2017届高考英语1轮复习牛津译林江苏专版课件:M6 Unit 3《Understanding each other》-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语1轮复习牛津译林江苏专版课件:M6 Unit 3《Understanding each other》

发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2. When you read the book, you'd better make a mark ________ you have any questions.

  A. at which

  B. at where

  C. the place where

  D. where D 此题正确答案选D,where 在此意为“在……的地方”,用以引导地点状语从句,全句意为“当你读这本书时,你最好在有问题的地方作一个记号”。但是有的同学却根据试题所提供的选项想当然地认为这是一道考查定语从句关系词的选择与辨析的试题,于是在A、B、C 3项中绞尽脑汁,当然最终不可能得出正确答案。 3. He said he would never forget the day ________ he spent with his girlfriend in the country.

  A. that

  B. when

  C. how

  D. where A 此题容易误选B,有不少学生总是机械地认为:时间名词后用关系副词when,地点名词后用关系副词 where。其实时间名词和地点名词后既可能用关系副词也可能用关系代词,主要看它们在定语从句中充当什么句子成分,原则上说:作主语或宾语,用关系代词;作状语,用关系副词。此题从句中的spent缺宾语,故应用关系代词(that),而不能用关系副词,即此题应选A。 ②C  ②I would appreciate ________ very much if you could give me some suggestions.

  A. this

  B. that

  C. it

  D. you ③A ③Will you see to ________ that my child is taken good care of while I am away?

  A. it

  B. me

  C. yourself

  D. them B 本题考查时态。根据时间状语every few years,可判断本句应为一般现在时,因此答案选B。   Every few years, the coal workers ________ their lungs X­rayed to ensure their health.(2010·上海)

  A. are having

  B. have

  C. have had

  D. had had 如何增加亮点(Ⅰ) 要想把一篇文章写好、写完美,并列句、复合句的使用固然给文章润色不少,但是高效词汇和复杂句型的使用更能给文章增加亮点。具体说来,可以尝试以下方法: 1. 交叉使用长句与短句 根据实际情况在文章中交替使用长句与短句,使文章显得错落有致,这样不仅使文章在形式上增加美感,而且使文章读起来铿锵有力。

  [例]中午我们在太阳下吃野餐。休息一会儿后,我们唱歌的唱歌,跳舞的跳舞,还有的讲故事、下棋,大家玩得很开心。 [一般句]At noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine. Then we had a short rest. Then we began to play happily. We sang and danced. Some told stories. Some played chess. [优秀句]At noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine. After a short rest, we had great fun singing and dancing, telling stories and playing chess.

  2. 避免同一词语的重复使用 为了使文章更生动、更富表现力,同学们在写作时应尽量避免重复使用同一词语来表示同一意思,如有的同学一看到“喜欢”二字,就会立刻想起like,事实上,英语中表示类似意思的词和短语很多,如love, enjoy, prefer, appreciate, be fond of, care for等。 [例]我喜欢读书,而我的弟弟喜欢看电视。 [一般句]I like reading while my brother likes watching television. [优秀句]I like reading while my brother enjoys watching television. 3. 适当使用短语代替单词 [例]他已决定长大了当老师。 [一般句]He has decided_to be a teacher when he grows up. [优秀句]He has made_up_his_mind_to be a teacher when he grows up.

  4. 恰当套用某些固定表达 [例]他太累了,不能再往前走了。 [一般句]He was very tired. He couldn't walk any farther. [优秀句]He was too tired to walk any farther.

  5. 灵活改变句子开头 在通常情况下,英语句子的排列方式为“主语+谓语+宾语”,即主语位于句子开头。但若根据情况适当改变句子的开头方式,比如使用倒装语序或以状语开头等,就会增强文章的表现力。

  [例]只有这样你才能把它做好。 [一般句]You can do it well only in this way. [优秀句]Only in this way can you do it well.

  6. 合理使用省略句 合理恰当地使用省略句,不仅可以使文章精练、简洁,而且会使文章更具文采和可读性。 [例]他可能很忙,要是这样,我以后再来拜访。要是不忙,我现在可以见他吗? [一般句]He may be busy. If he's busy, I'll call later. If he is not busy, can I see him now? [优秀句]He may be busy. If so, I'll call later. If not, can I see him now?


  定语从句主要用于修饰句子中的名词、代词,充当定语。而定语从句的位置常常是紧跟在被修饰的名词、代词的后面。在被修饰的名词、代词与定语从句之间往往有一个关系词将其前后两部分联系成一个整体,或是构成一个名词短语;或是构成一个代词短语。但从结构上说,关系词与从句是一个整体。 定语从句中的关系词只有两类:关系代词和关系副词;没有连词。也就是说,定语从句中的所有关系词不但都有具体的意义而且都在从句中担任一定的成分。 1.关系代词:who, whom, whose, which, that 等。 (1)who用于代替“表示人的意义”的先行词,并且在从句中作主语;在现代英语里,也可取代whom在从句中作动词的宾语。 I have no idea about the man who wrote the article. 我不认识写这篇文章的那个人。 (2)whom 用于代替“表示人的意义”的先行词,并且在从句中作动词或介词的宾语。在现代英语里,如果whom在从句中作动词的宾语,它与who可以通用;但是如果whom在从句中作介词的宾语,那么就只能用whom而不能与who通用了。 Who is the girl whom ( who ) you talked to just now? 刚才和你说话的那个女孩子是谁? They are looking for the patient on whom doctors just performed an operation.


  (句中的关系代词whom代替the patient ,在从句中作介词on的宾语,而且介词on提到关系代词的前面,所以who 和whom就绝不可以通用了,此处只能用whom。) Who is the girl to who (whom) you talked just now? (错误) (句中的关系代词whom(who)代替the girl,在从句中作介词to的宾语,但是由于介词to已提到了关系代词的前面,who 和whom就绝不可以通用了,所以如果还继续使用who句子就错了。此处只能用whom 。) (3)whose 用于代替“表示人或物意义”的先行词,在从句中作定语,往往与它所修饰的名词一起构成一个名词短语在从句中担当成分。whose常表达“某人的、某物的”之意。 Do you know the name of that girl whose brother is your roommate? 你知道她的哥哥与你同寝室的那位女孩的名字吗? Water whose boiling point is at 100 degree Centigrade has no color, no flavor.

  沸点在摄氏100度的水无色、无味。 (4)which 用于代替“表示事物意义”的先行词,在从句中作主语、宾语。 Views which are entirely new or foreign may also be hard to accept. 那些全新的或是来自国外的观点或许也很难被接受。 I've got a novel which you may like to read. 我弄到一本你或许想看的小说。 (5)that 既用于代替“表示人的意义”的先行词,也用于代替“表示事物意义”的先行词;在从句中既可以作主语,也可以作谓语动词的宾语,但是不能作介词的宾语。在一定范围内,that = who / whom / which。 2.关系副词:when, where, why等。在定语从句中,关系副词=介词+which。 (1)when 代替表示时间的名词,而这个名词在从句中又与介词构成了短语,在从句中充当状语。 He came at a time when we needed help. 他在我们需要人帮忙的时候来了。 We don't know the exact time when the English Evening will be held.

  我们不知道英语晚会举行的确切时间。 (2)where 代替表示地点的名词,而这个名词在从句中又与介词构成了短语,在从句中充当状语。 The place where we're to have the Speech Contest has not been decided yet. 我们举行演讲比赛的地点还未定下来。 That is a beautiful campus where I made a lot dreams. 那是一座我曾经在那儿有过许多梦想的美丽的校园。 (3)why代替表示原因的名词,而这个名词在从句中又与介词构成了短语,在从句中充当状语。 He didn't tell her the reason why he was so happy. 他没有告诉她为什么他那么高兴的原因。 The reason why she was late is not so acceptable. 她迟到的原因不那么令人接受。 1.定语从句中作宾语的关系代词可以省略。 This is the book ( which ) you were looking for yesterday.这就是你昨天找的那本书。 I don't like the novel ( that ) you are reading. 我不喜欢你看的这本小说。 2.定语从句中,关系代词的单复数取决于先行词的单复数。 Those who are in their forties are required to have a physical examination this afternoon. 请那些40多岁的人于今天下午去进行体检。 This is the magazine which was sent to me by post. 这是通过邮局寄给我的杂志。 3.关系代词that 和which的区别

  that 和which在一般情况都可以用于代替“表示事物意义”的先行词,在从句中作主语、宾语。但在下列情况下一般只用that而不用which: (1)先行词本身是all, everything, something, nothing, anything, little, much等不定代词或被这些词所修饰时。 Anything that can burn is a source of heat energy. 任何能够燃烧的东西都是热能源。 There must be something that happened to you. 你一定出了什么事。 (2)先行词已有序数词或形容词的最高级或the last, the only等作定语时。 This is the most impressive TV theater that has never been put on show before.

  这是以前从未上演过的最有感染力的电视剧。 That is the only way that leads to your success. 那是通向你成功的唯一之路。 (3)先行词既指人又指物时。 We talked about the persons and things that we remembered. 我们谈到了我们记得的人和事。 (4)句中已经有who或which时,为了避免重复时。 Who is the man that is making a speech? 谁在发言? 然而,在下列情况却只用which而不用that: 当先行词表示事物意义,并且在从句中作介词的宾语,那么就只能用which。当然,如果在口语或非正式文体中,介词没有提前,也就没有这点要求了。 The world in which we live is made of matter. 我们生活于其中的世界是由物质组成的。 Ocean currents affect the climates of the lands near which they flow. 洋流影响其流经的附近地区的气候。 4.介词+关系代词引导的定语从句。在这种结构中,关系代词若是表示人的意义,就只能用whom;关系代词若是表示事物的意义,就只能用which。 (1)动词与介词的搭配 He has found a good job for which he is qualified. 他找到了一份他能胜任的工作。( qualify+n.+ for “使……具有……资格” ) The man to whom you talked just now will chair the meeting tomorrow. 你刚才与他谈话的那个人明天主持会议。( talk to + 名词 “与某人谈话” ) (2)名词与介词的搭配 They are still living in the little house in which they've been lived for 15 years.

  他们现在还住在他们已住了15年的那个小房子里。( in the house “在屋子里” ) She didn't realize the extent to which she had been distracted.

  她没有意识到她心烦意乱的程度。( to extend “到某种程度” ) (3)形容词与介词的搭配 I've found the job for which I've been eager for a long time. 我已找到了我渴望已久的那份工作。( eager for “渴望得到……” ) He is a learned man with whom we are familiar. 他是一位我们熟悉的有学识的人。(familiar with 熟悉……) 5.as与which在限制性定语从句中的区别。 (1)as通常和such, the same连用,代指物在从句中作主语或宾语

  This is the same pen as I bought yesterday. 这种笔和我昨天买的笔一样。(同样的但不是同一个)

  This is the same pen that I used yesterday. 这就是昨天我使用的那一支钢笔。(指的是同一个)。

  I want to have such a dictionary as he has. 我想要一本和他的一样的字典。


  The radio (which) he bought yesterday doesn't work now.


  Can you lend me the book which was written by Lun Xun? 你能借我那本由鲁迅所写的书吗?

    1. The film brought the hours back to me ________ I was taken good care of in that far­away village.

  A. until

  B. that

  C. when

  D. where

  C 此题容易误选B,误认为 that 引导一个宾语从句。其实此题应选 C,when 引导的是一个修饰 the hours 的定语从句,该题的难点是定语从句与先行词 the hours被分离了。 Unit 3 Understanding each other 1、 expectation n. 预料,期望 have expectations

  (1)(与of 连用)对……抱有希望 (2)(与from 连用)有继承遗产的希望 in expectation of 期望(待) live up to one's expectations 不辜负某人的期望 ◆She ate a light lunch in expectation of a good dinner.

  她午饭吃得很少, 期待晚饭时饱餐一顿。 ◆He has great expectations from his uncle.

  他渴望从叔叔那继承大笔遗产。 according to expectation 如所预料 against expectation 出乎预料 beyond (one's) expectation 出乎意料(之外), 较预期的更好 contrary to (one's) expectation 与所预料的相反  For some time he lived  

  he was going to die. 有一段时间, 他预测他要死。 with the expectation that 2、 ensure vt. 担保, 保证, 使安全,确保 

  ◆I can't ensure that he will be there on time.


  ◆This medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep.


  ◆These are safety devices to ensure workers against accidents.

  这些安全设施是为了保护工人不出事故。  当指“保险”时,要用insure,而不用ensure; 指“保证”时,多用ensure,后加that从句。从句中可用shall或should,但常用属于现在时态的动词和属于过去时态的动词来代替shall和should。 I can ensure that they shall (偶尔用will) come tomorrow. 我保证他们明天会来。 If you want to ___________________________________ 

  the plane, take a taxi. 你要想确保能赶上那班飞机,就坐出租车去吧。 ensure that you catch 3、 celebration

  n. 庆祝,庆典 ◆His success deserves a huge celebration.



  celebration of… 庆祝…… ◆My mother promised me that she would hold a party in celebration of my birthday.


  celebrate v. 庆祝,赞颂 ◆On October 1st, we celebrate our National Day.

  在10月1日,我们庆祝国庆节。 ◆This is a movie celebrating the life and work of Martin Luther King.


  celebrate的意思是“庆祝生日 / 节日 / 胜利 / 成功等事件”,其后不接人或that从句充当宾语。 congratulate表示“庆贺”时,常构成句型congratulate sb. on (doing) sth.。 congratulation

  n. 庆贺。口语中常用


  The three sisters decided__________ their parents' silver wedding.

  这三姐妹决定举行家庭聚会庆贺她们父母的银婚纪念。 to hold a family party to celebrate 4、 adjust vt.调整,调节,校准;使适合

  adjust to 适应,调节 ◆You can adjust the desk to the height of any child.


  adjust oneself to 使某人自己适应于…… ◆He soon adjusted himself to her way of life.


  adjusted adj. 调整过的  adjustable adj. 可调动的,可调节的  adjustment n. 调整,适应 He soon   and has lived happily ever since. 他很快地适应了那种生活方式, 从此快乐地生活在那里。

  adjusted himself to the way of life 1、 the same(=in the same way; similarly)一样地 ◆The paintings may look the same, but one's a forgery.

  这些画看起来一样,但其中有一幅是假的。 (1)(the) same adj. & adv. 相同的(地),一样的(地);通常和as连用。 ◆He has the same experiences as I.

  他和我有着同样的经历。 (2)当定语从句的先行词被the same修饰后,若前后指的是同一物,则用the same…that…的句型;若只是类比,并不指同一物,则用the same…as…的句型。 I am using the same dictionary (that) I used yesterday. (同一物) I have the same dictionary as you bought yesterday. (不指同一物,有两本字典)

  I couldn't find the same house ________________________________________________________________________

  (他所提到的), for every one looked just the same. that he referred to 2、 get accustomed to 适应,习惯于 ◆I get accustomed to working inside the room of noise and excitement.


  You will soon get the climate here.

  你会很快习惯这里的气候的。 accustomed to 3、 let alone 不打扰,


  更不用说 ◆The baby can't even walk, let alone run.


  ◆He hasn't enough money for food, let alone amusements.


  ◆I never thought of it, let alone did I do it.


  ◆I haven't decided on the menu yet, let alone bought the food.

  我还没决定吃什么菜呢,更不必说买好了。 disregard vt. 不顾, 忽视 not to mention 更不用说

  There isn't enough room for us, six dogs and a cat.

  连我们的地方都不够,更不必说6条狗和1只猫了。 let alone 4、belong to


  表示事物存在的状态,to是介词,其后接代词或名词类词组及从句等,表示所归属的对象。belong和to不能分开来用,并且没有被动语态和进行时态。 ◆I don't know whom the toy car belongs to.

  我不知道这玩具汽车是谁的。 ◆He was only a year older than me but seemed to belong to a different generation.


  belong with 和……在一起  belong in 适合待在(某处) ◆A child belongs with its mother.

  孩子应该和母亲在一起。 ◆You don't belong in the beginners' class.


  ①My mother keeps telling me that the future ________ (属于) the hard­working people. ①belongs to  ②Put the book back ______ it belongs.

  把书放回它的所归处。 ②where 5、辨析attend, join, take part in (1)attend指“参加或出席”各种会议,如音乐会、追悼会、演出、培训班、典礼、上课以及听报告等,只说明主语“参加”这一事实,并不强调主语所起的作用。 (2)take part in指“参加”会议或各种活动,含有积极参与并发挥作用之意,其后不接宾语时要省略介词in,part之前有形容词修饰时,形容词前面要加a或an。 (3)join指“参加”某个团体或组织并成为其中一员,如参军、入团、入党等,含义相当于become a member of。join in 参加,加入(活动)。 ◆Did you attend the show last night?

  你昨晚观看演出没有? ◆How many of you are going to take part?

  你们多少人准备参加? ◆The press takes an important part in the life of a democracy.

  资讯界在民主国家的生活中起着很重要的作用。 ◆When did you join the army?

  你是什么时候参军的? ◆She listens but she never joins in.

  她只是听,从来不发表意见。 They dislike it when people do not look at the cards, so remember not to just put them in your pocket without looking. 他们不喜欢人们不看名片,所以要记住,不要看都不看就把名片塞进口袋。 句中dislike是不及物动词,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语为when引导的从句。可以将dislike it when…作为句型来记忆。类似的词有enjoy, like, love, hate, prefer, appreciate等表示喜好的动词。 ①C  ①I dislike ________ when others laugh at me in public or think poorly of me behind.

  A. that

  B. those

  C. it

  D. them


  • 大家都在看
  • 小编推荐
  • 猜你喜欢