高考英语配套教学课件《Unit 1 Laughter is good for you》译林版选修6-查字典英语网
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高考英语配套教学课件《Unit 1 Laughter is good for you》译林版选修6

发布时间:2017-02-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  So,if you want to try crosstalk lessons, why not study with a real old master!所以,如果你要想尝试学习相声课程,为什么不向真正的年长大师学习呢!

  Why not do...?=Why don't you do...? 为什么不做……呢?(提出去做某事的建议) Why not spend your spare time collecting stamps? 为什么你不把业余时间花在集邮上呢? You're badly hurt.

  you take some medicine? 你伤得很厉害,为什么不服些药呢? 注意比较以下两句: Why don't Why don‘t you attend the meeting? 为什么不参加会议?(建议对方)

  Why didn‘t you attend the meeting? 为什么没有参加会议?(质问对方)

  Why not?为什么不……?为什么不行?

  (表示建议);好啊 —I won't go on a picnic.我不去野餐了。 —Why not?为什么不去? —Let's go to the movies.我们去看电影吧。 —Why not?好啊。 2.(2010·南昌调研)—How about going to a concert this


  —________ ?It's a few months since I enjoyed myself in

  the last one.

  A.Why B.Why not

  C.What for

  D.What 解析:答语的后一句 It's a few months since I enjoyed myself in the last one.表明,空格处的意思是同意对方周末去听音乐会的提议。Why?和What for?都表示“为什么?”,询问原因;What?“什么?”,询问什么内容;Why not?“为什么不呢?”相当于“当然可以”,表示同意和接受对方的建议。 答案:B

  Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.There ________ (be) many things to be done today. 答案:are 2.I don't know why she ________ (cry) now. 答案:is crying 现在时态 3.________ you ________ (meet) him recently? 答案:Have;been meeting/met 4.Most of them ________ (wait) an hour for the meeting

  so far. 答案:have been waiting 5.This is the second time that she ________ (visit) the city. 答案:has visited

  Ⅱ.单项填空 1.(2009·重庆高考)Professor Williams keeps telling his

  students that the future ________to the well­educated.


  B.is belonged

  C.is belonging

  D.will be belonged 解析:考查动词的用法。belong to表示“属于”,不能用于被动语态,而且也没有进行时形式,因此A项正确。 答案:A

  2.(2009·天津高考)My parents ________in Hong Kong.They

  were born there and have never lived anywhere else.



  C.were living

  D.will live 解析:考查时态。由第二句句意“我的父母生于香港,且从未在他处居住过”可知,他们一直居住在香港(现在仍然是),指的是现实情况,故用一般现在时。 答案:A

  3.(2009·辽宁高考)My parents have promised to come to

  see me before I ________for Africa.

  A.have left



  D.will leave 解析:考查动词时态。由前面的现在完成时可以看出leave 这一动作还没有发生,在时间状语从句中用一般现在时表示一般将来时,因此选B。 答案:B

  4.(2010·福建质检)Since the beginning of the vacation,

  I________ across the country,and my next stop is the

  Wuyi Mountains.

  A.had traveled

  B.will travel

  C.have been traveling

  D.was traveling 解析:考查动词的时态。该题的时间状语为since+过去的时间点,结合后面的“my next stop is the Wuyi Mountains”可以看出这里应该用现在完成进行时,表示从过去开始的动作一直持续到现在,并可能持续下去。 答案:C

  5.(2010·南昌调研)It seems that you ________ this report or you

  can see what I questioned just now.

  A.haven't read

  B.don't read

  C.didn't read

  D.hadn't read 解析:考查动词的时态。句意:看来你没有读这个报告,否则你能够理解我刚才的质疑。显然,对方没有读报告造成的后果是(现在)不明白“我”刚才的质疑。表示一个动作已经发生并对现在造成了影响,应该用现在完成时。因此最佳答案为A。 答案:A

  6.(2010·西安八校联考)—Mom,have you washed my


  —No.I'm busy, but I________ them for you now.


  B.am washing

  C.will wash

  D.would wash 解析:考查动词的时态。根据语境可知,因为忙,妈妈尚未给孩子洗衣服,但是妈妈说她马上就开始洗,因此谓语动词应用一般将来时。现在进行时可以表示按计划或安排要发生的事情,而这里妈妈是由于孩子的询问而临时决定洗衣服的,因此可排除B。 答案:C

  7.(2010·西城区抽样)Profits in this company went up by

  20% last year,and ________ so far this year though the

  financial situation was bad.

  A.have not decreased

  B.weren't decreased

  C.had not decreased

  D.haven't been decreased 解析:考时态和语态。语境为:“尽管金融状况很糟,利润到今年此时为止还没有下降。”利润升降是主动的,所以不用被动语态。so far 常与现在完成时连用,故答案为A。 答案:A

  8.(2010·福建毕业班质检)—English,as a living

  language,________ all the time.

  —Right.Who knows what it will be like in the years to


  A.will change

  B.was changing

  C.is changing

  D.has changed 解析:all the time “总是,一直”,由此可以断定,本句应用进行时;同时根据第二个说话者的说话内容可知,应为现在进行时。 答案:C

  Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.There was a dead ________ (silent) after the

  announcement. 答案:silence 2.He gave a ________ (humour) account of their trip

  to Spain.

  答案:humorous 3.Local ________ (entertain) are listed in the newspaper. 答案:entertainments 4.The business district is ________ (crowd) with corporation

  headquarters. 答案:crowded

  5.Earthquake survivors need to recover from the

  earthquake both ________ (physical) and mentally. 答案:physically Ⅰ.选词填空

  1.Come and ________________ ,children;let's go to

  the theater. make fun of, queue up,be enthusiastic about, burst in, hold out

  答案:queue up 2.He ________________ sports,for he was an

  extraordinary athlete. 答案:was enthusiastic about 3.How long can we________________ against these


  答案:hold out 4.“That will teach him a lesson!It doesn't pay to

  ________________ the law,my man!” 答案:make fun of 5.Suddenly the door opened and a group of children

  ________________ . 答案:burst in Ⅲ.完成句子 1.他的笑话引起她大笑。

  She laughed __________________________ his jokes. 答案:in response to 2.他们常拿我的秃顶开玩笑。

  They often __________________________ my bald head. 答案:make jokes about 3.我们谈了一会儿之后,就前往另一家了。

  We talked about these for a while and then____________

  another house. 答案:moved on to 4.学生两人一组做这个项目。

  The students worked on the project ______________ . 答案:in pairs 5.别那么瞪眼望着老师,你是该骂的。

  Don't__________________ your teacher like that. You

  deserved the scolding. 答案:glare at 解析:句意:他在家里无聊,就开始玩电脑游戏来取乐。enjoy oneself “玩得愉快”;treat“对待”;amuse oneself “自娱自乐”。 答案:C

  annoyed adj.恼怒的,气恼的

  be annoyed with sb.for/at sth.


  (1) be annoyed

  at/about sth. to do sth.

  因……而生气 that...

  (2)annoy vt.使恼怒;使烦恼 (3)annoyance n.

  恼怒;烦恼 (4)annoying adj.

  使人恼怒的;烦人的 I know he was annoyed with me that day. 我知道那天他是在生我的气。 The old lady

  the salesgirl's remarks. 这位老妇人对那个女售货员所说的话感到生气。 I hope you won't be annoyed by all my questions. 我希望我所有的这些问题不会使你烦恼。 The mosquitoes annoyed me so much that I couldn't sleep. 蚊子搅得我难以入睡。 He laughed to

  . 他借大笑来掩饰他的烦恼。

  was annoyed at cover his annoyance 2.Julie was ________ with Joanna for applying for the

  same job.

  A.annoying B.annoyed


  D.bothering 解析:be annoyed with sb.“对某人生气”;bother 的搭配为be bothered about。 答案:B

  tear vt.& vi. (tore,torn)撕扯;撕裂;撕毁


  He tore his shirt on a nail. 他的衬衣让钉子挂破了。 tear open 

  撕开 tear up

  (把某物)撕毁;取消合同 tear down

  扯下来,撕下来;拆毁,拆除 tear into pieces

  撕成碎片 tear sth.apart

  把……撕碎;关系破裂 tear at

  撕扯 tear off

  迅速脱掉(衣服) tear out


  (1) (2)in tears 流着泪;含着泪 Lister grabbed the envelope and 

  to see if he'd got the job. 利斯特抢过信封后撕开,看他是不是获得了那份工作。 She 

  the letter 

  . 她把信撕得粉碎。 Her eyes were 

  . 她眼泪汪汪的。 He wanted to tear up the contract. 他想撕毁合同。 tore it open tore into pieces full of tears 3.(2010·昆明质检)John ________up his test paper so that

  his mother wouldn't see his low grades.



  D.made 解析:句意:约翰撕毁了他的试卷以便他妈妈看不到他的低分。tear up “撕毁”,符合句意。 答案:B

  burst vi.炸破;爆发;突然发生;突然发作vt.使破裂,使炸裂n.(感情等的)爆发

  burst into +n.突然爆发;闯入…… burst out doing

  突然开始做…… burst into laughter=burst out laughing

  突然大笑起来 burst into tears=burst out crying

  突然大哭起来 burst forth

  突然爆发;冒出 burst in

  突然冲入 burst in on sb./sth. 

  (突然闯进而)打断、扰乱 Hearing the news,she burst out crying. 听到那个消息,她突然哭了起来。 Last night the room was burst into but nothing was taken away.昨晚有人闯入房间但没带走任何东西。 I burst in on them ,thinking that the room was empty. 我以为房间是空的,没想到打扰了他们。 The aircraft crashed and 

  flames. 飞机坠毁后猛烈燃烧起来。 There was 

  in the next room. 隔壁房间里突然爆发出一阵笑声。

  burst into a burst of laughter 4.He ________ on our conversation with the news______ we

  would have a listening test next week.

  A.burst out;which

  B.burst in;that

  C.burst forth;which

  D.burst up;that 解析:句意:他打断了我们的谈话告诉我们这个消息,下周有听力测试。burst in on “打断”,news 后为同位语从句,且表陈述意义,故用that 引导。 答案:B

  make fun of 取笑,拿……开玩笑

  It's wrong of the other children to make fun of you. 其他孩子取笑你是不对的。 (1)

  make jokes about...

  拿……来开玩笑 play jokes on...


  have fun=have a good time 玩得开心、高兴 just for fun=just for pleasure 取乐,说(做)着玩It‘s great fun to do sth. 做某事很有趣 What fun (it is)to do sth.! 做某事多有趣呀!have a lot of fun doing sth. 做某事很开心


  They do these things 

  as well as for economy. 他们做这些事不仅为了省钱,也为了乐趣。 Have fun at the party tonight. 祝你在今晚的晚会上玩得开心。 It is 

  to walk on ice.在冰上走很有趣。 for fun great fun 1.________ it is to jump into a river in summer!

  A.How a funB.What a fun

  C.How fun

  D.What fun

  解析:考查感叹句。fun 为不可数名词,可排除A、B两项;在感叹句中,what 用来修饰名词,how 用来修饰形容词或副词。故选D 答案:D go on


  Go straight on until you come to a white house.

  一直往前走,直到你到了一所白色的房子。 (2)继续(做)

  I don't mean to interrupt. Please go on.

  我并不想打断你,请继续。 (3)进行,进展,发生

  What's going on here?这儿出了什么事?

  go on a visit to sb. 去拜访某人 go on an outing /a picnic/a voyage

  去远足/野餐/航行 go on to do sth. 

  接着又做(另外一件事) go on doing sth.

  继续做某事(原来的事) go on with


  可能有暂停情况) He said nothing and 

  . 他什么都不说只是不停地工作。 After her early teaching career,she went on 

  a reporter.继早年从教之后她当了一名记者。 went on working to become 2.________ a moment and I will go to your rescue.

  A.Go on B.Hold on

  C.Move on

  D.Carry on 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:坚持一会儿,我马上去救你。go on “继续 ,进行,进展”;hold on “坚持,(打电话)不挂断”;move on “继续前进”;carry on “继续进行”。 答案:B

  hold out 拿出;伸出;维持;给予希望;提供机会

  They held out the hand of friendship to me. 他们向我伸出了友谊之手。 She held out her new skirt for us to see. 她把新裙子拿出来给我们看。 Doctors 

  little hope of her recovering. 医生对她的痊愈不抱什么希望。 hold out

  hold up  延迟;支撑;阻碍;使停顿 hold on

  坚持;(打电话)不挂断 hold on to

  抓住,不放手;不放弃拥有,不让出 hold back

  阻止;抑制(感情等) hold to

  (使)坚持(原则、方向等);紧握 hold together


  一起 The building of the new road has 

  by bad weather.这条新路的修筑工程因天气恶劣而停下了。 They felt that she was holding back something. 他们感觉她有些话没说出来。 been held up 3.The food is not much. How long do you think it


  A.hold on

  B.hold back

  C.hold out

  D.hold together 解析:句意:食物不多了。你认为还能维持多久?hold on “坚持,(打电话)不挂断”;hold back “阻止,抑制”;hold out “拿出,伸出,维持”;hold together “在一起”。 答案:C

  本句为“疑问词+do you think+其余部分……?”注意,其余部分的语序一定要用陈述语序,do you think 常作插入语置于句中。 Who do you think is the tallest in your class? 你认为谁是你班最高的?

  has happened over there? 你认为那边发生了什么事? Which of the events above do you think will be the funniest? 你认为以上表演哪一个最好笑?

  What do you think 能用于本句型的动词还有:believe,suppose,imagine,expect,suggest等。 当do you suggest 作为插入语时,后面的从句用虚拟语气,即主语+(should)+动词原形,should

  可省略。 Where do you suggest we (should) go for a holiday? 你建议我们到哪里去度假? 1. ________be sent to work there?

  A.Who do you suggest

  B.Who do you suggest that should

  C.Do you suggest who should

  D.Do you suggest that who should 解析:句意:你认为谁会被派到那里工作?do you suggest 作插入语时,后面的从句用虚拟语气,即(should)+动词原形,should 可省略。 答案:A




  3.邀请Tom在春节期间来中国感受中国文化。 注意:1.词数120~150;

  2.可适当增加细节。 Dear Tom,

  Thank you very much for your kind help when I stayed in America.With your help,my English has improved a lot and my teachers and friends are surprised at my fluent English.

  How is Mr.Smith? I want to know something about his life.I tried to get in touch with him,but unfortunately I don't have his address and can't connect with him.Do you have his email address or his telephone number?

  The Spring Festival is coming.It is an important traditional festival for Chinese,when all the family members get together.It is like Christmas in the Western countries.Would you like to come to feel the Chinese culture? I am sure you will live happily here and learn a lot of funny things.Besides,I can also show you around some places of interest.

  Best wishes!I'm looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua

  Ⅰ.高频单词点击 1.At an

  (合适的)moment I'll offer the visitors some


  appropriate emergency

  amuse worthwhile enthusiastic annoyed 2.This door should only be used in an

  (紧急情况). 3.The boys

  (娱乐)themselves by drawing caricatures of

  their teacher. 4.It's

  (值得的)for you to have a try again. 5.He is

  (热情的)about helping others. 6.He is beginning to get very

  (恼怒的)with me about

  my carelessness. 7.She

  (举起)her finger to her lips as a sign for silence. raised fool humour glared

  8.I felt a

  (傻瓜)when I realized my mistake.

  9.I can't stand people with no sense of


  10.The teacher

  (怒视)at the two boys whispering

  about something. Ⅱ.重点短语回顾 1.


  取笑,拿……开玩笑 make fun of in response to make jokes about queue up take on move on in pairs for a while 2.

  对……做出反应 3.

  拿……来开玩笑 4.

  排队,列队 5.

  接受;雇用 6.

  接下去,继续 7.

  结对,两人一组 8.



  发生,进行 go on burst in glare at hold out a roll of 10.

  突然冲入 11.

  对……怒目而视 12.

  拿出 13.

  一卷 Ⅲ.常用佳句必备 1.Which of the events above do you think will be the

  funniest? [信息提取] 疑问词+do you think+其余部分? [例句仿写] 你认为他什么时候回来?

  he will come back? When do you think 2.It seems appropriate that he got his start in silent films! [信息提取] 此处 it 作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的 that 引导的从句。 [例句仿写] 看来,他们知道自己在做什么。

  they know what they're doing. It seems that 3.So,if you want to try crosstalk lessons,why not study with a

  real old master! [信息提取] Why not do…?为什么不做……呢? [例句仿写] 为什么不和我们一起去看电影呢?

  go to the cinema with us ?

  Why not 4.Mike moves over as if to make room.

  as if to say

  [信息提取] as if “好像”,引导方式状语从句,同as

  though ,此处为省略形式。

  [例句仿写] 他摇头好像要说“不要相信她”。

  He shook his head

  “don't trust her”. 5.破解疑难句 典 句 If you hear a comedian telling jokes about the way people behave when they queue up in lines,or asking why it only rains when you forget your umbrella,you are listening to an observational comedian. 分 析 该句为复合句,其中telling和asking是if 条件从句中a comedian 的宾语补足语;people behave为定语从句,修饰先行词the way。 试 译 当你听到一个单口喜剧演员针对人们排队时的举止说笑话,或者问为什么总是在下雨时才忘了带雨伞,你就是在听一个观察评论类单口喜剧演员在表演。 Ⅳ.交际用语必背 1.

  who is the performer?



  the actors and actresses?

  你能说出这些男女演员的名字吗? 3.

  you have seen his performance.

  请告诉我你是否看过他的表演。 4.

  the comedy begin?

  这部喜剧是什么时候开始的? Do you know Can you name Please tell me whether When did 5.

  the programmes you like. 请列举出你喜欢的节目。 Please list award


  an award ceremony

  颁奖仪式 get/win/receive an award

  获奖 win/get the first award

  获得一等奖 win the award of 10,000


  award sb. sth.=award sth.to sb. 奖励/授予/判给/裁定给某人某物 sb.be awarded sth./sth.be awarded to sb.  某人被授予某物

  She was awarded a medal for bravery. 她因勇敢而获得奖章。 He won the second award of 2,000. 他获得了二等奖2,000美元。 The judges awarded equal points to both finalists. 裁判判定决赛双方得分相等。  

  award,reward,prize  (1)award n.&v.指为鼓励在工作中达到所提出的要求或条件的人而进行的奖励,往往强调荣誉而不在乎奖品的大小或奖金的多少。 (2)reward n.&v.指对某人的工作或服务等的报答。也指因帮助警方抓到罪犯或帮助失主找到东西而得到的酬金、赏金。 (3)prize n.多指在各类竞赛、竞争或抽奖中所赢得的奖品。这种奖赏有的凭能力获得,有的凭运气获得。 Is that how you

  ? 你就是这样来报答我给你的帮助吗? Prizes

  the top three winners. 跑前三名的人将获奖。

  reward me for my help will be awarded to [以练促记] 用award,reward或prize 的正确形式填空 ①He received a

  of 900 from the police for catching the criminal. ②The university

  her a scholarship. ③He won first

  in the singing contest. reward


  prize live adj.现场直播的;精力充沛的;活的;生动的


  (1) live show 一场现场直播的演出 a live young man

  一位朝气蓬勃的年轻人 a live fish

  一条活鱼 broadcast live


  (2)ive on  以……为食 live by


  It was a live broadcast,not a recording. 那是实况广播,不是录音。 They're carrying out an experiment with a live monkey. 他们正在用一只活的猴子做实验。 live,alive,living,lively 

  (1)live 作形容词时,常用于物且作定语,表示“活的,活着的,现场直播的”。(2)alive 作表语、后置定语或宾语补足语,多用于人,表示“活着的,活的”。Is she still alive?她还活着吗?(3)living 表示“活着的,逼真的”,指人或物,在句中作表语或前置定语。He's the living image of his father.他跟他父亲长得一模一样。(4)lively 在句中作表语或定语,表示“有生气的;活泼的;生动的”,既可修饰人又可修饰物。He has a lively imagination.他有生动的想像力。

  [以练促记] 用live,alive,living或lively填空 ①The club has

  music most nights. ②The fish we caught is still

  . ③The only season that makes one feel

  is the spring. ④All

  things need sunlight.


  alive lively

  living amuse vt.使愉快,使高兴

  Clare was highly amused by the little boy's antics. 克莱尔被小男孩可笑的动作逗得很开心。

  (1)amuse oneself 

  自娱自乐 amusement n. 


  to one's amusement


  amused adj.

  感到愉快的;觉得好笑的 be amused at /by


  amusing adj. 


  He had an

  look on his face when reading the

  article.当他读那篇有趣的文章时脸上露出愉快的表情。 Reading and seeing movies are among my amusements. 阅读和看电影是我的娱乐活动。

  ,the actor jumped on and off the stage. 令我们感到好笑的是,那个演员在舞台上跳上跳下。 amused amusing To our amusement 1.He was bored at home ,so he began to ________ himself

  by playing computer games.





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