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高中英语 经典作文范文手册集(下)优秀范文(开放式作文)

发布时间:2017-02-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  An Interesting Thing



  Last month your parents were both on a business trip, and you were left home alone for a few days. Tell your friends what a difficult (or happy) time you had during those days.


  I really had a difficult time. My parents would wake me up every morning, but during those days I had to get up myself. On the first night I set the alarm at 6 o’clock, but it didn’t wake me up at all the next morning. I was scolded for being late by my teacher. Afterwards, I bought three new clocks and set them all together. What noisy mornings I had!

  on a business trip 出差

  be left home alone 被单独留在家中

  set the alarm at 6 o’clock 把闹钟调到六点钟

  be scolded for being late 因迟到而被责备

  I Have A Dream



  Have you ever had a dream about your splendid future or imagined something unreal but interesting or meaningful? Tell your close friend about it now.


  I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreover, I don’t have to worry about old age during which I even can’t take care of myself. I know that my dream will not come true. However, I think it is lucky that I am young now. So I will treasure my time, enjoy my life and try my best to do everything well.

  close friend 亲密的朋友

  have enough energy to do everything 有足够的精力做一切事情

  moreover 并且,更进一步

  worry about old age 害怕年老

  take care of myself 照顾自己

  come true 变成现实

  treasure my time 珍惜时间

  Tell Him or Her What He or She Should Do



  One of your close friends tells you, “I’m suffering from depression. I have trouble sleeping. I’m often tired. When I think about the future I feel hopeless about it. I don’t enjoy anything. I’m never happy. I don’t laugh or smile any more.”You would like to help him / her to find one or more solutions.


  First of all, you’d better try to find an adult you can trust to talk to. For example, your parents are a good place to start, but if that doesn’t work, try teachers or someone else, and simply tell this person about yourself and how you feel. It sometimes seems like everyone else in the world is happy and you are the only one who is miserable. You will be surprised to learn that you are completely normal. I hope this helps and the next day will be better.

  suffering from depression 正处于沮丧/抑郁之中

  feel hopeless 感觉没有希望

  I don’t laugh or smile any more. 我不再笑

  that doesn’t work 那不起作用

  you are the only one who is miserable


  Learn From Lei Feng



  Today is March 5th. To learn from Lei Feng, at 3∶30 p.m., my classmates and I went...


  Today is March 5th. To learn from Lei Feng, at 330 p.m., my classmates and I went in groups separately to visit some old teachers who had retired from our school. We chatted with them for a while, and then began to do some cleaning for them. Everyone worked very hard and we really felt glad we were able to do something for the old teachers. We hoped to have more chances to take part in such activities.

  visit some old teachers who had retired from our school


  chat with sb 和某人聊天

  do some cleaning 打扫卫生

  have more chances to take part in such activities





  My best friend Wang Ping held a birthday party. He / She invited all of my best friends except me. I was wondering at it when suddenly I remembered that one day...


  One day when we were taking an English exam, Wang Ping, sitting next to me, passed me a piece of paper and asked me to tell her the answers to the reading comprehension. But I thought it was wrong to cheat in the exam, so I refused. After class, I tried to explain it to her, but she angrily told me never to mention it again. I knew she must have misunderstood me. So I decided to have a heart-to-heart talk with her tomorrow.

  hold a birthday party 生日聚会

  invite all of my best friends except me


  take an English exam 英语考试

  the answers to the reading comprehension 阅读理解题答案

  cheat in the exam 考试作弊

  never to mention it again 不要再提这件事

  a heart-to-heart talk


  No Smoking Day



  May 31st, No Smoking Day, is drawing near. Now what do you want to say to smokers to help them get rid of the bad habit?


  Today more and more people care for the problem of smoking. On that day, nobody is allowed to smoke, because smoking is polluting the air, also it’s harmful to people’s health and will cause lung cancer.

  I hope you should make a plan to get rid of the bad habit. It’s our hope that we all take an active part in the activity.

  I’m sure you’ll succeed in giving up smoking.

  May 31st, No Smoking Day, is drawing near.


  help them get rid of the bad habit 帮助他们摆脱这个坏习惯

  care for the problem of smoking 关心抽烟问题

  cause lung cancer 引起肺癌

  take an active part in the activity 积极参加这项活动

  succeed in giving up smoking 成功地戒烟

  An Incident



  It was a summer morning in the classroom on Monday. Amy found a Band-Aid on Billy’s ankle. She asked Billy what was wrong with his ankle. Supposing you are Billy, please tell Amy what happened to your ankle.


  Yesterday afternoon I was playing ball games with a few boys from the neighborhood. While kicking the ball, I slipped and fell over. My angle was injured. It bled a bit, so I had a Band-Aid on it. But I don’t think it serious. I hope it will be all right soon.

  Band-Aid 创可贴

  what was wrong with 怎么了,出了什么事

  supposing you are Billy 假设你是比利

  slipped and fell over 滑倒

  bled a bit 流了许多血

  On My Way To School



  You missed class this morning. Your classmate called you to find out why you were absent. You tell him what happened.


  I broke my leg on my way to school this morning. It was foggy. I was riding my bike very fast. Suddenly a car drove towards me and knocked me off my bike. I was taken to the hospital immediately. The doctor examined me and found my left beg broken. I had to lie in bed for at least three weeks.

  missed class 缺课

  find out why you were absent 弄清楚为什么迟到

  knocked me off my bike 把我从自行车上撞下来

  lie in bed for at least three weeks 至少在床上躺三周

  Sports Meeting



  Last Thursday a sports meeting was held in Li Ping’s school. Li Ping was in the boy’s 1000-metre race, but he didn’t finish the race. Suppose you are Li ping, you tell us what happened.


  When the race began, I felt great! My friend Wang Xiaopeng was running by my side. Halfway during the race, he told me that his legs were hurting. I knew he couldn’t run any further though we only had 200 meters to go. Then, ‘Bang, ’he fell to the ground. Of course winning was my goal, but being a good friend was more important.

  boy’s 1000-metre race 男子1000米比赛

  I felt great! 我感觉棒极了!

  couldn’t run any further 不能再跑

  fell to the ground 摔倒在地上

  My Old Tape Recorder



  You are a middle school student. You’re going to have an important English examination in two months. You want your parents to buy you another tape recorder to take the place of the old one.

  Now you tell your parents why you need a new tape recorder.


  You see, two months later I will have the English examination, including the listening test. I have to do some listening practice. But my tape recorder doesn’t work properly because something is wrong with it. So I need a new tape recorder to take the place of the old one. I hope I can get it as soon as possible.

  have an important English examination


  tape recorder 录音机

  take the place of 代替,顶替

  do some listening practice 做听力练习

  get it as soon as possible 尽快地拿到录音机

  Why Do People Play Football



  Why do people play football? It’s a stupid game and dangerous, too. Twenty-two men fight for about two hours to kick a ball into a net. They get more black eyes than goals. Sometimes they even break their bones. Football players must be mad. And why do people watch football matches? They must be mad, too. They certainly shout and scream like madmen. In fact I’m afraid to go out when there is a football match. The crowds are so dangerous. I’d rather stay at home and watch TV. But what happens when I switch it on? They’re showing a football match. So I turn on the radio. What do I hear? The latest football scores. And what do I see when I open a newspaper? Photos of football players. Oh, I’m afraid I may be mad about it some day.


  As a middle school student, I have no much time to spend playing football. However, I watch a football match on TV whenever possible. I like it not only because it’s an exciting game, but also because it is brave and be full of confidence, courage and perseverance. You need to learn to work together with others perfectly. The sport of football can show a spirit as well as strengthen your body. When you are tired after a long time of study. Just watch a football match, which can give your brain a good rest.

  Over all, I like the sport of football. It’s a game full of challenge.

  fight for 为……而战斗

  kick a ball into a net 把球踢进网内

  shout and scream like madmen 象疯子一样尖叫

  I’d rather stay at home and watch TV. 我宁愿呆在家里看电视。

  switch sb. on 换(电视)台

  a game full of challenge 一项充满挑战的比赛


  1. With the development of the mode of public transport, the communication between people becomes more and more frequent.


  2. With the result of the Party’s policy of economic reform, there has been a great increase in economic growth, from which Chinese people have benefited a lot.


  3. Some people say the most important element to success is luck, while others claim it is hard work.


  4. Now people in growing populations are beginning to recognize the importance of birth control.


  5. According to a recent survey, more and more students are doing part-time jobs.


  6. As far as learning a language is concerned, practice is of great importance.


  7. It goes without saying, without advanced science and technology, a country will have poor living conditions.


  8. The telephone has made it possible for us to communicate with our friends far away, without leaving our houses.


  9. With help from a computer, this project was completed ahead of time.


  10. Complicated as the problem is, it can be solved in a few minutes with an electronic computer. 虽然这个问题很复杂,用电子计算机几分钟就解决了。

  11. So far, computers have found applications in the field of industry, which has caused a surprising change in terms of the productivity.


  12. The school should make it its aim to help students to develop themselves in an all-round way. 学校应该把学生的全面发展作为自己的目标。

  13. Professor Mary pointed out that in learning a foreign language, great attention should be paid to the improvement of reading speed.


  14. He owed his success entirely to his family support.


  15. If you persevere, you will accomplish wonders.


  16. What we learn in school will have a great effect on our future.


  17. Failure is also a type of learning if you can draw a lesson from it.


  18. We learn a foreign language in order to communicate with people all over the world. 我们学习外语是为了同世界人民进行交往。

  19. Newspapers and magazines keep us informed of what is happening around the world. 报纸杂志使我们了解世界各地发生的事情。

  20. Once you have confidence in yourself, you are sure to make remarkable progress. 一旦你对学习有了信心,你的学习就一定会取得显著进步。

  21. The result from the study and research has shown/illustrated that people are becoming more and more concern about the quality of their life.


  22. The first thing I do every morning is to turn on the radio to listen to the weather forecast and the news of the day.


  23. Once you get into the habit of smoking, you’ll find it hard to give it up.


  24. It indicates that all living things on the earth are being greatly threatened by industrial pollution.这表明地球上所有的生物正在受到工业污染的严重威胁。

  25. It’s not allowed to blare horns here, those who fail to obey the regulation will be fined. 此地禁止按喇叭,不能遵守此规定者将被处以罚款。

  26. People all over the world believe that it won’t be long before a cure for cancer comes into being. 世界人民期待着不久的将来有治疗癌症的新药出现。

  27. He has got into the bad habit of reading in bed, which is harmful to his eyesight.


  28. Working hard is important, but knowing how to make the most of one’s abilities is more important. 用功是重要的,但知道如何充分利用自己的才能更重要。

  29. Even though l have studied English for a few years, I still find it hard to express myself effectively in English.


  30. Sick and weak as Grandma is, she has taken on all the housework in the family.


  31. Referring to this accident, the driver admitted that his car knocked down a child. 在谈及这次事故时,司机承认他撞倒了一个孩子。

  32. I think private cars should be restricted rather than encouraged.


  33. Measures must be taken to make the water clean before it goes into the river.


  34. Helping others is the source of happiness.


  35. The computer has completely changed our life.


  36. Without computers, the realization of modernization would remain a dream.


  37. We must work hard if we want to achieve success.


  38. Lack of education is an obstacle to success. 缺乏教育是成功的障碍。

  39. The earth is the only planet and home for the human race.


  40. No one will be able to survive if the land, water and atmosphere are seriously polluted. 当土地、水和大气受到了严重污染,没有人能存活


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