1. reach+地点/数字
达到 get是普通用语
获得 achieve+目标/希望/成功
2. put in:打断,插嘴,插入
put away:放好,收起来,留存
put on:穿,上演
put off:推迟,延期
put out:生产,扑灭
put up:举起,张贴
put aside:搁置一旁,储存
put down:写下,记下
put back:放回,送回
put forward:提出主意、计划
3. hesitate in (doing) sth:在…方面犹豫,不灵敏
hesitate about doing sth:关于…犹豫不决
hesitate what to do:犹豫着不知做什么
hesitate to do sth:不愿(欲)做某事
4. a lead-on collision:正面冲突(相撞)
come into collision with:和…冲突
in collision:相撞,在冲突中
in the collision with:在…的碰撞中
collision between A and B:A与B相撞
5. set about+doing
set out to do sth
set out=set off
6. benefit sb/sth:使…受益
sb benefit from/by:从…中获益
7. all the way:一路上,一直,始终
on the/one's way (to):在…的路上
in the way:挡道
8. It is likely that-clause
It is possible/probable that-clause
sb/sth be likely to do
It is possible for sb to do sth
sth is probable
9. rob
cure +sb of sth
10. throw light upon/on:阐明…
be absorbed in:全神贯注于…,热衷于…
be available for sth/to do sth:对…有效的/可利用的
be sensitive to sth:对…敏感
rang from…to…:范围从…到…
1. 从原文直接找到答案所需的信息。在解答这类题时,我们可采用"对号入座"的方法。先找到原文的关键信息,然后把原文中的信息跟后面的题目对照,即可得到答案。
例:…The new strategy involves fuel cells, which are devices that use chemical reactions to produce electrical currents. Researchers from St. Louis University used a type of protein called enzymes(酶). In the cells of living things, including people, enzymes are what spark chemical reactions. To keep up with the pace that our bodies demand, our cells constantly produce new enzymes as the old ones break down.
Scientists had tried using enzymes in fuel cells before, but they had trouble keeping the electricity flowing. That's because, unlike the enzymes in our cells, the enzymes in fuel cells break down faster than they can be replaced.
To get around this problem, the St. Louis researchers invented molecules that wrap around an enzyme and protect it. Inside this molecular pocket, an enzyme can last for months instead of days.
Q: Researchers have molecules wrap around an enzyme in order to____.
A. make the enzymes in fuel cells break down slower
B. produce enough enzymes to break down
C. keep up with the pace that our bodies demand
D. keep the enzymes in fuel cells from breaking down
[分析]从第四段最后一句话"That's because, unlike the enzymes in our cells, the enzymes in fuels cells break down faster than they can be replaced"可知,其目的是使燃料电池中酶的分裂速度降低。答案为A。
2. 对信息进行加工。这类题目我们能够在文章中找到信息,但原文信息又不是做题所直接需要的,需要我们对原文信息进行合理的加工处理,据此作简单推理。它是介于事实细节题和推理判断题之间的一种题型。
例:In the summer of 1941, I was 5 years old. It was a time when the Nickles Bakery sent salesmen in red-and-white trucks door-to-door in our town of Greenville, Pennsylvania, selling baked goods.
One day, a Nickles salesman drove his truck, loaded with goodies, into our driveway. He opened the rear doors, took out his display of baked goods and went into our home to offer my mother the specialties of the day.
While he was inside, I sneaked around to the rear of his truck, with its doors wide open, and I took a package of oatmeal(燕麦) cookies, hurried to the rear of the house and ate the entire package of cookies.
Soon, the truck sped away, and I never gave what I had done another thought…until 27 years later, during the summer of 1968.
Q: In the 27 years after he ate the oatmeal cookies, the author____.
A. felt sorry all the time B. tried to find the salesman and pay him
C. never thought about what he had done
D. often remembered the scene
[分析]从文章第四段可知,作者在27年中把自己所做的事情忘记了,从来没有想过。"Soon, the truck sped away, and I never gave what I had done anther thought…until 27 years later, during the summer of 1968"原文中是"never gave…another thought"与C选项中"never thought about"相照应。
3. 综合信息题。这类题目的信息不仅仅涉及文章的某一句话,还可能涉及文章的几句话,而且有时可能散落在文章的不同段落,因此要求我们把原文提供的信息综合起来分析,不能断章取义,张冠李戴。
例:I lacated the bakery and told the superintendent(主管) my story, expecting him to understand my plight and tally up the charges.
I'd pay up and my conscience would be put at ease.
Instead, he laughed out loud and said, "You mean to tell me that you want to pay for something that happened 27 years ago, when you were only 5 years old?"
He laughed again and said, "Reverend(牧师), consider the debt paid."
I felt relieved and my conscience was right.
Q: Why did the author feel his conscience was right in the end?
A. Because he paid for those cookies, plus 27 years of interest.
B. Because he was respected as a minister by the superintendent.
C. Because the superintendent told him the debt had been paid.
D. Because he was pardoned by the superintendent.
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