2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:part1 选修8 unit2《Cloning》(新人教版全国通用)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:part1 选修8 unit2《Cloning》(新人教版全国通用)

发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  ③ (be) bound to (do)

  短语 be bound to sth.  被绑在某物上 be bound for

  准备去……,前往 be bound up in

  热心于,忙于…… be bound up with

  与……有密切关系 bound back

  反弹 ③ (be) bound to (do)


  根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)三人行,必有我师焉。 Even when walking in the company of two other men, I _______________ learn from them. (2)我们要去西海岸。 We _______________ the West Coast. 答案

  (1)am bound to 

  (2)were bound for  ③ (be) bound to (do)


  根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (3)建立在金钱基础上的婚姻肯定要破裂。 The marriage on the basis of money ______ break up. (4)球向我反弹回来。 The ball ___________ to me. (5)他的好奇心无止境。 His curiosity knew _______________. ③ (be) bound to (do)


  根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 答案 (3)is bound to  (4)bounded back  (5)no bounds

  ①Then came the disturbing news that Dolly

  had become seriously ill. (P11)


  这是一个因为then位于句首引起的全部倒装句,主语是the disturbing news,谓语动词是came。表示时间的副词now,then等放在句首,句子的谓语动词是come,且主语是名词(注:不能是代词)时,句子要使用全部倒装。此外,表示方位的副词(如up,down,out,in,away,round,here,there)放在句首,句子的谓语动词是某些不及物动词(如go,come,run,rush,fly),且主语是名词时,句子也要使用全部倒装。 活用

  单项填空 For a moment nothing happened.

  Then _________all

  shouting together.

  A. voices had come

  B. came voices

  C. voices would come

  D. did voices come B









  normally was very encouraging. (P11)


  fact之后that she seemed to develop normally是一个同位语从句。同位语从句常出现在少数抽象名词(如fact,news,possibility,information,idea,feeling)之后,说明该名词的具体内容。

  The news that they had won the game soon spread over the whole school. 活用

  单项填空 (1)News came from the school office ______ Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University.

  A. which

  B. what 

  C. that

  D. where (2)The fact has worried many scientists ______ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years.

  A. what 

  B. which

  C. that

  D. though

  C C 2017届高考英语一轮复习课件 新人教版全国通用 ① differ vi. 根据语境猜词义 (1) Japanese and French differ

  in pronunciation.

  (2) His opinion differs entirely from mine.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 与……不同  B. 在……方面不同 A B 短语

  differ from…

  与……不同 differ in…

  在……方面不同 differ with sb. on/about sth.

  与某人就……有不同意见 agree to differ

  求同存异 ① differ vi. 链接 difference n.

  差别, 差异 different adj.

  不同的 differently adv.

  不同地 ① differ vi. 活用

  单项填空 Leaves



  on all kinds of trees,but they

  ______ greatly in size and shape.

  A. differ

  B. object

  C. bother

  D. cast A ① differ vi. ② object n. & v.

  根据语境猜词义 (1)Various objects were on the table. (2)In the final analysis, I object to the proposal. 根据语义找匹配 A. 反对  B. 物体,对象,目标 A B ② object n. & v.

  短语 object to (doing) sth.  反对(做)某事 object that

  反对…… 根据语境猜词义 (1) The scientist undertakes the experiment.

  (2) I want you to undertake a dangerous job.

  (3) I want you to undertake all the responsibility.

  ③ undertake (undertook, undertaken) vt.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 着手 B. 从事 C. 承担 A B C 短语 undertake to do sth.

  答应 / 同意做某事 undertake for…

  为……负责 undertake responsibility

  担负起责任 ③ undertake (undertook, undertaken) vt.


  单项填空 The new laboratories will be constructed this year,and local firms have been asked to ______ the work.

  A. assign 

  B. manufacture

  C. provide 

  D. undertake D ③ undertake (undertook, undertaken) vt.

  ④ bother vt. ,vi. &n. 根据语境猜词义 (1) Don't bother him while he is working.

  (2) Do not bother to come and see me off.

  (3) We had a lot of bother finding our way to his house.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 打扰(vt.) 

  B. 烦扰(n.) 

  C. 操心(vi.) A C B 辨析

  bother / disturb / trouble / annoy bother指使人烦恼而引起的紧张不安或感到不耐烦。 disturb指扰乱,使人不能平静或妨碍别人工作、思维或正常秩序,是程度较深的烦恼。 trouble指给人在行动上带来不便或在身心上造成痛苦。 annoy强调因被迫忍受令人不快、讨厌的事而失去平静或耐心,多指一时的打扰或恼怒 ④ bother vt. ,vi. &n. 活用

  用bother / disturb / trouble / annoy 的正确形 式填空 (1) Don't ________ me when I'm sleeping.

  (2) Don't



  about me; I am


  quite well.

  (3) A fly kept __________ me.

  (4) I'm sorry to _________ you, but I wondered if we

  could have a word some time.

  trouble ④ bother vt. ,vi. &n. disturb bother annoying

  ⑤ resist vt.

  抵抗;对抗 根据语境感悟其用法 (1)He found it hard to resist buying these books. 他发现抵制购买这些书很难。 (2)I couldn't resist telling him the secret.

  我忍不住告诉了他这个秘密。 短语 resist doing sth.

  抵制做某事 can't resist doing sth.(=can't help doing sth.)

  忍不住做某事 ⑤ resist vt.

  抵抗;对抗 链接 resistant adj.

  抵抗的;有抵抗力的 resistance n.

  抗拒;反对 活用

  单项填空 He didn't mean ________ anything, but those apples

  looked so good that he couldn't resist ______ one.

  A. to eat;trying

  B. to eat;to try

  C. eating;trying

  D. eating; to try A ⑤ resist vt.

  抵抗;对抗 ⑥ owe vt.

  根据语境猜词义 (1) He paid me the ten dollars he owed me.

  (2) He owes his good health _to plenty of exercise and a regular life.

  (3) He gave me a lot of help. I owed much to him.

  (4) You owe yourself a holiday.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 欠……债  B. 感激  C. 把……归功于  D. 应给予 答案

  (1)A  (2)C  (3)B  (4)D ⑥ owe vt.

  短语 owe sb. sth. / owe sth. to sb.

  欠某人某物 owe…to…

  把……归功于 owing to

  因为;由于 ⑥ owe vt.


  单项填空 — How much do I ______ you for lunch?

  — Forget it. It's nothing.

  A. owe

  B. charge

  C. cover

  D. cost

  A ⑥ owe vt.

  根据语境猜词义 (1) She studied hard before the examination, and it paid off.

  (2) I've just paid off my loan from this bank.

  ① pay off

  根据语义找匹配 A. 偿清 B. 得到好结果 A B 短语 pay sb. for sth.

  因为……付钱给某人 pay back

  还钱;报复 ① pay off


  用恰当的介词或副词填空 (1) How much did you pay __________ your house? (2) His years of hard work paid __________.

  (3) I'll pay him _______ for the trick he played on me.

  答案 (1)for 


   (3)back ① pay off

  ② cast down 使沮丧,使失望 Don't let yourself be cast down by a small failure in the experiment. 别为了实验中的小小失败而垂头丧气。 链接 cast v. 投,掷;投射(目光);指定演员等 n. 演员阵容;投掷 ② cast down 使沮丧,使失望 短语 cast away

   (因船失事而)流落 cast an eye at sb.

  看了某人一眼 cast out 

  赶走,逐出 cast aside

  抛弃,消除 cast off

  解缆;送掉;抛弃 cast about / around for sth.

  四处寻找,苦苦思索 cast sb. into prison

  把某人投进监狱 ② cast down 使沮丧,使失望 活用

  根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)他向那妇人看了一眼。 He ____________________ the woman. (2)这条船在暴风雨中失事了。 The ship ____________________ during the storm.


  (1)cast an eye at 

  (2)was cast away ② cast down 使沮丧,使失望 (3)这种战术正如撒网,要随时打开,又要随时收拢。 The tactic is just like ________;at any moment we should be able to cast it or draw it in. (4)铃一响,船长下令解缆绳,航行就开始了。 As soon as the bell rang, the captain gave orders __________, and the voyage began. 活用

  根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 答案

  (3)casting a net 

  (4)to cast off ③ (be) bound to (do)

  一定或注定(做)……;有义务…… 根据语境感悟其用法 Advancing culture is bound to triumph over declining culture. 先进的文化必然战胜没落的文化。 ③ (be) bound to (do)

  链接 bound adj.

  必定的,有义务的 vi.

  跳,跳跃 n.



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