2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修1 Unit 3《Travel journal》(新人教版福建专用)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修1 Unit 3《Travel journal》(新人教版福建专用)

发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  8. — Would you like coffee or tea?

  — ______will do. Either 8

  如何区别each, every, both, all,either, neither, none的用法? 7. __________ employee isn't well paid and only those having much experience are. Every/Each 8

  1.every和each均可充当形容词,接单数可数名词,意为“每个”,但前者强调个体,可以充当代词,而且可用于两个的“每个”;后者强调整体,用于两个以上的“每个”,不可以充当代词。Each/Every…not和Not every/each…均表部分否定,意为“并非每个都”。 8

  2. 既可以充当代词又可以充当形容词,意为“两个中的任意一个”,用法为either+单数名词或either+of the+复数名词。 8

  3. both意为“两个都”,接并列主语,用于both A and B结构,或接可数名词复数或用于Both of the +可数名词复数。Both…not…=Not both…为部分否定,意为“并非两个都”。其完全否定为Neither of the…意为“ 两个都不”。 8

  4. all意为“三个(含)以上都”,接并列主语,接可数名词复数或用于all of the +可数名词复数结构。接可数名词单数或不可数名词时,意为“整个/所有的都”。如:All the books/All of the books published in this press are uncopyrightable.这个出版社出版的所有书籍均无合法版权。 8 All the city is surrounded by water. 整个城市四面环水。 All the rubbish should be thrown away where further pollution won't be caused.所有垃圾应该投放到不会产生二次污染的地方。

  All…not…=Not all…为部分否定,意为“并非全都”。其完全否定为None of the…意为“所有的……都不”。 选用上述不定代词填空,体会其含义 1. Some people think playing computer games benefits children a lot while __________hold the opposite view. 2. — Can I help you?

  — This radio doesn't work. Please show me ________. others  9

  如何区别 other,the other, another, the others与others的用法?

  another  3. I am just familiar with one of the two visitors to our school.__________ is strange to me.  4. Helping ________ people in danger is a good virtue. 5. — Have you finished delivering the 108 letters of invitation?

  — Not yet. I have just delivered 60 of them and I am to deliver__________ this afternoon. other

  The other  the others  9

  如何区别 other,the other, another, the others与others的用法?


  1. Some…; others…意为“一些……另一些……”,为固定句型,其中的“另一些(others)”为不确定对象。

  2. another即可以单独作代词使用,也可接可数名词单数,表示“多者中的另一个”,也是不确定对象;

  3. the other单独使用,也可接单数可数名词,只能指两者中的另一个,为确定对象;


  4. other 只能作形容词,不可单独使用,后须接可数名词复数,相当于others;

  5. the others单独使用或接可数名词复数,表一定范围中排除若干对象后剩下的其他人或物,为确定对象。 1 it有哪些用法? 翻译下列句子 1. The









  a cold­blooded one. 2. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see who it is. 3. What's this? It's a book. 4. — Who is knocking at the door?

  — It's me. 1 it有哪些用法? 答案 1.青蛙不是温血动物,它是冷血动物。 2.有人在按门铃。去看看是谁。 3.这是什么?这是一本书。


  ——是我。 翻译下列句子 1 it有哪些用法? 翻译下列句子 5. What a long way it is from Beijing to London! 6. It is late autumn now. 7. It is rather cold today, isn't it? 8. —What's the cost of the dictionary?

  — It is sixty­three yuan. 9. It's best to plant trees in spring because it's warmer. 1 it有哪些用法? 翻译下列句子 答案 5.从北京到伦敦真远。 6.现在是深秋。 7.今天很冷,是不是? 8.——那本词典多少钱?

  ——63元。 9.春天是植树的最佳时节,因为天气更暖和。 1 it有哪些用法? 翻译下列句子 10. It is dangerous walking on thin ice. 11. It is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. 12. I don't think it possible to master a foreign language without much memory work. 13. Do you consider it necessary sending more people over? 1 it有哪些用法? 翻译下列句子 答案 10.在薄冰上行走是危险的。 11.事实上,英语是公认的国际语言。 12.我认为不进行大量的记忆学好英语是不可能的。 13.你觉得再派一些人去有必要吗? 1 it有哪些用法? 翻译下列句子 14. They found it strange that no one would take the money. 15. It was I who met him in the park last week.

  16. When was it that you got to know her? 17. It is white that they painted the house. 18. It is a chief engineer that he becomes now. 1 it有哪些用法? 翻译下列句子 答案 14.他们感到奇怪,谁也不要这笔钱。 15.是我上星期在公园遇到他的。 16.你是在什么时候认识她的? 17.他们把房子漆成的是白色。 18.他现在担任的是总工程师。

  在英语中,it的使用相当广泛,它既可用作代词,如人称代词、指示代词及非人称代词, 也可用作引导词和强调结构中的强调词,其具体用法如下: 1

  1 一、it作代词 1.用作人称代词(personal it)

  代替前文提到过的事物或不明身份的人,it作真实主语或宾语。 2.用作指示代词(demonstrative it)


  1 3.用作非人称代词(impersonal it)

  代词it可用来指除人以外的一切生物和事物,无阴阳性别之分。可指时间、距离、度量、价值、自然现象(天气、气体、阴暗等)。 一、it作代词

  1 二、it作引导词 1.作形式主语(formal subject)

  当主语是动词不定式短语、动词的­ing形式短语和主语从句时,为了避免头重脚轻,往往把主语放在谓语动词之后,习惯上用it作形式主语来指代后面的真实主语。这个it称为引导词(anticipatory it),作形式主语,放在谓语动词后的主语是真正的主语。

  1 二、it作引导词 2.作形式宾语(formal object)


  1 三、it用在强调结构中

  当我们要强调句子的某一部分(通常总是主语,宾语或状语)时,常用强调结构。其形式为“it is (was)+被强调的部分+who (that)+句子的其他成分”。在这种结构中,it无实际意义,它只帮助改变一个句子的结构,使某一成分受到强调。

  1 使用“It is/was…that…”强调句型要注意的几点:


  2.强调句的时态 一般说来,原句的谓语动词如果是现在或将来各种时态,则用句型“It is…that (who, whom)…”;如果原句谓语动词是过去各种时态,则用句型“It was…that (who, whom)…”。

  1 使用“It is/was…that…”强调句型要注意的几点:

  3.在强调时间、地点、原因或方式状语时,不能用when, where, why或how,只能用that。如:

  It was because her mother was ill that she didn't go with us.


  1 使用“It is/was…that…”强调句型要注意的几点:

  注意:可用“It is/was because…that…”结构强调because引导的原因状语从句,如上例所示,但不能用该结构强调由since或as引导的原因状语从句,如不能说:It is since everybody is here that let's begin our discussion.也不能说: It was as it was raining hard that they had to stay at home.

  1 使用“It is/was…that…”强调句型要注意的几点:


  在强调“not…until…”结构中由until短语(或从句)表示的时间状语时,要用固定的强调句型“It is/was not until…that …”。其中that从句中的谓语动词用肯定式。如:My father did not come until 12 o'clock last night. →It was not until 12 o'clock last night that my father came home. 昨晚直到12点我父亲才回家。

  1 使用“It is/was…that…”强调句型要注意的几点:

  5.在强调一般疑问句中的某一成分时,主句要用一般疑问句的语序。 如:Did this happen in Guangzhou? →Was it in Guangzhou that this happened? 此事是在广州发生的吗?

  1 使用“It is/was…that…”强调句型要注意的几点:

  6.特殊疑问句中只有疑问词可以强调,其强调结构是:“疑问词+is/was it+that…?”


  1 使用“It is/was…that…”强调句型要注意的几点:

  8.强调句的谓语动词除了可采用现在时和过去时的单数形式外,有时根据需要还可采用复杂的形式。 如:It must have been Mary that you saw just now. 你刚才看到的一定是玛丽。 * Ⅱ 单数 复数 Ⅲ 单数 his her

  复数 itself they 2 人称代词有哪些形式? Ⅱ 单数 you you your yours yourself 复数 you you your yours yourselves Ⅲ 单数 he him his his himself she her

  her hers herself 复数 it it its its itself they them their theirs themselves 2 人称代词有哪些形式? 2

  人称代词有主格,宾格,所有格及反身代词。 3

  指示代词,相互代词及疑问代词分别包含哪些词? 把下列代词归入正确的类别 this, that, each other, who, what 答案 1.指示代词:this; that

  2.相互代词:each other

  3.疑问代词: who; what 3 1.指示代词:this, that, these, those 2.相互代词:each other, one another 3.疑问代词: who, which, whom, whose, what注意:关系代词和连接代词在后面有专门讲解,故暂不考虑其类型。 4 常见不定代词及其含义怎样? 完成表格,注意不定代词的基本含义和数量意义 不定代词 基本含义 具体数量意义 或是否可数 all



  不定代词 基本含义 具体数量意义 或是否可数 all 全部(的) 三个或以上或 不可数 both 两个都 两个 each 每个 两个或以上 4 常见不定代词及其含义怎样? 不定代词 基本含义 具体数量意义 或是否可数 every either neither one none 4 常见不定代词及其含义怎样? 不定代词 基本含义 具体数量意义 或是否可数 every 每个 三个或以上 either 两个中任意一个 两个 neither 两个都不 两个 one 一个 其中一个 none 三个或以上中 没有一个 三个或以上 4 常见不定代词及其含义怎样? 不定代词 基本含义 具体数量意义 或是否可数 little few many much other 4 常见不定代词及其含义怎样? 不定代词 基本含义 具体数量意义 或是否可数 little 几乎没有一点儿 不可数 few 几乎没有几个 可数 many 许多 可数 much 许多 不可数 other 别的 可数 4 常见不定代词及其含义怎样? 不定代词 基本含义 具体数量意义 或是否可数 another the other others the others some 4 常见不定代词及其含义怎样? 不定代词 基本含义 具体数量意义 或是否可数 another 另一个 多者中的另一个 the other 另一个 两者中的另一个 others 其他的 多者中的其余 the others 其他的 特定范围下的其余 some 一些/某一个 可数或不可数 4 常见不定代词及其含义怎样? 不定 代词 基本含义 具体数量意义 或是否可数 any

  no 4 常见不定代词及其含义怎样? 不定代词 基本含义 具体数量意义或是 否可数 any 任何一个/任何/ 一些 可数或不可数 no 没有 可数或不可数 4 常见不定代词及其含义怎样? 不定代词 基本含义 具体数量意义或是 否可数 something/ somebody/ someone anything/ anybody/ anyone 4 常见不定代词及其含义怎样? 不定代词 基本含义 具体数量意义或是 否可数 something/ somebody/ someone 某物/人 不确定 anything/ anybody/ anyone 任何东西/人 不确定 4 常见不定代词及其含义怎样? 不定代词 基本含义 具体数量意义或 是否可数 nothing/ nobody/ no one everything/ everybody/ everyone 4 常见不定代词及其含义怎样? 不定代词 基本含义 具体数量意义或 是否可数 nothing/ nobody/ no one 没任何东西/ 人 不确定 everything/ everybody/ everyone 一切事物/ 每一个人 全部 4 常见不定代词及其含义怎样? 4 1.不定代词的概念:不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词。能单独使用。 2.不定代词的用法:不定代词在名中可作主语、定语,作定语时可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。 3.不定代词有一定的数量意义。 4

  以all为例,其可以单独使用时作代词,作主语如All is over.作定语时修饰名词,如All lies don't hold water.单独使用或修饰可数名词时,表达三个以上的概念,如All are here.或 All the students are here.中“所有学生”的人数应该为三个或三个以上。all修饰不可数名词,表示全部,所有的事物,如All the water is polluted.意为“所有的水已被污染。” 5 连写和分写的不定代词用法上有何区别? 翻译下列句子,体会连写和分写的不定代词的含义 1. Everyone was born equal. 2. Every one of the students in our class has good sense of environmental protection.

  3. They ate every one of the mooncakes. 人人生而平等。 我们班每个学生都有良好的环保意识。 他们把月饼都吃光了。 5

  every, any, some, no均可与one构成不定代词,连写与分写用法上有很大区别,以every和one连用为例,连写的everyone只能表人,不带of结构;分写的every one 常带of结构,既可以表人,也可以表物。这是连写和分写的不定代词用法上的基本区别。 5

  但切记no one 及none两词的用法刚好与此规律相反。即分写的no one只能表人,不带of结构;连写的none 常带of结构,既可以表人,也可以表物。简单回答中,none用以回答how many/how much提出的问题,no one 则回答who提出的问题。 6 some与any用法上有何区别? 用some或any填空 1. The old Frenchman has ________Chinese paintings collected by his cousin. 2. ______question is welcome!

  3. _______ parents expect too much from their children while others have no confidence in what is done by their kids. 答案

  1. some 2.Any 3. Some 6 some与any用法上有何区别? 4. For _____ reason, I have to say goodbye to all of my lovely colleagues. 5. The package couldn't be mine, for I don't have ______ relatives here. 6. I’d like you to lend me ______ money. Do you have_______? 答案

  4. some  5. any

  6. some; some 6 some与any用法上有何区别? 7. — Do you feel __________better today?

  — Thank you. I feel much better now. 8. I don't know his exact age. He is _________ 30 years old, I think. 答案

  7. any

   8. some 6

  some常用于肯定句, 接复数可数名词或不可数名词,表“一些”;接可数名词单数表“某个”,接数词表“大约”;用于疑问句表“请求或期待对方肯定的回答”。any可与单、复数可数名词及不可数名词连用,多用于疑问、否定或条件句,用于肯定句时表“任何(一个)”。 7

  one, it与that用法上有何区别? 用one, it或that填空 1. A desk made of wood lasts longer than ________ made of plastics. 2. This news is less exciting than __________. 3. There is only one dictionary left in the bookstore. Please go to buy______. one 


  it 7 1. one, it,that三者均为代词; 2. one只能代可数名词单数,表示泛指,其复数形式为ones; 3. that既可以代可数名词又可以代不可数名词,强调与this的对应性。代可数名词时,其复数形式为those; 4. it有明显的特指性,确定性,指代上文提到的具体事物, 既可以代可数名词又可以代不可数名词,代可数名词时,其复数形式为they/them。

  选用上述不定代词填空,体会其含义 1. Look! __________ of his hands is covered with muddy.What a naughty boy! 2. Look! __________ of his hands are covered with muddy.What a naughty boy! 3. __________ student in our school wears school uniform. Each/Either Both 8

  如何区别each, every, both, all,either, neither, none的用法? Every/Each 4. __________ of





  Hawaii. They _______ come from San Francisco. 5. _____ of the answers are not right. Some of them are apparently wrong.

  6. ________ his ears don't need hearing aid. His right ear is in good order.


  All  Neither Both 8

  如何区别each, every, both, all,either, neither, none的用法? ⑥ determine v.

  (1)determine 后可接名词,“确定,规定”。 (2)determine 后可接不定式,“决心做”。 (3)determine 后可接从句,“决心,决定”。(4)determine on doing sth. “决定,决心做某事”。(5)determine sb. to do 使某人决心/决定做。 (6)形容词作表语跟不定式或从句,“决心做”。 (7)determined 形容词作状语。 ⑥ determine v.

  你知道determine to do sth.与be determined to do sth.有何区别吗? 答案

  determine to do sth. 是非延续性动词,强调一时的动作,意为“决定做某事”。

  be determined to do sth. 形容词,说明状态,表示“坚定不移”的决心,意为“决心做某事”。 链接 determination n. 决心 determined adj. 坚决的;有决心的 ⑥ determine v.

  ⑥ determine v.

  单项填空 (1)He _____ to live in the countryside for a long time.

  A. was determined

  B. was determining

  C. determined

  D. had determined 解析

  be determined to do sth. 意为“决心做某事”。had determined 时态不对。 A ⑥ determine v.

  单项填空 解析

  determined 是形容词,意为“坚定的”。 (2)She is a ________ woman.

  A. determined

  B. determining

  C. determine

  D. strong­minded A ⑦ change one's mind

  根据语境猜词义 (1)Maybe you'll change your mind after thinking it over.

  (2)I just couldn't make up my mind, so in the end I bought both.

  (3)I'm sorry but my mind's made up — I'm leaving.

  根据语义找匹配 A.拿定主意,作出决定  B.下定决心,决意  C.改变主意 (1)C (2)A (3)B 答案 ⑦ change one's mind

  短语 be in two minds about

  拿不定主意;犹豫不决 be the last thing on sb.'s mind

  是某人最不能考虑的事情 come to mind

  突然想到 cross / enter one's mind

  掠过脑海 take one's mind to

  把心思转向 take one's mind off sth.

  不再想某事 ⑦ change one's mind

  短语 ⑦ change one's mind

  have a lot on one's mind

  忧心忡忡 be out of one's mind

  发狂;犯傻 lose one's mind

  失去理智 one's mind goes blank

  脑子里突然一片空白,突然什么也想不起来 Out of sight, out of mind.

  眼不见,心不烦。 短语 ⑦ change one's mind

  put sth. out of one's mind

  把某事置于脑后 bring sth. to mind

  回想起某事 keep/bear sth. in mind

  记住某事 stick to one's mind

  对某事经久不忘 speak one's mind

  直言不讳 have an open mind about

  对某事思想开放;能接受新事物 短语 ⑦ change one's mind

  have a close mind about

  守旧;不开发 one's mind is not on sth.

  不把心思用在某事上面 have a mind of your own

  有主见 keep one's mind on /upon

  专心于 one's mind wanders

  心不在焉;走神 Great minds think alike.

  英雄所见略同。 Mind your own business.


  翻译句子 (1) 我决心当医生。

  _________________________________ (2) 任何事情都不能使我改变主意。

  ___________________________________ Nothing will make me change my mind.

  I've made up my mind to be a doctor.

  ⑦ change one's mind

  根据语境猜词义 (1)They argued back and forth until finally Buzz gave in.

  (2)They weren't a particularly good team, but they refused to give in and accept defeat.

  (3)You were supposed to give this work in four days ago. ⑧ give in ⑧ give in

  根据语义找匹配 A.呈交;交上  B.屈服;投降  C.让步 答案

  (1)C (2)B (3)A 短语 give away

  赠送,给予; 泄漏 give back

  归还;恢复(健康) give off

  放出;散发出(气体、气味、热、光) give out

  分发; 用完,消耗;出毛病;发出(光、热等) give up

  放弃 ⑧ give in 用give in/give away/give back/give out/give up填空 (1)He picked up the pen and _____ it _____ to him.

  (2)He doesn't only _________ money; he spends his whole life in looking after the poor.

  gave back give away ⑧ give in (3)Tom's legs ________ and he couldn't go any farther.

  (4)Mother kept inviting Mrs. Smith to stay for dinner, but she finally _______.

  (5)All girls swam across the lake except two who _______ halfway.

  gave out gave in gave up ⑧ give in 用give in/give away/give back/give out/give up填空 ⑨ view

  根据语境猜词义 (1)I'll sit here and look at the view of the hills.

  (2)There was a wide view from the top of the hill.

  (3)I should like to hear other's view.

  (4)Have you viewed the museum's new coin collection? (5)We can view the problem in many ways. ⑨ view

  根据语义找匹配 A. 看法;观点(可数)n.  B. 风景;景色(可数)n. C. 目光;视野;瞥(看)见(不可数,可加不定冠词) n.  D.看待;持某种看法 v.  E. 查看;观看;看(电视节目等)v. 答案

  (1)B (2)C (3)A (4)E (5)D ⑨ view 短语 in one's view

  据某人看来 point of view

  观点;看法 come into view

  进入视野 ⑨ view 辨析


  view 作“景色”解时是普通用语,指目中所望见的景色。

  Do you enjoy the views of the West Lake?

  scenery 是一个不可数名词,包含不管是否映入眼帘的“风景;景色”,也包括一个地方乃至国家的整个外景或外貌。

  She enjoyed mountain scenery very much. ⑨ view 辨析


  scene 表示“景色”时可与“view”通用,但包括了其中的人及其活动。view和scene 所表达的景色都是scenery的一部分,往往指自然景色。scene还指舞台景色。

  sight指“景色”且作可数名词时,往往指眼见的景色,如供人游览的景点和名胜,尤指人工制成的景色。 ⑩We can hardly wait to see them! (P22) 我们迫不及待要见他们了!

  can not / hardly wait to do sth. 迫不及待地做某事

  The children woke up early in the morning and couldn't wait to open the presents in the stockings.

  孩子们一大早就醒来,迫不及待地打开放在袜子里的礼物。 短语 wait to do sth.

  等待着做某事 wait for sb. to do sth.

  等待某人做某事 wait on sb.

  服侍某人 wait on sb. hand and foot

  无微不至地伺候某人 wait one's turn

  等到轮到某人做某事 1 什么是代词,代词有哪些种类? 指出下列句子中画线代词的名称 1. Mr.Bean is humorous. He is popular all over the world. 憨豆先生很幽默,他在全世界受欢迎。 2. Let's get down to our business. 让我们言归正传吧。 3. Sorry that I'm not quite myself today. 对不起,今天我有点不舒服。 1 什么是代词,代词有哪些种类? 指出下列句子中画线代词的名称 4. Write down all the numbers of the private cars and this is what you should do. 记下所有私家车的号码,这就是你要做的事。 5. Everything is better than none. 有比没有要好。 6. All of us should help each other. 我们应该互相帮助。 1 什么是代词,代词有哪些种类? 指出下列句子中画线代词的名称 7. Which of the two lines appears longer? 这两条线段哪条看起来长些? 8. All that ends well is well. 结局好才算好。 9. China is not what she was. 中国今非昔比了。 1 什么是代词,代词有哪些种类? 指出下列句子中画线代词的名称 答案 1. 人称代词 


  3.反身代词  4.指示代词 


  6.相互代词  7.疑问代词 


  9.连接代词 1


  按提示要求完成下列表格 2 人称代词有哪些形式? 人称 主格 宾格 所有格 反身 代词 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 Ⅰ 单数 复数

  人称 主格 宾格 所有格 反身 代词 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 Ⅰ 单数 I me my mine myself 复数 we us our ours ourselves 2 人称代词有哪些形式? 2017届高考英语一轮复习课件 新人教版福建专用 Unit 3 Travel journal (1)I prefer the view taken by Mike.

  (2)She preferred to live among the working people.

  (3)He preferred spending the summer by himself.

  (4)She preferred him to spend all day out.

  (5)She preferred that he should do it in the kitchen. ① prefer vt.

  根据语境感悟用法 ① prefer vt. (1)跟名词或代词  (2)跟不定式  (3)跟动名词 (4)跟带不定式的复合结构  (5)跟that从句 短语 prefer to do…rather than do

  宁愿(愿意)……而不愿 prefer sth./doing…to sth./doing…

  喜欢……而不喜欢(胜过)(to是介词) ① prefer vt. 链接 preference n.

  偏好;更加喜欢 ① prefer vt. 单项填空 (1) ________ Sunday, rather than ________ at home, I preferred ________.

  A. It being; stay; to travel

  B. Being; to stay; to travel

  C. Having been; stay; travel

  D. It was; to stay; traveling A ① prefer vt. 单项填空 解析

  句意:因为是星期天,我宁愿去旅游也不愿待在家里。 prefer to do…rather than do 宁愿(愿意)……而不愿。 ① prefer vt. 单项填空 (2) He prefers ______ indoors _____ out this afternoon.

  A. to stay; to go

  B. staying; to going

  C. staying; to go

  D. to stay; to going 解析

  句意:今天下午他宁愿待在家里也不愿出去。 prefer sth./doing…to sth./doing… 喜欢……而不喜欢(胜过)(to是介词)。 B ② ever since


  ever since 通常与现在完成时连用。可以单独使用,也可以后接从句或省略句。

  He has been staying on the farm ever since.


  Ever since getting to know you, I can't stop thinking about you.


  I haven't seen you ever since I left the small mountain village.

  自从离开了小山村,我就再也没看见你。 句型

  (1)It's / has been +时间段 + since + sb. + did sth. 自从……

  (2)It was / had been + 时间段 + since + sb. + had done sth. 自从……

  注意:表达(1)中since从句中如果动词是延续性动词的一般过去时,则时间从该动作结束算起,如果是延续性动词的现在完成时或短暂性动词的一般过去时,按字面翻译即可。 ② ever since



  I have never stepped onto the platform again since I

  was a teacher.

   当since从句的动词是延续性动词却使用了过去时,这就说明其动作在过去的某个时候就已经结束,也就是说这一动作或状态就不再发生或存在,所以本句话的意思是:自从我不当老师以来,我就再也没有登上过讲台。 答案 ② ever since

  从那时候起,自……以来 ③ persuade vt.

  根据语境猜词义 (1)While shopping, people sometimes can't help being persuaded into buying something they don't really need.

  (2) We finally persuaded Ben of the wisdom of this decision.

  (3) I tried to persuade him out of smoking, but he wouldn't listen.

  根据语义找匹配 A.说服   B.劝说  C.使某人信服


  (1) A

   (2) C

   (3) B ③ persuade vt. 链接 persuade sb. to do sth. = persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事 persuade sb. not to do sth.

  = persuade sb. out of (doing) sth.

  劝阻某人做某事 persuade sb. of sth.

  使某人相信某事 persuade that­clause

  使某人相信…… ③ persuade vt. ③ persuade vt. 辨析


  convince是通过摆事实、讲道理使人相信某个事实。convince可接含of短语或that从句的双宾语,还可用在convince sb. to do或be convinced of结构中。

  What she said convinced me that I was mistaken.

  persuade表示用劝说的方法,使人愿意采纳某种意见或采取某一个行动,强调“已经说服”;其后可接含不定式或that从句的复合宾语,也可用在persuade sb. of sth. 结构中。 ③ persuade vt. 辨析



  My friends advised him to see a doctor, but he refused all of them. Who can persuade him? ③ persuade vt. 辨析



  I must caution you against the danger.


  I warned them that there might be snakes in the woods. ③ persuade vt.


  The other day, my husband (1)______ buy a coat as he thought it was too long. However, the assistant tried hard to (2)______ me (3)______ the good quality and fashionable style of it. Therefore, I couldn't help(4)______buying it. So you can see how easy it is (5)______ a woman (6)______ things that aren't suitable for her. persuaded me not to  (2) persuaded  (3) of   (4) being persuaded into  (5) to persuade  (6) to buy/into buying

  答案 ③ persuade vt.

  用persuade相关的句型填空 ④ insist


  根据语境猜词义 (1) He insisted that he hadn't made a mistake.

  (2) The bodyguards insisted that the president (should) keep away from the crowd for the sake of safety.

  根据语义找匹配 A.坚持认为  B.坚决要求某人做某事 A B 链接 insist on/upon sth.

  坚持某事物 insist on doing sth.

  坚决做某事 ④ insist

  v. 句型 if you insist

  如果你一定要这样 insist+ that从句: ①表“坚决要求”,从句谓语用虚拟语气 ②表“坚持说;坚持认为”,从句谓语用陈述语气 ④ insist

  v. 辨析

  insist on/ stick to

  insist on表示对“要求、意见、看法等”的“坚持”,后面可接动名词或动名词的复合结构;

  stick to表示对“真理、岗位、计划、理论、愿望、原则、决定、诺言或某种理论”的客观上的“坚持”。

  单项填空 (1)The doctor insisted that I ______ a high fever and that I ______ a rest for a few days.

  A. had; had

  B. have; have

  C. had; have

  D. have; had 解析

  insist 后的第一个that从句中的insist是“坚持认为”的意思,第二个that从句中的insist是“坚持要求”的意思,故用虚拟语气。 C ④ insist

  v. (2)No matter what you say, I shall______ my opinion.

  A. carry out

  B. keep up

  C. insist on

  D. stick to 解析 考查动词短语辨析。carry out执行,实施;keep up保持;insist on坚决主张; stick to坚持。 按照语境此处坚持的是观点,所以选C。

  C ④ insist



  在你所学范围内,哪些动词后接宾语从句,要 使用虚拟语气,其形式是“(should) + do sth.”? 五个“要求”demand, require, request, ask, urge 四个“建议”suggest, advise, propose, recommend 两个“命令”command, order 一个“坚持”insist 答案 ④ insist

  v. ⑤ care about

  根据语境猜词义 (1) He doesn't care about anything we may say, which makes us very angry.

  (2) I don't care about going fishing.

  (3) We should care about other people's difficulties.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 关心 

  B. 感兴趣 

  C. 不在乎;不计较

  C B A 短语 care about sth. 关心(忧虑、惦念)某事 care about sb. 关心某人,关怀某人(多用于否定句或疑问句中) care for

  喜欢;照顾;愿意;关心 take care that…/to do sth.

  当心,注意某事 take care of

  处理,对付;照顾,照看 be careful of…/to do…/that…

  当心,注意 I don't care (that…)

  我不介意(在乎)…… ⑤ care about ⑤ care about

  用适当的介词填空 (1)She thinks only of herself; she doesn't care_______ others. (2)She cares more ____ her new clothes than anything else. (3)I don't care______ if it doesn't rain. (4)Who can care ______ me when I am old? about for about for ⑥ determine v.

  根据语境感悟用法 (1)Can you now determine the date for our party? (2)He determined to make his arrangements at once. (3)He determined that he would go at once.

  (4)He has determined on going tomorrow.

  (5)What determined you to accept the offer? (6)I was determined not to follow his advice.

  (7)I left him, determined never to set foot in his house again. *


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