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发布时间:2017-02-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  The way we look Unit 1

  I really like these shoes. It’s cold. Because his thick jacket doesn’t fit him any more. His mother. Listen and answer the questions. 1.What’s the weather like today? =How is the weather today?

  2.Why can’t Tony wear the clothes he’s got?

  3.Who suggests he need to wear a warm overcoat and a scarf?

  Lead in 4.What does Tony refuse to wear?

  5.Why can’t he borrow gloves from his dad?

  6.When does Tony’s mum plan to go shopping? A scarf. Because his father lost the gloves. At the weekend. What are Lingling and Betty looking forward to?

  2. Why does Lingling need a thick jacket and some warm gloves and socks?

  3.Where and how are they going shopping? Listen and read. The Shakespeare play and the school trip to the Great Wall. Because she gets really cold. They are going to the new shopping centre in Wangfujing by bus. Presentation

  Choose the best answer. Lingling and Betty decide to go shopping because _____.

  2. For the school leavers’ party, _____.

  3. Lingling doesn’t like the first jacket because of its ____.

  4. When the assistant suggests an overcoat, Betty probably thinks _____.

  5.When Betty and Lingling see the shoes and the skirt, it suggests that ____.

  b c a b c 1. look forward to sth./doing sth. We are all looking forward to the coming sports meeting. She is looking forward to taking part in Tom’s party. Look forward to your letter. 2. 副词可以修饰动词,形容词和副词。 修饰动词时,后置;修饰形容词和副词时,前置。 I’ve got a really nice long dress. He can draw very quickly. Language Points 3.

  go+doing go fishing

  go swimming

  go skating 4.

  提建议的几种表达方法及回答方式: How /What about…?


  idea! Shall we…?

  OK! Let’s….

  Great! Why not +do…? =Why don’t you + do…? 5.

  in front of/ in the front of He is standing in front of me. He is standing in the front of the classroom. 6. a bit=a little=kind of The coat is a little larger for you.

  7. 介词短语作定语,说明前面人或物的特征。可转换成定语从句。 that girl that has long hair over there a man with glasses=a man who is wearing glasses 8.

  some time 一段时间


  sometimes 有时

  some times几次 I will go to visit you __________ next week. He __________ watches TV in the evening. I have been to Shanghai ___________. Will you stay here for ______________? sometime sometimes some times some

  time Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1.—Whose _____(厚的) book is on my desk?

  —Oh, it’s mine! 2. The coat ______ (适合) Tom well. He looks very smart (洒脱的) in it. 3.Mary wore her most beautiful _______(连衣裙) at the party yesterday evening.

  4. __________(围巾) can be worn in many creative ways. 5. It’s getting colder and colder and I have to put my _________ (手套) on.

  thick fits dress gloves Scarves Practice some time


  sometimes sometime

  some time

  some times


  用sometimes,sometime,some times或some time完成下面的句子 1.—Will you stay in Beijing for ___________?

  —Yes, I will. 2. __________ he goes to school by bike and __________ by bus. 3. The museum was built _________ before 1258.

  4. After _________, Mr Liu came back from abroad.

  5. He has been told not to play computer games too much ___________.














  Ⅲ . 完成下列同义句 1. Could you tell me what to wear at the party?

  Could you tell me what ____ ______ _____ at the party? 2. Can I help you, sir?

  ______ can I _____ for you, sir? 3. That girl who has long hair is from Class 4, Grade 3.

  That girl _____ ______ _____ is from Class 4, Grade 3. 4. That day Joan wore a beautiful pair of trousers.

  That day Joan _______ _________ _____ a beautiful pair of trousers.

  5. How about going fishing this weekend?

  _______ _______ going fishing this weekend?


  根据汉语意思完成下面的句子 1.这种样式的短袜你们有蓝色的吗? Do you have these socks _______ _______? 2.那天她穿着一件红色的夹克和一条白色的裤子。 That day she _______ _______ a red jacket and a pair of white trousers. 3.售货员忘了找他钱了。 The _______ ___________ forgot to give the change to him.


  blue had

  on shop

  assistant 4.你穿多大号的衬衣? _________ ________ shirt do you wear?


  It’s always her wish to _______ _______ _______ _____ Paris, the capital of fashion.


  size take


  look at Homework Write to describe the way your favourite teacher looks. Happiness is a form of courage. 幸福是勇气的一种形式。


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