1. There’s no embarrassment
The number one rule with your best friends: never feel embarrassed to say what’s on your mind. You can tell them anything, and I mean anything, and they won’t care.
It’s probably because they can relate. You’re both women, so they know exactly how it feels when your emotions go haywire during that time of the month.
Explaining this to your boyfriend isn’t always easy, and for the most part they just don’t get it. There’s no shame telling your friends about your digestive problems or ingrown hairs – they totally understand and will never judge you for it.
2. They give great advice
The best advice usually comes from a close relative or your girlfriends. They know you very well, and because they have been through similar situations themselves, they are always there to help you out in your time of need.
You can hardly ask your boyfriend about boy problems – it just wouldn’t have the same outcome.
3. They remember the little details
A true best friend will never forget your birthday or other important dates that mean a lot to you. They make it their mission to remember the little things about you; how you two met, your favorite movie, how you like your coffee, and all of the other small details that shape you into the person you are.
Your boyfriend will probably have to be reminded of important dates and will most definitely forget your anniversary.
4. They like the same things
One of the reasons you and your girls get along so well is because you have a lot in common. They are always down to binge watch Friends or Gossip Girl, which is really not your boyfriend’s kind of thing.
And you can swap clothes. Your girlfriends will tell you what looks good and what doesn’t work at all. Your boyfriend will probably just tell you what he thinks you want to hear, rather than the truth.
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