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发布时间:2017-02-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Look after yourself! Unit 2

  You should always go

  with someone. 发烧 流行感冒 膝盖 伤口 不在 绊倒 改善 迎面而来的 长沙发 专家 需要 健康的 fever flu knee wound miss trip improvement oncoming couch expert require fit Lead in 数量 重量 影响 厨灶 电击 打 高兴的 呼吸 癌症 修理 amount weight effect cooker shock hit glad breathe cancer fix 自主学习 1.大声朗读课文,找出你认为不会的短语及句子。 2.小组成员合作解决。 Answer the questions 1. What improvements in health care and personal safety do you think help people to live longer today?

  2. Why should you always go with someone, or tell someone where you’re going in the countryside?

  3. How many steps a day do you think you take? Does 10,000 seem a lot? Because we’re not sure about how to stay safe in the countryside. 10,000 steps. No, it doesn’t. Both health care and personal safety. 4. How often do you think it’s OK to eat fast food?

  5. What would you like or like to do to stay happy?

  6. How do smoking and drugs damage people’s health? Maybe just now and then. We shouldn’t worry about something. Their damage is more than any other dangers.

  1.期望做某事 2.保持安全 3.在……方面的影响 4.注意饮食习惯 5.增重 6.减肥 7.8小时睡眠 8.剥夺生活的乐趣 expect to do sth.

  stay /keep safe the effect on… watch your diet

  put on weight lose weight eight hours’ sleep make life less fun Presentation Language points 1. Say no to smoking and drugs! 拒绝吸烟与毒品! 这里say no / yes to … 表示 “向……说 ‘不/行’”, 即“拒 绝/ 同意”。 eg:

  Did you say yes to (=accept) her invitation? 你接受她的邀请了吗? Their offer was so good that I couldn’t say no. 他们提出的条件很好,我无法拒绝。 2. Think about the effect on your family and friends…

  考虑一下它给你的家庭和朋友带来的影响吧…… 这里effect是名词,意思是“影响、结果、效果”。后面常接介词on。 eg:

  The accident had a huge effect on her life. 那次事故对她的生活有很大的影响。 Make notes about the rules you read in the passage. Be careful!

  Don’t be a couch potato! … Don’t run across the road. Now think of one more example of what you should or shouldn’t do for each rule. When you’re in the countryside, take plenty of water and a mobile phone. Writing Think of a situation when you broke one or more of the rules. Say what happened. Be careful.

  Don’t run across the road.

  I was late for school one morning and I was running along the pavement. I got to the crossing, but the traffic lights were green and … Say what you’ll do in the future. I’ll make sure I wait for the traffic to stop next time. Ⅰ. 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1. My brother isn’t at home right now. He ________(go) to Beijing. He___________ (be) there many times. He _________(not be) back until next week. 2. When I got home, my mother__________ (go) out for a walk. 3. He __________(finish) his composition just now. 4. By the end of next month, all our lessons ____________ (finish). 5. ______she _____(do) morning exercise every day? has gone has been won’t be had gone


  will be finished



  Practice 6. In the past few years, another bridge _____________ (build) over the Changjiang River. 7. Lily ____________

  (watch) TV while her mother ____________ (wash) her clothes. 8. He said he ___________ (give) her the present as soon as she ________(come) back. 9. Listen! Someone____________ (sing) in the next room. 10. Our teacher told us the earth _______ (go) around the sun. 

  has been built

  was watching

  was washing would give


  is singing


  Ⅱ.单项选择 Sorry, I____ to help you at ten. I was busy at the moment.

  A. won’t come

  B. can’t come

  C. didn’t come

  D. shouldn’t come 2. He_______ this pen for five years. He ______it in 2007.

  A. has bought; bought

  B. bought; bought

  C. has kept; has bought

  D. has had; bought 3. She_______ apples in her garden when I_____ to see her yesterday.  A. picked; went

  B. was picking; went C. picked; was going

  D. was picking; was going 4. It_________7 hours to go to Nanjing by train.

  A. takes

  B. is taking

  C. has taken

  D. took 5. I don’t know if my friend _____. If he ______, I’ll let you know.

  A. comes; comes

  B. comes; will come

  C. will come; comes

  D. will come; will come 6. John said he_________ supper. He was quite full.

  A. had had

  B. was having

  C. had

  D. has eaten

  7. His brother_____ from home for a long time.

  A. has left

  B. has been away

  C. left

  D. will leave  Homework Write a passage about the rules for your safe and healthy life. A light heart lives long. 豁达者长寿。


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