2017届高三英语语法要点细讲精练(最新高考+模拟):专题23 七选五阅读-查字典英语网
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2017届高三英语语法要点细讲精练(最新高考+模拟):专题23 七选五阅读

发布时间:2017-02-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 6 I like the music that I can dance to


  1. I love music that I can sing ________ ________.2. I listened to one c________ Heart Srtings.

  3. The singer writes her________ songs.

  4. That’s not really important________ me.

  5. What’s your f________ group?

  6. Be sure________ see this echibition.

  7. They make me feel s________.

  8. What kinds of films do you p________?

  9. I’ve never seen____ fine weather.

  A. such B. so C. much D. quite


  1. I like music that I can dance____ .A. with B. to C. along D. on2. There are many tall buildings on ____ sides of the street .

  A. each

  B. every

  C. both

  D. either

  3. I _____ singing to dancing .A. like B. enjoy C. love D. prefer

  4. He has a friend who ____ the piano very well .

  A. play

  B. playing

  C. plays

  D. played

  5. We ____ here two hours ago . We____ here for two hours .

  A. have arrived , have been

  B. have come , have been

  C. came , have come

  D. arrived , have been

  6. We will have a _____ holiday after the exam .

  A. two month

  B. two-month

  C. two-months

  D. two months


  1. The man ________ is talking with my mother is my father .

  2. That book is the one _______ I bought yesterday .

  3. He is one of the workers ________have been saved in that accident .

  4. They talked of the things and persons ________ they remembered in the factory .


  1.Copy the new words and new phrases.

  2.Make new conversation.

  3.Do the exercise.


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