2017届高考英语考前冲刺考纲词汇强化人教版选修8 unit 1《A land of diversit》课件-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语考前冲刺考纲词汇强化人教版选修8 unit 1《A land of diversit》课件

发布时间:2017-02-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  11. The company is starting a new advertising campaign to _____ new customers to its stores.

  A. join

  B. attract

  C. stick

  D. transfer 解析:选B。考查动词词义辨析。join参加,结合,加入;attract吸引,招引;stick (常与in, into, through连用)(把尖物)插入,刺入,戳入;transfer(常与to连用)迁移,调任,转移。根据句意可知,选B。 12. I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize _____ silly mistakes I had made.

  A. what

  B. that

  C. how

  D. which 解析:选A。考查what引导宾语从句的用法。recognize 后面要接宾语,所以从句一定是宾语从句。what是一个形容词,在宾语从句中作定语,修饰mistakes;that引导宾语从句时,不作句子成分;how是副词,修饰形容词或副词;which表示从所提供的对象中进行选择。故选A。 13. Every possible means _____ to prevent air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.

  A. are being used

  B. have been used C. has been used

  D. had been used 解析:选C。every修饰means,所以means表示的是单数意义,故排除A、B两项;D项时态与语境不符,故排除。 14. In some parts of London, missing a bus means ______ for another hour.(2002·上海春) A. waiting

  B. to wait

  C. wait

  D. to be waiting 解析:选A。考查动词mean的用法。mean doing...意味着;mean to do...打算做……。 15. The shopkeeper did not want to sell for ______ he thought was not enough.

  A. where

  B. how

  C. what

  D. which 解析:选C。考查what引导介词宾语从句的用法。where引导宾语从句时,在句子中作地点状语;how 引导宾语从句时,在句子中作方式状语;宾语从句缺少主语,所以排除A、B两排;which表示从所提供的对象中进行选择,不符合本句语境。故选C。

  根据以下所给的资料,以“Social Customs between Americans and Chinese”为题,用英语写一篇短文概括所给的信息。



  注意:词数100左右。 范文背诵 Social Customs between Americans and Chinese

  Social customs differ in different parts of the world. For example, the Americans call each other by their names when two people first met, and so does the young to the old.

  In china, it will be regarded as quite impolite to do so.

  Another difference is about what can be talked about in conversation. Chinese think nothing of being asked how much his coat costs while Americans think it impolite to ask such a question. 句型背诵

  ①Social customs differ in different parts of the world. ②In china, it will be regarded as quite impolite to do so. ③Another difference is about what can be talked about in conversation.

  1. _______ adj. 清晰的;明显的;明确的→ _______ n. 差别; 区分;卓著 2. _______ n.手段;方法→ _______ v.意思是;打算;意味着 → _______ n.意思,意义→ _______ adj.有意义的 → _______ adj.无意义的 3. _______ n.大多数;大半→ _______ adj.主要的;重要的→ _______ n.少数;少数民族 4. _______ n.百分比;百分率→ _______ n.百分之几 5. _______ vi.移入(外国定居)→ _______ n. 移民;移居入境 6. _______ adj.人种的;种族的→ _______ n.种族;比赛 v. 和……竞赛;比赛 7. _______ n. 申请人→ _______ v.申请;应用 → _______ n. 申请;应用程序 8. ______ n. 社会主义者;社会党人;adj.社会主义者的 → ______ n.社会主义→ ______ n. 社会 9. ______ vi.发生;出现→ ______ n.发生;出现;事件 10. ______ vt.指出;表明;标示;暗示→ ______ n.指示;表明;指示物 11. ______ adj.显而易见的;显然的;表面上的→ ______adv.显然地;显而易见地 12. ______ vt.&n.租用;雇用 13. ______

  vi.&vt. 哀悼;悼念;表示悲痛 答案:1. distinct; distinction 2. means; mean; meaning; meaningful; meaningless 3. majority; major; minority

  4. percentage; percent 5. immigrate; immigration

  6. racial; race 7. applicant; apply; application

  8. socialist; socialism; society 9. occur; occurrence

  10. indicate; indication 11. apparent; apparently

  12. hire

  13. mourn 1. live ______


  2. by ______ of ...

  用……方法;借助…… 3. ______ a life

  习惯于新的生活方式、工作等 4. keep ______

  坚持;维持;沿袭(风俗、传统等) 5. back ______ back

  背靠背 6. ______ up with

  与……合作或一起工作 7. ______ out

  画线;标出……界限 8. take ______

  包括;吸收 9. a great/good ______

  许多;很多 10. apply ______

  申请;请示得到 答案:1. on

  2. means

  3. make

  4. up

  5. to 6. team

  7. mark

  8. in

  9. many

  10. for 1. However,




  _______ Native Americans

  were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago. 然而,可能至少在15,000年以前美洲土著人就住在加利福尼亚了。 2. _______

  _______ , many _______

  _______ the diseases brought by the Europeans. 此外,欧洲人带来了疾病,使许多人染病而死。 3. It didn’t



  _______ that ... 我没有想到…… 答案:1. it is likely that

  2. In addition; died from 3. occur to me 1. distinction n. 差别;区分;卓著 Employers should hire men and women without distinction.


  What is the distinction between butterflies and moths?


  常用结构: make a distinction between对……加以区分 without distinction无差别地;一视同仁地 【联想拓展】 distinct adj.清晰的;明显的;明确的 be distinct in...from...在……方面与……不同 distinct from...与……不同(的) 【即学即练】 完成句子 ①这与上面所讨论的是不同的。 This is

  ______ ______

  what was discussed above. ②我们必须分清是非。 We must ______ ______ clear ______ ______ right and wrong. ③这两种观点截然不同。 Those two ideas are quite ______ ______ each other. 答案:①distinct from

  ②make a ;distinction between ③distinct from 2. means n. 手段;方法(单数和复数形式相同) It is all a means to an end. 这只是达到目的的一种手段。 Only by this means can you do it well. 只有通过这种办法你才能做好此事。 常用结构: by means of

  通过;借助…… by all means

  一定,务必;尽一切办法;当然可以 by no means


  倒装) by every means

  尽一切可能的办法 be any means

  无论如何;以任何方式 【即学即练】 完成句子 ①这绝非是解决问题的良计。 This is

  ______ ______ ______ a good way to solve the problem. ②他借助一根绳子慢慢地下来了。 He let himself down slowly ______ ______ ______ a rope.

  ③你务必在他去新加坡之前提醒他。 You should ______ ______ ______

  warn him before he leaves for Singapore. 答案:①by no means

  ②by means of

  ③by all means 【易混辨析】 means/way/method means 指“方法、方式、工具”,着重于具体的手段(单复数形式相同)。 way 指“一般的方法、方式或个人的特殊方法或方式”,与技巧或效果的好坏无关。 method 指“有系统的、有效率的精心拟定的方法”,也可以指抽象概念的“条理”。

  【即学即练】 选词填空(means/way/method) ④These vegetables can be cooked in different ______ . ⑤Only in this ______

  can you find out the truth. ⑥This is a very direct ______. ⑦By no ______ shall I lend him money!




  ⑦means 单项填空 ⑧—May I have a look at your book?


  A. By this means

  B. By all means

  C. By this way

  D. By any means 解析:选B。by all means意为“一定,务必;当然可以”,符合句意。 ⑨Every possible means ______ been tried,and we find only

  ______ this means can we do it well. (2010·9·山东烟台检测) A. have; in

  B. have; by C. has; in

  D. has; by 解析:选D。means单复数形式相同;every possible means意为“每一种可能的方法,”故可排A、B两项;by this means意为“通过这种方法”,为固定结构。故选D项。 用法点拨:①means单复数同形(词尾-s)。其若用作主语时,其谓语动词需根据句意来确定。被every/each/one等词修饰时,谓语动词用单数;some/several/many/few/all等词修饰时,谓语动词用复数。 All possible means have been tried. 所有可能的办法都已经试过了。 Every possible means has been tried. 每一种可能的办法都已经试过了。 注意:若句意不能明确地表明主语的单复数形式时,其谓语动词用单复数均可。 Is/Are there any other means of doing it? 做这事还有其他的什么办法吗? ②表示以某种方式、方法或手段,用介词by。 Only by this means can you solve the problem. 只有通过这种办法你才能解决这个问题。 ③by means of意为“用……,依靠……”。 Thoughts are expressed by means of words. 思想靠语言来表达。 ④表示做某事的方法或手段,多接“of+(动)名词”。 But they had no means of cooking them. 但是他们没有办法来把它们煮熟。 3. majority n. 大多数;大半 A/The majority of doctors agree that smoking is extremely harmful to health. 大多数医生认为吸烟对健康极为有害。 The majority was/were in favour of the proposal. 多数人赞成这个建议。 常用结构: in the/a majority 占大部分/大多数 have a majority over sb. 获得多于某人的……;战胜某人 with a majority of 以大多数的…… 【即学即练】 用适当的介词填空 ①Among the members of the committee those who favour the proposed changes are _____ the majority.

  ②They had a large majority ______ the other party at the last election.


  ②over 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 ③The majority of people _____(prefer) peace to war. ④The majority of the damage _______ (be) easy to repair. 答案:③prefer/prefers

  ④is 用法点拨:①当majority单独用作主语,谓语动词用单复数形式均可。 ②当majority单独作主语,如果后面的表语是复数形式,则谓语动词用复数形式。如:The majority attended the meeting yesterday are students.昨天参加会议的大部分都是学生。 ③the majority of +复数名词+复数谓语动词;the majority of +不可数名词+单数谓语动词。 4. occur vi. 发生;出现 The tragedy occurred only minutes after take-off. 这一悲剧在起飞后几分钟内就发生了。 Didn’t it occur to you that he might be late? 你当时没有想到他可能会迟到吗? 常用结构: occur to (主意或想法突然)浮现于脑中;被想起,被想到 it occurs to sb. to do sth. 使人想到干某事 it occurs to sb. that... 某人想到…… 【联想拓展】 sth. occur to sb. sth. strikes sb. sth. comes to sb. it occurs to sb. that... it strikes sb. that... it hits sb. that...某人突然想起(主语不能是人,用所想到的事情或it作形式主语) 大部分主语从句都可以用it作形式主语,特别是当主句的谓语动词是 appear, turn out, happen, occur, come, strike, follow, matter等词或短语时,一般用it作形式主语,借助主语从句来表达意思。 【即学即练】 完成句子 ①The possibility that she might be wrong never even

  ______ _______(被想到) her. ②A good idea ______ _______ (被想到) him. 答案: ①occurred to

  ②occurred to 单项填空 ③ _______

  he had forgot to take his notebook. (2010·9·山东临沂检测) A. That occurred to him

  B. To him that occurred C. He occurred that

  D. It occurred to him that 解析:选D。考查occur的用法和it作形式主语。(an idea) occur to sb.意为“(一个主意)浮现在某人脑中”。句意为:他想起来忘带

  笔记本了。 5. indicate vt. 指出;标示;表明;暗示 The light above the elevator indicated that the elevator was then at the fifteenth floor.

  电梯上方的灯指示那时电梯在十五楼。 His hesitation indicates unwillingness. 他的犹豫表明不愿意。 常用结构: indicate sth. (to sb.) 把……指给(某人)看;向(某人)表示某事 indicate that/wh...表示……;示意…… 【联想拓展】 indication n. 指出;表明 indicative adj.指示的;暗示的 【即学即练】 完成句子 ①我问他我姐姐在哪,他指指对面的商店。 I asked him where my sister was and he ______ the shop opposite

  _______ me

  ②研究表明男人比女人更容易戒烟。 Research ______ ______

  men find it easier to give up smoking than women. 答案:①indicated;to

  ②indicates that 【速记名片】 delicate 光滑的;精致的;dedicate 奉献;intricate复杂的;indicate 提示;表明

  6. live on 继续生存;继续存在 That old man lives on the earnings of his daughter.


  The soldiers camped in the open and lived on wild plants. 那些士兵在野外扎营以野生植物为食。 【联想拓展】 live on sth.

  以某物为食;靠某种经济来源生活 live by doing sth.

  靠做某事为生 live through sth.

  经历某事物而幸存 live to be...= live to the age of...活到……岁 live a...life

  过着……的生活 【即学即练】 用live相关的短语填空 ①The lonely old man ______ charity.

  ②Mozart is dead but his music ______. ③My grandfather ______ both world wars.

  ④Her grandma ______

  84. 答案:①live on

  ②lives on

  ③lived through

  ④lived to 7. mark out 画线;标出……界线 【联想拓展】 mark sb. out for sth.

  选出/选定某人做某事 mark down

  写下,记下;降低……的价格 mark up

  标出;提高……的价格 【即学即练】 完成句子 ①他们用白漆标出了网球场的界线。


  ______ _______ the tennis court with white paint. ②等一下,让我把你的姓名和地址记下来。 Just a moment. Let me

  ______ _______ your name and address. ③有几家商店的货价提高得不合理。 Some shops ______ ______

  the goods unfairly. 答案:①marked out

  ②mark down

  ③marked up 8. take in 包括;吸收;理解;欺骗 【联想拓展】 take down

  拿下,取下;拆卸;记下 take back

  取回,带回;收回说过的话;使……回忆起昔日 take up

  开始从事;占用(时间或空间);着手处理 take over

  继承;接收,接管 take off

  脱下(衣服等);起飞 take on

  承担,从事;呈现 take one’s place

  入座;代替某人的位置 take one’s time

  不急,慢慢干 【即学即练】 用take的相关短语填空 ①Don’t be ______ by his promises. ②Who do you think will ______ now that the governor has been dismissed?

  ③These boxes of yours are ______ too much space.

  ④I was really ______ when seeing old photos.

  ⑤Dear ladies and gentlemen,please now _______.The opera is soon to begin. ⑥Tom carefully_______

  what the teacher said. 答案:①taken in

  ②take over

  ③taking up

  ④taken back ⑤take your place

  ⑥took down

  9. California is the third largest state in the USA but has the largest population.(P1) 加利福尼亚是美国的第三大洲,而且是人口最多的州。 形容词的最高级前面可以被序数词以及by far,much,almost,nearly,not quite等词修饰。 【即学即练】 完成句子 ①黄河是中国的第二长河。 The Yellow River is

  _____ _____ _____

  river in China. ②亚洲是世界上最大的洲。 Asia is

  ______ _____ the largest continent in the world. 答案:①the second longest

  ②by far Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. After the arrival of the Europeans, the native people were forced into s_______. 2. You have difficulty in moving to America, because the rules of

  i______ is rather strict for the foreigners. 3. Only a few of them thought highly of the plan. The m______

  were against it. 4. Obama was e______ as the forty-four president of the United States. 5. The rural r_____

  has achieved good results, and there has been a noticeable change in the countryside.

  6. My uncle h______

  two people to help him in harvest last autumn. 7. I was in half the way when it suddenly ______(想到) to me that I had left my notebook home. 8.______ (显然),he was mistaken about by the others. 9. It is believed that before long the mix of_______ (国籍) will be very large. 10. I was one of the _______(申请人)for the job.

  答案:1. slavery

  2. immigration

  3. majority

  4. elected 5. reform

  6. hired

  7. occurred

  8. Apparently 9. nationalities

  10. applicants Ⅱ. 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空 by means of/make a life/occur to/team up with/mark out/take in/a great/good many 1. Our trip _____

  a visit to the old temple built in the Ming Dynasty. 2. It never ______

  me to ask him for help.

  3. I got to know Jack years ago and now we ______

  each other quite well.

  4. Thoughts are expressed

  ______ words.

  5. _______ workers joined in the general strike last week. They wanted higher wages.

  6. The old man used to _______ by selling newspapers.

  7. We ______ a tennis court on the lawn.

  答案:1. takes in

  2. occurs to

  3. team up with 4. by means of

  5. A good many

  6. make a life

  7. marked out Ⅲ. 完成句子 1. Those who will attend the meeting have ______ _______ (不同的国籍). (nationality) 2. Every applicant must fill in

  ______ ______ ______ (申请表)from now on. (applicant) 3. The two issues

  ______ ______ ______(区别)each other.(distinct) 4. The clouds _______(预示)the coming of rain. 5.______ _______

  (大量)of his income is spent on his house every month. 6. Bicycles _____ _____ ______

  (出租)in the shop.(hire)

  7. It is ______ (显然)that he is not interested in this newly designed project. 8. Taking a plane is the quickest

  _____ ______ ______ (到达方式)there.(mean) 9. It ______ ______ (突然想起)me that I should call on Tom tonight. 10. Nowadays, many young people from country are going to big cities to

  ______ ______ ______ (谋生)for themselves. 答案:1. different nationalities

  2. the application form 3. are distinct from

  4. indicate

  5. The majority 6. are hired out

  7. apparent/obvious 8. means of getting

  9. occurred to

  10. make a life Ⅳ. 单项填空 1. —Shall I give you a ride as you live so far?

  —_______. A. It couldn’t be better

  B. Of course you can C. If you like

  D. It’s up to you 解析:选A。“It couldn’t be better”意为“再好不过了”,是对别人邀请的回答;Of course you can表达生硬,不符合交际用语习惯;If you like是对别人请求的回答;It’s up to you意为“随便”。

  2. You fool! How can you let such a chance ______ through your fingers. A. ski

  B. spread

  C. slip

  D. glide 解析:选C。句意为:你真笨!你怎么能让这么个机会从你指间溜走呢?ski 滑雪;spread延伸; slip滑过;溜走;glide滑行。 3. People have ______ views on the policy published recently, because not everybody is in favour of it in the survey(调查). A. Excited

  B. surprised

  C. frightened

  D. mixed 解析:选D。mixed views意为“各种各样的观点”,符合句意。 4. Every possible means ______ to help the poor people in Africa. A. have tried

  B. have been tried

  C. has tried

  D. has been tried 解析:选D。means是单复数相同的名词,从空前的every我们知道,means在这里是单数,同时它与try间的关系是被动的,因此用被动语态。 5. He can hardly _____ his wife’s bad-temper, so he decided to seek divorce with her. A. teamed up with

  B. caught up with C. put up with

  D. kept up with 解析:选C。team up with与……合作;catch up with赶上;put up with忍受; keep up with跟得上。根据句意,选C。 6. Peter is no longer a lazy boy ______

  he used to be. A. What

  B. whom

  C. when

  D. how 解析:选B。what引导名词性从句,而这里需要的是boy后的定语从句,因此用whom。 7. Human beings are different from animals ______ they can use language as a tool to communicate. A. in that

  B. for that

  C. in which

  D. for which 解析:选A。in that为固定短语,相当于because,意为“因为”。其他选项引导的是定语从句。 8. The window in my room _____ shut. So I have to get it repaired. A. doesn’t

  B. Shouldn’t

  C. Won’t

  D. Couldn’t 解析:选C。will在句中是情态动词,意为“肯;能”,表达事物的特征。 9. —Shirley, can I have a look at your photos?

  —_______.Here you are. A. By any means

  B. By no means C. By this means

  D. By all means 解析:选D。根据句意可知,说话人同意,因此用by all means,意为“行;没问题”。 10. ______ is no possibility ______ he can finish the task within two days. A. There; that

  B. It ; that

  C. There; whether

  D. It; whether 解析:选A。There is no possibility that...为固定句型,意为“没有可能……”。


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