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发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. On my arrival at the company, I was ____.

  A. received a warm reception

  B. friendly received

  C. held a warm reception

  D. given a friendly reception

  2. His father is a ____ doctor; now he stays at home.


  B. retiring

  C. retired

  D. retirement

  3. --The manager kept his word and ____ my salary today.

  --What good news! Congratulations!


  B. raised

  C. reduced

  D. cut

  4. I ____ four universities and was accepted by all of them.

  was applied

  B. was applied to

  C. applied to

  D. applied for

  5. When you're in school there are lots of ____ for meeting people of all kinds.


  B. reasons

  C. speeches

  D. receptions

  6. --How often do you eat out?

  --____, but usually once a week.

  Have no idea

  B. It depends

  C. As usual

  D. Generally speaking

  7. When ____ help, one often says "Thank you" or "It's kind of you".


  B. to offer

  C. to be offered

  D. offered

  8. We offered our congratulations ____ his passing the college entrance exams.

  A. at

  B. on

  C. for

  D. of

  9. What has John been busy ____ since he retired ____ politics?

  with; from

  B. with doing; to

  C. in; form

  D. at; into

  10. Even if ____ to, I won't go to such a bad lecture.


  B. invites

  C. invited

  D. to invite

  11. If you are interested in the job, you can write to our company and ____ it.

  look for

  B. apply to

  C. apply for

  D. search for

  12. The car stopped at the ____ to the railway station.


  B. passage way

  C. lobby

  D. entrance

  13. I ____ a letter of invitation, but I didn't ____ it.

  accepted; receive

  B. received; accept

  C. accepted; accept

  D. received; receive

  14. An increase in the price of drugs has ____ the rising cost of medical care.

  A. contributed to

  B. turned to

  C. got used to

  D. come to

  15. His heart ____ the hearts of the masses.

  links with

  B. links to

  C. is linked with

  D. is linked to

  16. Allow children the space to voice their opinions, ____ they are different form our own.

  A. until

  B. even if

  C. unless

  D. as though

  17. He speaks Chinese so fluently ___ he were a Chinese.

  as if

  B. even if

  C. even though

  D. no matter how

  18. There is a proof that the two accidents are closely ____, which we must call for attention.


  B. communicated

  C. included

  D. designed

  19. The times of the wedding ceremony and the reception are both ____ the invitation.


  B. in

  C. for

  D. on

  20. There was never any time for Kate to feel lonely, ___ she was an only child.

  A. ever since

  B. now that

  C. even though

  D. even as

  21. Eating too much fat can _____ heart trouble and cause high blood pressure.

  A. result from

  B. attend to

  C. contribute to

  D. devote to

  1. DCBCA

  6. BDBAC

  11. CDBAC

  16 BAADC

  21 C


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