高考英语作文素材汇总:选择事业还是家庭 Career or Family-查字典英语网
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高考英语作文素材汇总:选择事业还是家庭 Career or Family

发布时间:2017-02-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  选择事业还是家庭?(Career or Family?)

  I used to be radical and thought one could not be a success in career and, at the same time, have a happy family life. Sometimes I even subscounscinusly refused such things as love and marriage. Now I think man engages in a career in the hope of having a happy life, except for these "extremely intelligent", who would choose career to the exclusion of family.

  In fact, their lives are not complete ones they have defects. Most people, including many great men, scientists and merchants, have experienced much the same experiences (of course, with the details varying). They are from birth to carefree childhood to troublesome adolescence, to dating, to work, to love, to marriage, to success in career, then to old age. Read while you read. Love while you love. Whatever you do, do it whole-heartedly. Even if one day I become a housewifp, that is nothing to be afraid of. What is important is that, in my heart, I have a deep love for life. I will keep in high spirits. I love.

  I marry. But I still dream my own dream. I will follow the law of nature and pursuit what is beautiful in life. I will hring myself into full play. Only by so doing, I will not regret anything in life. Do you think so?


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