第6讲 理解作者的态度和意图的技巧
每篇文章、每个段落都有特定的写作目的,而这些信息通常并不是被明确地表达出来的,而是隐含在文章之中。我们应了解作者如何在文章中体现自己的思想, 通过哪些语言向读者传达自己的感受。了解这些有助于我们在做阅读理解题时把握作者思路,领会文章内涵,做出正确的选择。要做到这一点,我们需要从两个方面入手:一是把握作者的写作意图,二是把握出题的角度。
1. 对于资讯报道,作者往往持中立态度。而对于议论文,作者的态度要么支持,要么反对,带中立色彩的选项常常是错误的。同时,带有绝对化或感情过于强烈的表达也应排除。
3. 有时需要根据作者使用词语的褒贬性去判断作者的态度。
4. 注意辨认哪些是事实,哪些是观点,在此基础上将上下文联系起来分析,最后确认文章所陈述的内容到底哪些代表了作者的观点。 例
(2008·湖北卷) B篇
Kathy started at my nursery school at the age of three. She settled into the group easily, and would be first on the slide and highest up the climbing frame. She could put on her coat without help and not only fasten her own buttons but other children’s too.
She was a lovely child but unfortunately a scratcher. If anyone upset her or stood in her way, her right hand would flash out fast and scratch down the face of her playmates. Children twice her age would fly in fear from her. 例
(2008·湖北卷) B篇
This must have been very rewarding for Kathy but obviously it had to be stopped. All the usual ways failed and then I remembered an account by G. Atkinson of Highfield School, of how fights in the playground had been stopped. No punishment had been given, but the attacker had been ignored and the victims rewarded. So I decided to try this out on Kathy.
With a pocketful of Smarties I followed Kathy around. She was so quick that it was impossible to prevent her scratching, but I was determined to stay within arm’s length all afternoon. 例
(2008·湖北卷) B篇
All was peaceful but then I saw Kathy’s hand moved and heard the scream. Gently I gathered up the little hurt one in my arms and said “Nice, nice sweetie” and I put a Smartie into her mouth. Kathy opened her mouth, expecting a Smartie and then looked puzzled when she got nothing.
Soon came another scream, this time from John. While holding him in my arms, I said, “Look, Kathy, a nice Smartie for John” and put it into John’s mouth.
A smile of understanding flashed across Kathy’s face. Minutes later, she came to me and said loudly, “Give me a Smartie! I have hurt my finger!” 例
(2008·湖北卷) B篇
“No,” I replied, “you’ll get it if someone hurts you.”
On purpose, she turned and scratched a nearby boy. Tom, and waited quietly while I mothered and rewarded him, then she walked away.
She has never scratched a child since.
Parents who find older children bullying younger brothers and sisters might do well to replace shouting and punishment by rewarding and giving more attention to the injured ones. It’s certainly much easier and more effective. (
) The writer of this passage aims to recommend an approach to
A. rewarding children’s good behavior
B. correcting children’s bad behavior
C. punishing badly-behaved children
D. praising well-behaved children
我们应站在把握全文主旨大意的角度去推断作者意图。本文讲的是一个“问题小孩” Kathy的“问题”,所以干扰项A和D应排除。作者在第三段提到···and then I remembered an account···of how fights in the playground had been stopped.即如何结束小孩子之间的fights,接着就是实施这个办法,最后在文章结尾对这一做法的效果作总结:Parents···might do well to replace shouting and punishment by rewarding and giving more attention to the injured ones. It’s certainly much easier and more effective.可见作者是向我们介绍一种改正小孩不良习惯的方法。