2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修8 Unit2《Cloning》(新人教版福建专用)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修8 Unit2《Cloning》(新人教版福建专用)

发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  3.毫无疑问尤其在现代社会,财富会带来幸福。(There is no doubt that…) 4.如果你用心感受,幸福就在你的身边。(put one's heart into) 5.幸福并不意味着拥有最好的东西。(mean) 答案 3. There is no doubt that wealth brings happiness especially in the modern society. 4. Happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. 5. Happiness doesn't mean to have the best of things.

  不同的人对幸福有不同的看法,有的人认为幸福就是被家人或朋友围绕,有的人认为幸福就是获得成功;而对于已经受伤或身体有残疾的人来说,幸福仅仅就是一天没有痛苦或能够幸存下来。你对幸福的看法是什么呢,请以What is happiness to you? 为题写一篇120词左右的短文。 注意: 1.简单描述上述几种看法。 2.谈谈你的观点和感受。 One possible version:

  What is happiness to you?Different people have different answers. To some people, happiness is being surrounded by family and friends.To others, happiness means achieving success in something, such as meeting a goal. To those who have been injured or struggle with a physics disability, happiness can simply mean a day without pain or just being alive.

  As for me, happiness means many things. Firstly, as a student, getting good results in exams is happiness. And then going to an ideal university is of course another kind of happiness. But most of all, good health of myself and my family is the most important part of happiness. Everyone has different ideas about what makes them happy. I hope everyone can get their happiness.

  2017届高考英语一轮复习课件 新人教版福建专用 Unit 2


  根据语境猜词义 (1) The scientist undertakes the experiment.

  (2) I want you to undertake a dangerous job.

  (3) I want you to undertake all the responsibility.

  ① undertake (undertook, undertaken) vt.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 着手  B. 从事  C. 承担 A B C 短语 undertake to do sth.

  答应 / 同意做某事 undertake for…

  为……负责 ① undertake (undertook, undertaken) vt.

  链接 undertaking

  n. 任务;事业,企业

  单项填空 (1)The new laboratories will be constructed this year,and local firms have been asked to ______ the work.

  A. assign 

  B. manufacture

  C. provide 

  D. undertake D ① undertake (undertook, undertaken) vt.

  单项填空 ① undertake (undertook, undertaken) vt.

  (2)If the equipment is not up to the agreed specifications and quality, we will ______ to replace it.

  A. force

  B. undertake

  C. overcome

  D. apply B 解析

  句意:如果设备达不到议定的规格质量,我们将负责调换。force作“迫使、强迫”,常跟宾语;apply表示“申请”,后常跟for; overcome表示“克服”;而undertake则表示“负责,着手”,后可跟不定式。

  根据语境猜词义 (1) She studied hard before the examination, and it paid off.

  (2) I've just paid off my loan from this bank.

  ② pay off

  根据语义找匹配 A. 偿清 B. 得到好结果 A B ② pay off

  短语 pay for

  为……而受苦/受惩罚 pay a call/visit on sb./pay sb. a call/visit

  拜访某人 pay sb. to do sth.

  花钱让某人做某事 pay sb. sth.

  付给某人…… pay sb. for sth.

  给某人付款;付钱给某人 pay back


  用恰当的介词或副词填空 (1) How much did you pay __________ your house? (2) His years of hard work paid __________.

  (3) I'll pay him _______ for the trick he played on me.

  答案 (1)for 


   (3)back ② pay off

  ③ owe vt.

  根据语境猜词义 (1) He paid me the ten dollars he owed me.

  (2) He owes his good health to plenty of exercise and a regular life.

  (3) He gave me a lot of help. I owed much to him.

  (4) You owe yourself a holiday.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 欠……债  B. 感激  C. 把……归功于  D. 应给予 答案

  (1)A  (2)C  (3)B  (4)D ③ owe vt.

  短语 owe sb. sth. / owe sth. to sb.

  欠某人某物 owe…to…

  把……归功于 owing to

  因为;由于 ③ owe vt.

  单项填空 — How much do I ______ you for lunch?

  — Forget it. It's nothing.

  A. owe

  B. charge

  C. cover

  D. cost

  A ③ owe vt.

  ④ bother vt. ,vi. &n.

  根据语境猜词义 (1) Don't bother him while he is working.

  (2) Do not bother to come and see me off.

  (3) We had a lot of bother finding our way to his house.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 打扰 vt.

  B. 烦扰 n. 

  C. 操心 vi. A C B 辨析

  bother / disturb / trouble / annoy




  annoy强调因被迫忍受令人不快、讨厌的事而失去平静或耐心,多指一时的打扰或恼怒 ④ bother vt. ,vi. &n. 用bother / disturb / trouble / annoy 的正确形式填空 (1) Don't ________ me when I'm sleeping.

  (2) Don't



  about me; I am

  doing quite well.

  (3) A fly kept __________ me.

  (4) I'm sorry to _________ you, but I wondered if we could have a word some time.

  trouble disturb bother annoying

  ④ bother vt. ,vi. &n. ⑤ strike


  根据语境猜词义 (1)A stone struck me on the head.

  (2)He struck the table angrily.

  (3)The enemy struck at night.

  (4)I struck a match and held to his cigarette.

  ⑤ strike


  根据语境猜词义 (5)A happy thought struck me.

  (6)It strikes me Kan is a nice lad.

  (7)They are striking for higher pay.

  (8)The hurricane struck the area last night.

  (9)The clock struck noon. ⑤ strike


  根据语义找匹配 A.打;敲;击;砍 

  B.打中;击中  C.发起进攻;袭击 

  D.擦火柴;触礁  E. (某种想法)忽然出现;忽然想起 F.给(人)某种印象(感觉) 

  G.罢工  H.袭击 

  I.敲(钟);(钟)敲响 答案

  (1)B (2)A (3)C (4)D (5)E 


  (7)G (8)H (9)I ⑤ strike

  v. 短语 strike…into one's heart

  使……刻骨铭心 strike a bargain

  做成一个交易;达成协议 strike a balance

  做到适中的程度;取得折中 strike a blow

  打……一拳; 击中 strike against

  碰(撞)在上面 strike back

  反击;回击 ⑤ strike


  单项填空 Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to ______ them too hard.

  A. draw

  B. strike

  C. reuse

  D. push 解析

  句意:鼓励你的孩子尝试新生事物,但尽量不要逼迫太紧。push 可以为“强迫;敦促;催促;逼迫”等。 D

  ⑥ The fact that she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging. (P11)


  fact之后that she seemed to develop normally是一个同位语从句。同位语从句常出现在少数抽象名词(如fact,news,possibility,information,idea,feeling)之后,说明该名词的具体内容。 单项填空 (1)News came from the school office ______ Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University.

  A. which

  B. what 

  C. that

  D. where (2)The fact has worried many scientists ______ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years.

  A. what 

  B. which

  C. that

  D. though

  C C

  ⑦Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill. (P11)


  这是一个then位于句首引起的全部倒装句,主语是the disturbing news,谓语动词是came。表示时间的副词now,then等放在句首,或者句子的谓语动词是某些不及物动词(如go,come,run,rush,fly),且主语是名词(注:不能是代词)时,句子要使用全部倒装。 单项填空 For a moment nothing happened.

  Then____all shouting together.

  A. voices had come

  B. came voices

  C. voices would come

  D. did voices come B 1.获得幸福 

  ________________ 2.使生活舒适多彩

  _________________________________ 3.将羡慕变为现实

  _____________________ 4.意志薄弱的人

  _________________ 5.与幸福并驾齐驱

  __________________________ 6.自我毁灭

  _____________ achieve happiness  make life more comfortable and colorful turn admiration into reality a weak­willed person go hand in hand with happiness one's own ruin 7.用心感受

  __________________ 8.珍惜每一秒

  __________________ 9.有花园的大房子

  _____________________________ 10.过去的每一天

  _______________ 11.致力于寻找幸福

  _______________________ 12.社会福利

  ____________________ a feeling of one's heart treasure every moment a beautiful house with large gardens each passing day devote to seeking happiness the welfare of the society 1.幸福一直是许多人所期盼的。(long for) 2.他们中大部分的人努力通过踏实的劳动来获取财富是事实。(It is true that…) 答案 1. Happiness has always been what some people long for. 2. It is true that most of them try to acquire wealth by means of honest labor.


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