情景交际几乎是每年各地高考必考的内容。高考对这部分内容的考查主要以单项选择的形式体现,而且所设置题目的语境真实,考查灵活。其考点主要集中在:打电话、感谢和应答、劝告和建议、提供帮助及表示道歉等。 一、打电话的常用语
Hello! Is...in?/May (Could) I speak to...?/Is that ...speaking?/Hold on, please./Hold the line, please./Hello,who is it?/Can I take a message for...?/Hello,this is...speaking./Hello,Mary speaking./I called to tell(ask) you... 二、提供帮助和应答的常用语 1.What can I do for you?/Can (Could) I help you (with the
box)?/Would you like me to do sth.?/Is there anything
else I can do for you?/Do you want me to...?/Anything
else I can do for you?/What else can I do for you?
/Would you like some help?/let me carry it for you,OK? 2.Thanks,that would be nice(fine)./That's very kind of
you./Thank you for your help./Yes,please. 3.No,thanks(thank you).I can manage it myself./Thank you
all the same./That's very kind of you,but I can manage it
myself./It's all right.Thank you. [注意] 接受帮助时不能说“Yes,you can/may.”。
[注意] 拒绝帮助时不能说“No,you can't.”,以免显得十分无礼。
三、感谢和应答的常用语 1.Thank you (very much)./Thanks a lot./Thanks
for..../Many thanks./Thanks very much. 2.Not at all./That‘s all right (OK)./Don’t mention it,
please./That's my pleasure./You are welcome. 四、祝愿、祝贺的应答语 1.Good luck./Best wishes to you./I wish you good luck
(success)./Good journey./Have a good trip./Have a
good(nice/wonderful) day./Have a...
time./Congratulations./I'd like to congratulate you on sth.. 2.Happy New Year!/Merry Christmas!/Happy birthday to
you! 3.Thank you./The same to you. 五、劝告和建议的常用语 1.You'd better (not)... 2.Shall we do sth.?/Why not do sth.? 六、道歉、遗憾、同情和应答的常用语 1.I'm sorry./I apologize./Sorry to disturb./I beg your
pardon./Pardon me. 2.I'm sorry to hear that./It's a pity./What a shame!/Not
at all./That's all right./It doesn't matter./Never
mind./Don't think any more about it.