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发布时间:2017-02-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Rules and suggestions Unit 2

  You mustn’t move. Try to remember 山谷

  场所 手势

  静止的 突然的

  血 小山坡

  树林 伸出手

  入睡 安静的

  枝条; 枯枝 valley

  site gesture

  still sudden

  blood hillside

  woods reach out

  fall asleep peaceful

  stick Lead in woods valley gesture stick fall asleep Look at the picture and answer the questions.

  1. What do you think the bear is doing? The bear is around the tent to look for something the people put there to eat.

  Presentation 2. What do you think the people in the tent should do? The people must stay in the tent till the bear goes far away. And don’t make any noise. Read the passage and answer the questions. 1. What were the three people doing in Yellowstone Park? They were walking and camping. 2. How much do they know about bears? They know bears can climb trees and they know that bears can smell food from a distance. They also know that if they see a bear, they mustn’t move or make any gesture and mustn’t run. 3. Where do you think is the best place to keep food safe from bears? High off the ground. 4. What was the noise behind the writer? A mother bear. 5. Do you think their stay in the park

  was a success? I don’t think their stay in the park was a success. It’s very dangerous.

  1. When they went to sleep on the first night, they left the food _____.

  a) in a tree

  b) on the ground

  c) in the tent

  d) by a stream Read the passage again and choose the best answer. b 2. They put the food in the tree to _____.

  a) keep it away from the rubbish

  b) make it easier to open the bag

  c) stop the bears from smelling it

  d) stop the bears from seeing it c 3. You should make lots of noise because bears _____.

  a) can run faster than people

  b) may be afraid of people

  c) may not know where people are

  d) shouldn’t come too close to humans b 4. The writer tried to go to sleep, but


  a) was worried about the bears

  b) wasn’t tired

  c) wanted to see the bears

  d) there was too much noise a 5. The writer’s blood went cold because he ____.

  a) thought the mother bear was coming back

  b) was afraid of noise

  c) liked bears

  d) felt ill after running so fast a Language points

  1. We soon fell asleep.

  fall asleep 入睡,睡着 2. Let’s tidy the site up, and move on.

  tidy...up 把……打扫干净

  move on 继续前进 3. …the three of us were tired after walking for about eight hours. the 用在数词前, 表示特指。 the three of us 指的是“我们三个人” (一共就三个人); three of us指的是“ 我们中的三个人” (不止三个人)?。 e.g. There are eight people in the team. The eight of them will have dinner together tonight.


  There are ten people in the office and eight of them are women.

  办公室有十个人,有八个是女的。 4. If I reach out, I can just touch him.

  reach out


  The monkey reached out a hand for the banana.


  He reached out for the tool.

  他伸手去拿工具。 Useful phrases

  hang the food in a tree move on by a stream tidy up make a gesture above all play with sticks 把食物挂在树上 继续前进 在小溪旁边 收拾;整理 摆手势 首先 玩枝条 Write notes about the things you must do if there are bears near by. 1. hang food in a tree 2. keep the camp site clean 3. make lots of noise 4. Don’t move or make any gesture or run.

  where it is why many tourists and visitors go there what dangers there are

  how we can protect ourselves what we should do to look after the place Think of an area of countryside near you.Make notes about: Writing Say where it is. Say why many tourists and visitors go there.

  People visit it to see the mountains, valleys, streams, pools and waterfalls. Lushan National Geological Park is in Jiangxi Province. Write a passage called: look after the countryside—and yourself Say if there are any dangers from wildlife.

  The fish and birds which live there are not dangerous but there are some snakes. Say how we can protect ourselves. We mustn’t walk into the grass.

  Say what we should do to look after the park.

  We should allow only 1,000 people to visit it each week. The sample passage

  Lushan National Geological Park is in Jiangxi Province. Every year, many tourists come to visit it. Because people visit it to see the mountains, valleys, streams, pools and waterfalls. As we enjoy the park, we must be careful of some dangers from wildlife. The fish and birds which live there are not dangerous but there are some snakes. Then how can we protect ourselves? We mustn’t walk into the grass. At the same time, we should do something to look after the park. I think we should allow only 1,000 people to visit it each week. till udden esture ticks eaceful

  Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示写单词 1. She had to stand s____ while there was so much traffic going and coming around her.

  2. With a s________ noise, the earthquake happened.

  3. The policeman made a g_______ to ask the driver to stop the car. 4. In the old days, people used dry s_____ to make a fire. 5. The city is too noisy and he wants to move to a p________ village. Practice Ⅱ.从方框内选择适当的单词并用其正确形式完成句子 sleep, sudden, friend, remember, bad 1. Susan stood up _________

  and went out of the room. 2. We’d better eat these bananas before they go________. 3. The villagers are _________ to the visitors. 4. He lay on the sofa and fell ______soon. 5. —Did you post (寄) my letter the day before yesterday? —Yes. I ____________ posting it.

  suddenly bad friendly asleep remembered On





  Ⅲ.根据句意,用恰当的介词填空 1. ______ their first evening during the trip, they slept well. 2. ______ the middle of the night, he heard a strange noise outside. 3. “Please hang our food ______ the tree, David,” Mrs Brown said. 4. ______ midday we arrived at the foot of the mountain.

  5. He was so surprised that he stayed ______ the same position for several minutes.

  Ⅳ. 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子(每空一词)

  1. He ______ _____ _____ (从……向外看) the window but saw nobody. 2. She _____ ____ (起床) at two o’clock early in the morning so that she could catch the train.

  3. We should _______ _______ (捡起) the rubbish so that we won’t leave anything which bears might think is food.



  of got

  up pick

  up 4. —What a mess! Please _______ _______ (收拾) your room right now, Tom.

  —Yes, Mum.

  5. Keep cool if you see a bear and, _______ _______ (最重要的是), you mustn’t run. 6. It seemed that if he ___________

  _________(伸出手), he could just touch the sky.


  up above



  out Homework Write a short passage called “ Look after yourself ”. Caution is the parent of safety. 小心驶得万年船。


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