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发布时间:2017-02-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  ④ succeed vi.

  成功, vt. 接替,继承 活用

  根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)他成功地得到了那份工作。 He ____________ getting the job. =He was _________ in getting the job. (2)许多女人能成功地将婚姻和事业结合起来。 Many women can ___________ mix marriage and career. (3)接替肯尼迪任总统的是谁? Who __________ Kennedy as President? succeeded in successful successfully succeeded ⑤employ

  v. 根据语境猜词义 (1)The store employed extra workers at Christmas.

  (2)She employed all her free time in sewing.

  (3)He employed himself by reading after work. 根据语义找匹配 A. 忙于(某事),从事(某活动)  B. 雇用,聘请  C. 利用(时间,精力等) B A C 短语 be employed in 忙于(某事),从事(某活动) ⑤employ

  v. 活用

  汉译英 (1)工作之余,她忙于读书。 ______________________________________ (2)她受雇为程序编制员(programmer)。 __________________________________ She employs herself by reading after work. She was employed as a programmer. ① die out 根据语境猜词义 (1) Many traditional customs have died out because they are out of date.

  (2) Many animals have died out in the past.

  (3)The fire is dying out. You'd better add some firewood.


  (1) C

   (2) A

   (3) B

  根据语义找匹配 A. 灭绝 

  B. 熄灭  C. 风俗、习惯逐渐消失 ① die out 短语 die from

  死于(多外因) die of


  die away

  (多指声音、光线、风等)逐渐减弱 die off

  相继死去,先后死亡 be dying to do sth.

  渴望做某事 ① die out 活用

  单项填空 (1) Unfortunately, the soldier died______ a wound in the chess.

  A. from

  B. out

  C. off

  D. down 解析 考查die的短语搭配辨析。按照句意此处soldier的死因应该是枪伤,故用die from。 ① die out A 活用

  用die相关短语的正确形式填空 (2) As the region is becoming hotter, this kind of grass is ______.

  (3) Their chatters and laughter ______ as the group rushed out of the classroom.

  (4) We need to take action before all the endangered animals ______.


  (2) dying off (3) died away

  (4) have died out ① die out ②protect…from/against

  (1) You must learn to protect yourself from the danger.

  (2)They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind.

  根据语境和语义protect…from…意为:______。 答案

  保护……以免受到……的伤害 ②protect…from/against

  链接 表示“阻止某人做某事/阻止某事发生”的短语有:

  prevent sb./sth. (from)doing sth.

  stop sb./sth. (from)doing sth.

  keep sb. from doing sth.

  (from不可省略) ban sb./sth. (from)doing sth. (=forbid sb. to do sth.)

  禁止某人做某事 注意:keep sb. doing sth. 让某人不断做某事 活用

  单项填空 (1)He is wearing sunglasses to ______ his eyes from the strong sunlight.

  A. protect

  B. hold

  C. stop

  D. prevent (2)The umbrella can ______ you from the rain.

  A. stop

  B. prevent

  C. protect

  D. keep ②protect…from/against

  A C 活用

  单项填空 ②protect…from/against

  解析 考查动词辨析。prevent sb. from doing sth.防止某人干某事,意思类似于stop/keep sb. from doing sth.;protect sb. from sth.保护某人免遭……伤害。

  ③ come into being

  根据语境猜词义 (1) I don't exactly know when the universe came into being.

  (2) When did the club come into being?

  (3) Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 成立  B. 形成  C. 产生

  B A C 短语 come into operation

  开始运行;生效 come into office

  就职 come into power

  当权;执政 come into use

  投入使用 come into force

  生效;实施 come into effect

  生效 ③ come into being


  (1) People in the town will benefit from the law after it ______next month.

  A. comes into use

  B. comes into power

  C. comes into effect

  D. comes into being 解析 考查短语语义辨析。come into use投入使用; come into power执政; come into effect生效;come into being产生。根据语境:法律下个月生效,所以答案是C。

  ③ come into being

  C 活用 (2) The town came into ______ as we turned around the corner.

  A. being

  B. use

  C. fashion

  D. sight 解析 考查短语语义辨析。 come into being产生,形成; have an effect on对……有影响。所以答案是D。 ③ come into being


  There were many different kinds of dinosaur and a number of them used to live in China. (P30)


  “There be +名词”是英语中最为常用的句式 之一,表示“某处存在某物”。在使用中,我们应 当注意以下几点:

  (1) there be 中的be动词的数的变化要依据“就 近原则”,即与它距离最近的主语在人称和数上保 持一致。

  There is a pen and two pencils in the pencil box.

  (2) 由于这一结构中的谓语动词是 be 动词,因 此之后出现的所有动词都是非谓语动词,在使用中, 我们务必注意非谓语动词的运用。 概念 非谓语动 词的形式 与主语 的关系 所发生 的时间 There be+ 名词+ 非谓语动词 to do 主动 将来 to be done 被动 doing 主动 正在发生、 一直发生 done 被动 完成

  Hurry up! There is no time to go.

  You mustn't leave now, because there is a lot of

  work to be done.

  There is a person waiting for you outside.

  Hurry up! There is no time left.

  (3) there be 结构的非谓语动词形式要依据非谓 语动词在句子中的结构确定。

  I want there to be a vase in the center of the table.

  There being no bus, we had to walk home.

  你知道这道题该如何解答吗? ______, so we had to walk home.

  A. There being no bus

  B. Being no bus

  C. There was no bus

  D. No bus 解析 考查了独立主格结构与并列句的关系。当在语句中有并列连词时,这就说明这是一个并列句,前后都是完整的句子,所以本题也就用了There was no bus。如果没有并列连词so,就说明它是独立主格结构,用There being no bus。 C (4) there be结构的变体和运用 There happen to be… 碰巧有…… There stand / lie /come/ go / remain/ live… 有…… There seem to be… 似乎有……;好像有…… 温馨提示:

  恰当使用there be 结构会给你的书面表达增添灵气,让你的作品更加灵动。

  There stands a tall teaching building in the center of our school.


  There lies a quiet small stream in the mountain village.

  一条小溪静静地躺在山寨里。 (5) 常用句型 There is no need to do sth.

  没必要做某事 There is no doubt that…

  ……毋庸置疑 There was a time when…

  曾几何时…… ① contain vt.

  根据语境猜词义 (1) He opened the bag, which contained a razor, soap, and a towel.

  (2) He was so excited he could hardly contain himself.

  (3) The auditorium will contain 3,000 people.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 容纳  B. 装有  C. 克制、抑制


  (1) B (2) C (3) A

  ① contain vt.

  链接 container n. 容器,器皿,集装箱,货柜 ① contain vt.

  辨析 include/contain/hold

  include强调“包括,作为整体的一部分”,侧重范围或整体。其后的宾语往往是主语的一部分。include的分词短语常在句中作状语,用于名词前用including,用于名词后用included。 ① contain vt.

  辨析 include/contain/hold

  contain 着重“其中包含有”,指在一定范围或容器内容纳某物,侧重包含的内容或成分。



  A container contains all kinds of fruits, which include pineapples.

  contain的宾语与主语不同类。include的宾语与主语是同类之物。fruit与container不同类,用contain。pineapple与fruit是同类之物,所以用include。 ① contain vt.


  用上述单词的恰当形式填空 (1) The book ______ ten chapters, ______ American Literature.

  (2) This kind of fruit ______ lots of vitamin C and B, vitamin D ______.

  (3) The hall______200 people.


  (1) contains;including 

  (2) contains;included 

  (3) holds

  ① contain vt.

  根据语境猜词义 (1) Their opinion will not affect my decision.

  (2) We are deeply affected by his devotion to work.

  ② affect vt. 根据语义找匹配 A. 影响  B. 使感动

  A B 短语 affect sb. to tears把某人感动得流泪 be greatly affected很受感动 be affected by heat中暑 ② affect vt. 辨析 affect/effect/influence

  affect vt. 表示“影响,(病)侵袭”,多指不好的影响。当affect的宾语是人时,它表示引起心智上或感情上的影响,即“使……感动”。

  ② affect vt. 辨析 affect/effect/influence

  effect 表示“影响”时,是名词,指由于某种原因直接产生的结果,常用于:

  have an effect on对……有影响; in effect正在实行;实际上; side effect副作用; take effect开始实行,开始生效; without effect没有效果; come into effect生效,实施;bring/carry sth. into effect使……生效; be of no effect 无效果。

  ② affect vt. 辨析 affect/effect/influence

  influence多指对人的思想、观念、心理情绪等内在的东西产生潜移默化的影响,或对人的决定、行为等造成某种程度的影响。 活用

  单项填空 Sichuan Province ____by the earthquake,causing

  difficulties to the post-festival road transport.

  A. were affected

  B. was affected

  C. had effected

  D. has affected 解析

  考查动词词义的辨析。affect 为动词,意思是“影响;感动”;effect为名词,意思是“影响;效果”。按照句意选择B。 ② affect vt. B ③appreciate vt. 根据语境猜词义 (1) Her abilities are not fully appreciated by her employer.

  (2) I don't think you appreciate the danger of this job.

  (3)I appreciated his help when I prepared for the entrance exams.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 赏识;重视  B. 察知 

  C. 感激 解析

  (1) A  

  (2) B  

  (3) C  ③appreciate vt. 句型 appreciate + n. /doing 感激(欣赏;觉得……) appreciate it+if 从句 如果……,将不胜感激 ③appreciate vt. 活用

  单项填空 (1) I would appreciate ______ if you would let me know in advance whether you will be coming or not.

  A. that

  B. it

  C. you

  D. this 解析 考查动词的用法。appreciate其后不接人,排 除 D,这里所要感激的事情是 if



  let me


  in advance whether you will be coming or not, 为了避免头重脚轻现象,所以用it作为形式宾语。 ③appreciate vt. B (2) I really appreciate ______to relax with you on this magic island.

  A. having time

  B. to have time

  C. to have had time

  D. to having time 解析 考查动词的用法。当appreciate后接非谓语 动词时,它只能用v.-ing形式,所以答案是A。 ③appreciate vt. 活用

  单项填空 A (3) I appreciated ______back and greeting that afternoon after our departure.

  A. you to call

  B. you calling

  C. you called

  D. you call 解析 考查动词的用法。当appreciate后接非谓语动 词时,它只能用 v.-ing 形式,如果非谓语动词有其 逻辑主语时,使用n./代词+ v.-ing 形式,构成动名 词的复合结构,所以答案是B。 ③appreciate vt. 活用

  单项填空 B ④ succeed vi.

  成功, vt. 接替,继承 根据语境感悟其用法 It is not hard to succeed if you work hard.

  只要你努力工作,获得成功就不是件难事。 链接 success n.

  成功;成功的人或事 successful adj.

  成功的 successfully adv.

  成功地 ④ succeed vi.

  成功, vt. 接替,继承 短语 succeed in doing sth.

  =be successful in doing sth.

  =manage to do sth.   成功干某事


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