2017届高三英语语法要点细讲精练(最新高考+模拟):专题20 情景交际-查字典英语网
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2017届高三英语语法要点细讲精练(最新高考+模拟):专题20 情景交际

发布时间:2017-02-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编









  —This is Mr Smith.

  —Nice/Glad/Pleased to meet you.


  —How are you doing?

  —Very well,thank you.


  —Thank you very much.

  —It’s a pleasure./My Pleasure./That’s OK./You’re welcome./Don’t mention it./That’s all right.


  —I’m sorry for losing your radio.

  —That’s OK./It’s all right./Never mind./It’s nothing./Forget it./It doesn’t matter.


  —Would you like to have a cup of coffee?

  —Thank you./No, thank you.

  6.Asking for permission(请求允许)

  —Would/Do you mind my smoking here?

  —Of course,you can./Go ahead,please.

  I’m sorry,it’s not allowed./I’m afraid not.

  7.Expressing wishes and congratulations(祝愿和祝贺)

  —I’m going to have an English Exam.

  —Good luck!

  —I have just won the first prize in the maths competition.


  8.Offering help(提供帮助)

  —Shall I help you with that?


  No,thanks./Thank you all the same.

  9.Making appointments(约会)

  —Let’s make it at 5:30.

  —All right.See you then.

  10.Making telephone calls(打电话)

  —Hello! May I speak to Tom?/Is that Tom speaking?

  —Just a moment, please./Sorry. He isn’t in just now. /Hold the line, please. /Hello. This is Mary speaking.

  11.Having meals(就餐)

  —Would you like something to eat/drink?

  —Yes,I’d like a drink./I’d like rice and chicken.

  No,thank you.I’ve had enough.

  12.Seeing a doctor(就医)

  —What’s the matter?

  —I’m not quite myself./I feel terrible(bad,horrible...).

  I have a headache./There is something wrong with....


  —What can I do for you?/May I help you?

  —I want/I’d like a pair of sports shoes.

  14.Asking the way(问路)

  —Excuse me.Where is the post office?/Excuse me.Which is the way to the post office?/Can(Could) you tell me the way to the post office?/How can I get to the post office?

  —It’s over there./Go down this street until you see the tall red building.You can’t miss it./You can take bus No.23./Turn left at the first crossing./Sorry,I don’t know.I’m a stranger here.

  15.Talking about weather(谈论天气)

  —What’s the weather like today?/How is the weather today?

  —It’s nice/fine/sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowy/foggy.


  —My mother is ill.I have to stay at home and look after her.

  —I’m sorry to hear that.


  —How often do you go to movies?

  —Once a week.

  18.Praise and encouragement(赞扬和鼓励)

  —You speak excellent English.

  —Thank you.




  —May I turn down the radio a bit?

  —______, if you insist.

  A. No 

  B. My pleasure

  C. All right

  D. That’s right

  本题选C项。上文在征询意见,请求许可。下文尽管有点不乐意,还是同意了。All right,OK都可以。如果没有if you insist,可以爽快地说Go ahead/Yes,of course.

  —Do you mind my smoking here?


  A. No, please don’t

  B. I don’t want you to

  C. I’m afraid I don’t

  D. I’d rather you didn’t

  本题选D项,用I’d rather主观愿望句表示不同意。用虚拟语气显得比较客气,委婉。如果直截了当地说,就用I’m afraid I do.这样显得有点不客气。


  —Would you do me a favor of posting this letter?


  A. It’s my pleasure

  B. No trouble

  C. Yes, that’s right

  D. With pleasure

  本题选D项。With pleasure是I’ll do that with pleasure.(我很乐意)的省略。而A项是你帮过忙,别人致谢时,你的回答。我很荣幸。

  —Let me carry the bag for you, professor.

  —Thank you.______.

  A. Go ahead

  B. Here you are

  C. I can manage

  D. Take it

  本题选C项。I can manage(it).我自己能行;A项go ahead 前面说过,是别人请求许可时的爽快回答;B项意思是给你;D项是叫别人收下什么时说的。

  —Sir, can I ask a favor?


  A. I’m sorry, but what?

  B. Sure, what is it?

  C. Yes, you could.

  D. I’d love to.

  本题选B项。先同意,然后问是什么。C项对别人应该说Yes, you can.有求于人时才用委婉的could;而D项与上文不符。


  —How do you want the beef?


  A. Small

  B. Thin

  C. Hot

  D. Medium


  —Can I help you, sir?


  A. Yes, you can

  B. No, I don’t need any help

  C. Of course, if you like

  D. No, thanks, I’m being served

  本题选D项。对话发生在餐馆。服务员问:先生要点些什么食物?顾客回答:不,我已经点过了。选项A和C人称用错;选项B语气不委婉;I’m being serve. 已经点过,只是点的东西还没上来。故选D。4.问路

  —It’s several blocks away. Let me draw you a map.


  A. Thanks

  B. Oh, I would really appreciate that

  C. That’ll be OK

  D. Oh, you don’t have to



  —Oh, look at my poor sense of direction.

  A. Let me help you

  B. This way, please

  C. Here it is

  D. No hurry



  —Happy Father’s Day, Dad!


  A. You are welcome

  B. That’s all right

  C. Thank you

  D. The same to you

  本题选C项。子女对父亲说:父亲节快乐。父亲回答:谢谢。或It’s nice of you to say so.真是好孩子!

  —Have a sweet dream, Honey!


  A. Thanks, anyway

  B. I will

  C. All right

  D. You too

   本题选D项。晚上父母把孩子送上床,然后说:做个好梦。回答:你也是。在其他相互祝愿的情况下You too 都可用。如在party上:—Enjoy yourself!—You too.碰到熟人:—Have a nice day.—You too.过年过节:—Have a happy new year!—You too.而A项是别人帮你的忙没帮上时说的话,“不管怎么说,还是要谢谢你。”





  1.常用于感谢的应答用语有:You are welcome./Don’t mention it./It is my pleasure(My pleasure)./Not at a11./That’s all right./I’m glad(happy)that…/I’m glad you like(enjoy)it.

  2.常用于道歉的应答用语有:Never mind./It doesn’t matter./Not at a11./That’s all right./That is nothing.

  3.常见的祝愿和祝贺用语有:Good luck!/Best wishes to you./Have a nice time./Wish you a pleasant journey./Congratulations!/Merry Christmas!/Happy birthday to you.而应答用语有:Thank you./The same to you./You too.

  4.接受请求和邀请的应答用语有:With pleasure./I’d be happy(glad)to./Yes,help yourself./No problem./Good idea/Sounds good/Why not?拒绝请求和邀请的应答用语有:Sorry,but…/I’d rather you…/Thank you,but…/No way!/Forget it。


  有:How do you do./Fine,thank you.介绍的应答用语有:Very glad(pleased)to see you.接电话的习惯用语有:This is Li Ming speaking.道别的习惯用语有:Bye./So long./See you later.服务人员的应答用语有:Yes,Sir./Yes,Madame./Take your time.

  考点2 破交际定势类


  一You’ve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner,Mrs.Wang.王太太,您给我们提供了一顿极好的中式晚餐。

  I’m glad you enjoyed it.我很高兴你们喜欢。



  这类题要求考生根据对话情景和所掌握的正确语言结构来做出选择。以习惯用法和变异句(如省略句)居多。如当说话人对刚刚提出的说法或意见持肯定态度时,可以说:Yes,I think(suppose,believe)SO./Yes,I’m'afraid SO.对刚刚提出的说法或意见持否定态度,则说:No,I don’t think(suppose) so./No,I don’t believe so./No,I believe(suppose)not./No,I hope not./No,I am afraid not.“Do you mind…?”常用于表示请求对方允许。如果同意,则用“No,go ahead./No,of course not./No,not at a11.”等来回答;如果不同意,可用“I’m sorry I do.”来回答。



  根据不同的交际情景,说话者会采用不同的交际用语来表达自己的态度和情感。如表示不肯定或没把握,人们会说:I am afraid that…/It depends.表示不耐烦和催促的用语有:

  Well,well./Come on./Hurry up!表示惊奇和有把握的用语有:No wonder…/No doubt…如:

  一What do you want to do next?We have half an hour until the basketball game.接下来你准备做什么?在篮球赛之前我们还有半小时。

  一It’s up to you.Whatever you want to do is fine with me.这取决于你。你想做什么我都同意。

  【2017重庆卷】26.-The Modern Art Exhibition in the City Museum has been cancelled.

  -Oh, no!______.

  A. It’s a pity

  B. It doesn’t matter

  C.I knew it already

  D. It’s not interesting at all





  — I’m terribly sorry to interrupt, but may I use your phone? It’s rather urgent.

  — Yes,



  with pleasure


  no burry


  it doesn’t matter


  of course



  【解析】由前面的Yes可知,第二个人同意对方用他的电话,所以用of course。学生可能会误选为A,with pleasure意为“乐意帮忙”而这个题是说对方当然可以用他的电话,所以with pleasure在这儿不合题意。【2017四川卷】. —Excuse me. How much is the shirt?

  — _______.

  A. Extra Large

  B. 50 each

  C. It sells well

  D. Altogether there are 5

  【答案】 B



  【2017四川卷】3.—Goodbye, John. Come back again sometime. 高666考%%资&&&源

  —Sure. ______.

  A. I did

  B. I do

  C. I shall

  D. I will

  【答案】 D



  【2017陕西卷】16.—I’m sorry for being late. I should have phoned you earlier.

  --_________. I’ve just arrived.

  A. That’s no trouble

  B. You are welcome

  C. That’s all right

  D. You can never tell



  【解析】A项意思是:一点也不麻烦;B项意思是:不用谢;C项意思是:好的,行;没关系;D项意思是:你永远说不清楚。所填部分是对I’m sorry的应答,根据情景选C。

  【2017陕西卷】21.—The trip shouldn’t take more than an hour.

  —_______.Tt is at least two hours.

  A. I guess so

  B. That’s it

  C. You must be joking

  D. It depeds




  【2017全国II】20. ---Try not to work yourself too hard. Take it easy.

  --- Thanks. _________

  A. So what?

  B. No way

  C. What for?

  D. You, too.

  【答案】D 【解析】此处So what? 那又怎么样呢?No way没门儿;What for?为什么; You, too.你也是。句意:---不要让自己太累了。放松点儿。---谢谢。你也是。


  【2017全国II】6. ---What shall we do tonight then?

  ---_________--whatever you want.

  A. Help yourself

  B. It’s a deal

  C. No problem

  D. It’s up to you

  【答案】D 【解析】此处Help yourself 你自己来;It’s a deal 一言为定,成交; No problem没问题;It’s up to you由你决定。句意:---我们今晚干什么呢?---由你决定。你想做什么就做什么。


  5【2017天津卷】---You have to believe in yourself. No one else will, if you don’t.

  ---__________. Confidence is really important.【D】

  It’s not my cup of tea B. That’s not the point C. I don’t think so D. I couldn’t agree more

  1【2017天津卷】---Can I have a day off tomorrow, Mr. Johnson?

  ---__________. I can manage without you.【D】

  Forget it

  B. I’m afraid not C. It depends D. Of course

  【2017全国新课程】21.---Which one of these do you want?


  . Either will do .

  A. I don't mind

  B. I'm sure

  C. No problem

  D. Go ahead


  【解析】此处I don't mind我不介意; I'm sure我确信;No problem 没问题;Go ahead继续做…。句意:---你想要这些中的那一个?---我不在乎。任何一个都行。


  【2017山东卷】22. — Sorry I’m late. I got stuck in traffic.

  — _________. You’re here now. Come in and sit down. A. You are welcome

  B. That’s right

  C. I have no idea

  D. Never mind


  【解析】此处you are welcome;I have no idea;that’s right; never mind不介意,没关系。句意:---对不起,我迟到了。我遇到了交通堵塞。---没关系,你现在到了。进来请坐。根据语意选D。


  【2017福建卷】21. —What are you going to do this weekend?


  . If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my friends.

  A. Don’t mention it B. It doesn’t matter C. Forget it D. It depends



  【解析】根据题中的语境,特别是答语的后半部分“If time permits”,可知“看情况决定”选择故选择A项“It depends”,表示同意,其它选项不合题意。本题比较容易。

  【2017福建卷】29. You had better________ some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.

  A. set aside

  B. take up C. put away

  D. give out



  【解析】根据后半句so that you can keep yourself energetic可知上半句应该是建议对方要多留出时间进行运动,set aside“留出,拨出” ;take up“占据,从事“;put away“收拾好”give out“发出,分发”,根据句意只能选择A项。

  【2017浙江卷】20. — I'm going to San Francisco for a couple of days. —

  . I wish I could get away for a while.

  A. It doesn't matter

  B. Forget it C. I really envy you

  D. I can't agree more



  【解析】根据句意:---我要去圣弗朗西斯科几天。---真羡慕你(I really envy you)。我多么希望我也可以离开一会儿呀。与I wish相呼应,故答案C符合语境。It doesn’t matter ,没有关系;forget it别提了;I cant agree more完全赞同,均不符合语境,故排除。

  【2017浙江卷】1. — Is there anything else to discuss? —_____________. I guess.

  A. Not at all B. No, that's all

  C. Yes, I'm sure

  D. Yea, of course



  【解析】根据句意:---还有其他事要讨论吗?---没有,就这么多(no, that’s all),我想。故选答案B。not at all一点儿也不;yes, I’m sure是的,我确定;yes, of course是的,当然,均是答非所问,不合题意,故排除。

  【2017江苏卷】33. — Honey, the cats stuck in the tree. Can you turn off the TV and get a ladder…?

  —Oh, it jumped off.


  A. Never mind

  B. All right C. No problem D. Take care





  【2017江苏卷】24. ---Don't worry, Mum. The doctor said it was only the flu. ---_______! I'll tell Dad there's nothing serious.

  A. What a relief

  B. Congratulations

  C. How surprising

  D. I'm so sorry




  【2017安徽卷】32. —I love the Internet. I've come to know many friends on the Net.


  . Few of them would become your real friends.

  A. That’s for sure

  B. It’s not the case

  C. I couldn't agree more

  D. I’m pleased to know that




  【2017安徽卷】22.——May I help you? You seem to be having some problems.


  , thanks. I think I can manage.


  All right

  B. No problem

  C. It’all right

  D. There’s no way




  1. 【2017·潍坊一模】—So you missed the lecture given by the famous professor.


  . I got there 10 minutes before it finished.

  A.Not at all B.Not exactly C.Not especially D.Not really


  【解析】考查交际用语。由答语的第二句“I got there 10 minutes before it finished”,可以看出答话者认为对方所说的“you missed the lecture”,不完全正确,所以用not exactly。

  2. 【2017四川自贡高三二诊】-- Are you glad to hear from her?

  一Of course. _______I dreamed about her several nights.

  A. What's more

  B. That is to say

  C. In other words

  D. Believe it or not


  【解析】考查情景对话。句意:---你愿意收到她的信吗?---当然。信不信由你,我梦到她好几晚上了。What’s more“另外”;that is to say “那就是说”;in other words“换句话说”;believe it or not“信不信由你”。

  3. 【2017·金华十校期末】—Ken, ______, but your radio is going too loud.

  —Oh, I'm sorry.I'll turn it down right now.

  A.I hate to say it

  B.It doesn't hurt to ask

  C.I'm really tired of it

  D.I'm crazy about it


  【解析】考查交际用语。由but后面的句子可以看出,这是在委婉的提出要求,所以用:I hate to say it我实在不想说(但又不得不说)。

  4. 【2017·泰安期末】一Let’s go to a movie after work.OK?


  A.Not at a11.

  B.Never mind.

  C.Why not?

  D.You’re welcome.


  【解析】句意:--下班后我们去看电影好吗?--好呀!Not at a11“一点也不”;Never mind“没关系”;Why not? “好呀;为什么不那”;You’re welcome“不用谢”。 Why not?符合句意。

  5. 【2017·九江一模】—Can you help me with the math problem, Dad? _______.

  —OK, let me think it over.

  A.I' m fed up with it.

  B.I'm stuck.

  C.I didn't get it

  D.I can' t find it.


  【解析】I' m fed up with it.“我受够了”;I’m stuck.“我被困住了”;I didn’t get it.“我没弄明白”;I can’t find it.“我找不到”。从问句中的Can you help me with the math problem, Dad?看出,是“被困住了”的意思。故选B项。

  6.【2017安徽宿州一次质检】—So you missed the lecture given by the famous professor.


  . I got there 10 minutes before it finished.

  A.Not at all B.Not exactly C.Not especially D.Not really


  【解析】考查交际用语。由答语的第二句“I got there 10 minutes before it finished”,可以看出答话者认为对方所说的“you missed the lecture”,不完全正确,所以用not exactly。

  7. 【2017·浙江调研】 — I’ve got something weighing on my mind at the moment. Could you give me some advice?

  — ______. Tell me all about it and I’ll do what I can.

  A. Never mind

  B. No way

  C. No problem

  D. Forget it



  8. 【2017·枣庄期末】—I hate it when it rains.

  —_________! It will be sunny tomorrow.

  A. Cheer up

  B. Too bad

  C. No way

  D. I’m sorry


  【解析】考查交际用语。由答语的第二句可以看出,这里是在鼓励对方振作起来,所以用cheer up。语境为:---我讨厌下雨天。--振作起来,明天就是晴天。

  9. 2017.02·吉林重点中学适应—I am so glad I caught you at home. I need your help!

  —________, Robin?

  A.What's up

  B.What else

  C.How come

  D.Why not


  【解析】考查交际用语。句意:——碰上你在家,我很高兴,我需要你的帮助。——怎么了,罗宾?what's up“怎么了”,符合句意。what else“还有什么”;how come“怎么会……”;why not“为什么不呢”。

  10.【2017·南阳期终】--Terry, I need to see a doctor.


  A.So what

  B.What else

  C.How come

  D.What for


  【解析】考查交际用语。what for相当于what do you see a doctor for?

  11. 【2017·宁德质检】—I'm worried about the interview tomorrow.It's so important to me.

  —Take it easy.__________

  A.Congratulations on your success.

  B.That's really something.

  C.Chances are slim.

  D.Everything will work out just fine.


  【解析】考查交际用语。由答语(Take it easy)来看,这是在安慰对方,所以选D ,意思是:一切都会进行顺利的。

  12. 【2017·合肥质检】—A second, please. I have another call coming through.



  .I’m not in a hurry.

  A. Enjoy yourself B. Leave me alone

  C. Do as you like

  D. Take your time


  【解析】由下文的“I’m not in a hurry.(我不着急)”可以看出,四个选项中只有Take your time符合语境,语境为:慢慢来,不急。

  13.2017.02·桐乡模拟】—You won’t believe it, Tom. I was chosen as an exchange student to China.

  —Congratulations! ______.

  A. That’s something B. That’s all right

  C. You got it

  D. You did a good job


  【解析】考查交际用语。 something 在这里意思是:了不起的(人或事)。句意为:你或许不相信,我被选为到中国的交流生了。---祝贺你,太了不起了。

  14. 【2017·南阳期终】--Excuse me,dad, but I’m going to the club to meet my friends in the football team.

  --OK. __________.

  A.Good luck


  C.With pleasure

  D.Have fun


  【解析】考查交际用语。 同意了儿子将要去俱乐部见朋友,也就是说儿子马上要去了,四个选项中只有D 表示祝愿,意思是:玩的开心。

  15. 【2017浙江温州高三期末八校联考】 —Could you turn the TV down a little bit?

  —________. Is it disturbing you?

  A. Take it easy.

  B. I’m sorry.

  C. Not a bit

  D. It depends


  【解析】考查交际用语。打扰了别人,影响了他人,应该是道歉。故选I’m sorry。

  16. 【2017·西安一次质检】—$100, but that is my last offer.



  A.Good idea! B.What did you say? C.Oh, it’s up to you. D.OK, it’s a deal.



  17. 【2017·浙江调研】— Hello, I’m calling to complain about one of your sales staff.

  — Oh, ______

  A. you must be kidding!

  B. what a shock!

  C. why not?

  D. what happened?


  【解析】考查交际用语。说话人是在电话投诉销售员,答话人自然 应该首先了解发生了什么事情。you must be kidding! “你一定是在开玩笑!”, what a shock! “太令人震惊了!”, why not? “为什么不呢?”,都不符合常识。

  18. 【2017黑龙江佳木斯调研】--- How do you find the new book by J.K.Rowling?

  --- _______. I guess she is out of her talent.

  A. Very interesting

  B. By accident

  C. Very boring

  D. In the library



  19.【2017·潍坊三县联考】----Wang Ming, will you take part in the coming National English proficiency contest?


  We should catch the precious chance .

  A. Out of the question!    B. That’s for sure.     C. For what?       

  D. Why bother?



  20. 【2017江苏南通高三期末调研】— If I don’t get some money from my parents by Friday, could I borrow some from you?

  — ________. But can I know why?

  A. Never mind        

  B. Not at all                 

  C. By no means     

  D. By all means


  【解析】考查交际用语。 由答语的第二句可以看出,已经同意了对方借钱的要求,所以选By all means,意思是:当然可以。

  21. 【2017江西丰、樟、高、宜四市联考】— Thank you for picking me up in this remote area!

  — _____.I’m just going in the same direction.

  A.With pleasure

  B.None of you business

  C.Think nothing of it

  D.There’s nothing in it




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