2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修7 Module 5《Ethnic Culture》(外研版全国通用)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修7 Module 5《Ethnic Culture》(外研版全国通用)

发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2017届高考英语一轮复习课件 外研版全国通用 Module 5

  Ethnic Culture

  选修7 a minority of 少数 be in the / a minority 占少数 词汇点击 1. minority n. 少数;少数民族 We should protect the rights of ethnic minorities. 我们必须保护少数民族的权利。 minor adj. (常作定语)较小的;次要的 minor的反义词为major 知识拓展 完成句子 ①This is a very ____________ operation and there is very little risk involved. 这是个很小的手术,没有什么风险。 ②Men are ____________ in this profession. 在这一行业中,男性占少数。 minor in the minority 词汇点击 1. minority n. 少数;少数民族 词汇点击 2. run v. 控制,管理;运转;褪色;跑;行驶;延伸 For a while, she ran a restaurant in Boston. 她在波士顿经营过一段时间的餐馆。 The color ran when I washed your red shirt, and now all your socks are pink! 你的红衬衫在我洗的时候掉色了,现在你的袜子全都成了粉红色! well / badly run 经营良好/不好 run a hotel/school经营一家旅馆/学校 run after 追逐 run across 偶然遇见 run away 逃跑 run out (指供应品)用完,耗尽 run out of (指人)用完,耗尽(供应品) run into 撞上,偶然遇见 run over 碾过,压过 词汇点击 2. run v. 控制,管理;运转;褪色;跑;行驶;延伸 词汇点击 2. run v. 控制,管理;运转;褪色;跑;行驶;延伸 完成句子 ①Don't bother ____________ the bus. 别费劲去追赶那辆公共汽车了。 ②He hated his stepfather and eventually ____________ from home. 他恨他的继父,最终离家出走了。 running after ran away 词汇点击 2. run v. 控制,管理;运转;褪色;跑;行驶;延伸 完成句子 ③I ________________ Bob yesterday on main street. 昨天我在大街上偶然遇到了鲍勃。 ④She ____________ some old letters when she was looking for something else. 她找别的东西时,偶然翻出几封过去的信。 ran into/run across ran across 词汇点击 3. fasten v. 固定某物,使某物牢固;关紧,系牢 fasten up 扣牢,系牢;缚紧,把拉链拉好 fasten sth. to sth. 把某物固定/贴/钉在另一物上 fasten A and B together 将A和B牢牢连接在一起 fasten your eyes on 注视着,盯着 fasten your attention on 集中精力于;认真地考虑 After work, the farmer often fastens his ox to the tree. 干完活后,这个农夫经常把他的牛拴在这棵树上。 词汇点击 3. fasten v. 固定某物,使某物牢固;关紧,系牢 完成句子 ①Please ____________ your seat belts. 系牢你们的安全带。 ②Please ______________________ your work. 请把注意力集中在工作上。 fasten up fasten your attention on 词汇点击 4. adjust v. 适应,使适应;调整,调节 adjust to… 适应…… adjust oneself to… 使自己适应于…… adjust sth. to sth. 为配合……而调整 My eyes haven't adjusted to the dark yet. 我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。 词汇点击 4. adjust v. 适应,使适应;调整,调节 adjustment n. 调整;调节 make adjustments to 对……进行调整 知识拓展 I've made a few minor adjustments to the seating plan. 我对座次表作了小小的调整。 词汇点击 4. adjust v. 适应,使适应;调整,调节 完成句子 ①The body quickly ____________ the changes in temperature. 身体迅速自行调节以适应气温的变化。 ②You can ________ this desk ________ the height of any child. 这张桌子可以根据小孩的身高任意调整。 adjusts itself to adjust

  to furnish…with… 用……装备…… furnish sb. / sth. with sth.=furnish sth. to sb. / sth. 为某人/物提供某物 be furnished with 备有,安装有,陈设有 5. furnish v. 为(房屋或房间)配备家具;供应;装备 Having bought the house, they couldn't afford to furnish it. 买了这所房子以后,他们买不起家具来布置它了。 词汇点击 5. furnish v. 为(房屋或房间)配备家具;供应;装备 词汇点击 furniture n. [U]家具 a piece of furniture 一件家具

  注意:furniture为不可数名词,不能和不定冠词连用,也没有复数形式。 知识拓展 5. furnish v. 为(房屋或房间)配备家具;供应;装备 词汇点击 完成句子 ①Mr. and Mrs. Shaw have bought some modern ____________ for their living room. 肖夫妇买了些新式家具布置起居室。 ②The house ____________________ some old tables, a blackboard, and an old piano. 房间里有几张旧桌子,一块黑板和一架旧钢琴。 furniture was furnished with mean doing sth. 意味着……,其主语通常是物。 mean to do sth. “打算或企图做某事”,其主语通常是人,其过去完成式表示“本来打算做某事”。 I mean 我是说,我的意思是 mean no harm 没有恶意 mean well 出于好心 6. mean vt. 意指,打算 n. 平均值 adj. 吝啬的;刻薄的;平均的;中等的 词汇点击 6. mean vt. 意指,打算 n. 平均值 adj. 吝啬的;刻薄的;平均的;中等的 词汇点击 Being a student means studying hard. 作为一个学生,(意味着)你要努力学习。 What do you mean to do with it?


  He had meant to leave on Sunday, but has stayed on. 他本来想星期天走的,但又留了下来。 6. mean vt. 意指,打算 n. 平均值 adj. 吝啬的;刻薄的;平均的;中等的 词汇点击 完成句子 Success __________________________________. 成功意味着工作努力。 means working hard Seriously damaged,the bridge is no longer in use. 因受到严重破坏,这座桥不能再使用了。 短语精释 1. in use 被使用,在使用中 知识拓展 come into use 开始被使用 make use of sb. / sth. 利用或使用某人/某物 make the best use of sth. 充分利用某物 put sth. to good use 从某事物中获益

  It's no use doing 做……没用 短语精释 1. in use 被使用,在使用中 完成句子 ①When did the railway ____________? 铁路是在什么时候开始投入运营的? ②We also train them __________________ reference books. 我们还培养他们充分利用参考书。 ③____________ complaining. 抱怨是没有用的。 come into use to make the best use of It's no use 短语精释 2. come across 发现,遇见;被理解 His meaning didn't really come across. 没有人真正理解他的意思。 She came across an old photo in a drawer. 她在抽屉里发现了一张旧照片。 短语精释 2. come across 发现,遇见;被理解 知识拓展 come about

  发生 come along

  进展,发展;跟着来 come out 出来;出版;发芽;真相大白 come up with

  提出(建议等) come to

  恢复知觉 短语精释 2. come across 发现,遇见;被理解 完成句子 ①____________ he'd been telling lies.

  原来他一直在说谎。 ②How did the accident ____________? 事故是怎样发生的? ③Your speech ____________ very well; everyone understands your opinion now.

  你的演讲很清楚,大家现在都明白你的观点了。 It came out that come about came across The old town is on the side of a mountain and opposite it is the 5,500 metre Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak covered with snow. 古城依山而建,对面是海拔5500米的玉龙雪山,山峰被积雪覆盖。 句型探究 The Bai have an agricultural economy, their main crops being rice, wheat, beans and cotton. 白族人以农业经济为主,主要作物有水稻、小麦、豆类和棉花。 句型探究 “its peak covered with snow”和“their main crops being rice, wheat, beans and cotton”是独立主格结构。 ①独立主格结构大体有以下几种: 名词(词组)/ 代词+ 现在分词 逻辑上的主谓关系 过去分词 逻辑上的动宾关系 不定式 没有发生的动作或一 次具体的动作 形容词/副词/介词短语 这种结构在句中一般作状语,表示时间、条件、原因、伴随等。 句型探究 “its peak covered with snow”和“their main crops being rice, wheat, beans and cotton”是独立主格结构。 ②独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开。 句型探究 完成句子 ①________________, we'll go for an outing tomorrow. 如果时间允许的话,我们明天去郊游。 ②________________, we began our holiday. =When the test was finished, we began our holiday. 考试结束了,我们开始放假。。 Time permitting The test finished 句型探究 完成句子 ③He came into the room, his ears ____________. 他回到了房间里,耳朵冻坏了。 ④Weather ______, we'll go out for a walk.

  A. permitted

  B. permitting

  C. permits

  D. for permitting red with cold 【解析】B 本题考查独立主格结构,其结构为:名词+分词。表主动,用现在分词,故选B。


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