My future life Unit 3
Language in use It’s very enjoyable. That’s a nice handbag. Head teacher, teachers, grandparents, parents and classmates … I’ve learnt the importance of friendship. Thank you for your help with our homework. We can never pay you back for your kindness, your patience, and gift of knowledge. Lead in 1. Complete the conversation. Join the words
in Box A with those in Box B. after
hand (x2) bag
noon A B 1. handbag 2. haircut 3. afternoon 4. classmates 5. handmade Activity 1 Something you enjoy is ___________ (enjoy). 2. Something which you suggest is a ___________ (suggest). 3. The activity of learning is your __________
(educate). 4. Being friends with someone is called a _________ (friend).
5. The act of being kind is called ___________ (kind). 6. Someone who teaches is a ___________ (teach). enjoyable suggestion education friendship kindness teacher Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words. Activity 2 Look at the pictures and discuss the questions. School leavers’ party
Soup (China) Meat and fish dishes (Britain, Denmark, France)
Cakes (Germany, USA, Australia) Work in pairs Activity 3 1. Which two things tell you that the party is international?
a) The menu.
b) The language.
c) The flags. 2. Why are the people clapping?
a) They are celebrating someone’s birthday.
b) They are watching a play.
c) They are listening to a speech. 3. What do you think the person making a speech is
a) Excuse me.
b) Welcome.
c) Sorry. Where
Ghana, Africa Work
Free time
Missed Future job
building a primary school very friendly visited the beaches talking to friends and family teacher Listen and complete the notes about Adam’s trip. Listening Choose the best answer. 1. These days, ______ students in the UK take a gap year.
a) some
b) many
c) all
d) a few
2. Traveling can teach you values such as learning about _____.
a) flights
b) money
c) relationships
d) jobs 3. Working on projects in poorer countries is all about _____ people.
a) helping
b) entertaining
c) managing
d) paying
Reading 4. To help poorer people, you have to be prepared __________. a) to live in another country
b) to be paid very well
c) to be paid very little
d) to work for free
5. University graduates with some work experience often get_______ than graduates without experience. a)
more money
b) more important jobs c)
jobs more easily
d) more jobs in other countries
take a year off
休假一年 I felt I’d grown up.
我觉得自己长大了。 on all sorts of levels
在不同层面 get paid for
得到报酬 answers to problems
问题的答案 apply for
申请得到 Phrases in this unit. Around the world Junior high school dances what you are planning to do in the next three years
what you would like to do after that
Do you want to go to university and get special training
or would you like to work after senior high school?
Think about your life in the future. Make notes about the following things: 合作探究 what other areas of your life you want to develop
Do you want to be better at sports, learn to play music, or develop artistic skills? how you see your personal life
what sort of values you think will be important to you
合作探究 构词法 Grammar 英语的构词法主要有两种,一种是合成,一种是派生。 构词法 ㈠合成法:指由两个或多个单词合成一个新词的方法。有合成名词bathroom; 合成形容词 middle-aged ;合成代词 himself 。 ㈡派生法:派生是通过一个单词(词根)加前缀或后缀构成新词的方法。 uncomfortable 词根 前缀 后缀 Presentation ①常用前缀
例词 en- 使可能 enable 使能够,
enrich使富裕 ir-,in- 不,非 inexpensive不贵的, irregular不规则的 im- 不 impossible 不可能的, impatient不耐心的 mis- 错误的 misunderstanding误解 , mistake错误 non- 不,非 non-smoker不吸烟者,
non-swimmer不会游泳者 un- 不 unable 无能的, unhappy不高兴的 re- 再,重复 rewrite 重写, retell复述 tele- 远程 television电视,
telephone电话 ②常用后缀 词类 后缀 例词
名词 -er,-or teacher, worker, inventor , visitor -ian musician -ment government, judgement
形容词 -ful careful,
helpful, useful -less careless, homeless, helpless, useless -able comfortable, probable , usable , eatable
-teen seventeen, eighteen, fifteen -th fifth, seventh, fifteenth, fortieth -ty forty, sixty, twenty 副词 -ly carefully, carelessly, happily, badly Summary 单词,短语,句型:________
(在小组内口头汇报) 2. 掌握英语构词法,主要掌握前缀,
后缀和派生词。 Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. It’s difficult for university g_________ to find good jobs these days. 2. Your advice is of great v_____ to me. Thank you very much. 3. I don’t think the black shoes m______ your white trousers. 4Who made the __________(决定) for you, your father or your mother?
atch Practice 1. Sophia looked ____________ (beauty) at her end of school ceremony. 2. He became a very ___________ (success)__________ (write) when he left school. 3.
over the last few years has showed a lot of
_______________ (improve). 4. Your___________ (wonder) letter has given me much
__________ (happy). 5. I want to become a ___________ (science) or a__________ (teach) one day.
Ⅱ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 beautiful
writer Education improvement wonderful happiness scientist teacher Ⅲ. 单项选择 1. Tom took a week _____ because of his illness.
A. away
B. off
C. of
D. up 2. —What time is it?
— ______?
— I asked what time it was.
A. What else
B. What
C. Pardon
D. Ok 3. I like Liu Huan’s songs, but Daming ______ them.
A. unlikes
B. dislikes
C. nonlikes
D. inlikes 4. ____ I go there, I find him reading books.
A. Whoever
B. Wherever
C. No matter when
D. No matter what Homework Go over the words and useful expressions in Module 10. Goals determine what you’re going to be. 人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。
家的重要性The Importance of Family
羽毛球 Badminton
学校生活的一天-One day of school life
关于出国留学的调查A Survey on Study Abroad
我们的长江 Our Changjing River
关于铁路运输方面Railway Transportation
怎样解决严重的交通问题? How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic
英语的重要性 The Importance of English
做一个乐观的人To Be an Optimistic Person
发改委再次上调成品油价,价格,上涨China raises fuel prices
邀请信 An Invitation
公园该不该收门票?Should park admission?
我最喜欢的城市my favourite city
关于网购的看法My View on Shopping Online
一封关于如何学好中文的信 A letter on how to learn Chinese
如何保持健康 How to Keep Healthy
给爸爸妈妈的信 A Letter to My Parents
学习知识要讲究方法 Approaches to Knowledge
寒假生活 My Life in Winter Holiday
汽车与环境空气污染Car and Pollution