种原因而产生的。

  as a result of = because of


  as a result 因此

  lie in 原因在于

  lead to


  1)The earthquake ________ ________ the death of more than 80,000 people. 地震造成8万多人的死亡。

  2)The road accident ________ ________ foggy weather. 这次交通事故是大雾天气造成的。

  【答案】 1)resulted in 2)resulted from


  1)Laziness ________ ________ failure. 懒惰导致失败。

  2)His illness ________ ________ bad food. 他的病是由吃了变质的东西所致。

  【答案】 1)results in 2)resulted from


  (2011苏州模拟)According to a survey, most of the traffic accidents ________ head injuries.

  A.result from

  B.result in

  C.make for

  D.lie in

  【答案与解析】 B result from “由于”; result in “导致”; make for “有助于”; lie in “在于”。B项符合题意。

  5.run into 偶遇;撞到

  run across 偶然遇见

  run out

  用尽; 耗尽

  run out of


  run away 逃走;逃脱

  run after 追赶;追逐

  in the long run


  in the short run


  1)The mountaineers ________ ________ a snowstorm halfway down. 登山运动员在下山中途遇上了暴风雪。

  2)I ________ ________ an old friend in the alien land.我在异国遇到老朋友。

  3)We'll ________ ________ debt if you spend more than our income. 要是你花的比我们挣的还多,我们就要欠债了。

  【答案】 1)ran into 2)ran into 3)run into


  1)We ________ ________ thick fog on the way home. 在回家的路上,我们遇上大雾。

  2)The bus went out of control and ________ ________ a line of people. 公共汽车失控,撞了一排人。

  【答案】 1)ran into 2)ran into


  (2008江苏)—I'm still working on my project.

  —Oh, you'll miss the deadline. Time is ________.

  A.running out

  B.going out

  C.giving out

  D.losing out

  【答案与解析】 A run out “用完;耗尽”;go out “外出;过时;(灯)熄灭”; give out “分发;用完;发出(光、声音等)”;lose out “失败;输掉”。根据语境,应该选A项。

  6.put on 穿上;装出;假装;增加;上演;演出

  put aside 放在一边;丢弃;保留;储存

  put away 把……收起来;放好;储存……备用

  put back


  put down 放下;记下;镇压

  put forward 提出;推举出

  put in 放进;插入;进入

  put off 推迟;拖延

  put out 熄灭;扑灭

  put up 举起;抬起;张贴

  1)He ________ ________ a thick sweater since it was cold in the morning.早晨很冷,他穿上了一件厚毛衣。

  2)He ________ ________ a smile which makes other people believe him.他装出一副笑脸, 这使得人们相信他。

  3)He has ________ ________ ________ during the last two months. 他上两个月里体重增加了。

  4)They are going to ________ ________ Hamlet. 他们将上演《哈姆雷特》。

  【答案】 1)put on 2)puts on 3)put on weight 4)put on


  Don't ________that innocent look; we know you ate all the biscuits.

  A.put off

  B.put on

  C.put away

  D.put out

  【答案与解析】 B 题意:别装出无辜的样子,我们知道你把饼干都吃光了。put on“装出;假装”,符合题意。


  (2010全国Ⅱ)My mother opened drawer to ________the knives and spoons.

  A.put away

  B.put up

  C.put on

  D.put together

  【答案与解析】 A  put away “放好;收拾起来”;put up“举起;搭建;张贴;挂起”; put on “穿上;戴上”;put together “组装;装配;把……凑合起来”。

  7.turn sb off 令某人讨厌;使……失去兴趣

  turn on 打开;开启

  turn off 关掉

  turn down 调小;拒绝

  turn to 求助于

  turn over 翻转

  turn into 变成

  turn in 上交

  turn back


  turn out (to be)


  1)Rock music may turn you on, but it ________ ________ ________. 摇滚乐可能让你兴奋,但它却使我失去胃口。

  2)What you say will ________ ________ ________ if your mouth is full of food.如果你满嘴含着饭说话是会令人讨厌的。

  【答案】 1)turns me off 2)turn others off


  People had been ________ ________ by both candidates in the election.

  【答案】 turned off


  (2010合肥高三教学质检)She really ________. She's always making loud noises at midnight and when

  I remind her, she always

  makes rude remarks.

  A.turns me over

  B.turns me off

  C.turns me down

  D.turns me out

  【答案与解析】 B turn sb over “把某人交给……”; turn sb off “让某人讨厌”; turn sb down “拒绝某人”;turn sb out “把某人赶出去”。B项符合语境。

  8.regardless of


  regardless of = in spite of = despite为介词短语,表示“尽管;不管”之意,

  其后跟名词、代词、动名词形式或名词性短语,后不能直接跟从句,但可以接the fact that...

  although / though

  conj. “尽管;虽然”。 其后接句子。

  as regards关于;至于

  in regard to / of关于

  in this regard关于此事

  with regard to关于

  regarding prep.关于

  1)They continued to work________ it was foggy. 虽然有雾,可他们继续工作。

  2)They continued to work________ ________ ________that it was snowing. 虽然下着雪,可他们仍继续工作。

  3)She is________ ________ ________ that ________ ________ all consequences. 她不顾一切后果,决心这样做。

  4)He continued speaking, ________ ________________ ________ on the matter. 他不顾及我在此事上的情绪而继续往下说。

  【答案】 1)although / though 2)despite the fact 3)determined to do; regardless of 4)regardless of my feelings


  1)The club welcomes all new members ________ ________________ (不分年龄).

  2)They decorated the house ________ ________ ________ (不惜成本).

  3)________ ________ ________(不顾危险), he climbed the tower.

  【答案】 1)regardless of age 2)regardless of cost

  3)Regardless of danger


  (2011天津十校联考)The art show was ________ being a failure; it was a great success.

  A.far from

  B.along with

  C.next to

  D.regardless of

  【答案与解析】 A along with“同……一道”;next to “在……近旁;在隔壁;次于”;regardless of “忽视;不理睬”;far from“距离的远离;远远不;完全不;决不”。题意为“艺术展绝不是一个失败,而是一个巨大的成功”。

  9.thanks to 由于;多亏了

  thanks to为复合介词,表示原因,意为“由于;多亏;因为”。

  常见的表示原因的词组还有:owing to, because of, on account of, as a result of, due to, for the reason of, accounting for等。

  1)________ ________ your help, I finally achieved my goal.多亏了你的帮助,我最终实现了目标。

  2)It was ________ ________ his advice that I succeeded.我的成功是多亏了他的建议。

  【答案】 1)Thanks to 2)thanks to


  ________ to the man's timely coming, the ________ boy was saved.

  A.Thanking; drown

  B.Thanks; drowned

  C.Thanked; drowns

  D.Thanks; drowning

  【答案与解析】 D 考查thanks to和drown的用法。thanks to“多亏;由于”,为固定词组,没有thanking to和thanked to词组,A、C两项可排除。drowned“淹死的”。drowning“被淹的;溺水的”,故选D项。


  (2011湖北重点中学联考)For example, we can take a subway or bus to work ________ driving private cars to reduce greenhouse gas.

  A.thanks to

  B.in spite of

  C.instead of

  D.due to

  【答案与解析】 C thank to和due to表示原因;in spite of“尽管”,表示让步;instead of“代替”。题意:我们可以乘地铁或公交车而不开私家车来减少温室气体。

  10.do sb good 对……有益

  do sb good表示“对某人有益或有好处”,其中的 good 为不可数名词,也可以说成do good to sb。

  be good to sb


  be good for sb 对某人有利

  do sb harm = do harm to sb


  be harmful to sb 对某人有害

  do sb a favor = do a favor for sb 给某人恩惠;帮助某人

  1)Exercise will ________ ________ ________. 运动对你会有好处。

  2)Eat more fruit—it will ________ ________ ________. 多吃水果,这对你有好处。

  【答案】 1)do you good 2)do you good


  Do you think these latest change will ________ ________ ________? 你认为最近这些变化有什么用吗?

  【答案】 do any good


  (2009潍坊模拟)Keep on having exercises every day. It will do good ________ you.





  【答案与解析】 D 考查介词。 do sb good = do good to sb “对某人有益”。1.I wanted to withdraw $40 from our bank account, but I'm so forgetful that I couldn't remember if 40 was spelled “fourty” or “forty”. 我想从银行取出40美元,但是我如此健忘以至于我不记得四十是拼作“fourty”还是“forty”了。

  so...that... “如此……以至于……”,that引导一个结果状语从句,常用于下列三种句式:

  (1) so + adj. + a / an +单数名词+ that...

  (2) so + adj. / adv.+ that...

  (3) so +many / much / few / little + n. + that...

  such...that 也可以用于三种句式:

  (1)such + a / an + adj. +单数名词+ that...

  (2)such + adj. +复数名词+ that...

  (3)such + adj. +不可数名词+ that ...




  【答案】  She is so kind a teacher that we all like her.

  1)He ran________fast________ we couldn't catch up with him. 他跑得如此快,以至于我们都赶不上他。

  2)There are________many people in the hall________we can't find a free seat. 大厅里有这么多人,以至于我们找不到一个空座位。

  3)It is________an interesting story________the children all love it. 这是如此有趣的一个故事,以至于孩子们都喜欢它。

  【答案】 1)so; that 2)so; that 3) such; that


  1)These are________beautiful pictures________we put all of them on the wall. 这些图片如此漂亮,以至于我们把它们都贴在了墙上。

  2)He made________rapid progress________the teacher praised him. 他进步如此快,以至于老师表扬了他。

  【答案】 1)such; that 2)such; that


  (2011重庆诊断考试)The computer is in________ bad condition________ I can't work it.

  A.so; that

  B.too; that

  C.such; that

  D.such; so

  【答案与解析】 C such + adj. +不可数名词+ that...是一个常用句型。

  2.After being seated at his table, Mr Bean takes out a card, writes a few words on it, seals it in an envelope and places it on the table. 在餐桌就座后,憨豆先生拿出一张卡片,在上面写了几个字,然后将卡片封入信封,放在桌上。

  本句为简单句。after后有-ing短语作时间状语;句子由take out, write, seal和place四个动词构成并列谓语。其中being seated 是跟在介词after后面的动名词的被动形式。





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