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发布时间:2017-02-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2017 年全国高考



  point guard, or numbers person. The fixed mind-set believes it’s sure to succeed without much effort and regards failure as personal shame. When things get difficult, it’s quick to blame, lie, and even stay away from future difficulties.

  On the other hand, a growth mind-set believes that no talent is entirely heaven-sent and that effort and learning make everything possible. Because the ego (自尊) isn’t on the line as much, the growth mind-set sees failure as a chance rather than shame. When faced with a difficulty, it’s quick to rethink, change and try again. In fact, it enjoys this experience.

  We are all born with growth mind-sets. (Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to live in the world.) But parents, teachers, and instructors often push us into fixed mind-sets by encouraging certain actions and misdirecting praise. Dweck’s book, Mind-set: The New Psychology of Success, and online instructional program explain this in depth. But she says there are many little things you can start doing today to make sure that your children, grandchildren and even you are never defeated by failure.



  57. What does the author think about the present generation?

  A. They don’t do well at school. B. They are often misunderstood.

  C. They are eager to win in sports. D. They are given too much praise.


  【解析】根据第一段中的“professor Carol Dweck, PhD, calls them “the overpraised generation.”



  58. A fixed mind-set person is probably one who ___ .

  A. doesn’t want to work hard

  B. cares a lot about personal safety

  C. cannot share his ideas with others

  D. can succeed with the help of teachers


  【解析】根据文章第三段中的“The fixed mind-set believes it’s sure to succeed without much effort and regards failure as personal shame.”可知:他相信成功但不想付出努力。


  59. What does the growth mind-set believe?

  A. Admitting failure is shameful.

  B. Talent comes with one’s birth.

  C. Scores should be highly valued.

  D. Getting over difficulties is enjoyable.


  【解析】根据文章第四段中的“the growth mind-set sees failure as a chance rather than shame. When faced with a difficulty, it’s quick to rethink, change and try again. In fact, it enjoys this experience.”可知D正确。


  60. What should parents do for their children based on Dweck’s study?

  A. Encourage them to learn from failures.

  B. Prevent them from making mistakes.

  C. Guide them in doing little things.

  D. Help them grow with praise.


  【解析】根据文章的最后一句“But she says there are many little things you can start doing today to make sure that your children, grandchildren and even you are never defeated by failure.”可知A正确。




  On a hill 600 feet above the surrounding land, we watch the lines of rain move across the scene, the moon rise over the hills, and the stars appear in the sky. The views invite a long look from a comfortable chair in front of the wooden house.

  Every window in our wooden house has a view, and the forest and lakes seldom look the same as the hour before. Each look reminds us where we are.

  There is space for our three boys to play outside, to shoot arrows, collect tree seeds, build earth houses and climb trees.

  Our kids have learned the names of the trees, and with the names have come familiarity and appreciation. As they tell all who show even a passing interest, maple(枫树)makes the best fighting sticks and white pines are the best climbing trees.

  The air is clean and fresh. The water from the well has a pleasant taste, and it is perhaps the healthiest water our kids will ever drink. Though they have one glass a day of juice and the rest is water, they never say anything against that.

  The seasons change just outside the door. We watch the maples turn every shade of yellow and red in the fall and note the poplars’(杨树)putting out the first green leaves of spring. The rainbow smelt fills the local steam as the ice gradually disappears, and the wood frogs start to sing in pools after being frozen for the winter. A family of birds rules our skies and flies over the lake.

  41. What can be learned from Paragraph 2?

  A. The scenes are colorful and changeable.

  B. There are many windows in the wooden house.

  C. The views remind us that we are in a wooden house.

  D. The lakes outside the windows are quite different in color.

  42. By mentioning the names of the trees, the author aims to show that ______ .

  A. the kids like playing in trees

  B. the kids are very familiar with trees

  C. the kids have learned much knowledge

  D. the kids find trees useful learning tools

  43. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

  A. The change of seasons is easily felt.

  B. The seasons make the scenes change.

  C. The weather often changes in the forest.

  D. The door is a good position to enjoy changing seasons.

  44. What is the main purpose of the author writing the text?

  A. To describe the beauty of the scene around the house.

  B. To introduce her children’s happy life in the forest.

  C. To show that living in the forest is healthful.

  D. To share the joy of living in the nature.

  43. A 推理判断题。划线部分的字面意思为:季节就在门外变化着。再根据本段对于周围大自然的变化的描述可知,作者身处此地,能够很容易地感觉到季节的变换。故答案为A。

  44. D 推理判断题。此题推测文章写作目的。通读全文,不难了解,作者是与我们读者分享他身居大自然的快乐生活。故答案为D。



  Inside the pleasingly fragrant cafe, So All May Eat(SAME) in downtown Denver ,the spirit of generosity(慷慨)is instantly noticeable :A donation box stands in place of a cash register. Customers here pay only what they can afford, no questions asked. A risky business plan, perhaps, but SAME Café has done one unchangeable thing in the Mile High City for six years: Open only at midday, the restaurant provides poor local can instead volunteer as waiters and waitresses, and dishwashers, or took after the buildings and equipment for the cafe. “It’s based on trust, and it’s working all right” , says co-owner Brad Birky , who started the café in 2006. With his wife Libby. Previously volunteering at soup kitchens, the Birkys were dissatisfied with the often unhealthy meals they served there. “We wanted to offer quality food in a restaurant where everyone felt comfortable ,regardless of their circumstances,” Birky says. SAME’s special lunch menu changes daily and most food materials are natural and grown by local farmers. The café now averages 65 to 70 customers (and eight volunteers) a day. And the spirit of generosity behind the project appears to be spreading. In early 2007,one volunteer who had cleared snow for his meals during the long winter said goodbye to the Birkys,” He said he was going to New Orleans to help with the hurricane clear up,” says Birky. 68.What can we learn about the soup kitchens the Birkys previously worked for? 

  68. What can we learn about the soup kitchens the Birkys prcviously worked for?

  A. .

  They refused to have volunteers.


  They offered low quality food.


  They provided customers with a good environment.


  They closed down because of poor management.


  According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

  A. .

  The customers who cannot pay can word as volunteers in stead.


  More volunteers will go to new Orleans for the hurricane cleanup.


  Many new cafes will be opened to offer free lunches in the town.


  The lunch menu has remained the same since the café was started.


  The author’s attitude towards running such a café is_______










  【文章大意】本文向我们介绍了SAME Café的经营模式。


  【试题解析】细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“Previously volunteering at soup kitchens, the Birkys were dissatisfied with the often unhealthy meals they served there.”可知,他们是对向他们提供的不健康的食物不满意,所以选B。



  【试题解析】判断正误题。根据第二段第三句“Those unable to pay for their meals can instead volunteer as waiters and waitresses, and dishwashers, or look after the buildings and equipment for the Café.”那些付不起钱的人可以代替志愿者做服务员,或洗碗工,或看楼和设备。可知,A项正确。








  Easter(复活节 ) is still a great day for worship, randy in baskets and running around the yard finding eggs, but every year it gets quite a bit worse for bunnies.

  And no, not because the kids like to pull their ears. The culprit is climate change, and some researchers found that rising temperatures arc having harmful effects on at least five species of rabbit in the US.

  Take the Lower Keys March rabbit, for instance. An endangered species that lives in the Lower Florida Keys, this species of cottontail is a great swimmer — it lives on the islands! — but it is already severely affected by development and now by rising levels. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, an ocean level rise of only 0. 6 meters will send these guys jumping to higher ground and a 0.9-meter rise would wipe out their habitat (栖息地) completely.

  The snowshoe hare, on the other hand, has a color issue. Most of these rabbits change their fur color from white in the wintertime to brown in the summer, each designed to give them better cover from predators(捕食者).

  As the number of days with snow decreases all across the country, however, more and more bunnies arc being left in white fur during brown dirt days of both fall and spring, making them an easier mark for predators. Researchers know that the color change is controlled by the number of hours of sunlight, but whether the rabbit will be able to adapt quick enough to survive is a big question. The National Wildlife Federation has reported that hunters have noticed their numbers are already markedly down.

  American pikas or rock rabbits, a relative of rabbits and hares, might be the firs' of these species to go extinct due to climate change. About 7-8 inches long, pikas live high in the cool, damp mountains west of the Rocky Mountains. As global temperatures rise, they would naturally migrate (迁徙) to higher ground — but they already occupy the mountaintops. They can't go any higher. The National Wildlife Federation reports that they might not be able to stand the new temperatures as their habitat beats up.

  The volcano rabbit has the same problem. These rabbits live on the slopes of volcanoes in Mexico, and recent studies have shown that the lower range of their habitat has already shifted upward about 700 meters, but there are not suitable plants for them to move higher, so they are stuck in the middle. Scientists are concerned about their populations.

  Native to the US, pygmy rabbits weigh less than 1 pound and live in the American West. They are believed to be the smallest rabbits in the world. Their habitats have been destroyed by development. Several populations, such as the Columbia Basin pygmy, almost went extinct and were saved by zoo breeding programs. Pygmy rabbits also rely on winter cover by digging tunnels through the snow to escape predators, but lesser snowfall is leaving them exposed.

  All of this gives new meaning to dressing up in a giant bunny costume this Easter.

  41 The writer mentions Easter at the beginning of the passage in order to_______.

  A. show the importance of Easter Day B. introduce the issue about bunnies

  C. remind people of Easter traditions

  D. discuss the relationship between Easter and bunnies 42. The word "culprit" ( Paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to______.

  A. criminal B. judge C. victim D. producer

  43. According to the passage, some rabbits can now be easily Uncovered by predators because they_______

  A. are exposed lo more skillful hunters

  B. have moved to habitats with fewer plants

  C. haven't adapted themselves to climate change

  D. can't change their fur color into white in the fall and the spring

  44, The problem faced by volcano rabbets and rock rabbits is that________.

  A. both are affected by 1ess snow B. both are affected by rising sea levels

  C neither can find enough food 0. neither can migrate to higher places

  45 Which best describes the writer's tone in the postage?

  A. Approving. B. Concerned. C. Enthusiastic. D. Doubtful.






  【试题解析】词义猜测题。根据文章第一段最后一句后半句:but every year it gets quite a bit worse for bunnies.和第二段的第一句:And no, not because the kids like to pull their ears.可知答案A,罪过,符合文意。


  【试题解析】细节理解题。根据第三段的整体理解和倒数第二句but whether the rabbit will be able to adapt quick enough to survive is a big question.的总结,可知答案C符合文意。


  【试题解析】细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段的第三句they would naturally migrate (迁徙) to higher ground — but they already occupy the mountaintops. They can't go any higher.和倒数第二段第二句的后半部分but there are not suitable plants for them to move higher,可知,故答案D符合文意。



  Deputy Agriculture Secretary Kathleen Merrigan sees an epidemic (流行病) sweeping across Americas farmland. It has little to do with the usual challenges, such as flood, rising fuel prices and crop-eating insects. The country's fanners are getting older, and there are fewer people standing in line to take their place. National agricultural census (普查) figures show that the fastest-growing group of fanners is the part over 65. Merrigan is afraid the average age will be even higher when the 2017 statistics are completed.

  Merrigan, a former college professor, is making stops at universities across the country in hopes of encouraging more students to think about careers in agriculture. Aside from trying to stop the graying of .America's farmers, her work is made tougher by a recent blog posting that put agriculture at No.1 on a list of "useless" college degrees. Top federal agriculture officials are talking about the posting, and it has the attention of agricultural organizations across the country.

  “There couldn't be anything that's more incorrect," Merrigan said. "We know that there aren't enough qualified graduates to fill the jobs that are out there in American agriculture.

  In addition, a growing world population that some experts predict will require 70% more food production by 2050, she said.

  “I truly believe we're at a golden age of agriculture. Global demand is at an all-time record high, and global supplies are at all-time record lows," said Matt Rush, director of the Texas Farm Bureau. "Production costs are going to be valuable enough that younger people are going to have the opportunity to be involved in agriculture. "

  The Department of Agriculture has programs aimed at developing more farmers and at increasing interest in locally grown food. The National Young Farmers' Coalition has also been pushing for state and federal policy changes to make it easier for new farmers.

  Ryan Best, president of Future Fanners of America, has been living out of a suitcase, traveling the country and visiting with high school students about careers in agriculture. The 21 -year-old Best hopes his message-that this is a new time in agriculture-will motivate the next generation to turn around the statistics. Never before have we had the innovations ( 创新) in technology which have led to agriculture in this country being the most efficient it has ever been,” he said. “there’s really a place for everybody to fit in.”

  59. What is the new challenge to American agriculture?

  A. Fewer and older farmers. B. Higher fuel prices.

  C. More natural disasters. D. Lower agricultural output.

  60.Why is Merrigan visiting universities across the country?

  A. To draw federal agriculture officials' attention.

  B. To select qualified agriculture graduates.

  C. To clarify a recent blog posting.

  D. To talk more students into farming careers

  61. According to Matt Rush, American agriculture will provide opportunities for younger people because__________.

  A. the government will cover production costs

  B. global food supplies will be even lower

  C. investment in agriculture will be profitable

  D. America will increase its food export

  62. What do the underlined words "to turn around the statistics" in the last paragraph mean?

  A. To re-analyze the result of the national census.

  B. To increase agricultural production.

  C. To bring down the average age of farmers.

  D. To invest more in agriculture.




  【试题解析】细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“The country’s farmers are getting older, and there are fewer people standing in line to take their place”可知,A项正确。



  【试题解析】细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中“…is making stops at universities across the country in hopes of encouraging more students to think about careers in agriculture”可知,D项正确。



  【试题解析】推理判断题。根据第五段中“Global demand is at an all-time record high, and global supplies are at all-time record lows”可推断Matt Rush认为,全球对农业的需要达到了最高,而全球的供应则达到了最低,故在农业上投资肯定会获利,即C项正确。



  【试题解析】句意理解题。根据最后一段第二句中“…this is a new time in agriculture —will motivate the next generation…”可推断此处表示的是“农业的新时机将会激励下一代来参与,即农民的平均年龄将会年轻化”,故C项正确。



  1.Deputy Agriculture Secretary Kathleen Merrigan sees an epidemic (流行病) sweeping across Americas farmland.

  本句是see sb. / sth. doing sth.的复合结构。

  2. Merrigan, a former college professor, is making stops at universities across the country in hopes of encouraging more students to think about careers in agriculture.

  本句是介词短语in hope of doing sth. 希望……。

  3. The 21 -year-old Best hopes his message-that this is a new time in agriculture-will motivate the next generation to turn around the statistics.

  本句是his message 的同位语从句

  4. Never before have we had the innovations ( 创新) in technology which have led to agriculture in this country being the most efficient it has ever been,”

  本句never 否定词放在句首,后面用部分倒装,the innovations的定语从句,which是关系代词。



  The practice of students endlessly copying letters and sentences from a blackboard is a thing of the past. With the coming of new technologies like computers and smartphone, writing by hand has become something of nostalgic (怀旧的)skill. However, while today’s educators are using more and more technology in their teaching, many believe basic handwriting skills are still necessary for students to be successful---both in school and in life.

  Virginia Berninger, professor of educational psychology at the University of Washington, says it’s important to continue teaching handwriting and help children acquire the skill of writing by hand.

  Berninger and her colleagues conducted a study that looked at the ability of students to complete various writing tasks---both on a computer and by hand. The study, published in 2009, found that when writing with a pen and paper, participants wrote longer essays and more complete sentences and had a faster word production rate.

  In a more recent study, Berninger looked at what role spelling plays in a student’s writing skills and found that how well children spell is tied to know well they can write. “Spelling makes some of the thinking parts of the brain active which helps us access our vocabulary, word meaning and concepts. It is allowing our written language to connect with ideas.” Berninger said.

  Spelling helps students translate ideas into words in their mind first and then to transcribe(转换) “those words in the mind written symbols on paper or keyboard and screen,” the study said. Seeing the words in the “mind’s eye” helps children not only to turn their ideas into words, says Berninger, but also to spot(发现) spelling mistakes when they write the words down and to correct then over time.

  “In our computer age, some people believe that we don’t have to teach spelling because we have spell checks,” she said. “But until a child has a functional spelling ability of about a fifth grade level, they won’t have the knowledge to choose the correct spelling among the options given by the computer.”

  46. What makes writing by hand a thing of the past?

  A. The absence of blackboard in classroom. B. The use of new technologies in teaching.

  C. The lack of practice in handwriting. D. The popular use of smartphones.

  47. Berninger’s study published in 2009 ___________.

  A. focused on the difference between writing by hand and on a computer.

  B. indicated that students prefer to write with a pen and paper.

  C. found that good essays are made up of long sentences.

  D. discussed the importance of writing speed.

  48. Which of the following best shows the role of spelling?

  A. Spelling improves one’s memory of words.

  B. Spelling ability is closely related to writing ability.

  C. Spelling benefits the translation from words into ideas.

  D. Spelling slows down finding exact words to express ideas.

  49. What does “mind’s eye” in paragraph 5 mean?

  A. Window. B. Soul C. Picture. D. Imagination.

  50. What conclusion could be drawn from the passage?

  A. Computers can help people with their choice of words.

  B. Spell checks can take the place of spelling teaching.

  C. Handwriting still has a place in today’s classrooms.

  D. Functional spelling ability develops fast in the fifth grade.

  46---50 BABDC




  “In wilderness(荒野) is the preservation of the world.” This is a famous saying from a writer regarded as one of the fathers of environmentalism. The frequency with which it is borrowed mirrors a heated debate on environmental protection: whether to place wilderness at the heart of what is to be preserved.

  As John Sauven of Greenpeace UK points out, there is a strong appeal in images of the wild, the untouched; more than anything else, they speak of the nature that many people value most dearly. The urge to leave the subject of such images untouched is strong, and the danger exploitation(开发) brings to such landscapes(景观) is real. Some of these wildernesses also perform functions that humans need—the rainforests, for example, store carbon in vast quantities. To Mr.Sauven, these ”ecosystem services” far outweigh the gains from exploitation.

  Lee Lane, a visiting fellow at the Hudson Institute, takes the opposing view. He acknowledges that wildernesses do provide useful services, such as water conservation. But that is not, he argues, a reason to avoid all human presence, or indeed commercial and industrial exploitation. There are ever more people on the Earth, and they reasonably and rightfully want to have better lives, rather than merely struggle for survival. While the ways of using resources have improved, there is still a growing need for raw materials, and some wildernesses contain them in abundance. If they can be tapped without reducing the services those wildernesses provide, the argument goes, there is no further reason not to do so. Being untouched is not, in itself, a characteristic worth valuing above all others.

  I look forwards to seeing these views taken further, and to their being challenged by the other participants. One challenge that suggests itself to me is that both cases need to take on the question of spiritual value a little more directly. And there is a practical question as to whether wildernesses can be exploited without harm.

  This is a topic that calls for not only free expression of feelings, but also the guidance of reason. What position wilderness should enjoy in the preservation of the world obviously deserves much more serious thinking.

  67. John Sauven holds that_____.

  A. many people value nature too much

  B. exploitation of wildernesses is harmful

  C. wildernesses provide humans with necessities

  D. the urge to develop the ecosystem services is strong

  68. What is the main idea of Para. 3?

  A. The exploitation is necessary for the poor people.

  B. Wildernesses cannot guarantee better use of raw materials.

  C. Useful services of wildernesses are not the reason for no exploitation.

  D. All the characteristics concerning the exploitation should be treated equally.

  69. What is the author’s attitude towards this debate?

  A. Objective.

  B. Disapproving.

  C. Sceptical.

  D. Optimistic.

  70. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?





  CP: Central Point

  P: Point

  Sp: Sub-point(次要点)

  C: Conclusion


  第二段中, The urge to leave the subject of such images untouched is strong, and the danger exploitation brings to such landscapes is real.


  He acknowledges that wildernesses do provide useful services, but that is not a reason to avoid all human presence.


  This is a topic that calls for not only free expression of feelings, but also the guidance of reason……deserves much more serious thinking.





          Harvard researchers have created a tough, low-cost, biodegradable (可生物降解的) material inspired by insects’ hard outer shells. The material’s inventors say it has a number of possible uses and someday could provide a more environmentally friendly alternative to plastic. The material, made from shrimp (虾) shells and proteins produced from silk, is called “shrilk.” It is thin, clear, flexible and strong.         A major benefit fo the material is its biodegradability. Plastic’s toughness and flexibility represented a revolution in materials science during the 1950s and ’60s. Decades later however, plastic’s very durability (耐用性) is raising questions about how appropriate it is for one-time products such as plastic bags, or short-lived consumer goods, used in the home for a few years and then cast into a landfill where they will degrade for centuries. What is the point of making something that lasts 1,000 years?         Shrilk not only will degrade in a landfill, but its basic components are used as fertilizer (肥料), and so will enrich the soil.         Shrilk has great potential, the inventors said. Materials from which is made are plentiful in nature, found in everything ranging from shrimp shells, insect bodies to living plants. That makes shrilk low cost, and its mass production possible should it be used for products demanding a lot of material.         Work on shrilk is continuing in the lab. The inventors said the material becomes flexible when wet, so they’re exploring ways to use it in wet environments. They’re also developing simpler production processes, which could be used for non-medical products, like for computer cases and other products inside the home. They’re even exploring combining it with other materials, like carbon fibers, to give it new properties. 66. Paragraph 1 of the passage is mainly about shrilk’s ____.     A. remarkable design     B. interesting name     C. major features     D. basic elements 67. What has become a concern about plastic?     A. Using it properly.     B. Producing it cheaply.     C. Developing its properties quickly.     D. Evaluating its contributions fairly. 68. According to the inventors, shrilk has great potential partly because ____.     A. it can help plastic degrade     B. it can be found in living things     C. its mass production has been realized     D. its raw materials are abundant in nature 69. What are they inventors doing in the lab?     A. Replacing carbon fibers with shrilk.     B. Testing shrilk’s use in wet conditions.     C. Making shrilk out of used household goods.     D. Improving shrilk’s flexibility for medical purpose. 70. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?     A. Recent Progress in Environmental Protection     B. Benefits of Insects in Scientific Research     C. The Harm of One-time Products     D. A Possible Alternative to Plastic [2017湖南高考真题C] 参考答案:CADBD 答案详解: 66. 主旨大意题。本段为总分总结构,所以很容易得出答案。 67. 细节理解题。从plastic’s very durability (耐用性) is raising questions about how appropriate it is for one-time products such as plastic bags, or short-lived consumer goods, used in the home for a few years and then cast into a landfill where they will degrade for centuries.可得出答案。 68. 细节理解题。从Materials from which is made are plentiful in nature可得出答案。 69. 细节理解题。从ork on shrilk is continuing in the lab. The inventors said the material becomes flexible when wet, so they’re exploring ways to use it in wet envi


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