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发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. In the old society, the farmers were ____ dry by the landlords.


  B. bleeding

  C. bled

  D. bleeded

  2. They took ____ under the trees when the rainstorm came.


  B. roof

  C. screen

  D. cover

  3. Tom ____ for being late for class.

  told off

  B. blamed

  C. was told off

  D. was taught

  4. When he saw the ____ film, he began to take ____ in acting.

  amusing; interest

  B. fun; interest

  C. funny; interesting

  D. interesting; interested

  5. How long haven't you ____ your parents?


  B. heard of

  C. listened

  D. heard form

  6. She ____ for the celebration of this new year for 4 hours.

  was well prepared

  B. has been preparing

  C. had been prepared

  D. prepares

  7. The police have looked into the accident.

  But they don't know who should be responsible for the ____.


  B. mistake

  C. error

  D. mistakes

  8. What surprised me was not what he said but ____ he said it.

  the way

  B. in the way that

  C. in the way

  D. the way which

  9. The teacher said, "Turn to page 18 and pay attention to the line ____ it."

  top of

  B. at the top of

  C. on top of

  D. at the top

  10. Everything is out of order.

  The room ____.

  can't have been broken into

  B. might's have been broken into

  C. needn't have been broken into

  D. must have been broken into

  11. ---____ you lend me some money?---Yes, I ____.

  A. Could; can

  B. Could; could

  C. Can; could

  D. Will; could

  12. ---Need I finish it before 10 o'clock?

  ---Yes, you ____.


  B. can

  C. might

  D. must

  13. He ____ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn't enjoy himself by the seaside.


  B. must

  C. wouldn't

  D. can't

  14. ---Could I do it?

  ---Yes, you ____.


  B. might

  C. could

  D. can

  15. ---____ I use your bike?

  ---Yes, you ____.

  But you mustn't keep it too long.

  I'll ride it to dinner.

  Could; could

  B. Could; must

  C. Can; can

  D. Could; can

  16. I ____ that you had gone to Beijing.


  B. heard of

  C. heard from

  D. have heard

  17. She is always complaining about his teaching, but she can't ____ on that.

  Usually she has ____ of judgment.

  finding mistakes about; a mistake

  B. looking for errors about; a mistake

  C. fault; an error

  D. faulting; a mistake

  18. Mr. White ____ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn't show up.

  should have arrived

  B. should arrive

  C. should have had arrived

  D. should be arriving

  19.---Tom graduated from college at a very young age.

  ---Oh, he ____ have been a very smart boy then.


  B. should

  C. might

  D. must

  20. He was still ____ about the quarrel he had had with Mary.


  B. curious

  C. anxious

  D. involved

  21. ---Who broke the cup?

  ---It's my ____. I dropped it.


  B. illness

  C. misunderstanding

  D. weakness

  22. Julia's on holiday in Spain ____.

  at the moment

  B. for a moment

  C. in a moment

  D. for the moment

  23. ---I don't mind telling you what I know.

  ---You ____.

  I'm not asking you for it.


  B. may not

  C. can't

  D. needn't

  24. ---Who is the girl standing over there?

  ---Well, if you ____ know, her name is Mabel.


  B. can

  C. must

  D. shall

  25. I ____ pay Tracy a visit, but I'm not sure whether I will have time this Sunday.


  B. might

  C. would

  D. could

  26. ---Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report.

  ---You ____ have my computer if you don't take care of it.


  B. might not

  C. needn't

  D. shouldn't

  27. ---I'll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.

  ---You ____ her last week.

  ought to tell

  B. would have told

  C. must tell

  D. should have told

  28. My father is always finding ____ with the way I do things.


  B. fault

  C. upset

  D. wrong

  29. Now winter is coming, but some people still have no ____ to keep them from cold.


  B. cover

  C. screen

  D. shelter

  1. CACAD

  6. BAABD

  11. ADBDD

  16. ACADA

  21. AADCA

  26. ADBD


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