2017届高考英语1轮复习牛津译林江苏专版课件:M1 Unit 1《School life》-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语1轮复习牛津译林江苏专版课件:M1 Unit 1《School life》

发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  4. A 根据this summer,可知用将来进行时态。 4. — Guess what, we've got our visas for a short­term visit to the UK this summer.

  — How nice! You ______ a different culture then.


  A. will be experiencing

  B. have experienced

  C. have been experiencing

  D. will have experienced 冠词

  英语中常用来表特指,意思相当于this(these)/ that(those)的前位限定词the是定冠词。 a(n)与数词one 同源, 常表类别,被修饰词具有不确定的含义,是“其中一个”的意思。a用于辅音音素前, 而an则用于元音音素前。a/an为不定冠词。 一、定冠词the在下列情形中使用 1.表示第二次提及或双方都知道的人或物。 2.表示世界上独一无二的天体。 3.用于单数可数名词前面, 表示某一类人或事物。 4.用于形容词、分词前, 表示一类人。 5.用于序数词及形容词或副词的最高级前。 6.和姓氏复数连用,表“一家人”或“夫妇二人”。 7.放在“海洋、河流、岛屿、山系、沙漠及由普通名词构成的国名”前。 8.放在娱乐场所或媒体前。

  9.放在宾馆前。 10.放在报纸前。

  11.放在大型的组织机构及其缩略语前。 12.放在人名前加以强调和特指。 13.表示发明物。 14.放在西洋乐器名称前。 15.用于“打/击/牵/拉的动词+人+介词+定冠词+身体的部位”句式。 16.表示具体某年的某个季节或月份,季节或月份前需用定冠词。 二、不定冠词常用于下列情形中 1.当可数名词单数第一次出现时, 用a(n)表示不确定的某个人或物,兼有类别和数量的含义。 2.可数名词单数第二次出现,但前面有形容词,仍然用a(n)修饰名词,表达“受限制”的新概念。 3.用于可数名词单数前, 代表一类人或事物, 相当于any。 4.用于可数名词单数前, 相当于one, per或every,表频率。 5. a(n)用于be of +n.结构,说明事物具有同一属性,相当于the same,表示“相同”的意思。 6.用于固定搭配。 7.物质名词或抽象名词前用a/an,表示种类。 8.人名前用a(n),表示说话者不熟悉的人,相当于“a certain”。 9.表示与某名人有类似性质的人或事物。 10.用于可数名词单数前,表示数量。 11.序数词前面加不定冠词a(n)表示“再一,又一”之意,数字的顺序意义淡化。 12. 形容词最高级前加不定冠词a(n)表示“十分,非常”之意,最高级意义淡化。 三、不用冠词的情形如下 1.在抽象名词前不用。 2.家庭成员大写时,其前不用冠词。 3.表示独一无二的职衔的名词作主补、宾补、表语或同位语时,不用冠词。 4.在不含普通名词,而由专有名词组成的国名前不用。但由普通名词组成的国名前要用冠词。如“the People's Republic of China”。 5.当山(mount)置于山名前时。 6.在一日三餐前不用冠词。 7.在球类活动前不用冠词。 8.当bed, church, court, hospital, prison, school, college, university表达与场所有关的抽象意义而不强调地点意义时不用冠词。 9.名词后面跟数字,表顺序时。如:Lesson 3=the third lesson 10.用Day表达的节日前不用冠词,但用Festival表达的节日前通常加the, 如“the Spring Festival”。 11.季节前不用冠词。但指具体某一年的季节要用定冠词, 如:The winter of 2008 was quite cold. 12.在as/though引导的让步状语从句的倒装结构中,作表语的单数名词通常不用冠词。 13.在turn和go之后的单数名词作表语时。但become之后要用冠词,如:He has become a CEO in a company now. 14.“by+名词”结构表通讯,交通方式,名词用单数,且前面不用冠词。 15. 在对称结构中,名词前不用冠词。 16. 两个名词并列表示同一概念时,第二个名词不用冠词。 1.不定冠词an用在元音前, a用在辅音前。需要注意的是,不能以单词开头是元音字母或辅音字母为判断依据,因为元音字母有可能发辅音,辅音字母有可能发元音。 ①单独提及英语字母,其中有11个字母前用不定冠词时要用an: Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Ff, Hh, Ll, Mm, Nn, Ss, Xx。注意:元音字母Uu不在此列。 ②以eight或8开头的数字前用不定冠词时,要用an。如an 8­year­old boy等。 ③以元音字母u开头的单词前,要根据该字母的具体发音而定。如: a university student和an ugly woman等。另外,以ho开头的单词也是同样,如:an hour等。 2.常考含不定冠词的短语 a great deal of

  a number of all of a sudden

  once upon a time in a flash

  after a while have a cold

  have a rest have a break

  have a try

  have a look

  have a face tell a lie

  do a good deed in a hurry

  at a speed of make a face

  keep a diary make a living

  in a rush go for a walk

  as a result of have a word with sb.

  once in a while at a distance

  have a hard time in a short while

  have a good time as a matter of fact

  have a stomachache 2.常考含不定冠词的短语 3.定冠词用法口诀 ①沙漠河流与群山,列岛海峡与海湾。阶级党派国家名,组织团体和机关。方位朝代独一词,会议文件和报刊。木器建筑海洋群,定冠词可不能删。 ②姓氏复数国全名,特指重提和唯一,方位顺序和乐器,打中部位最高级。 4.常考含定冠词的短语 in the middle of

  at the same time

  at the moment

  the other day at the end of

  the day after tomorrow take the place of

  in the beginning at the beginning of

  on the other side of on the contrary

  by the end of at the end of

  in the form of in the habit of

  in the end on the radio

  on the phone at the back of

  on the air at the corner of

  all over the world on the other hand

  in the least 5.冠词的位置(下列情形可以考虑填冠词) ①一般来说,冠词位于名词或名词短语的最前面。the last few days 最后几天 ②在“so/as/too/how+形容词+a(n)+单数可数名词”结构中,冠词置于so/as/too/how修饰的形容词之后。

  It is so good a film that all the students will go to see it. 这部电影很好,所有的学生都想去看。 ③冠词位于such, what, many, not much of等词之后。 He has never written such an interesting book as that. 他从未写过像那本一样有趣的书。 ④冠词用于quite, rather之后,但另有形容词修饰时,冠词位于quite与rather的前后皆可。 He is quite a man. 他真是男子汉。 It is a rather/rather a hot day. 天很热。 ⑤当名词前有all, both, double, exactly, just等词修饰时,定冠词the应位于这些修饰词之后,名词之前。 I have sent both the letters by air mail. 我把两封信都用航空邮件寄出去了。 1. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _____ voice.

  A. a better

  B. a best

  C. the better

  D. the best

  此题容易误选D,认为最高级前用定冠词才是最佳的。其实此题最佳答案为A,该句可视为是下面这句的省略形式:…I have never heard a better voice than her voice. 全句句意为“她唱得多好啊!我从未听过这么好的声音”。请再看以下类似的实例: He is fine, never better. 他很好,比以往任何时候都好。 I've never seen a finer bird. 我从未见过比这更美的鸟(即这是我见过的最美的鸟)。 I've never found a better job. 这是我找到的最好的工作。 比较以下试题,情形也大致相同: ①Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has ________ IQ.

  A. a high

  B. a higher

  C. the higher

  D. the highest

  B 句意为“……我怀疑班上有没有哪个人比他智商更高”,即“我认为他可能是班上智商最高的”。 ②“Are you satisfied with his answer?” “Not at all. It couldn't have been ________.”

  A. better

  B. worse

  C. more

  D. less

  B 关键是要理解 Not at all 的意思。根据上文语境,Not at all.为 I am not satisfied at all with his answer. 之省略,即表示“我对他的回答一点也不满意”,既然如此,回答语当然会是couldn't have been worse(不可能更糟)。 2. ________ is his favorite subject, but he doesn't know ________ for “gongzuo”. A. English; English B. The English; the English

  C. English; the English D. The English; English



  又如:What's the Chinese for “work”(work 用汉语怎么说)?另外,在 the English language, the French language 这类带有 language 的表达中也通常要用冠词。顺便说一句,语言名词前习惯上不用物主代词,所以“谁教你们的英语”不能译为 Who teaches your English? 而应译为 Who teaches you English?(此句 teach 后接的 you 和 English 为双宾语) 但是,当表示语言的名词表示某人使用语言的能力和水平时,则可用物主代词,如可说 My English is very poor. 14、charge n. 价钱;控制;责任;照看,指控 v. 要价,收费;控诉;(公开)指责;命令;使充电;向前冲  in / have charge of 掌管  charge sb.money (for sth./ to do sth.) (因为某物/做某事)向某人索价/收费  be charged with… 被指控犯有……罪  charge sb. with 指控某人;赋予某人职责(或任务) 14、charge n. 价钱;控制;责任;照看,指控 v. 要价,收费;控诉;(公开)指责;命令;使充电;向前冲

  take charge (of) 开始掌控/负责某事

  in / under the charge of 在……的掌管下/由……照看

  free of charge 免费

  What's the charge for…? ……的费用是多少? ◆Who's in charge around here? 这儿谁负责? ◆The grocer charged me too much for the apples I bought.

  这个食杂店老板卖给我的苹果索价太高了。 ◆She was charged with stealing a car. 她被指控偷了一辆小汽车。 ◆Does your car battery charge easily? 你那辆汽车的蓄电池容易充电吗? charge尤指为提供某种服务而收取的费用,指卖方开出的价钱。 cost一般指已花费或将要花费的总数,尤指“成本”,包括钱、时间和劳力。 expense主要是“花费”、“开支”之意,如:current expenses “日常开支”,selling expenses “销售费用”,travelling expenses “旅行费”等。 price意为“价格,价钱;代价”,作为“费用”解时指买某件东西所需要的费用或在酒店中的房租。 fare用于乘飞机、火车、公共汽车等旅行的费用。 fees(复数)专业服务、课程等的费用。 rent通常指房租;租/雇用汽车的花费是rental。 ①D in charge of

  掌管; in/under the charge of 在……的掌管下。 ①— Who is in ______charge of the factory? — It is in ______ charge of my brother.

  A. the; /

  B. the; the

  C. /; /

  D. /; the ②will take charge of the department tomorrow ②Ken __________________________________.

  Ken明天开始负责这个部门。 ③expenses 句意:每月1000千美元并不是一笔大财富,但也足够帮助支付我的生活开支了。 根据句意填词 ③One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living ______.

  ④with 句意:昨晚他们逮捕的那人被控犯有谋杀罪。 ④The man they arrested last night has been charged ______ murder.

  ⑤charged 句意:饭店收了我们40美元的酒水钱。 ⑤The restaurant ______ us $40 for the wine. ⑥charge 句意:在10英里范围以内,您的订货将免费送货上门。

  ⑥Your order will be delivered free of _____ within a ten­mile limit.

  1、 for free 免费地,相当于free of charge, without


  ◆He got the tickets for free. 他免费弄到了这些票。 free adj. 自由的; 空闲的; 不收费的 adv. 免费地 freely adv. 免费地;自由地,无拘无束地;自愿地 ◆He freely admitted his failure.

  他心甘情愿地承认了自己的失败。 请猜测下列句中free的具体含义 A. 自由的 B. 空闲的 C. 不收费的 ①Will you be free at the weekend? I want to invite you to a party. ( 

  ) ②Sign the form, and you will get a free gift. ( 

  ) ③He was no longer a slave, but a free man. (    )   ①B ②C ③A 2、for example

  例如, 举例来说 ◆For example, John has the same opinion.

  例如,约翰也持相同的观点。 ◆Some students, for example, Tom, live in the neighborhood.

  有些学生,例如汤姆,也住在附近地区。 这两个短语都有“例如”之意,通常用来举例。 for example作为独立语插入句中,它的位置很灵活,可用在所举的例子(一般是一个)的前面或后面。 such as用来列举事物(一类),放在被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,as之后不可有逗号。 ◆A lot of us want to leave now — for example, Bill.

  我们中有许多人想离开,例如比尔。 ◆He knows several foreign languages, such as English,French and German.


  Noise, ______, is a kind of pollution. A. such as

  B. take for example C. like

  D. for example D 3、 know of

  听说过或读到某人/某事/知道某人,某事的存在 ◆I knew of it long ago. 我很久以前就听说过此事。 ◆I know of him, but I can't really say that I know him. 我听说过他,可是我不能说我认识他。 know 表示直接地“认识”“知道”具体的人或事。 know of 表示间接地“了解”“听说”“知道有关……的情况”。 know about 与know of意义相同,但about有时表示了解的情况更多,更详细。

  be known as作为……而出名  be known for因……而出名 ◆He is known as a writer.

  作为一名作家,他非常有名。 ◆Weifang is known for the kite.

  潍坊因为风筝而出名。 — Do you ________ Mr. Smith?

  — No, I just ________ him.

  A. know; know

  B. know of; know about

  C. know; know of

  D. know about; know  C know of 听说过;know sb.熟悉某事,了解某人。 4、pay attention to

  注意(to为介词) ◆You should pay more attention to your pronunciation.

  你应该多注意你的发音。 ◆He talked loudly, but no one paid him any attention.

  他大声喧哗,但是没有人注意他。 ①B 题意表示“孩子们的注意力突然被吸引到那个过路人身上”,可用draw attention to sb.结构。句子中who引导的定语从句含有had和wore两个并列的谓语动词,都需用过去时,因此答案选B。 ①The children's attention was suddenly ______ the passer­by who had a funny hat on and ______ strange clothes.

  A. drawing to; wearing

  B. drawn to; wore

  C. drawn; wearing

  D. drawing; wore  ②D pay attention to中的to是介词,后面通常接名词或动名词;get sth. ready 把……准备好。 ②Pay attention to ______ everything ready before dark.

  A. get

  B. make

  C. making

  D. getting   He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades. 他还告诉我们最好的赢得尊敬的办法是全身心地投入学习之中并获得高分。 (1)way表示“方法、途径”时常用不定式或of后加动名词作定语,有时用that或in which引导定语从句,且in which可以省略。 ◆Farmers thought of ways to protect their chickens.

  农民们想办法来保护小鸡。 ◆Mr. Wang has a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.

  王先生有一种奇特的方法使他的课堂生动、有趣。  (2)to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades为并列不定式作表语。 ◆To see is to believe.(或Seeing is believing.)

  眼见为实。 ◆My hope is to become an excellent teacher.

  我的理想是成为一名优秀教师。   ①B 句意:你想出的完成这项计划的方法是可行的。 ①The way ________ you thought ________ the task is possible.

  A. that; finishing

  B. which; of finishing

  C. how; to finish

  D. how; of finishing   ②in which ②I don't think the way ______

  ______ you speak to your parents is right.  1. D earn one's living 自谋生计。 1.You are old enough to ______ your own living.(2011·辽宁)

  A. win

  B. gain

  C. take

  D. earn 2. D above average 在平均水平以上。根据前后句意可知。 2.He was a good student and scored ______ average in most subjects.(2011·天津)

  A. below

  B. of

  C. on

  D. above 3. D 句意:临床证据不断增加,表明那些新的药物有着比由动物实验中预测到的更广泛的用途。 3.Clinical evidence began to ______, suggesting that the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animals. (2011·湖北)

  A. operate

  B. strengthen

  C. approve

  D. accumulate 7、spend

  vt. & vi. (spends, spent, spent) 花费 sb. spend time / money on sth. / (in) doing sth.某人在(做)某事上花时间/钱

  ◆He spent more than one year (in) writing a short play.

  他花了一年多时间写了一个短剧。 ◆He has spent one hundred yuan on the useless magazines.

  他在这些无用的杂志上花了100元。 cost指花费时间、金钱,付出……代价,主语为物,或it为形式主语。 结构:It / Sth. costs (sb.) money / time (to do sth.)

  take指花费时间,主语多为物,或用it作形式主语。 常见结构:It takes sb. some time to do sth. 另外,take和cost有时可通用。 pay指某人花多少钱购买某物。 常见结构:sb. pays money for sth. 出钱请某人做某事,其结构为pay sb. to do sth.。 spend指花费时间或钱,须以人作主语,不接to do。 ①It __________________ the trousers.

  买这条裤子花了我20美元。 ①cost me 20 dollars to buy ②It ____________________ the washing machine.

  修理那台洗衣机花了3个小时。 ②took three hours to fix ③I ______________________ the new bicycle. 我花了300元买了那辆新自行车。 ③paid 300 yuan for 8、prepare

  vt. & vi. 准备,把……准备好;

  使……做好准备 prepare for 为……做准备,for的宾语不是这一动作的直接承受者,而是表示准备的目的,即所要应付的情况。 prepare to do sth. 准备做某事 be prepared to do sth. (for sth.) 已做好准备做某事 prepare sb. for sth. (= prepare sb. to do sth.) 让某人为某事做准备 ◆Mother was preparing supper when someone knocked at the door.(宾语必须是这一动作的直接承受者)

  妈妈正在准备晚饭,这时突然有人敲门。 ◆Will you please help me prepare for/get everything ready for the party?

  你能不能帮我为聚会做准备? ◆They are busy preparing to go on vacation.

  他们正忙着准备去度假。 ◆We must be prepared for failure again.


  preparation n. 准备,预备  make preparations for 为……做准备  in preparation 在准备中  in preparation for 做……的准备,为……做准备  prepared adj. 有准备的,准备好的  be well prepared for=be well prepared to do  为……做好充分的准备,强调准备好这一状态  be ready for = be (well) prepared for 为……做好准备  be ready to do = be (well) prepared to do 准备好做某事  get (sb. / sth.) ready for (使某人)做好……准备;

  为……准备好(某事物) ①C 由语境可知男生们已经做好准备迎接考试,所以应用be prepared for sth.;而女生仍旧在忙着准备应付考试,所以应用be preparing for sth.。 ①The boys look very relaxed. It seems that they are already ______ the test while the girls are still busy ______ it.

  A. preparing for; prepared for

  B. preparing; prepared

  C. prepared for; preparing for

  D. prepared; preparing  ②B 本题考查时态。问句问噪音是哪来的, 回答时很自然就会回答发生某事。只有正在准备(are preparing)才会发出噪音,一般现在时不能表示正在进行。 ②— What's that terrible noise?

  — The neighbors ________ for a party.

  A. have prepared

  B. are preparing

  C. prepare

  D. will prepare   ③The students   the sports meeting. 学生们为运动会做好了充分的准备。  ③are well prepared for ④The teacher ________________ the coming exams.

  老师让学生们为即将到来的考试做好准备。   ④prepared the students for 9、devote

  vt. 献身于,致力于,专心于;

  把……献(给),献(身) devote oneself to 致力于;献身于 ◆He wanted to devote himself to abstract research.

  他希望献身于抽象的理论研究。 ◆After he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening.

  他退休后将把精力花在园艺上。 ◆She is devoted to her husband.


   devoted adj. 深爱的,忠诚的  a devoted mother 慈母  devotion n.关爱,关照;奉献,忠诚

  常见带介词to的类似结构词组有:  be/get/become used to 习惯于

   be related to和……有联系  be addicted to沉溺于……;对……上瘾  be adapted to适应

   be connected to和……连在一起

   be exposed to 暴露于/遭受/接触…… ①Her ________ her career left her with little time to take care of her family.

  她全身心投入工作,几乎没有时间来照顾家人。   ①devotion to

  the children in the countryside, he gave up many chances to go back to city.

  奉献在教育农村孩子的身上, 他放弃了许多回城的机会。  ②Devoted to teaching 10、 struggle

  vi. 斗争,搏斗; 努力,奋斗; 尽力;挣扎 ◆He failed to struggle against temptation.

  他没能经住诱惑。 ◆This is the cause for which we have been struggling.

  这就是我们一直为之奋斗的事业。  struggle to one's feet挣扎着站起来

   struggle one's way 奋力向……前进;向……挤过去 ◆He struggled his way to make a hit in his novel.

  为了使令他的小说一炮走红,他奋力写作。 Dina, ________ for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency.

  A. struggling

  B. struggled C. having struggled

  D. to struggle   C 分词短语作时间状语,其逻辑主语Dina与struggle为主动关系,故排除B项。由句中的finally可知非谓语动词表示的动作发生在句中谓语took a position之前,故用现在分词的完成主动式。


  n. 鼓舞,鼓励

  ◆Mother's encouragement drove him on to write better poems.


  encourage/urge sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事 ◆Mom often encourages me to work hard.

  妈妈常常鼓励我努力学习。 ①谢谢你的鼓励。 ___________________________________  ①Thank you for your encouragement.

  ②C 过去分词作状语,表原因。 ②________ by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.

  A. Being encouraged

  B. Encouraging

  C. Encouraged

  D. Having encouraged 12、satisfaction

  n. 满意,满足

  ◆I have always one foremost satisfaction in reading your books.

  读你的作品总是给我一种最高的满足。  satisfy vt. 令人满意  satisfied adj. 满意的  satisfying adj. 令人满意的  satisfactory adj. 令人满意的  to one‘s satisfaction=to the satisfaction of sb. 使某人

  满意的是……  be satisfied with 对……满意  satisfy one's demand 满足某人的需要 ◆They have 31 flavours of ice­cream — enough to satisfy everyone!

  他们有31种味道的冰激凌,足以满足每个人的口味。 ◆It is impossible to satisfy all demands.

  要满足一切要求是不可能的。 ①D be content with对……满足,相当于be satisfied with… ①We sat there, ________ with what we listened to.

  A. satisfying

  B. to satisfy

  C. pleasing

  D. content ②satisfy ②This has been done well enough to ______ the market.

  这方面已经做得足够满足市场(需求)了。 ③satisfies ③Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does ________ his boss.

  尼克在找另一份工作,因为他觉得他做的事都不能令他老板满意。 ④satisfactory ④The result is far from ___________.

  结果远不令人满意。 13、 approve vt. 同意;许可;对……表示认可 vi. 赞成,赞同 n. 满意,满足

  ◆Father approved our plan to visit New York. 父亲同意了我们参观纽约的计划。  approve of sb./sth. 同意某人或某事

   disapprove vt. 不同意,不赞成  disapproval n. 不同意,不赞成

  Unit1 School life


  n. 经历, 经验 by/from experience通过经验

  have much/a lot of/a little/no experience有许多/有一点儿/没有经验 have experience in…有……方面的经验 have experience of (doing) sth. 有(做)某事的经验

  ◆Experience comes from practice.

  经验来源于实践。 ◆Have you had any experience in work of this sort?

  你对这工作有经验吗? ◆Only women with experience of office work can apply for the position.

  只有具有办公室工作经验的女士才能申请这个岗位。 ◆Please tell us your experiences of living abroad for so many years.

  请向我们介绍一下你在国外生活多年的经历。 experienced adj. 有经验的, 熟练的 inexperienced adj. 无经验的

  ◆He is an experienced driver.

  他是位熟练的驾驶员。 ◆He is experienced in looking after children.

  他有照料孩子的经验。 ①He is an English teacher with 20 ________.

  A. year's experience

  B. year's experiences

  C. years' experiences

  D. years' experience

  ①D experience当“经验”解时为不可数名词;而当“经历”讲时为可数名词。 ②B what引导的感叹句的句型为:what a(an)+adj.+n.(可数名词)。 ②What ________ our journey was!

  A. exciting experience

  B. an exciting experience

  C. excited experience

  D. an excited experience ③a terrible experience ③The car accident was ______________

  (一次可怕的经历) to him. 2、earn vt. 赚,挣得;获得 ◆The young man earns 10,000 dollars a year.

  那个年轻人一年赚10,000美元。 ◆His honesty earned him great respect.

  他因诚实而获得人们的尊敬。 ◆His bad manners earned him a blame.

  他因为没有礼貌而受到责备。 ①B win后面跟比赛的项目或战争;beat后面往往跟人或参赛队;earn后跟报酬等;gain指获得有用的或期望得到的东西,不用于与金钱有关的东西上。句意为:他没有打败我们,但他得到了很多东西。 ①He didn't ________ us but ________ a lot.

  A. win; beat

  B. beat; gained

  C. win; gained

  D. earn; won ②D make/earn one's living都表示“谋生”。 ②When he was still a boy of eight,he began to ________ his living by himself.

  A. earn

  B. gain

  C. make

  D. A and C ③A 句意:尽管他是商人,他的主要目标不仅仅是为了获得利润。 ③Businessman as he is, his main goal is not only to ________ a profit(利润).

  A. earn

  B. challenge

  C. introduce

  D. develop

  3、respect n. 尊敬,尊重;(pl.)敬意 ◆We should show respect for those who are older.

  我们应尊敬长者。 ◆The students have great respect for their history teacher.

  学生们非常尊敬他们的历史老师。 ◆Give my respects to your wife.

  请代我向你太太问好。 vt. 问候;考虑,重视 ◆I respect his courage.

  我敬佩他的勇气。 ◆I'll respect your wishes.

  我会尊重你的意愿。 3、respect respectable adj. 可敬的;值得尊敬的

  respectful adj. 恭敬的;尊敬人的;尊重人的

  be respectful to sb. 尊敬某人

  have/show respect for sb. 尊重某人 give/send one's respects to sb. 向某人问候 ①A 本题考查respect作及物动词的用法。 ①Children should ________ their teachers.

  A. respect

  B. respectful

  C. respectable

  D. respect for

  ②B self­respecting为形容词,“自尊的,自重的”;self­respect为名词,“自尊,自重”,根据题干知缺少主语。 ②________ means respecting oneself.

  A. Self­respected

  B. Self­respect

  C. Self­respecting

  D. Self­respects

  ③D show respect for sb. 尊重某人。 ③The leader was very angry because no respect was shown ________ him when he entered the room.

  A. at

  B. of

  C. with

  D. for


  vt. 取得(成功等),实现(目标等) ◆He went back to London without having achieved any success.

  他没有取得成功就回了伦敦。 ◆He hoped to achieve his goal by peaceful means.

  他希望用和平方式实现自己的目标。 ◆I've achieved only half of what I hoped to do.

  我只实现了自己一半的目标。 achievement n. [C]成就;[U]达到,实现,成功

  achievable adj. 可完成的,可达到的 ①Mr. Green finally ________ success.

  A. completed

  B. achieved

  C. got

  D. won ①B ②D 本题考查词义辨析。achieve the goals 实现目标; acquire 取得,获得; conclude 结束,下结论,决定。 ②Lucy has ________ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.

  A. acquired

  B. finished

  C. concluded

  D. achieved

  5、average adj. 平均的 n. 平均,平均数;一般水平 ◆The average age of the students is 19.

  这些学生的平均年龄是19岁。 ◆The average temperature in Oxford last month was 18℃.

  牛津上月的平均气温是18℃。 ◆The average of 4, 5 and 9 is 6.

  4、5、9的平均数是6。 ◆Tom's work at school is above average.

  汤姆在校的功课为一般水平以上。 ◆An average of 4 persons were killed in the traffic accidents each day last year.


  ◆On average she received 5 letters a day.

  她平均一天收到5封信。 above/below average平均水平以上/下 an average of平均有……

  on (the/an) average平均起来

  ①C on (the/an) average平均来说。 ①________, there are 200 visitors to the exhibition every day.

  A. In average

  B. At average

  C. On average

  D. For average ②D 根据句意可知为“平均花销”。 ②The ________ cost of each student in our school is 100 yuan per month.

  A. common

  B. ordinary

  C. regular

  D. average ③These marks are well  .

  这些分数远在平均分之上。 ③above average 6、challenging

  adj. 具有挑战性的,激励的 ◆It is a challenging job for me.

  它对于我来说是一项激励人的工作。 ◆He is a person who likes the challenging task.

  他是一个喜欢有挑战的任务的人。 ◆She challenged the newspaper to prove its story.

  她要求这家报纸证实报道的真实性。 ◆The boss challenged us to finish the work as soon as possible.

  老板要求我们尽快完成工作。 challenge vt. 挑战,激励

  challenge sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事

  ①D challenging意为“富有挑战性的”。challenge作动词为及物动词。 ①Facing the ________ skiing, he ________ me.

  A. challenging; challenge

  B. challenged; challenged to

  C. challenged; challenged

  D. challenging; challenged ②C 本题考查形容词意义的区别。题意:我不在乎公司所提供的高薪。我需要的是一份有挑战性的工作。 ②I don't care about the good salary offered by the company. What I need is a(n)________ position.

  A. creating

  B. awarding

  C. challenging

  D. competing


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