2017届高考英语考前冲刺考纲词汇强化人教版选修8 unit 5《Meeting your ancestors》课件-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语考前冲刺考纲词汇强化人教版选修8 unit 5《Meeting your ancestors》课件

发布时间:2017-02-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  当前不少文学作品被改编成电影,有人选择看电影,有人则喜欢读原著。请你以“Film or book,which do you prefer?”为题,按照下列要点写一篇英语短文。 写作内容: 1. 看电影:省时、有趣、易懂; 2. 看原著:细节更多,语言优美; 3. 你的看法及理由。 参考词汇:原著original book 范文背诵 Film or book, which do you prefer? Some of us think that it is better to see films than to read books in the original.

  The reason is that it takes less time to understand the whole story of a film.

  Besides, the film is usually more

  interesting, and it is easier to follow. Some others have just the opposite opinion. They think that they can get more detailed information from the original. Meanwhile, the language in the book is possibly more lively and beautiful. Personally, I agree with the second view, I think I can stay at home, reading quietly in a situation of my own, and what’s more, I am able to better understand the author’s ideas in a book. 句型背诵

  ①The reason is that it takes less time to understand the whole story of a film. ②They think that they can get more detailed information from the original. ③Personally, I agree with the second view, I think I can stay at home, reading quietly in a situation of my own, and what’s more, I am able to better understand the author’s ideas in a book. 1.

  ______n. 可能的选择; adj. 供选择的;其他的 → ______ adv. 两者选一地 2. ______ n. 精确;准确→ ______ adj.精确的;准确的→ ______ adv.准确无误地 3. ______ vt.&vi.打断……讲话;打岔;暂时中断或中止→ ______ n.中断;打扰 4. ______ vt.假定;设想→ ______ n.假设;假定 5. ______ vt.&vi.(使)锋利;尖锐;清晰 → ______ adj. 刺耳的;锋利的;急剧的 6. ______ adj. 足够的;充足的;富裕的 → ______ adj.(同义词) 7. _______ n.分析→ _______ vt.分析 8. _______ n.意义;意思;重要性;重要意义 → _______ adj.有重大意义的 9. _______ adv.不知怎么地;以……方式 10. _______ vi.& vt.鼓掌欢迎;

  赞赏 11. _______ vi.& vt. 加速;促进 12. _______ vt.逮捕;吸引;n.逮捕;拘留 答案:1. alternative; alternatively 2. accuracy; accurate;accurately 3. interrupt; interruption

  4. assume; assumption 5. sharpen; sharp

  6. ample; rich/enough 7. analysis; analyse

  8. significance; significant 9. Somehow

  10. applaud

  11. accelerate

  12. arrest

  1. regardless

  ________ 不管;不顾 2. ________ most

  至多,最多 3. cut _______

  切碎 4. fed _______ with

  受够了;饱受;厌烦 5. look_______

  向前看;为将来打算 6. date _______

  追溯到…… 7. keep _______

  使……不进入;不准入内 8. clear_______

  收走;清除 9. care ________

  在乎;在意 10. turn ________ sb. for help转向某人求助 答案:1. of

  2. at

  3. up

  4. up

  5 ahead 6. Back

  7. out

  8. away

  9. about

  10. to 1.

  _____ ______ it could be just like last year! 要是能跟去年那样该有多好啊! 2. She had almost reached her destination ______ ______ a delicious smell arrested her progress and she stopped. 快到达目的地的时候,一阵香气扑鼻,她停下来,不往前走了。 3. Abruptly she sat down,

  ______ ______ be scooped up by her laughing, shouting sister, Luna. 她突然坐了下来,结果被爱吵闹的妹妹露娜一把抱了起来。 答案:1. If only

  2. when

  3. only to 1. alternative n.可能的选择 adj. 供选择的;其他的 There was no alternative route open to her.


  If you don’t like the school lunch, you have the alternative of bringing your own.


  What alternatives are there? 还有什么可选择的?

  They had no alternative in the matter.

  在这件事上,他们没有选择的余地。 常用结构: have no alternative but to do sth.别无选择只好做某事 There’s no alternative...

  别无选择 an alternative to...

  ……的替代品 【即学即练】 完成句子 ①我担心我别无选择,只能呆在家里。 I am afraid I

  _____ _____ ______ ______ ______

  stay at home. ②我没有别的办法,只好向警方告发了他。 I_____ ______ ______ ______ ______

  report him to the police. 答案:①have no alternative but to ②had no alternative but to 2. assume vt. 假定;设想;认为;装出 I assumed that he had gone for a stroll. 我想他去散步了。

  常用结构: assume sb./sth. to be

  假定某人/某事是…… It is assumed that...

  被认为…… 【联想拓展】 assumption n.

  假定;设想 make an assumption

  认为;假定 on the assumption that 假定;以……的设想为根据 assuming that...

  假设/假定…… 【即学即练】 完成句子 ①假设他偷了你的钱,我们将逮捕他。

  ______ ______ ______ _______ he stole your money ,we would arrest him. ②首先我假定你战后已经死亡。 Firstly I ______ you have already been dead after the war. 答案:①It was assumed that

  ②assume 3. preserve v.保护;维持;保存 n.保护区 We have taken effective measures to preserve our natural resources.

  我们已采取有效措施保护自然资源。 Oil preserves metal from rust. 油保护金属免于生锈。 No hunting is allowed in the preserve.

  保护区内禁止打猎。 常用结构: preserve sth. from 使……免遭……

  【即学即练】 完成句子 ①我祈祷上天保佑你平安。 I pray that fate may _______ you ______ all harm. 答案:①preserve; from 【联想拓展】 preservable adj.

  可保存的 preservation n.

  保存 preserver n.

  保护者,保存者 【易混辨析】 preserve/prevent/protect preserve (指在正式场合或者文学作品中)使……活着或者安全,保护……,保持……状态。 prevent 阻止……做……;防止……做。 protect(强调用警卫或者覆盖的方式)保护,使……免受(伤害,损失)。 【即学即练】 用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空 preserve/prevent/protect ②He raised his arm ______ his face from the blow. ③His parents ______ him from chatting online. ④Police were called in ______ order. 答案:②to protect


  ④to preserve 4. relief n.减轻,解除 The pills gave her some relief. 药片减轻了她的一些痛苦。

  Hearing the news, he breathed a sigh of relief. 一听到消息,他如释重负地松了口气。

  常用结构: bring/seek/find/give/feel relief 带来/寻求/得到/予以/感到解脱 give a patient relief from pain

  使病人减轻痛苦 much to one’s relief=to one’s great relief 使某人宽慰的是…… relief road 备用车道 【联想拓展】 relieve vt.

  解除;减轻 relieve one’s feelings

  发泄感情 relieve sb. of解除某人的(负担等) 【即学即练】 完成句子 ①听说已经通过了考试,我感到轻松多了。 I

  _____ great ____ when I heard I had passed the examination.

  ②这给我们减去了一部分行李的负担。 This ______ ______ ______

  part of our luggage. 答案:①felt; relief

  ②relieved us of 单项填空 ③Hearing the news that her son was found, she breathed a sign of_______. A. excitement

  B. joy

  C. relief

  D. belief 解析:选C。根据句意可知,此处表示减轻忧虑,松了一口气,故C项符合。 【速记名片】 近形对照法记忆:brief,grief,relief——不(b)简洁, 哥(g)悲伤, 阿姨(re)说谎(lie)为(f)缓解。 5. regardless of 不管;不顾 【联想拓展】 as regards

  关于;至于 in regard to/of

  关于 with regard to

  关于 regarding


  关于 regardless


  不管;不顾 regardlessness n.

  不注意;不顾一切 温馨提示:regardless =in spite of =despite 三者意义和用法相同,后面不能直接跟从句,但是可以接 the fact that...句式。 although/though conj. 尽管,虽然;其后接句子。 【即学即练】 完成句子 ①不管报酬多少我都要做这份工作。 I’ ll take the job _______ ______ the pay.

  答案:regardless of 单项填空 ②_______ the difficulties in talking, they can understand each other by body language.

  A. Regardless of

  B. Although C. Though

  D. In spite

  解析:选A。although与though是连词,后需跟句子,而the difficulties in talking是名词短语,故排除。D项表达有误。故选A。 6. fed up with 受够了;饱受;厌烦 【联想拓展】 feed sb./sth. on sth. 给(人或动物)食物;喂;饲养 feed on (动物)以……为主食 feed sth. to sb./sth. 给(人或动物)某物作为食物 live on sth. 以……为主食;靠……生活 【即学即练】 用适当的介词填空 ①Several children were feeding bread _______ the ducks.

  ②What do you feed your dog _______?

  ③I’m fed up ________ the same breakfast every morning. 答案: ①to



  7. If only it could be just like last year!(P43) 她今年要是早有预见,计划得更好些就好了! if only但愿;要是……就好了;其后一般用虚拟语气。 【联想拓展】 ①表示与现在事实相反,if only...did...。 If only I were a doctor.


  ②表示与过去事实相反,if only...had done。 If only I had said nothing.

  我当时什么都不说就好了。 ③表示与将来事实相反,if only...would/could do。 If only it would not rain, I would go to see you. 要是明天不下雨,我就去看望你。 温馨提示:only if 表示“只有,只要”的, 后接让步状语从句,主句采用倒装句式。 【即学即练】 单项填空 Look at the trouble I’m in! If only I ______ your advice.

  A. followed

  B. would follow C. had followed

  D. should follow 解析:选C。if only引导的条件状语从句时,用虚拟语气。此句是与过去事实相反,故选C。 8. Abruptly she sat down, only to be scooped up by her laughing, shouting sister, Luna.(P43) 她突然坐了下来,结果被爱吵闹的妹妹露娜一把抱了起来。 only to do 是不定式作结果状语,意为“不料,结果却”,表示出乎意料或令人失望的结果。 I hurried to the post office only to find it closed. 我匆匆地去邮局,却发现它已经关门了。 He hurried home only to find the guests had left. 他匆匆忙忙赶回家, 结果发现客人们已经走了。 温馨提示:现在分词也可作状语表示结果,但表示的是意料之中的结果。 He dropped the glasses on the ground, bursting it into pieces. 他把眼镜掉到了地上,摔成了碎片。 【即学即练】 单项填空 He got to the airport ______ to find that the plane had left two minutes before.

  A. just

  B. only

  C. in order

  D. almost 解析:选B。only+不定式结构表示令人失望的结果。句意为:他到达机场,结果却发现飞机在两分钟之前飞走了。 Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. Living conditions in the camp were pretty ______(原始的. 2. We must stop him seeing her _______(以某种方式. 3. A stream marks the ________(分界线)between the two farms. 4. After another glass of whisky I began to feel ________(眩晕). 5. Pay attention to the ________(标点符号)of this sentence. 6. After a few years, she became very _______(有技巧的)at drawing. 7. B_______ is scientific study of plants and their structure. 8. C______ is a class or group of things in a complete system of grouping. 9. When I walked along the shore, I picked up several s______. 10. One meter is equal to 100 c_______. 答案:1. primitive

  2. somehow

  3. division

  4. dizzy 5. Punctuation

  6. skillful

  7. Botany

  8. Category 9. seashell

  10. centimeter Ⅱ. 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空(原创) come to a conclusion/cut up/look ahead/arrest one’s attention/have no alternative/become skillful at/lie in wait for/fed up with 1. Whenever we are in trouble, we must ______ and encourage ourselves. 2. Her laughter _______ and we all stared at her. 3. Let’s ______ the meat ______ and share with each other. 4. Ralph was _______ that Martin was only interested in himself. 5. The new method caught on and many peasants _______ farming. 6. Little did I know what troubles were ________ me when I got home. 7. If he wants to get to Chicago by tonight he ________ but to go by air. 8. I’m _______ this long rainy winter. 答案:1. look ahead

  2. arrested our attention

  3. cut; up 4. coming to the conclusion

  5. became skillful at 6. lying in wait for

  7. has no alternative

  8. fed up with Ⅲ. 完成句子(原创) 1. We carried on our travel______ ______ (不顾) terrible weather. 2. At the beginning of New Year she begins to ______ _______ (为将来打算) and makes a long-term plan for work. 3. He ______ ______ ______ _____ (一直都在想) the way to solve the problem. 4. Her coach applaud her success ______ ______ (充满宽慰的). 5.________ _______

  (要是……就好了) he had looked ahead and planned better! 6. He was ______ _______ ______

  (心情很郁闷) after he lost his job. 7. They are trying to make a new medicine ______ _____ (控制) the spread of the disease. 8. We have_______ ______ (充足的钱) for the journey. 9. His bad manners ________(反映了) a lack of family education. 10. Their_______ (前进) was stopped by the deep snow. 答案:1.regardless of

  2. look ahead

  3. have/has been thinking 4.with


  5. If only

  6. in low spirits

  7. to arrest 8. ample money

  9. suggest

  10. progress Ⅳ. 单项填空 1. After being _____ for days, the water supply returns to normal today. A. cut off

  B. cut down

  C. cut out

  C. cut up 解析:选A。cut off切断(电、供应等);cut down 削减;砍倒;cut out 切除;cut up分割;切碎。根据句意,应选A。 2. —Hi, Tracy, you look tired.

  —I am tired. I ______ the living room all day. A. painted

  B. had painted

  C. have been painting

  D. have painted 解析:选C。句意表达一直在进行中的动作,“我”一整天都在粉刷房子。 3. He hurried to the hall, only _______ that the meeting had been put off. A. to tell

  B. telling

  C. to be told

  D. being told 解析:选C。句意表示被告知会议已经被取消了。only to do表达意料之外的结果, tell与其逻辑主语之间为被动关系。故选C。 4. If only I _______ to Beijing last summer! A. can fly

  B. could fly

  C. flied

  D. had flown 解析:选D。if only多用虚拟语气,从last summer可知,这是与过去事实相反的情况,因此用过去完成时。 5. He has a talent for _______ and planning everything well. A. looking ahead

  B. looking behind

  C. looking up

  D. looking for 解析:选A。look ahead在这里是“展望未来”的意思。 6. The book is of______ . A. great significance

  B. very significance C. great significant

  D. very importance 解析:选A。be of 后面跟名词常用来表达性质,名词前可以用形容词修饰,但是very是副词,因此可以排除B、D两项。 7. The noise _______ my attention and I stopped my work to see what happened. A. made

  B. distracted

  C. arrested

  D. paid 解析:选C。arrest在这里是“吸引”的意思;distract意为“分散”。由句意知,应选C。 8. He was never______

  how much money he earned every day. A. realized

  B. aware for

  C. aware

  D. aware of 解析:选D。be aware of为固定搭配,意为“知道”。 9. It won't be easy, but________ we’ll get across the river.

  A. somewhat

  B. somewhere

  C. somehow

  D. sometimes 解析:选C。句意为:这不会很容易,但是我们也得设法过河。somehow不管怎么样;以某种方式。

  10. I can meet you at eight o’clock; _______ you can call for me. A. incidentally

  B. actually

  C. alternatively

  D. accordingly 解析:选C。alternatively=as an alternative,意为“作为替代的办法”。 11. With the government’s aid, those ______ by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements. A. affect

  B. affecting

  C. affected

  D. were affected 解析:选C。those与affect之间是被动和完成的关系,所以用过去分词作定语。 12. Mozart’s birthplace and the house ______ he composed “The Magic Flute” are both museums now. A. where

  B. when

  C. there

  D. which 解析:选A。where引导了定语从句,并且在定语从句中作状语,先行词为Mozart’s birthplace and the house。 13. Bill suggested

  ______ a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation. A. having held

  B. to hold

  C. holding

  D. hold 解析:选C。suggest后可以接doing sth.作宾语。 14. During the period of recent terrorist activities, people ______ not to touch the unattended bag. A. had always been warned B. were always being warned C. are always warning D. always warned 解析:选B。根据时间状语可知,是指过去,be always doing sth.表示“总是在做某事”,人们与警告之间是被动的关系,所以答案为B。 15. It is immediately clear ______ the financial crisis will soon be over. A. since

  B. what

  C. when

  D. whether 解析:选D。句意为:经济危机是否会很快结束是很明显的事情。whether意为“是否”。


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