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发布时间:2017-02-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  D B Ⅴ.单项选择 (

  ) 1. —______ I take some photos here?

  —Sorry, you


  A. Can; needn’t

  B. Must; mustn’t

  C. Could; won’t

  D. May; mustn’t (

  ) 2.—Do you know where we are going to have the PE class?

  —I’m not sure. Ask our monitor, please. He ______ know. A. will

  B. may

  C. need

  D. shall


  ) 3.Alice, speak loudly, please. The others _____ hear you clearly. A. can’t

  B. mustn’t

  C. shouldn’t

  D. may not (

  ) 4.—Could you please go to the cinema with me this afternoon?

  —Sorry, I ______. I _____ take a piano lesson at 2:00 pm.

  A. couldn’t; have to

  B. can’t; would

  C. can’t; have to

  D. couldn’t; will

  A C (

  ) 5.—Would you mind looking after my dog while I’m on holiday?



  A. Of course not

  B. Yes. I’d be happy

  C. Not at all. I’ve no time

  D. Yes, please A Homework Go over the words and useful expressions in Module 5. Fire and water have no mercy. 水火无情。 * * 中国英语教师网 Module


  Rules and suggestions Unit 3

  Language in use 情态动词本身有一定的含义,但不能单独作谓语,后跟 行为动词原形一起构成谓语,表示说话人的语态和情 态。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。 can, could, may, might, shall, should, must, need, dare, ought to, will, would, used to. Revision 情态动词 B A 1.— Could I cross the street here?

  — Of course you____.

  A. could

  B. can

  C. be able to

  D. will 思路点拨: 此句中的could 表示委婉的语气,而不是表示过去时态。故回答时应用can,表示能够干某事。 2. Some people think trees _____ on Tree Planting Day only.

  A. should be planted

  B. should plant

  C. should be planting

  D. be planted

  思路点拨:表“义务”和“应该”时,用should。情态动词的被动语态为:情态动词+ be +done。 3.— Must I do the work now?

  — No, you _____ . You may do it later.

  A. can’t

  B. mustn’t

  C. needn’t

  D. shouldn’t 思路点拨:用must 引导的一般疑问句,其回答形式:肯定回答用must, 否定回答用needn’t。

  4.You _____ get there by bus.

  A. don’t need

  B. needn’t to

  C. don’t need to

  D. need don’t to

  思路点拨:need既可以用作情态动词,又可以用作行为动词,短语有need to do sth.和need doing sth. = need to be done。 C C 5. —We won the English speaking contest.

  —Congratulations! You ___ be very proud of it.

  A. can



  C. would

  D. must 6. She ___ know the answer, but I’m not sure. A. need

  B. may be

  C. may

  D. must 7. That man ___ be our English teacher. Because he has gone to Beijing.

  A. mustn’t

  B. shouldn’t

  C. needn’t

  D. can’t 8.You ___ swim in this part of the lake. It’s dangerous.

  A. mustn’t

  B. needn’t

  C. may not

  D. won’t

  D C D A 注意: 情态动词must ,may, might, can, could等都能表示“推测”。它们的推测程度由强到弱的顺序是: must, can, could, may, might。must表示有把握的推测,意思为“一定是,肯定是”,只用于肯定句, 表示对现在的推测。否定形式则用can’t。 而mustn’t 则表示“禁止”。 9. —_____ we go to the park on Sunday?

  —Good idea!

  A. Would

  B. Shall

  C. Must

  D. Need 10._______to have lunch with us today?

  A. Do you likes

  B. Would you like

  C. Will you liked

  D. Have you liked 思路点拨:情态动词表“建议” 或“邀请”多用would 和should,常用的句式有:Would you like/love to…? 和Shall we…? B B ①请求对方做某事

  Will/Would/Could you...?

  Will/Would you please...?

  Would you mind doing...?

  Do you mind doing...?

  I wonder if you can ... ? Language points ②


  Would you like/love to...?

  Shall we...?

  What do you think of...?

  What/ How about...?

  How do you like...?

  You’d better (not) do....

  Why don’t you...?

  Why not do ...? ③ 表示“命令、禁止、不得不”常用must, mustn’t , have to。 ④“没必要做某事” 常用needn’t, don’t have to或句型: It isn’t necessary to do sth. There is no necessity to do sth. Complete the rules. Don’t drink the water. Don’t climb the ladder. No swimming. You mustn’t turn left. Presentation No parking. Don’t play football. You mustn’t stop here. 2 1 3 Match the pictures and the rules. × Match the signs and the rules. 1. Smoking is not allowed inside the building. 2. All visitors have to report to reception. 3. Smoking is allowed outside the building. 4. It’s best to bring a bottle of water on the trip. C

  F B


  5. Never go mountain climbing in bad weather. 6. Be careful of children crossing the road. 7. It’s a good idea to allow at least an hour to view the museum. 8. It’s dangerous to stay out in the sunshine too long without a hat. A




  Work in pairs. Explain the rules. ① Why must you sign in when you come to the centre?

  So that they know who is there. ② Why must you climb with a partner? ③ Why shouldn’t you listen to music while you’re

  climbing? ④ Why mustn’t you light fires? ⑤ Why shouldn’t you talk on your mobile phone when

  you’re climbing?

  People are very (1) __________ about the damage that is being done to the ancient forests of Britain. Many visitors to the forests use (2) ________ to cut their names into the trees — some of which are hundreds of years old. Although there are plenty of rubbish bins, people still throw rubbish into the (3) _______ and this causes plants and fish to die. worried



  Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. keep







  A local conversation group is making a huge effort to help. Students and even retired people from the local villages have all got involved in cleaning up the forests, and they have already achieved good results. But we expect the

  (4)__________ to play their part in (5)________ our forests clean, too! You should __________________________________. You shouldn’t ________________________________. You must ____________________________________. You mustn’t __________________________________. put your rubbish in the bins

  throw your rubbish into the stream take care of the trees

  write on the trees with stones

  Now write some rules for visitors

  to the forests.

  Read the passage and answer the questions. ① Why does one student think we must all try to save water? Because saving water helps to save our lives.

  ② What was one student trying to say with his drawing of a big shining bulb? He was trying to say that people mustn’t waste energy. ③ How has the school programme influenced students’ families? The children tell their families what they have learned at school.

  ④ How can a school become a “green school”? They have to have environmental education on the timetable. Listen and put the advice in the correct column. Plan the walk carefully.

  Walk on the road.

  Choose a starting point people can get to by bus or train. Try a new walk with a group. Tell people to bring a picnic lunch. Walk in hot weather. Do


  Plan the walk carefully. Try a new walk with a group. Choose a starting

  point people can get

  to by bus or train. Walk in hot weather. Tell people to bring a picnic lunch. Walk on the road.

  Advice for taking people walking in the countryside: Around the world: Eco-tourism (生态旅游) Eco-tourism is also known as “responsible tourism”. It means you can be a tourist without damaging the environment. Many countries around the world have started eco-tourism holidays and trips.

  Tourists help the local communities to look after their natural environment. Here are some rules of eco-tourism. Do

  Take rubbish home with you. Walk on paths or roads. Ask before you take someone’s

  photograph. Don’t

  Don’t pick flowers or damage trees. Don’t pollute rivers or streams. Don’t make open fires in the forests. Don’t make a lot of noise. Ⅰ. 选用适当的词语,并用其正确形式填空

  1.Don’t you see the sign? Silence. You_________ talk. 2.It is noisy. I ________hear you. 3.You _____use the computer if you like. 4.Lucy’s

  parents are proud of her. She ______ speak four

  languages. can


  have to




  should mustn’t can’t may can Practice 5.You _________pay him for the newspaper. 6.I _______ go now. Thank you for your dinner. 7.It’s raining heavily outside. He _______stay home

  watching TV. should


  has to Ⅱ. 用所给词的正确形式填空 1.I ___________(fly)

  to Hangzhou tomorrow. 2.When I got to the station, the bus _________(leave)

  already. 3.I ________(know)

  the fact just two days ago. 4.She said she __________(visit)

  me the next day.

  will fly

  had left

  knew would visit 5.Mr.Lin ________(lose)

  two bikes by now. 6.—I phoned you at 8:30 last night, but nobody

  answered the phone.

  —At that time I ____________(see) a film in the

  cinema. 7.Jane can’t go out to play with you . She __________(help) her mum clean the house. 8.My boss is a busy man .He _________(work) more than 12 hours a day.

  has lost

  was seeing is helping

  works damage effort fifth ordered directors Ⅲ.根据句意及汉语提示写出单词 1. Drinking and smoking can________ (损害) a person’s

  health. 2. You should make your dream come true through your

  own ________ (努力). 3. “We have already tried four times. Should we try a

  ________ (第五) time?” Mary asked. 4. The policeman __________(命令) the drunken (醉的)

  driver to get out of the car. 5. He is one of the __________ (主任) of the State

  Environmental Protection Administration. can mustn’t needn’t must can’t Ⅳ.根据句意,用恰当的情态动词填空 1. —Do you like playing football? —Yes. I ______ play it well.

  2. People ________ drive after drinking. It’s against the traffic rules.

  3. —Must I write all the new words down?

  —No, you _________.

  4. That T-shirt with Yao Ming’s picture on it ______ belong to David. I once saw him wear such one last week.

  5. Mr Li ______ be in the office. He has gone to Beijing for a visit.


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