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发布时间:2017-02-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  【即学即练】 Some researchers believe that there is no doubt__________a cure for AIDS will be found. A.which

  B.that C.what

  D.whether [解析] 句意:一些研究者相信一定可以找到治疗艾滋病的方法。故选B。 [答案] B 1.One is easy to__________if he gets accustomed to the surroundings easily. A.live

  B.pass C.survive

  D.save [解析] 考查动词辨析。句意:如果一个人很容易习惯于周围环境的话,他就很容易存活下来。live in 居住;pass 通过;survive 幸存,存活;save 救,节约。只有C项符合题意。 [答案] C 2.Whether by accident or__________,he arrived too late to help us. A.purpose

  B.aim C.design

  D.chance [解析] 该句意为:“是故意还是偶然,他来帮助我们太晚了。” [答案] C 3.—How much__________the car__________? —40,000 dollars. A.does;spend

  B.does;pay C.is;worth

  D.is;cost [解析] be worth... 值……钱,故C项正确。 [答案] C 4.With a large amount of work__________,the chief manager couldn't spare time for a holiday. A.remained to be done

  B.remaining to be done C.remained being done

  D.remaining to do [解析] 句意:因为有大量的工作要做,总经理不可能抽出时间去度假。此题考查“with+名词/代词+宾语补足语”结构中分词的选用。remain 一词作“持续、有待于”讲时应为不及物动词,与a large amount of work 之间的关系是逻辑上的主动关系,故排除A、C两项;选项中动词do 与work 形成被动关系,又因为是要做还没有做的事,故用不定式的被动语态,选B。 [答案] B 5.That proved__________.Which of the following is WRONG? A.him right

  B.him to be right C.that he was right

  D.him be right [答案] D 6.There is still some doubt__________the autumn sports meet will be held in our school,but there is no doubt__________it will be held soon after our National Day holiday. A.that;that

  B.whether;whether C.that;whether

  D.whether;that [解析] 前半句的some 表明人们对此表示怀疑,后面的从句用whether 连接(whether 从句为同位语从句),there is no doubt 后用that 连接一个同位语从句。 [答案] D (电子邮件类) Dear_Sue,

  I'm Li Hua, one of your students in China. It's almost a month since you left us. We all miss you and are very grateful for what you did for us when we were together. We are busy as usual. We had an English speech contest the other day. I won the first prize! This again reminds me of all your kind help. Do you still remember the trees we planted together on the hill behind the school? Yesterday, we went there and watered them. The tree you planted yourself is growing well, and the whole class decided to name it Sue Wood. Will you come back to see Sue Wood? How is everything with you lately? We hope to know more about you and your American students. Hope to keep in close touch. All_the_best

  Li_Hua (2010年高考陕西卷) 假定你是李华。你们学校和一所美国中学签署了教师交流协议。在过去的一年里,你们的英文老师是来自这所中学的Sue Wood。不久前她返回美国任教。请你根据写作要点和要求给Sue写封电子邮件。 写作要点: 1.对她表达感谢之意; 2.介绍她离开后你自己及班里发生的事情; 3.希望了解她的近况。 要求: 1.短文词数不少于100(不含已写好的部分)。 2.内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯。 3.书写须清晰、工整。 4.邮件中不能体现本人真实信息。 Dear Sue, I'm Li Hua, one of your students in China. ____________________________________ All the best

  Li Hua 1.______________adj. 珍贵的;有价值的→______________n. 价值 2.______________vi. 幸免;幸存;生还→______________n. 生还者→______________n. 幸存;生还 3.______________vt. 使吃惊;吃惊→______________adj. 令人吃惊的→______________n. 吃惊 4.______________vt. 挑选;选择→______________ n. 挑选;选择 5.______________n. 设计;图案;构思→______________n. 设计师;制图员 6.______________adj. 奇特的;异样的→______________vt. 想象;设计;爱好 7.______________v. 装饰;装修→______________ n. 装饰 8.______________n. 珠宝;宝石→______________ n. 珠宝;首饰(总称) 9.______________n. 艺术家→______________n. 艺术 10.______________vi. 属于;为……的一员 11.______________vt. 移动;搬开 12.______________adj. 木制的→______________n. 木头 13.______________n. 怀疑;疑惑→______________vt. 怀疑;不信 14.______________prep. 值得的;相当于……的价值→______________n. 价值;作用→______________adj. 有价值的;值得……的 15.______________n. 入口→______________v. 进入 16.______________n.争论;辩论→______________vi.争论;辩论 [答案] 1.valuable;value 2.survive;survivor;survival 3.amaze;amazing;amazement 4.select;selection 5.design;designer 6.fancy;fancy 7.decorate;decoration 8.jewel;jewelry 9.artist;art 10.belong 11.remove 12.wooden;wood 13.doubt;doubt 14.worth;worth;worthy 15.entrance;enter 16.debate;debate 考点1 survive vt. 比……活得长;(经过……)活(保存)下来 vi. 活下来;幸存;残留 【课文如是】 Is it enough to have survived for a long time?(课本P1) 【家谱追踪】 survivor n. 生还者 survival n. [U] 存活,幸存 n. [C] 残存物;幸存事物 survive sth.  在……之后仍然生存,从……中逃生 survive sb. (by...) 比……活得长(几年) survive on sth. 靠……存活下来 survive from sth. 从……存活下来;流传下来 【典例填充】 用survive 的适当形式填空 1.His doctor said he had a 50% chance of__________. [答案] survival 2.There are concerns that the refugees may not__________the winter. [答案] survive 3.She was the lone__________of the crash. [答案] survivor 【即学即练】 (2009年哈师大附中模拟)In the crash of the France Air Bus,no one__________except a few survivals of the plane floating on the Atlantic Ocean. A.surviveB.survived C.was survived

  D.was surviving [解析] 从句意分析可知,此处survive 应表示“幸存”的意思,故是不及物动词,不能用被动语态。 [答案] B 【典例填充】 1.The building is poor__________ __________. 这栋房子设计很差。 [答案] in design 2.Do you think the traffic accident was caused by accident or__________ __________? 你认为这起交通事故是意外事故呢,还是有意为之? [答案] by design 【即学即练】 (2009年济南模拟)The houses__________for the refugees in the earthquake have already been completed. A.designed

  B.Designing C.to design

  D.having designed [答案] A 考点3 fancy vt. 想像;空想;假想 【课文如是】 The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days.(课本P1) fancy oneself (as sth.)  自命不凡;自负 fancy+n.+(to_be/as)+n.

  认为……是…… fancy (sb.'s)doing

  想象(某人)做某事 have a fancy for

  爱好 【典例填充】 1.He is always full of__________. 他总是异想天开。 [答案] fancies 2.She__________ __________she heard footsteps behind her.她觉得好像听到身后有脚步声。 [答案] fancied that 3.It's fancy__________you here.想不到在这见到你了。 [答案] meeting 【即学即练】 He fancies himself__________a pop star. A.to be

  B.as C./

  D.all of the above [解析] 句意:他认为自己是受欢迎的明星。fancy oneself(as/to be)+n. “认为某人自己是……”。 [答案] D 【典例填充】 1.This stone is not worth__________ __________. 这块宝石不值这个价钱。 [答案] its price/cost 2.The book is well worth __________ __________ __________.这本书很值得你花的那些钱。 [答案] what you paid 3.His suggestion is worth __________. 他的提议值得考虑。 [答案] considering 【即学即练】 —What do you think of the book? —Oh,excellent.It's worth__________a second time. A.to read

  B.to be read C.reading

  D.being read [解析] be worth 后接doing,并且用其主动形式表被动意义。 [答案] C 【典例填充】 1.She__________ __________for a good hour. 她整整站了一个钟头。 [答案] remained standing 2.The problems__________ __________ __________ __________.这几个问题尚待解决。 [答案] remain to be solved 3.In spite of their quarrel,they__________ __________ __________ __________. 他们尽管吵过架,却仍不失为最好的朋友。 [答案] remained the best friends 【即学即练】 (2009年高考山东卷)The little girl who got lost decided to remain__________she was and wait for her mother. A.where

  B.what C.how

  D.who [解析] 句意:那个迷路的小女孩决定待在原地等她的母亲。where 引导地点状语从句,修饰remain。 [答案] A 【典例填充】 1.那个学生做的设计结果是成功的。 ________________________________________________________________________ [答案] The design made by the student proved (to be) a success. 2.他们证实自己机智勇敢。 ________________________________________________________________________ [答案] They prove themselves (to be) wise and brave. 【即学即练】 (2010年绵阳中学期中测试)—What do you think of his teaching method? —It should be popular;it__________practical. A.proves

  B.is proved C.has been proved

  D.was proved [答案] A 考点7 doubt n.

  怀疑;疑惑 v. 怀疑;疑惑;不相信 【课文如是】 There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train.(课本P2) vt. 后接名词、代词或宾语从句。在否定句和疑问句中,doubt 后面接that 引导的宾语从句;在肯定句中,doubt 后面一般接whether 或if 引导的宾语从句。 n. 常与about/of 等介词连用,其后也可接同位语从句。

  doubt 用在否定句中,后面接that 引导的同位语从句;用在肯定句中,后面接whether 引导的同位语从句。注意不可以用if 替换whether。 in doubt 怀疑;拿不定主意 no/without/beyond doubt 无疑地;必定;当然 There is no doubt about.../that­clause 毫无疑问…… 【典例填充】 用whether,if,that 填空 1.There is some doubt__________he can win. [答案] whether 2.I doubt__________the new one will be any better. [答案] whether/if 3.I never doubt__________he would come. [答案] that


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