高考英语复习专题2 第15课时:定语从句精品 课件(人教大纲版重庆专用)-查字典英语网
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高考英语复习专题2 第15课时:定语从句精品 课件(人教大纲版重庆专用)

发布时间:2017-02-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  D 本题考查定语从句和强调句型。第一空考查定语从句, that或which作第二个in的宾语;第二空考查强调句型。

  1. 区别定语从句与同位语从句最简单的方法是:在先行词与从句之间加be动词,若句子成立,则是同位语从句;若句子不成立,则可能为定语从句。

  The news that he has passed the exam pleased him and his family.

  由于“The news is that he has passed the exam.”句子成立,因此“that he has passed the exam”是the news的同位语。

  The news that he told me this morning is not interesting.

  由于“The news is that he told me this morning”不成立,于是“that he told me this morning”不是the news的同位语,而是限定the news的定语从句。

  2. 区别定语从句与强调句最简单的方法是:若将It is / was和that / who去掉而句中不缺成分,结构完整,说明原句是强调句型;若结构不完整,则说明原句可能为定语从句。 【考点6】定语从句的主谓一致

  1. 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词保持一致。

  I, who am your close friend, will try my best to help you whenever you are in trouble.

  2. one of + 复数名词+ 关系代词+ 复数动词;而the only one of + 复数名词+ 关系代词+ 单数动词。

  Harry Potter is one of the best-sellers that are popular with teenagers.

  Harry Potter is the only one of the best-sellers that makes the author a billionaire.

  3. 非限制性定语从句中,由关系代词as或which代替整个主句时,从句谓语动词要用第三人称单数。

  He has passed the exam, which makes us surprised.

  Great changes have taken place in China, as is known to all. 单项填空


  定语从句 二

  In China, the number of cities is increasing ______ development is recognized across the world. (2010·重庆卷)

  A. where

  B. which

  C. whose

  D. that

  C development与先行词cities之间是所属关系,所以选whose。句意是:在中国,城市的数量在增加,城市的发展被全世界所意识到。

  思路点拨 【考点1】限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的比较:

  限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句 形式 其前无逗号 其前有逗号 翻译 译在先行词前(即:从句译作先行词的定语) 译成与主句并列的一个分句(即:译作两句) 功能 修饰名词或代词 可修饰名词或代词,也可修饰整个主句 关系词 可用that引导;作宾语的关系代词常可省 不可用that引导;关系词一律不省 意义 起限制作用(若被省去,原句意义不完整) 起补充说明作用(若被省去,原句意义不受影响)   【考点2】介词+关系代词连用时,介词的选用

  She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction ______ had taken more than three years. (2011·江西卷)

  A. for which

  B. with which

  C. of which

  D. to which

  C 我们可以说whose construction,也可以说the construction of which=of which the construction, 介词of 表所属关系。

  介词提前时,定语从句的形式为:介词+which/whom, 不能用that或who。介词的选用一般根据后边动词与介词的搭配关系选择。

  【考点3】 as和which引导非限制性定语从句的比较

  Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a T-shirt, ______ is a stupid thing to do in such weather. (2011·全国卷Ⅱ)

  A. this

  B. that

  C. what

  D. which

  D which引导非限定性定语从句。代指前句整个内容。

  ______ is known to everybody, the moon travels around the earth once every month.

  A. It

  B. As

  C. Which

  D. What

  B A、D不能引导定语从句,C引导的从句不可放句首。As is known to everybody=as everybody knows “正如大家所知道的”. 该句也可换成It is known to everybody that the moon travels around the earth once every month. =What is known to everybody is that the moon travels around the earth once every month.


  (1)先行词都可指代整个主句; (2)都可在从句中作主语、宾语或表语。 as和which的不同点:

  (1)as引导的从句可位于句首,而which则不行; (2)as有“正如……”之意,而which表示“这一点”。 


  I will never forget the day ______I came to my university and the day ______I spent in a new city.

  A. when; which

  B. which; when

  C. what; that

  D. on which; when

  A 解答该题要搞清楚两个先行词都是表示时间的名词the day在定语从句中所充当的成分,第一个时间名词the day 在从句中作状语,因此要用关系副词when。第二个时间名词the day 在从句中作动词spent的宾语,因此要用关系代词which或that来引导定语从句。

  如果先行词是时间、地点或理由,而引导词在从句中作时间、地点、原因等状语时,引导词用when, where, why;有时尽管先行词是时间、地点或理由,但是引导词在从句中不作状语,而是作主语、宾语或表语,引导词则用that或which。

  Men are more suited to occupational environments ______ require decisive action while women are better at jobs ______ a considered approach is most important.

  A. which; that

  B. /; when

  C. which; when

  D. that; where

  D 第一空用关系代词that或which 作主语,不可以省略。第二空用关系副词where,因为后句意思完整,不缺主语或宾语。根据先行词job 和后面定语从句意思,确定用关系副词where=at which表地点,作地点状语。

  定语从句中如果先行词是地点,而引导词在从句中可作地点状语,引导词用where;如果先行词是时间,而引导词在从句中可作时间状语,引导词用when。 【考点5】定语从句与同位语从句与强调句型的区别

  Was it in the street ______ our school is located in ______ the car accident happened?

  A. where; that

  B. where; which

  C. that; which

  D. which; that


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