If You Are Allowed To Read Only 1 Book In Your Entire Life, What Book Would You Recommend?
获得112.4k好评的回答@Kahill Gibran:
It does not dictate terms but rather shares perspectives.
The tone of the writing feels humble to me, yet it hits you hard with the interesting metaphors and the stinging anecdotes.
The way it is written provides a great narrative to connect easily to it as mentioned in the synopsis. Neither it is too dry and phlegmatic, nor too complex and tedious.
获得107.1k好评的回答@Milan Xavier:
Sherlock Holmes is an amazing character and his adventures are absolutely fantastic.
The show is amazing and they have masterfully brought sherlock into the contemporary world , and there’s no need for me to go on and on about how great Cumberbatch is . But the primal reason the show is so good is because it’s based on such a fantastic series of books.
获得60.3k好评的回答@Somnath Chatterjee:
It explores similarity of themes in works of logician Kurt Gödel, artist M. C. Escher and composer Johann Sebastian Bach. Repetition, math and logic have brought different personalities in 3 different fields together.
Hofstadter has taken the reader through a ride of logical puzzles, anomalies, paradoxes. Even a person not loving science or maths can enjoy sketches of Escher or music of Bach, and see that “Repetition” is what makes this world beautiful.
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