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发布时间:2017-02-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Eating together Unit 1

  When’s the school leavers’ party? finger basket bread roll pancake Lead in knife fork spoon lemonade plate the school leavers’ party Invitation You’re invited to

  the School Leavers’ Party on Saturday 30th May at 5 pm in the school hall Bring a traditional dish—“finger food” Music and dancing Answer these questions. What’s a school leavers’ party?

  2. What’s a traditional dish?

  3. What do you think “finger food” is?

  4. What else is there to do at the party? A party for students who are completing their school education that year. Something which belongs to the place where you live or where you’re from. Food which you can eat with your fingers. Listen to music and dance. 自主学习 1.大声朗读对话,找出你认为不会的短语及句子。 2.小组成员合作解决。 In fact…


  What’s that?

  那是什么? Soup’s no good.

  汤是没用的。 And you?

  你呢? I see what you mean.

  我知道你是什么意思。 Everyday English Say the sentences aloud. Make sure you pause after each sense group. Betty: Pizza isn’t English! It was invented in Italy,

  not England! Tony: But pizza can be eaten everywhere in England.

  Betty: I don’t think Shakespeare ate pizza!

  Work in pairs Make plans for a party. Think about: food and drink decoration music and dancing Work in pairs Talk about your parties, and say what plans have been made. Everyone will be asked to bring something to eat. Music will be played all evening, and dancing has been planned from 7 pm… And everyone has been told to prepare a traditional dish from our own countries.


  句中, dish 的意思是“烹制好的菜肴;一道菜;食品”。

  do/wash the dishes 表示“清洗餐具”。 Language points Presentation 2. Oh, soup’s no good. 哦,汤是没用的。 这里no good 表示:没(或没什么、没多大)用处(或好处)。 no good 的用法有以下几种:

  no good doing sth.

  It’s no good talking to him—he never listens. b. no good for sth.

  These glasses are no good for wine. c. no good to sb.

  A car is no good to me, since I can’t drive! Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 1. She took a handful of sand and then let it fall through her

  f_______. 2. Pass the s______ to me, please. I want to taste the soup.

  3. We are going to have a l________ party before leaving school. 4. In China, dinner is usually s________ around 12 o’clock. 5. —Hi, Tom. Could you help me cut up the meat for dumplings?

  —OK, Mum. But where is the k______? ingers poon erved


  nife Practice Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示用适当的短语填空 1. —Where is your Mum?

  —She ____________(加热) the fish in the kitchen. 2. There is _________(没用处) worrying about that

  now. 3. His little sister is ill. He has to stay at home to _________ (照顾) her. 4. _______(事实上), you’ll have to eat with your fingers.

  is heating up

  no good

  look after In fact Homework Make a dialogue about making plans for a party.

  I can accept failure but I can’t accept not trying.



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