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发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  一、替代词one,ones,the one,the ones,that,those的用法 1.one替代单数名词,通常为泛指的不特定的名词,ones为其复数形式。the one替代前面的单数名词,表示特指,往往其后带定语,the ones为其复数形式。 I haven't got a computer.I want to buy one next year. 我没有电脑,我想明年买一台。 The dictionary on the desk is much better than that/the one on the shelf.桌子上的那本词典比架子上的那本要好。 2.that既可以替代特指的单数可数名词,也可以替代特指的不可数名词,替代特指的单数可数名词时,相当于the one。 The weather in Beijing is much colder than that in Nanjing in winter.在冬季,北京的天气要比南京的天气冷得多。 3.those替代复数名词,相当于the ones。 Students in Class One are more hard­working than those in Class Two.一班的学生比二班的学生学习更努力。 【注意】 one替代前边的名词,作前边名词的同位语时,前边名词若是特指,要用the one;若是泛指则用one。 He is a kind student,one who always helps others. 他是一个热心肠的学生,一个总是帮助别人的学生。 He is the most excellent student,the one who wins the first prize.他就是那个最优秀的学生,那个赢得一等奖的学生。 二、it的用法 1.用作人称代词,代替前面提到的事物或人,在句子中作主语或宾语。 —Who's that?谁呀? —It's me.是我。 Your story is interesting,but I don't like it. 你的故事很有趣,但是我不喜欢。 2.用以代替指示代词(this,that)。 —What's this?这是什么? —It's a panda.是只熊猫。 —Whose exercise­book is that?那是谁的练习本? —It's hers.是她的。 3.当说话者不清楚或没必要知道说话对象的性别时,也可用it来表示。 What a beautiful baby!Is it a boy? 多漂亮的宝宝啊!是个男孩吗? 4.用作非人称代词,表示时间、日期、天气、温度、距离等,常用作句子的主语。 It is Saturday today.今天是星期六。 It's two kilometers from school to my home. 从我家到学校有两公里远。 5.含糊地指情况、状况。 How is it in the market?市场上的情况怎样? It is quiet in the reading room.阅览室里鸦雀无声。 6.it作形式主语或形式宾语,而把不定式短语、动词­ing短语或名词性从句等真正的主语或宾语置于句末。 It's impolite to speak to others with your mouth full of food.嘴里含着食物跟人说话是不礼貌的。 It's no use going there so early. 这么早去那儿没什么用处。 I think it more important to learn a foreign language well. 我认为学好一门外语更为重要。 He found it not easy to learn a foreign language well. 他发现学好一门外语是不容易的。

  7.用作look,seem,appear,happen等词的主语。 It seems that he lost his way.他好像迷路了。 It happened that I saw him yesterday. 我昨天碰巧看见他了。 8.it用在不能直接跟宾语从句的动词,尤其是表示好恶的动词后面,如:enjoy,like,love,dislike,resent,hate,appreciate,don't mind,be fond of,feel like,see to,depend on等后。 I hate it when I have to join the party. 不得不参加聚会我感到讨厌。 I will appreciate it if you can help me. 如能帮忙,我不胜感激。 You may depend on it that they will support you. 你相信好了,他们会支持你的。

  三、不定代词的用法 1.both,all,either,any,neither,none的用法 都 任何 都不 两者 both either neither 三者或三者以上 all any none —When shall we meet again? 咱们什么时候再见面? —Make it any day you like;it's all the same to me. 你喜欢哪天就哪天,对我来说,哪天都无所谓。 —Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? 周一和周二你哪天能来? —I'm afraid neither day is possible. 恐怕(这两天)哪天都不行。 —Do you want tea or coffee?你要茶还是要咖啡? —Either.I really don't mind. (这两种)哪个都行,我都不介意。 2.none,nothing,nobody(no one)的区别 (1)none既可指人,也可指物,且表特指概念,常回答how many,how much引导的疑问句;nobody(no one)只能指人,且表泛指概念,常回答who引导的疑问句;nothing只能指物,且表泛指概念,常回答what引导的疑问句。 —How much money do you have?你有多少钱? —None.一点也没有。 —What are you doing now?你在做什么? —Nothing.什么也没做。 (2)none往往与前面的some/any/every+名词相对应;nothing往往与前面的something/anything/everything相对应;no one往往与前面的somebody (one)/everybody (one)/anybody (one)相对应。 If I had some money,I would lend him some,but unfortunately,I have none. 如果我有钱的话,我就借给他一些,但不幸的是,我没钱。 (3)none后面可跟of短语,而something/anything/ everything/nothing和someone/anyone/everyone/no one却不能。 As we were asleep,none of us heard the sound. 由于我们在睡觉,因此没人听到那声音。 None of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secret.他们当中没人知道那项计划,因为那还是秘密。 3.each,every的区别 each强调“个体”,可作代词和形容词,指“两个或两个以上中的每一个”;every强调“全体”,只能作定语,指“三个或三个以上中的每一个”。each作同位语时,不影响谓语动词的数,不可用not each表部分否定。 Each of my children goes to a different school. 我的几个孩子各自在不同的学校上学。 Each of the tickets costs 10 dollars.=The tickets cost 10 dollars each.=The tickets each cost 10 dollars. 每张票十美元。(后两句中each作同位语) Every man is not honest.=Not every man is honest. 并非每个人都诚实。 4.one,another,the other;some,others,the others的区别 一个/一些 另外一个/一些 剩余的一个/一些 单数 one another the other 复数 some others the others 但注意下列句子: Would you please make it

  ?(=another day)能否改在另一天呢? He will stay here for

  .(=3 more days) 他还要在这里呆三天。 He has

  close friends like John. 他没有别的像John那样的好朋友了。 some


  day another


  days no other 此外,the other只能加可数名词(单数或复数),不可加不可数名词;但另外一个短语the rest of(剩余的)后可以加复数名词,还可以加不可数名词;副词else只能放在不定代词或特殊疑问词后。 四、全部否定和部分否定 all,both,everyone/everybody/everything以及every+名词都表示全部肯定;no one,none,nobody,nothing,not...any,以及no+名词都表示全部否定;但当not出现在含有全部肯定的不定代词的句子中,不管not在它们之前还是在它们之后都表示部分否定。此外not与总括性副词如everywhere,always,wholly,altogether等连用时也表示部分否定。


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