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发布时间:2017-02-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Which year’s clothes styles do you like?

  I’m quite interested in the 1970s look at the moment, long skirts and bright colours. I want to go to college and become a fashion designer. What will you do or be in the future?

  Now listen and check. 1. What is Mark’s job?

  He writes reports about teenage fashion trends. 2. Who does he work for?

  He works for a company that finds out about fashion. Listen again and answer the questions. Activity

  6 3. What does his company do with the information he gives them?

  They sell it to fashion companies. 4. How does he get his information?

  He meets teenagers and asks them their likes and dislikes.

  5. Why does he ask questions about music and free time?

  To give a complete picture of the teenagers. 1._____the afternoon of April 30th,many foreign visitors arrived___Shanghai.

  A. In;at


  C.On;to 2. You’d better not always look up the new words ______ the dictionary while reading. Sometimes we need to guess. in

  B. on

  C. at

  D. from

  3. People ______ the southwest of China were in great need of water a couple of months ago.

  A. in

  B. at

  C. to

  D. on

  中考链接 4. There is a picture _____ my family on the wall.

  A. of

  B. up

  C. after

  D. to

  5. — How can I go to the supermarket, Paul? — ____ bike. It’s not far from here. On

  B. By

  C. In

  D. With 6. If you get on well _____ your classmates, you’ll enjoy your school life more. to

  B. at

  C. with

  D. in

  7. The famous writer William Shakespeare was born

  _______1564. A. in

  B. on

  C at

  D of

  Homework Correct the mistakes in these exercises of Unit 3 in class. Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。



  The way we look Unit 3

  Language in use Have a short discussion about

  prepositions below. It’s cold in May. Turn left and go along Wangfujing, and it’s on the right. We’ll go by bus. I’ll meet you in front of school at two o’clock this afternoon. Let’s see if they have one in blue. Lead in It’s that girl with long hair over there. Oh, take a look at that amazing skirt! I think we’re going to be here for some time. Many young people today care about the way they look. What’s the logo on your trainers?

  介词是虚词, 是一种用来表示词与词, 词与句之间关系的词。在句中不能单独作句子成分。介词后面一般有名词、代词或相当于名词的其他词类, 短语或从句作它的宾语。介词和它的宾语构成介词词组, 在句中作主语、状语、表语、补语或介词宾语。可以表示时间、地点、方式。 Presentation


  关于, 附近, 大约, 周围, 随身 above

  在……上, 以上, 超过, 在……上游 across

  横过, 对面, 交叉, 在……的对面 after

  在……后面,依照 against 撞到, 靠着, 反对, 违背 along

  沿着, 顺着 among

  在……当中 常用介词 around

  在……的周围 before

  在……的前面 below

  在……之下, 低于 beside

  在……的旁边, 在……之外 besides

  除……之外(还有……) between

  在……两者之间 by

  在……的近旁, 不迟于, 以……为手段 during

  在……期间 except



  为……, 因为……, 至于…… from

  从……, 来自…… in

  在……之内 over

  在……之上, 越过…… since

  自从…… 以后 1. with the help of 2. on earth 3. after a while 4. in front of 5. on duty 6. on one’s way to 在……的帮助下 在地球上;究竟 过了一会 在……前面 值日 在去……的途中 与名词搭配 7. to one’s surprise 8. kinds of 9. in the future 10. in the end 11. for example 12. in fact 13. in time 14. at the moment 例如 最后 在将来 各种各样的 令某人惊讶的是 事实上 及时 此刻 有时 在……几岁时 名胜 坐飞机 同时 匆忙地 顺便说一下 另一方面 15. on the other hand 16. at times 17. by the way 18. in a hurry 19. at the same time 20. by air 21. a place of interest 22. at the age of 23. on show 24. at the beginning of 25. around your neighbourhood 展览 在……的开始 在你周围 1. quarrel with 2. take care of 3. wait for 4. stop … from doing 5. fall behind 6. make one’s way to 7. arrive at/in 和……吵架 照顾 等待 阻止……做 落在……后面 到达 往……走去 与动词搭配 8.

  get on/off 9.

  help with 10. look like 11. look at 12. multiply by 13. prefer to 14. regard as 15. pay for 16. point to 看…… 看起来像 帮助……做…… 上/下车 ……乘以…… 宁愿 把……当作…… 付钱 指向 17. point at 18. catch up with 19. laugh at 20. agree with 21. ask for 22. be filled with 用……装满 请求 同意……的意见 嘲笑 赶上 指着 23. be made of/from 24. base on 25. come up with 26. do well in 27. speak highly of 28. think of 29. think about 以……为根据 想出 在……方面干得好 称赞 考虑 想起 由……制成 1.be different from 2.the same as 3.be famous for 4.be angry with 5.be afraid of 6.be proud of 7.be good at 和……不同 和……相同 因……而著名

  生……的气 害怕 善于 以……自豪 与形容词搭配 8. be late for 9. be pleased with 10. be excited about 11. be amazed at 12. be busy with sth. 13. be ready for 14. be full of 忙着做某事 为……准备好 充满……的 对……感到惊讶 对……感到兴奋 对……感到满意 迟到 1.instead of 2.make room for 3.play a joke on 4.be interested in 5.be fed up with 6.help oneself to 代替 给……腾出地方 对……恶作剧

  对……感兴趣 厌倦 随便吃 与其他词搭配 7. in the open air 8. thanks to 9. a lot of 10. by oneself 11. from now on 12. from …to… 从现在开始 从……到…… 亲自 许多 幸亏 在户外 Activity 1 1.ask about the way you are dressed/the future/ask for something in a shop 2.look for trainers/for a street/for sth. in a shop/at trainers/forward to a party/forward to the future

  3.show off the way you are dressed/a beautiful picture 4.think about a party/about a street/about sth. in a shop/about the future/about trainers 5.travel to a party/ to a street/around the world 6. walk to a party/ to a street/along a street A: Do you know that girl with blonde hair? B: The one in a blue dress? A: Yes. I met her once… at Larry’s party, I think. B:I haven’t seen Larry for over three weeks, you know. A: Oh, haven’t you heard? He moved in the summer holidays. B: Where to go? A: Not far from here—it’s only a short trip by bus. Activity 2 We don’t like advertisements Teenagers sell to teenagers Advertisements don’t make fashion The people and places advertisers use It’s not cool to copy the stars Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs. 2 5 3 1 4 Activity 3 1. so that/ so…that… so that 引导目的状语从句,可与in order to do 互换 so…that…引导结果状语从句,可与too…to…/ not… enough to do互换 He is so weak that he can’t walk on his own. =He is not strong enough to walk on his own. =He is too weak to walk on his own. He walked very fast so that he could get there on time. =He walked very fast in order to get there on time. Language Points 2.

  not…any more=no more

  not…any longer=no longer 1) They aren’t working any more. =They are no more working. 2) We no longer notice the posters all around us. =We don’t notice the posters all around us any longer. 1. Where does the passage say we find

  advertisements? Advertisements are everywhere! They’re on the radio and TV, in newspapers and magazines, on buses and buildings. They’re on websites and mobile phones.

  Activity 4: Read the passage again and answer the questions. Practice 2. What do people do to keep away from advertisements? We don’t like advertisements, so we try not to see them. We turn off the ads on our computers, we refuse to watch them on TV, or read them in magazines. We no longer notice the posters all around us. We don’t copy the stars because we know they don’t really like the things they advertise. 3. How do teenagers want to dress? Teenagers don’t want to dress like everyone else and buy the things that everyone else has. They want to look different and create their own style. Teenagers don’t think it’s cool to copy the stars or buy things they’ve seen in ads. 4. How are companies making teenagers notice their products?

  Instead of using stars, companies are using teenagers. They pay them to tell their friends about new products. 5. Does this new way of advertising make people buy things?

  Yes, because teenagers will copy each other.

  Which year’s music do you like? I like jazz and the music from the 1950s, the kind of music my grandparents listened to! Activity 5 Read what these speakers said.

  Guess what questions they were asked. What sports do you usually do in your spare time?

  Oh, I go swimming with my friends. We sometimes play basketball…


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