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发布时间:2017-02-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 3

  Now and then Unit 1

  People are healthier today. Talk about the photo. Say what life was

  like in the past. Lead in And what life is like today? A history composition.

  Is life today better or worse than it was 50 years ago?

  She asks if they can write about topics ,such as medicine and pollution.

  1.What’s for homework?

  2.What’s the title?

  3.What does Betty ask about?


  Listen and answer the question.

  Daming asks if they can write about personal safety.

  Yes,he does.

  4.What does Daming ask about?

  5.Does Mr Jack agree?

  Choose the best answer. 1.People are healthier and live longer today because_____.

  a) we’re better at preventing illness

  b) we don’t work as hard as we did

  c) we don’t take as much exercise 2.Public transport is faster but ____.

  a) it makes more pollution

  b) people take more exercise

  c) fewer people use it

  3.There ’s more pollution so_____.

  a) children work harder

  b) life is more dangerous and less healthy

  c) public transport is better today 4.People don’t have to work as hard today .However,____.

  a) they don’t live as long

  b) no one has enough free time

  c) schoolchildren don’t do their best 5.Betty will be more relaxed and less nervous about the exams if ____. a) she works harder

  b) she asks Mrs Li to help her with her composition c) she goes on the school trip and to the theatre Advantages Disadvantages Personal health Medicine Transport Work People are healthier and live longer. We know more about medicine. We’re better at preventing illness. It is much faster. People don’t have to work

  as hard as they worked 50 years ago. People don’t eat as well as in the past and don’t take as much exercise as they did. It makes more pollution. No one has enough free time. Complete the table and write notes. 重点短语 1. get late

  天色变晚 2. nearly finish 快完成了 3. be better at doing sth. 在做某事方面更擅长 Language Points 4. do a composition

  做作文 5. the most important difference 最重要的区别 6. live longer


  7. in the past

  在过去 8. know more about 对……更了解 9. prevent illness 防病 10. that’s because … 那是因为…… 11. public transport 公共交通 12. make more pollution 造成更多的污染

  13. do / try one’s best

  尽某人最大努力 14. talk/speak of 谈到;提到 15. free time 业余时间

  16. more relaxed

  更放松 17. less nervous 不那么紧张 18. in order to

  为了 19. remind sb. that / of … 提醒某人…… 辨析:nearly / almost nearly, almost虽然都可以表示“几乎”,但是当要表示“接近”或“就要到了”时最好用nearly;当想表达“不足”或“还差一点儿”时最好用almost nearly

  The sea covers nearly three-fourths of the world’s surface.

  This product has been a bestseller for nearly one year.


  Confidence of success is almost success.

  She said almost nothing. Ⅰ.根据汉语完成句子 1. 天就要黑了。 2. 就要完成了! 3. 今天的生活比50年前更好还是更差呢? It’s getting dark. Nearly finished! Is life today better or worse than it was 50 years ago? Practice 4. 人们活得比过去活得长。

  5. 懂得更多的医学 6. 更好地预防疾病 7. 不像过去吃得那样好。

  8. 不像过去锻炼那么多。

  People live longer than they did in the past.

  know more about medicine

  be better at preventing illness

  Don’t eat as well as in the past.

  Don’t take as much exercise as they did. 9. 更少地骑自行车 10. 制造了更多的污染 11. 使生活更危险和更不健康 12. 人们不必像50年前那样艰苦地工作。

  13. 没有人曾经说他们有太多的自由时间!

  use their bikes less

  make more pollution

  make life more dangerous and less healthy People don’t have to work as hard as they worked 50 years ago. No one ever says they have too much free time! 14. 比我们过去工作得更努力

  15. 想去尽力做

  16. 你为什么不问问?

  17. 参加学校郊游

  18. 提醒某人某事/使某人记起某事

  work harder than we ever did

  want to do one’s best Why don’t you ask?=Why not ask?

  go on the school trip remind sb. that/of sth. 1.Because it’s late, Betty’s mum thinks that Betty should __________. 2.Betty is working late in order to __________________ ______________. 3.Betty’s mum thinks we know more about medicine, although_______________________________________ ____________________________________

  go to bed

  finish writing her composition people don’t eat as well as in the past ,and don’t take as much exercise as they did. Ⅱ.

  Complete the sentences in your own words 4.Betty reminds her mum that _______________________ __________________________________. 5.Betty’s mum thinks that Betty’s school trip and theatre visit will ________________________________________ __________________. she is going on the school make Betty more relaxed and less nervous trip next month ,and the theatre visit before her exams Homework Write down two great changes in life of your family. He who does not advance loses ground. 逆水行舟,不进则退。


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