高三一轮英语必修4 Module 2《Traffic Jam》课时作业(陕西外研版)-查字典英语网
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高三一轮英语必修4 Module 2《Traffic Jam》课时作业(陕西外研版)

发布时间:2017-02-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  M:So you’re interested in a job as a waitress.__6__

  W:Yes,for three years at several different restaurants.Now I’m working at the Park Hotel dining room on Hill Street.

  M:They have a very nice dining room there.__7__

  W:Because I can’t work full-time now.I’m taking some courses at a university.

  M:I see.__8__

  W:Thursday,Friday,Saturday and Sunday.

  M:__9__We’re looking for someone who can help us when we get very busy.That’s Thursday afternoon,Friday afternoon and evening as well as all day Saturday.The restaurant is closed on Sunday.

  W:That’s fine with me.

  M:When can you start?


  M:That’s fine.The first of May.By the way,you’ll get $8.80 an hour,plus tips,of course.

  W:Good.Thanks very much.

  A.That suits us very well actually.

  B.Why do you want to leave?

  C.What can you pay for a part job?

  D.Um,have you worked as a waitress before?

  E.On what days are you free?

  F.When are you going to start your course?

  G.Is the first of next month all right with you?


  11.The two buildings across the street are________construction,one of which will be a supermarket.

  A.at B.for



  12.—Won’t it be better if we grow rice here?

  —________.The soil is good for rice and there is plenty of water.

  A.No way

  B.Of course

  C.Not really

  D.It depends

  13.If________,call me tomorrow afternoon before you leave the office.

  A.you are convenient

  B.you will be convenient

  C.it is convenient for you

  D.it will be convenient for you

  14.It was during the Second World War,________he was still a child,________the family moved to Hong Kong.





  15.The parents don’t permit________noise in this room at this moment.

  A.to make




  16.It is the duty of the government to________ homes for old people.





  17.Tom was late for school that day and,________,he lied to his teacher that he was ill.

  A.sooner or later

  B.what’s more

  C.as a result

  D.more or less

  18.—I haven’t seen my uncle for a long time.

  —________him this Sunday?

  A.Why not visit

  B.Why not to visit

  C.Why not visiting

  D.Why don’t visit

  19.With two exams to worry about,I’m in________bad mood and not in________mood to go to the cinema.





  20.________,I think,and we could solve the problem.

  A.With more effort

  B.Making more effort

  C.More effort

  D.If we make more effort

  21.Why are you killing time this way?Can’t you find something ________ doing at all?





  22.Don’t play any longer.It’s high time you ________ down to your study.



  C.shall get

  D.to get

  23.200 people,including her only son,got killed in the terrible disaster.I wonder what her ________ would be when the news reaches her.





  24.The waste from the paper factory has poisoned all the fish here to death;________ is left.


  B.no one


  D.not anything

  25.—Will you help me do this?

  —________,young man.

  A.On the way out

  B.By the way

  C.No way

  D.Out of the way










  30.With the number of private cars increasing,getting stuck in a traffic jam seems common in big cities.



  Stephen Hawking (January 8th,1942— ) was born on the 300th anniversary of Galileo’s death.He has come to be thought of as the greatest mind in physics since Albert Einstein.

  Hawking grew up outside London in an educated family.His father was a physician and specialist in tropical diseases;his mother was active in the Liberal Party.From early on he wanted to study science.He became increasingly skilled in mathematics and in 1958 he and some friends built a simple computer that actually worked.In 1959 he won a scholarship to Oxford University.In 1962 he got his degree with honors and went to Cambridge University to gain a PhD in cosmology (宇宙论).There he became crazy about black holes (first proposed by Robert Oppenheimer).After receiving his PhD,he stayed at Cambridge,becoming known even in his 20s for his pioneering ideas and use of Einstein’s formulas,as well as his questioning of older,established physicists.

  In 1968 he joined the staff of the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge and began to study black holes.Soon afterwards he made an astonishing discovery.Hawking suggested that under certain conditions,a black hole could give out subatomic particles (颗粒).That is now known as Hawking Radiation.He continued working on the theory of the origin of the universe.

  At the age of 32,he received the Albert Einstein Award.And in 1979,he was appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge.It is the most famous academic chair in the world.Since its creation 330 years ago,17 individuals have held the chair,like Sir Isaac Newton,Charles Babbage and Robert Woodhouse.There he began to question the big bang theory,which by then most had accepted.

  In 1988 Hawking wrote A Brief History of Time: from the Big Bang to Black Holes,explaining the evolution (发展) of his thinking about the cosmos for a general audience.It became a best-seller of long standing and established his reputation as an accessible genius.He wrote other popular articles and appeared in movies and on television.He remains extremely busy;his work hardly slowed by Lou Gehrig’s disease (a disease that affects muscle control) for which he uses a wheelchair and speaks through a computer and voice synthesizer (合成器).

  31.Which of the following is the correct order of the information about Stephen Hawking?

  a.He received the Albert Einstein Award.

  b.He joined the staff of the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge and began to study black holes.

  c.He got his degree with honors and went to Cambridge University to gain a PhD in cosmology.

  d.He and some friends built a simple computer that actually worked.

  e.He suggested that under certain conditions,a black hole could give out subatomic particles.

  f.He wrote A Brief History of Time:from the Big Bang to Black Holes.





  32.Which of the following is Not true about Stephen Hawking?

  A.General audience can understand his book A Brief History of Time,making him more popular.

  B.He began to doubt the big bang theory generally accepted at Cambridge.

  C.His educated family had a positive effect on his study and future achievements.

  D.Hawking devoted himself to studying the theory of black holes,which he put forward first.

  33.In his twenties,he began to become recognized by many people mainly because________.


  and some

  friends built

  a simple

  computer that actually worked


  was appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge

  C.he wrote other popular articles and appeared in movies and on television

  D.he dared to challenge established ideas and authorities on physics

  34.Which of the following scientists didn’t work as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge?

  A.Sir Isaac Newton

  B.Albert Einstein

  C.Charles Babbage

  D.Robert Woodhouse

  35.The passage doesn’t talk about Hawking’s________.


  B.research and discovery


  D.health conditions


  1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B


  6.D 7.B 8.E 9.A 10.G


  11.C under construction在建设中。

  12.B 由答语的后一句话可知赞同提问者的意见,故选“of course”,表示赞成。

  13.C convenient意为“便利的;方便的”,一般用来修饰或说明事物,表明某物对某人是方便的。故排除A和B。if引导的条件状语从句常用一般现在时表示将来,故答案为C。句意为:如果方便的话,明天下午下班之前给我打电话。

  14.B 这是一个带有定语从句的it is/was...that...强调句型。when引导的是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the Second World War。

  15.C permit可用于“permit+名词/代词/动词-ing形式”结构,意为“允许做某事”。另外,permit还可用于“permit +宾语+to do sth.”或“be permitted to do sth.”结构,同样意为“允许做某事”。

  16.D provide常用“provide sb.with sth.”或“provide sth.for sb.”结构。supply常用于“supply sb.with sth.”或“supply sth.to sb.”结构;offer常用于“offer sb.sth.”或“offer sth.to sb.”结构;而afford意为“担负得起”,与句意不符。

  17.B what’s more 而且;sooner or later迟早;as a result结果;more or less或多或少。根据句意“汤姆那天迟到了,而且,他向老师撒谎说他病了”可知答案。

  18.A why not do...=why don’t you do...,用来提建议,意为“为什么不……呢?”句意为“好长时间没见我叔叔了。”“为什么不在这个星期天去看他呢?”

  19.A mood意为“心情;心境”。be in a(n)+形容词+mood有……的心情;be in the mood for sth./to do sth.有心情做某事。句意为:因为担心两次考试,我心情不好,没有心思去看电影。

  20.C 本题考查“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”的句型。句意为:努力些,我认为我们就能解决这个问题。

  21.D 形容词常位于 something 之后作定语,但四个选项中只有 worth 后跟动词-ing 的主动形式,相当于 worthy of being done。

  22.A It’s time...后接从句时,从句中谓语一般用过去时,有时也可用 should+动词原形,故选A。

  23.D 句意为:我想知道当她知道那个消息时会有什么反应。impression 印象;comment 评论;opinion 见解;reaction 反应。

  24.C none 表示完全否定,“指数量一个也没有”。nothing 什么也没有;no one 没有人。

  25.C on the way out 即将被淘汰,即将过时;by the way 顺便问一下;no way(俚语)肯定不,没门;out of the way 偏僻的,人烟稀少的。


  26.Please switch off the light when you leave.

  27.This question is well worth thinking over.

  28.The teacher left the classroom angrily,leaving the boy standing in the front of the classroom.

  29.I like her even though she can be annoying.



  31.A 细节理解题。d,c,b,e,a,f所对应的时间分别为:1958,1962,1968,1968 (soon afterwards),1974,1988。

  32.D 细节理解题。由第二段中“There he became crazy about black holes (first proposed by Robert Oppenheimer).”可知黑洞理论是由Robert Oppenheimer首先提出的,而不是霍金,故D项表述错误。

  33.D 细节理解题。解题时要注意题目要求:(1)在他20多岁时;(2)他开始被认可。由第二段的最后一句可知答案为D。

  34.B 细节理解题。由第四段中“...he was appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge...like Sir Isaac Newton,Charles Babbage and Robert Woodhouse”可知答案为B。

  35.A 细节理解题。文中只谈到了Hawking的家庭基本情况(第二段第一句和第二句),没有涉及他的婚姻状况。


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